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Update from “on the ground” in Israel


Amir and Barry Stagner posted an update this evening. It’s a very interesting one indeed. Things falling into place so quickly!


Join us for MidEast & Beyond as Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner discuss breaking developments in the Middle East and what they mean in light of Bible prophecy.

Topics they'll explore include:
• Israel's current operations in Gaza and the truth behind hostage negotiations.
• Media misinformation vs. on-the-ground reality—what's really happening?
• The relocation question: Do Gazans want to leave?
• Turkey's political upheaval and its prophetic implications in Ezekiel 38.
• The spiritual and political battle within Israel: Deep State, Netanyahu, and looming threats.
• Hezbollah, Yemen, Iran, and the coming convergence of global conflict.

As war, unrest, and lawlessness increase worldwide, this conversation will connect the dots between current headlines and God's Word—offering clarity, encouragement, and urgency for the days ahead.

Don't miss this timely and important update! Invite others, subscribe, and set your reminder now.
Thanks GLC :) It would be great if Amir had timestamp locations of each subject covered. I think Amir is a good example of kind of how maybe to look in general at the state of the church and how to understand ebb and flow in our very biased heavy, distorted, and tribal times.

When Amir first started making traction, I kind of liked him because he was different than the America Reformed vibe I came out from. But I never really took to his Bible updates when they are Bible studies. There would just be too many different things and themes I would think upon. He had some controversy with Michael the archangel and theology, had a fallout with JD Farag, and gravitated to Jack Hibbs during a time a felt Hibbs was evolving more conservative politically than biblical (which seems to be changing for him quiet a bit...seems he is listening to concerns toward his ministry). There were also some media tactics Amir was getting name for that did not sit well with me.

In general in Christianity when a person reaches celeb status, I tend to back away because that seems to make the whole thing kind of too commercial for me. In general I was concerned that it seemed Amir came from a tour guide to self made biblical pontificator. I suppose if I agreed with the things he was looking at as those things took shape, I would probably have seen that as a rags to riches story. But because of differences, I just saw it as like in the military when your leader is a 17 year old. They belong, but bring with them inexperience, and perhaps more ideas than content.

But one thing I have always liked and see that Amir does have some good and helpful footing in, is how he is looking at his country and world changes biblically. Not always. But more than not. For example, when Russia/Ukraine war was in full swing Amir was stating he knew Russian disinfo. And considered the bio-labs story was Russian propaganda. Which leaned me to think Amir might be some product of establishment media. Because that narrative is a Western disinfo trope designed by globalism. So what was it doing in Amir's mouth like he knew Russian propoganda so well? lol. Not sure. But glad to see something like that seems to be growing pains in his station for Amir.

. . . . .

But with all that colorful problem background, he is a useful voice from Israel. And as his ministry partner, Hibbs, is becoming more sensitive to the pastoral calling than a political calling, its nice to see Amir become a voice to so many believers from the Hibbs venue. So in general that kind of riddled obstacle course of what might come with Amir, how God fashions usefulness in the body and to the unsaved is pretty apparent.

We are certainly in a world where bias and petty double downing to feel right seems to be a world pandemic. And also a church often pandemic issue. It's nice to see true heart in what Amir does on Israeli updates transcend bias, drama, stereotyping, petty bias, and provide a good avenue of help to see clearly to the general masses. In that sense, Amir might be one of the best social artifact samples of how end time thinking is best commandeered. How, who, what, and why to listen. And the recognition of what species of puzzle piece something might rise to the top like cream to be considered traverses like in the muddied end times evaluation waters. A lesson in learning to calibrate end time antenna would seem to be par for the discernment course in our day.

Rather than what seemed to have been the old school approach of disqualifying who to listen to because they said this or aligned like that. With those kinds of things in huge and massive play to day, it is not a discernment arena for the easily led. We kind of have to fight for what sense making looks like to have the best shot at it today. Like the age of kings and queens past, I would hope too that the my pastor is more correct than your pastor syndrome would be dying off. It would seem the humility needed to apply to be best primed for balanced perspective would be how willing we might be to discover the proverbial military communications proverb of: Learning to hear the "signal" in communication from the "noise" in communication. Knowing that noise will always accompany. And although there might not always be "signal." Being open to it even if it comes from perhaps even a percieved foe, even, is a skill if not howned will likely in those areas, more than not, kind of prime us as more suceptible to fantasy and superstition.

So wonderful to be able to say these things using Amir as a good example of "signal." Blessings.
In general in Christianity when a person reaches celeb status, I tend to back away because that seems to make the whole thing kind of too commercial for me.
I do the same thing.

