@Margery When you feel up to it — my cousin said she has been reading “studies” that those who received the mRNA jab are shedding “particles” everywhere, which affects even those of us who didn’t take the jab. Is there any truth to this? Not that I care much, because we are so close to leaving this rock anyway. But I’d like to have a good measure of truth to wall up my mind, and in my responses to her. I tried to google it myself, and of course the fact checkers have debunked the whole thing, saying it’s only live virus vaccines that cause shedding. I figure that is probably true, but I’d rather hear it from other than them.
I've seen those reports, but last I looked (a LONG while back) they don't seem to be coming from any good studies done overseas. The studies on anything relating to the plague that came out first -properly done studies - were from Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland where the labs and research at university were less on a political leash. And the overseas research is focused on cardiac and auto immune problems or how different batches and different manufacturers were worse at side effects rather than particle shedding. FWIW Moderna was way way way worse than Pfizer.
Even though the early reports ended up being correct that these vaccines were bad news, the problem was that it was from people and sites who were likely to be against vaccines anyway. Based on hearsay and anecdotal reports.
It takes time to do actual untainted research and that eventually did show the hazards - but because Fauci and the FDA were suppressing the bad early results from the tests done by Pfizer and Moderna, it took a while.
Then as now I don't like to take someones word for it that something is bad unless they have hard evidence that is transparent, tested and reproducible. NOT hearsay. But as the hearsay anectdotal evidence began to pile up, the old saying - no smoke without a fire- meant that a coverup was happening. By that time we were well into the first 2 doses of the vaccine worldwide.
At that stage of the game Fauci and the US govt in combination with WHO, the mainstream media, Google, YouTube, Face Book and others had managed to lockdown not just the population, but the access to information that would show that the vaccines were bad news. And they were suppressing various treatments that were cheap and effective in favour of expensive and risky but profitable for Fauci and his buddies.
By then the manipulation using fear (if you don't take the vaccine we can't lift the lockdowns) was in full swing and govt's everywhere were mandating vaccines for certain industries (health care, truckers, pilots and flight attendants, armed forces, police and other first responders)
The good study from Switzerland that I mentioned above thread on cardiac issues was taken down and retracted. It was a good study but the international censors did their bit.
So long way to say, a) good research on this may be lacking, and b) good research that was done may have been yoinked and c) the longer out in time we go, the more likely that the research will go missing/has been tampered with.
I haven't done a deep dive into that though. I think given everything else these mRNA vaccines do, it is a likely possibility.
Because the general rule with the mRNA vaccine is - whatever they say this does or doesn't do, the opposite is likely true.
So my short answer without anything to back it up is - I think it's likely - But that answer is not adequate, because I lack the data to back it up.
The place to look might be in that substack that Adrian mentioned up thread. Dr Roger Seheult, Dr Vinay Prasad, Dr Suneel Dhand and Dr John Campbell have been trustworthy sources all thru the whole plague.
A couple months after taking them I caught Covid. The first five days were up and down with mild fevers and cold symptoms. Then the night of my sixth day I went to bed and woke up almost unable to breathe. I got my wife to take me to the ER. They admitted me and for the first time I received oxygen.
That is practically textbook. Day 6 is when that inflammatory cascade that causes the breathing trouble begins to gather steam.
Here in BC Canada, our health authority couldn't afford ventilators for all, or even hospitalizations so they began using Prednisone and advising people to come to Emergency and get their Rx for Prednisone if they were starting to have difficulty on Day 6. Since they started that we haven't had much in the way of a death rate for Covid.
Shove 'em full of Prednisone and turn 'em loose. I think it's a winner strategy.
George came home from his surgery at the hospital yesterday. He went in on Thur Jan 4 and came out on the 6th. They had him on the surgical floor, but in a 4 bed room, and 2 of the others had Covid (overflow in Emerg). Nobody was too upset. They had everyone draw their curtains

cause curtains! So helpful. But he's fine and hasn't picked it up so far, but I've been doing my home made Covid protocol.
It just goes to show how opposite things are now to when we were in that spring and summer of lockdown. The hospitals were picky over the infection control back then. Now they aren't worried at all- there were brown crusty residue spots on the curtains from who knows what and we are talking SURGICAL ward here!!! Maybe the dried fecal matter (my nurse hat diagnosis) will duke it out with the 'Corona and fix that little Chinese lab grown wimp from getting ideas.
Vaccines don't prevent the disease usually, they just help the body fight it off, usually without the person ever knowing they were fighting an infection but sometimes the person has a mild to moderate form. People have this idea that it prevents the disease - the way health officials talk, it causes that misunderstanding. People with weaker immune systems are more likely to have a "mild" form of the disease. They catch the flu and wonder why the vaccine didn't help. (wrong strain in the vaccine or just a milder case) The worse off the immune system, the less effective the vaccine so the worse the disease. But in this vaccine anything is possible, nothing is by the book because the makers didn't follow the book.
Vaccines done PROPERLY (not the mRNA vax obviously!!!) are supposed to go thru a series of trials and if they have any big problems show up, they aren't allowed to go to market. Sadly that was the way it's "sposed" to be, and with the new and improved FDA, it's not the way things are done now.
I don't trust our Canadian sources for vaccines whatsoever. They've been talking on the news about how wonderful this new mRNA process is, how cheap to manufacture flu and other vaccines and how easy it is to change the vaccine to flex with the current viruses. Sounds like it's getting wonderfully dangerous and the risk benefit ratio is tilting way off the scale to where there is zero benefit and a GIGANTIC risk.
Consequently we are not getting the flu or any other vaccine ever again.