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U.S. Begins Construction on Temporary Pier to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Gaza


RIP to Biden's Gaza Pier As He Chalks Up Another Foreign Policy Disaster​

Joe Biden has logged yet another foreign policy disaster under his belt after the Pentagon announced the "Gaza pier" will be dismantled due to damage.

Some press reports describe the move as "temporary," though it's questionable whether the project will ever resume after being completely torn down and towed away. This marks the latest in a string of logistical issues involving the president's prized pier.

For context, the pier has been in place for less than a month, and it's already suffered multiple shutdowns related to moderate seas overtaking it. Here's the full timeline illustrating just how absurd this idea was.......


I think @1LoverofGod won the pool :big grin; :lol:
I watched a video of the pier getting bucked around by the waves. There were a few portapotties strapped to it... Condolences to anyone who needed to use those portapotties. Only experienced bullriders would have felt comfortable on that pier.

I'm guessing someone in Washington ordered the pier built. I'm guessing at least one honest engineer suggested it wasn't a proper environment for a floating pier. I'm guessing any honest engineers were told to shut up and color.