I used to follow Amir routinely. My discernment may be immature, I’m sure it is. Knowing that makes me totally avoid Barry Stagner. He lost his son and teaches that the dead can visit us, claiming many visits with his son.
I like to listen to a lot of different teachers, not rely on any one too heavily to inform my point of view. I didn't know that about Stagner (tbh I haven't watched him much) and Amir is best for short updates on Telegram, he tends to repeat himself after he gets his main point out on his YouTube channel.

I see on a number of channels I watch the thumbnails are all about this impending attack on Iran, and the Gaza situation.
I do the same thing.

I used to follow Amir routinely. My discernment may be immature, I’m sure it is. Knowing that makes me totally avoid Barry Stagner. He lost his son and teaches that the dead can visit us, claiming many visits with his son.
Thanks Hol. I did not know that...lol. Like i have no idea who that guy is. But thanks for complimenting my points. In general, i consider Amir/Hibbs generally too Hollywood for me. I live right down the street from Jack's Church. Lovely body of believers there. I am no stranger to the celeb world. Jmacs...etc. I would not go to Jack for crucial info. But he holds a barameter of sorts in a socialogical sector of inform that I do see as crucial. Jack Hibbs/Amir represent a segment of Evangelicalism that would carry much weight in the sense of God demonstrating something about His relation to the church through that population.

I kind of see evangelical sectors kind of like we might view the 7 letters in Rev. But not trying to match names. Just saying that maybe seeing a composite of what we notice in churches today can help inform us of some things about our Father's interaction, vibe, and orientation toward us and the world events today. That may sound odd. But an example would be something like this.

1. American Reformed -- A camp I am very familiar with
This camp has a moniker placed on it, to me, by literal scholar Carl Trueman -- Orthodoxy as Performing Art
The irony there would be that they see themselves as the purest non-commonner type church alive. However, as the moniker suggests, closer to a church run on opinion (and worse, opinion of itself).

2. Calvary Chapel -- A camp I am marginally familiar with
Here you have varying views on scripture. Jack Hibbs is borderline Lordship Salvationist -- a covenient baby sitter from the pulpit tool. The good side of Jack is he is the only pastor I recall hearing that does not know the future prophetically (where even John Macarthur, cessationist, predicts America destruction psuedo-like prophetically). Not that he (Jack) does not know prophecy. But that he is careful to be open to how God might channel direction today. Will we be blessed? Hope so. Will we be destroyed? Hope not -- God please give us more time. I see his desire in politics as mostly healthy. But good he is balancing it more now without Trump so much, amen. But still weary of Jerry Boykin like connections (ecumenicalism).

When JD Farag represented Calvery Chapel he represented more of the free Grace side. Encouraging Abba Father like ideas from the pulpit. So very different styles. And there are many others. But in general Calvery Chapel just came out of a season under the American Reformed suspicion of being too permissive with wild sided Charismatic/Pentecostal views and scolded by John Marcarthur for not disciplining the Jesus People. Of which Harvest side Greg Laurie lauds in the recent movie. So there is that view. Which also has its set of endorsements to other not so safe Christian (presumed) voices.

We also have the watcher community with the vast conference circuit connections. And varying Jan Markel views. I think Jan does a great job, but to me the template used for end times, again--to me, is way too Revelation heavy...for the age of grace.

3. Baptist / Fundementalists -- There are varying degrees and levels (Southern Baptists, Independent etc). There are some harsh trends there. And really control freakish cult like themes that can come out of this batch. There are also some very profound ones like Leighton Flowers. And great commentary overviews in general by Jon Harris like camp. There is Al Mohler and the leanings of wokedom a bit. And of course the Gospel Coalition. And the woke themes there seen in such ways like Alister Begg. And all that theme park variety of what is going on in the body dynamic from that perspective.

So just looking at those 3 general arenas we get a sense of the range in which God is seen as in the body of Christ. But this also helps to distinguish themes in our lives that would have to, if we were honest, have some good and some bad in each. So when we line up like terms and concepts of the bad next to the like term concepts of the good by contrast, we can sort of see the playing field in how Christianity is seen in America today. And there are other countries. Etc. To the degree we get a sense of where these factions are at. The struggles each have. The good in each. We get a sense.

For example one general overall theme that comes to mind is Christian Nationalism and Christian culture. What theatrics are in that theme park? We see we can make things about Christian Nationalism vs. being spiritual "This is not our home." Or we can see nuances of why some Christians would want to push back against the government, and parlay the greater schematic of Providence shifting about the world stage (the glabalism vs. nationalism struggle). We can see those who make Christian Nationalism a thing. And those who make anti-Christian nationalism "not" a thing -- or a thing to not be (which I actually side more with). But these all make up themes I believe God would want us to be aware of. Because if we are not aware of our own body, how can we possibly tell what time it is? The world condition IS NOT our tribal views. That would merely be our tunnel vision of events views, actually.. I believe. So to the extent we try to understand the thinking in some of these camps (the good and bad), is the best shot we have at understanding the lay of the land. And how God might move given those conditions amidst current providential events also unfolding. That sounds like a lot. But when we see that for what it is, when say America becomes super powerful and makes Israel strong (against a backdrop of everyone saying the opposite kind of), its just because when we take the time, I believe, to weather where others are coming from. What is bunk or what is biased etc. We get a chance at seeing soberly because we spent varying time weighing things out.

But I don't think its about being an expert in any one thing. Just a child like heart toward understanding. Or having a heart to understand outside our core general leanings out of considering how to best be for ones from any of those groups, I reckon. Not to judge. Although judgement sometimes is needed. But to understand (the golden rule). So if there was one huge rubric hermeneutic for end times -- i'd say it would be the golden rule (John 15:15). To the extent we take honest interest to see the hearts of others: wrong, right, or indifferent. And try to see it soberly and maturely...we practice in the spirit the golden rule. And that golden goose lays the golden egg of maybe seeing what the Father is doing. He told us, "Do it unto me to the least of these..." is what? Doing it to honor the Father is to be seen in Him loving one another. And to know what He is doing is to in common biblical sense, I believe though love one another. Out of that sphere of living I believe "tells on itself." And seeing things for how they are is not necessarily rocket science. But I bit is if we stay too long with the bottle of strong drink bias and tribal thinking, it can tend to cloud perspective. If there were one thing that would be an antibody to what God is doing today, it would be being tribal, I think. Unfortunately that is kind of "in" today. Kind of manly and big bad bob like. But understanding what the Father is doing as at least a marginal composite of his body persepctive...eh...probably not so much. Yet after loving one another from that in the spirit place, wisdom in what the Father is doing is just like there handing out on all the walls like paintings to kind of plainly see. THIS IS MY VIEW and as a cessationist I am not meaning for this to sound like be prophetic. I just mean it to be like reading street graffiti with spirit tinted glasses, perhaps. Kinda my take. But probably sounds cookoo...lol. .

So if America gets stronger and stronger (what if we peg the value of gold to Bitcoin?). Just a sample of what could happen). But if we see the golden age as Trump worship deception, and not as a likely posture to help Israel...i just think in general that I don't think that is holistically looking at what, in what way, and how things are occuring can likely or possibly further inform us, me thinks. It's not rocket science. But if it goes that way...it would not be because I'm psychic. it would be because I was watching. The body with care. And outside of His spirit, I am sickly selfish. So just saying.

How that all relates to Amir is just that there are some concerns with him, but for whatever reason the Lord has, he seems to have found in part, a good place to speak from that is rather edifying to the body. But in other capacities I would not consider them. But this one, in spades, yes, I would. Amen. His takes even seem to transcend a camp of Jan Markell's where Amir seems to be bringing in far more Ez 38 bacon for breakfast. I love bacon. Blessings.
I do the same thing.

I used to follow Amir routinely. My discernment may be immature, I’m sure it is. Knowing that makes me totally avoid Barry Stagner. He lost his son and teaches that the dead can visit us, claiming many visits with his son.
Wow i didn't know that, from what i've seen from him when he collabs with Amir and Jan Markell sometimes he is usually solid
Thanks Hol. I did not know that...lol. Like i have no idea who that guy is. But thanks for complimenting my points. In general, i consider Amir/Hibbs generally too Hollywood for me. I live right down the street from Jack's Church. Lovely body of believers there. I am no stranger to the celeb world. Jmacs...etc. I would not go to Jack for crucial info. But he holds a barameter of sorts in a socialogical sector of inform that I do see as crucial. Jack Hibbs/Amir represent a segment of Evangelicalism that would carry much weight in the sense of God demonstrating something about His relation to the church through that population.

I kind of see evangelical sectors kind of like we might view the 7 letters in Rev. But not trying to match names. Just saying that maybe seeing a composite of what we notice in churches today can help inform us of some things about our Father's interaction, vibe, and orientation toward us and the world events today. That may sound odd. But an example would be something like this.

1. American Reformed -- A camp I am very familiar with
This camp has a moniker placed on it, to me, by literal scholar Carl Trueman -- Orthodoxy as Performing Art
The irony there would be that they see themselves as the purest non-commonner type church alive. However, as the moniker suggests, closer to a church run on opinion (and worse, opinion of itself).

2. Calvary Chapel -- A camp I am marginally familiar with
Here you have varying views on scripture. Jack Hibbs is borderline Lordship Salvationist -- a covenient baby sitter from the pulpit tool. The good side of Jack is he is the only pastor I recall hearing that does not know the future prophetically (where even John Macarthur, cessationist, predicts America destruction psuedo-like prophetically). Not that he (Jack) does not know prophecy. But that he is careful to be open to how God might channel direction today. Will we be blessed? Hope so. Will we be destroyed? Hope not -- God please give us more time. I see his desire in politics as mostly healthy. But good he is balancing it more now without Trump so much, amen. But still weary of Jerry Boykin like connections (ecumenicalism).

When JD Farag represented Calvery Chapel he represented more of the free Grace side. Encouraging Abba Father like ideas from the pulpit. So very different styles. And there are many others. But in general Calvery Chapel just came out of a season under the American Reformed suspicion of being too permissive with wild sided Charismatic/Pentecostal views and scolded by John Marcarthur for not disciplining the Jesus People. Of which Harvest side Greg Laurie louds in the recent movie. So there is that view. Which also has its set of endorsements to other not so safe Christian (presumed) voices.

We also have the watcher community with the vast conference circuit connections. And varying Jan Markel views. I think Jan does a great job, but to me the template used for end times, again--to me, is way too Revelation heavy...for the age of grace.

3. Baptist / Fundementalists -- There are varying degrees and levels (Souther Baptists, Idependent etc). There are some harsh trends there. And really control freakish cult like themes that can come out of this batch. There are also some very profound ones like Leighton Flowers. And great commentary overviews in general by Jon Harris like camp. There is Al Mohler and the leanings of wokedom a bit. And of course the Gospel Coalition. And the woke themes there seen in such ways like Alister Begg. And all that theme park variety of what is going on in the body dynamic from that perspective.

So just looking at those 3 general arenas we get a sense of the range in which God is seen as in the body of Christ. But this also helps to distinguish themes in our lives that would have to, if we were honest, have some good and some bad in each. So when we line up like terms and concepts of the bad next to the like term concepts of the good by contrast, we can sort of see the playing field in how Christianity is seen in America today. And there are other countries. Etc. To the degree we get a sense of where these factions are at. The struggles each have. The good in each. We get a sense.

For example one general overall theme that comes to mind is Christian Nationalism and Christian culture. What theatrics are in that theme park? We see we can make things about Christian Nationalism vs. being spiritual "This is not our home." Or we can see nuances of why some Christians would want to push back against the government, and parlay the greater schematic of Providence shifting about the world stage (the glabalism vs. nationalism struggle). We can see those who make Christian Nationalism a thing. And those who make anti-Christian nationalism "not" a thing -- or a thing to not be (which I actually side more with). But these all make up themes I believe God would want us to be aware of. Because if we are not aware of our own body, how can we possibly tell what time it is? The world condition IS NOT our tribal views. That would merely be our tunnel vision of events views, actually.. I believe. So to the extent we try to understand the thinking in some of these camps (the good and bad), is the best shot we have at understanding the lay of the land. And how God might move given those conditions amidst current providential events also unfolding. That sounds like a lot. But when we seet that for what it is, when say America becomes super powerful and makes Israel strong (against a backdrop of everyone saying the opposite kind of), its just because when we take the time, I believe, to weather where others are coming from. What is bunk or what is biased etc.

We get a chance at seeing soberly because we spent varying time weighBut I don't think its about being an expert in any one thing. Just a child like heart toward understanding. Or having a heart to understand outside our core ings out considering how to best be for ones from any of those groups. Not to judge. Although judgement sometimes is needed. But to understand (the golden rule). So if there was one huge rubric hermenuetic for end times -- i'd say it would be the golden rule (John 15:15). To the extent we take honest interest to see the hearts of others: wrong, right, or indifferent..and try to see it soberly and maturely...we practice in the spirit the golden rule. And that golden goose lays the golden egg of maybe seeing what the Father is doing. He told us, "Do it unto me to the least of this..." is what? Doing it to know. To honor the Father is to be seen in Him loving one another. And to know what He is doing is to in common biblical sense, love one another. Out of that sphere of living I believe "tells on itslef." And seeing things for how they are is not rocket science. But I believe it is if we stay to long with the bottle of strong drink bias and tribal thinking. If there were one thing that would be an antibody to what God is doing today, it would be being tribal. Unfortunately that is kind of in today. Kind of manly and big bad bob like. But understanding what the Father is doing...eh...probably not so much. Yet after loving one another from that in the spirit place, wisdom in what the Father is doing is just like there handing out on all the walls like paintings to kind of plainly see. THIS IS MY VIEW and as a cessationist I am not meaning for this to sound like be prophetic. I just mean it to be like reading street graffiti with spirit tinted glasses.

So if America gets stronger and stronger (what if we peg the value of gold to Bitcoin? Just a sample of what could happen). But if we see the golden age as Trump worship deception, and not as a likely posture to help Israel...i just don't thing that is holistically looking at what, in what way, and how things are occuring. It's not rocket sceince. But if it goes that way...it would not be because I'm psychic. it would be because I was watching. The body with care. And outside of His spirit, I am sickly selfish. So just saying. Blessings.

His cross over from Trump/NAR to whatever it is he is shooting or now.
I thought the reason why JD wasn't really appearing much within the Amir and Jack circle was because JD was pulling out a lot of conspiracy theories and maybe they felt too uncomfortable with that ?
I thought the reason why JD wasn't really appearing much within the Amir and Jack circle was because JD was pulling out a lot of conspiracy theories and maybe they felt too uncomfortable with that ?
I happened shortly after the shots came out during late 2020. JD was doing a LOT of weird teaching about the shots and he crossed the line a few times. Amir put out a rebuttal to some of the claims, and it broke their friendship. I remember that because G and I followed both of them at that time, and JD was getting more and more out in left field- when he brought up the mark of the Beast, it was the end for me. Amir made sense then and now.

JD's extreme position (which he has softened since to the best of my knowledge which isn't much because I don't follow JD) had a number of other ministries pulling back at that point in late 2020, even ones that were in agreement with JD on other aspects of the 2020 stuff, like for example church closure. The rifts between JD and other pastors in the Calvary Chapel network never have closed. It's sad.
Thanks GLC :) It would be great if Amir had timestamp locations of each subject covered. I think Amir is a good example of kind of how maybe to look in general at the state of the church and how to understand ebb and flow in our very biased heavy, distorted, and tribal times.

When Amir first started making traction, I kind of liked him because he was different than the America Reformed vibe I came out from. But I never really took to his Bible updates when they are Bible studies. There would just be too many different things and themes I would think upon. He had some controversy with Michael the archangel and theology, had a fallout with JD Farag, and gravitated to Jack Hibbs during a time a felt Hibbs was evolving more conservative politically than biblical (which seems to be changing for him quiet a bit...seems he is listening to concerns toward his ministry). There were also some media tactics Amir was getting name for that did not sit well with me.

In general in Christianity when a person reaches celeb status, I tend to back away because that seems to make the whole thing kind of too commercial for me. In general I was concerned that it seemed Amir came from a tour guide to self made biblical pontificator. I suppose if I agreed with the things he was looking at as those things took shape, I would probably have seen that as a rags to riches story. But because of differences, I just saw it as like in the military when your leader is a 17 year old. They belong, but bring with them inexperience, and perhaps more ideas than content.

But one thing I have always liked and see that Amir does have some good and helpful footing in, is how he is looking at his country and world changes biblically. Not always. But more than not. For example, when Russia/Ukraine war was in full swing Amir was stating he knew Russian disinfo. And considered the bio-labs story was Russian propaganda. Which leaned me to think Amir might be some product of establishment media. Because that narrative is a Western disinfo trope designed by globalism. So what was it doing in Amir's mouth like he knew Russian propoganda so well? lol. Not sure. But glad to see something like that seems to be growing pains in his station for Amir.

. . . . .

But with all that colorful problem background, he is a useful voice from Israel. And as his ministry partner, Hibbs, is becoming more sensitive to the pastoral calling than a political calling, its nice to see Amir become a voice to so many believers from the Hibbs venue. So in general that kind of riddled obstacle course of what might come with Amir, how God fashions usefulness in the body and to the unsaved is pretty apparent.

We are certainly in a world where bias and petty double downing to feel right seems to be a world pandemic. And also a church often pandemic issue. It's nice to see true heart in what Amir does on Israeli updates transcend bias, drama, stereotyping, petty bias, and provide a good avenue of help to see clearly to the general masses. In that sense, Amir might be one of the best social artifact samples of how end time thinking is best commandeered. How, who, what, and why to listen. And the recognition of what species of puzzle piece something might rise to the top like cream to be considered traverses like in the muddied end times evaluation waters. A lesson in learning to calibrate end time antenna would seem to be par for the discernment course in our day.

Rather than what seemed to have been the old school approach of disqualifying who to listen to because they said this or aligned like that. With those kinds of things in huge and massive play to day, it is not a discernment arena for the easily led. We kind of have to fight for what sense making looks like to have the best shot at it today. Like the age of kings and queens past, I would hope too that the my pastor is more correct than your pastor syndrome would be dying off. It would seem the humility needed to apply to be best primed for balanced perspective would be how willing we might be to discover the proverbial military communications proverb of: Learning to hear the "signal" in communication from the "noise" in communication. Knowing that noise will always accompany. And although there might not always be "signal." Being open to it even if it comes from perhaps even a percieved foe, even, is a skill if not howned will likely in those areas, more than not, kind of prime us as more suceptible to fantasy and superstition.

So wonderful to be able to say these things using Amir as a good example of "signal." Blessings.
Hi TCC. Thank you! I am aware of many things you noted. Amir having the falling out with JD. How Hibbs was going quite political but has reigned things in. I do listen to many many prophecy teachers. Jan too. When I posted this, it wasn't because I was saying "Hey, check out Amir". I know that the majority of people on this board all watch Amir's Telegram and many channels of many other pastors who we discuss.

When I posted this...... it was because I specifically wanted to call out last night's update because I felt it was a good one with interesting bits of information in Israel, plus the "live with Amir" from this morning caught me by surprise since it literally said: "Breaking news: US plans massive air strike as Israel moves to crush Hamas”

So I was just more calling out these 2 updates because I thought they were a little more interesting than normal.

On mainstream news, all they want to talk about is that Signal Chat leak!
Wow i didn't know that, from what i've seen from him when he collabs with Amir and Jan Markell sometimes he is usually solid
I’m the same when anyone joins in with Jan or other teachers I trust, like Andy Woods & Leighton Flowers. I assume their friends are solid.

I’m sure that most of his teaching is solid. For me it’s best to steer clear of somewhat good teachers when I learn of a serious false teaching they hold to.

To the degree we get a sense of where these factions are at. The struggles each have. The good in each. We get a sense.

For example one general overall theme that comes to mind is Christian Nationalism and Christian culture. What theatrics are in that theme park? We see we can make things about Christian Nationalism vs. being spiritual "This is not our home." Or we can see nuances of why some Christians would want to push back against the government, and parlay the greater schematic of Providence shifting about the world stage (the glabalism vs. nationalism struggle). We can see those who make Christian Nationalism a thing. And those who make anti-Christian nationalism "not" a thing -- or a thing to not be (which I actually side more with). But these all make up themes I believe God would want us to be aware of.
Thanks @TCC for sharing your insights. There isn’t one perfect view and I like your balanced approach.

I may be overly cautious, for example I seldom listen to Alister Beggs anymore since he gave such lukewarm advice about attending a gay wedding.

I think I’m aiming for a Mike Winger version of discernment, strong and gentle.
I’m the same when anyone joins in with Jan or other teachers I trust, like Andy Woods & Leighton Flowers. I assume their friends are solid.

I think Jan Markell is pretty good about sticking with solid people. There have been some wackos (my opinion) on her weekly show but at some point they usually aren't invited back, and Markell's organization seems to be real careful about what books/media they directly offer for sale. Often someone may be on the show but their product may not be for sale by Olive Tree Ministries.
I happened shortly after the shots came out during late 2020. JD was doing a LOT of weird teaching about the shots and he crossed the line a few times. Amir put out a rebuttal to some of the claims, and it broke their friendship. I remember that because G and I followed both of them at that time, and JD was getting more and more out in left field- when he brought up the mark of the Beast, it was the end for me. Amir made sense then and now.

JD's extreme position (which he has softened since to the best of my knowledge which isn't much because I don't follow JD) had a number of other ministries pulling back at that point in late 2020, even ones that were in agreement with JD on other aspects of the 2020 stuff, like for example church closure. The rifts between JD and other pastors in the Calvary Chapel network never have closed. It's sad.
@Spartan Sprinter Margery seems to capture a pretty good sense upon it. From my perspective being on his forum as a very active poster, there were some that left because JD was getting too into the vax all the time. Looking at it from a 30,000 foot view, I would say what happened is that JD unfortunately was one of very few pastors (to his credit) to go after the vax. On that front I was totally in favor of JD doing as much as he wanted on the vax. The way I saw it was that most of the church was natural or just ok with the vax.

Coming out of Macarthurs realm years before, Jmac's church championed the cause against government overreach. They even put out a video years later trying to demonstrate to churches that were too passive how they were wrong. But the vax was largely not the focus. Just the government overreach. Whereas JD stood in the balance of the vax. Making it his/His primary concern in lack of other church voices. I can see he went out of his way because no one else would. Mostly. So I can empathisize with JD having that conviction. I don't believe he ever stated the vax was the mark. But what did trouble me is his views on potentially having gene changes that might make a person unsavable. That to me is eisegeting science into the bible. I think being created in God's image transcends what science can do with that...is my take. And I don't believe any person can be scientifically mutated not to be able to saved. JD did blur that line. On that note I would say that is totally an opinion. And one that exults science over God, ironically--in that I would see JD's view on God as too small.

So yeah there were some no no's JD got into on that stuff, in my estimation. But I did see his ministry against the vax as greatly needed. No one else seemed to care in the publit. Certainly not to his degree. And even though he went over the top, in some ways, I am not that bothered by that because of how it might serve a greater contrast. Of couree it runs the risk of being too controversial and accomplish the exact oppoistie results it thinks it is achieving. Granted. But I udnerstand JD's heart in wanting to make it as big a deal as possible. Because the world seemed to want to shame him in that. So kudos that he held out, amen. But the downside of that is the unfortunate nature of man. Where seeing such clearlity on one issue (where he did) seemed to assist JD in concluding his place in history before God. And barrowing the level of conviction he did with COVID and the vax (having a great measure of righteous indination) and superimposing all that on his sense of being accurate about everything else. A dangerous condition for mankind in general. Unfortunatley I view that is coming from his temporal self. Not his spiritual one. And now, we have an empire of consulions afloat with all that fallout to deal with. For those who consider him worthy of including in contemporary biblical consideration.

@Margery Thanks. Yeah in relation to the fallout between JD and Amir it seems their views on the vax seemed to be what did it. I would see in that where JD put too much on it, and Amir not enough. Both missing the greater character of brotherhood for what I would see as petty differences. Although it is understandable to be concerned with the vax hoax, amen, blessings.
I’m the same when anyone joins in with Jan or other teachers I trust, like Andy Woods & Leighton Flowers. I assume their friends are solid.

I’m sure that most of his teaching is solid. For me it’s best to steer clear of somewhat good teachers when I learn of a serious false teaching they hold to.

Thanks @TCC for sharing your insights. There isn’t one perfect view and I like your balanced approach.

I may be overly cautious, for example I seldom listen to Alister Beggs anymore since he gave such lukewarm advice about attending a gay wedding.

I think I’m aiming for a Mike Winger version of discernment, strong and gentle.
Thanks Hol. Even though I see balance as the aim of mature believing, I don't think I will ever listen to Alister again. Not because of the woke thing. IN ways that is somewhat forgiveable to a degree, to me. But its just that he proved to want to wear the word of God as a hot new zesty 2025 suit he shines in. To me, he uses the word to affirm adolsecent perspectives. One taughted as a mature elder...nope. Not going there.

I appreciate you reading all that and considerating what my aim is. Amen. Thanks so much for that brother. Its a lot. lol. And I understand we are all at different places and things will come at us differently...likely as it should. We are different. Amen. But one example in context of the TCC balancing act is although I would see Andy Woods in the category you might with Barry Stagner (I consider Andy being way way goofy off with his view on the mustard plant in how the kingdom of God is view--though there are others that share that). Andy wrote a book and did a great series on Kingdom Now perspectives. Great stuff. But because he did that series AND holds the view of the mustard seed as he does, to me that is too much cognitive dissonance. Rather than abandon ship though, I guess I would chalk that up as seriously how bad it gets in our age even with the best of them. So I like Woods because he is solid on enough areas to continue consideration of him, highly, amen.

As for Stagner, well I don't really have much of an interest in the evangelical ideas of escatology being so Revelation heavy. So I tend to stay well away from all voices in that camp. Including Jan. Not that she is not sound. Not that alot of who she works with are not sound. Just that I don't think we have our hat on straight about the Revelation factor. We tend to see far too much reach it could have in our views. I would see as enough of a grand misfocus to keep me looking elsewhere. But I will always chime in there because that would otherwise be where I would have had I not overhauled a lot of my views in the 2017/2018 timeframe. Which prove to have like HUGE and MASSIVE confirmations today. So guess we'll see. But even where I would stay away from a general crowd, I will always hang out totally around them. Amen.
Hi TCC. Thank you! I am aware of many things you noted. Amir having the falling out with JD. How Hibbs was going quite political but has reigned things in. I do listen to many many prophecy teachers. Jan too. When I posted this, it wasn't because I was saying "Hey, check out Amir". I know that the majority of people on this board all watch Amir's Telegram and many channels of many other pastors who we discuss.

When I posted this...... it was because I specifically wanted to call out last night's update because I felt it was a good one with interesting bits of information in Israel, plus the "live with Amir" from this morning caught me by surprise since it literally said: "Breaking news: US plans massive air strike as Israel moves to crush Hamas”

So I was just more calling out these 2 updates because I thought they were a little more interesting than normal.

On mainstream news, all they want to talk about is that Signal Chat leak!
Dear sister GLC, thanks for your reply. Please. in no way dear saint. was my post meant as a concern of posting an update from Amir. You know I thought about that too. Like, here is GLC just posting something actually of great content on a forum and there is all this seeming push back...lol. The Christian world is noted by the world to be like a preschool where we all complain about everything all the time. lol. To some effect it is fitting. So I did feel for your post in light of all the posting. I don't get the sense so much it to be push back, as much as kind of like a long the way commentary. Which I think you graciously received as such.

For me, I kind of actually thrive on pushback. So when I don't get it I feel I am not being clear enough...lol. But that is me. Probably not all that healthy. But I don't do it be a contrarian. More so to learn and engage at hopefully the highest level we might on line. But yeah thanks for having such a gracious heart toward this. Please don't let it ever taint a passion you might have in posting something Amir covers. Because for sure he is really instrumental there. And what comes with that, oh well, comes with that too. As in everything else these days pretty much.

But for clarity'sake, I would just note that the reason I posted what I did in reference to your post is not so much to point out potential dangers with Amir. But rather an opportunity to get a dig in about even though we live in a day and age where those having strong ministries can be whacked out a bit, we also live in a time where we get what we get...where we can get it. So it was more in line with complimenting your use of posting Amir. As a means of reminder that in my worldview God used buckshot. So that we would have to deal with one another in all our glorious frailty. Amidst a challenging landscape of super sized conviction not to listen to this one, but listen to that one. If there was one age like "My pastor is more right than yours," this would be that age. So to mitigate against that thinking, I wanted to ride the coattails of your post as a reminder of that. That we WILL find nuggets t of reality in places we might not think to look. And sometimes even in places we absolutely won't accept. A very challenging time against the backdrop of huge age of lovers of self bias. The more we can get over ourselves and receive what might actually be legitimate buckshot, the more we can actually see.

Perhaps it is even in the practice of that that opens our spiritual eyes more than maybe even the treasure we might be able to raid from what might to us appear to be nothing more than a tomb. Perhaps in honoring the loving of one another against even our own biases (exercised only possible in the supernatural), the blessing of God Himself might be the final deciding factor in living faith of what is perhaps an ultimate hermenuetic by which to see what the Father is really doing in our day and age. I lean toward that perpective. So, kinda that is why, my post.

Bless your heart dear saint in a) being faithful to care to post as you heart leans in him, and b) your sensitivety to the body not to be too dogmatic about your convictions or what also could be with any of us a sense of bias. Bless your heart for this dear one. For that has got to be not just a good thing. But a very good thing. Lovin' in Him. :) <3 Blessings.
Dear sister GLC, thanks for your reply. Please. in no way dear saint. was my post meant as a concern of posting an update from Amir. You know I thought about that too. Like, here is GLC just posting something actually of great content on a forum and there is all this seeming push back...lol. The Christian world is noted by the world to be like a preschool where we all complain about everything all the time. lol. To some effect it is fitting. So I did feel for your post in light of all the posting. I don't get the sense so much it to be push back, as much as kind of like a long the way commentary. Which I think you graciously received as such.

For me, I kind of actually thrive on pushback. So when I don't get it I feel I am not being clear enough...lol. But that is me. Probably not all that healthy. But I don't do it be a contrarian. More so to learn and engage at hopefully the highest level we might on line. But yeah thanks for having such a gracious heart toward this. Please don't let it ever taint a passion you might have in posting something Amir covers. Because for sure he is really instrumental there. And what comes with that, oh well, comes with that too. As in everything else these days pretty much.

But for clarity'sake, I would just note that the reason I posted what I did in reference to your post is not so much to point out potential dangers with Amir. But rather an opportunity to get a dig in about even though we live in a day and age where those having strong ministries can be whacked out a bit, we also live in a time where we get what we get...where we can get it. So it was more in line with complimenting your use of posting Amir. As a means of reminder that in my worldview God used buckshot. So that we would have to deal with one another in all our glorious frailty. Amidst a challenging landscape of super sized conviction not to listen to this one, but listen to that one. If there was one age like "My pastor is more right than yours," this would be that age. So to mitigate against that thinking, I wanted to ride the coattails of your post as a reminder of that. That we WILL find nuggets t of reality in places we might not think to look. And sometimes even in places we absolutely won't accept. A very challenging time against the backdrop of huge age of lovers of self bias. The more we can get over ourselves and receive what might actually be legitimate buckshot, the more we can actually see.

Perhaps it is even in the practice of that that opens our spiritual eyes more than maybe even the treasure we might be able to raid from what might to us appear to be nothing more than a tomb. Perhaps in honoring the loving of one another against even our own biases (exercised only possible in the supernatural), the blessing of God Himself might be the final deciding factor in living faith of what is perhaps an ultimate hermenuetic by which to see what the Father is really doing in our day and age. I lean toward that perpective. So, kinda that is why, my post.

Bless your heart dear saint in a) being faithful to care to post as you heart leans in him, and b) your sensitivety to the body not to be too dogmatic about your convictions or what also could be with any of us a sense of bias. Bless your heart for this dear one. For that has got to be not just a good thing. But a very good thing. Lovin' in Him. :) <3 Blessings.
Please know, I don't take offense. You all are my favorite ones to engage with. I am glad you did that because there are new people on here too, and maybe they didn't know all this stuff that you shared about Amir. It was a good reminder! <3<3<3:wave: