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U.S. Army Begs Soldiers to Come Back After They Were Forced Out for Not Getting the COVID Vaccine

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Soldiers who were forced out of the U.S. Army because they refused to follow the Biden Administration’s draconian COVID-19 mandates are being asked to come back as a potential war looms.

Dear Former Service Member, We write to notify you of new Army guidance regarding the correction of military records for former members of the Army following rescission of the COVID-19 vaccination requirement. As a result of the rescission of all current COVID-19 vaccination requirements, former Soldiers who were involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records from either or both the Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB) or the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR). Individuals may request a correction to military personnel records, including records regarding the characterization of discharge. Individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local Army, U.S. Army Reserve (USAR), or Army National Guard (ARNG) recruiter for more information.

I wonder how well that will work for re enlisting. Some might just take the offer to "request a correction to military personnel records, including records regarding the characterization of discharge." and leave it at that. Especially if they've found a better job in the private sector. Interestingly that article says this: "Service members who were discharged can apply for an upgrade and also are eligible to rejoin the service. According to a report by CNN, just 43 service members dismissed over the mandate have returned to military duty."

And as the report explains it doesn't help that the current woke guidelines mean that service members might be had up on charges for breaking the new woke rules or catch HIV from ministering aid to a fellow soldier in combat situations where blood flows freely.

Former Troops Punished over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Sue for Billions in Lost Wages​

Former troops are suing the U.S. government for lost pay and benefits due to the Biden administration’s military vaccine mandate, one of the lawyers who successfully brought down the Anthrax vaccine told Breitbart News.

Attorney Dale Saran, a retired Marine, and fellow attorneys Andy Meyer and Brandon Johnson are representing the former troops in three separate lawsuits they plan to turn into a class action lawsuit on behalf of all service members who were either kicked out or illegally ordered to stop drilling, resulting in loss of pay.

“The Court of Claims has been around since the Reconstruction Era. It’s a very old court and kind of a weird one. But in any event, you can go there if you’ve got a claim and say, ‘Hey, I was illegally discharged, or the military did something to impede my pay,’ or whatever. The Court of Claims is where you go,” Saran said.

Saran estimates there are 80,000 to 100,000 service members — both active-duty and reservists — who were impacted by the mandate. While more than 8,000 active-duty troops were kicked out, tens of thousands of reservists were told not to drill anymore or were moved to inactive status, he said.

The former troops will likely win this case since the govmint has essentially invited them back. What'll probably happen is they'll all get back pay and will be allowed to return at the rank they would have likely been had they never been discharged.
The former troops will likely win this case since the govmint has essentially invited them back. What'll probably happen is they'll all get back pay and will be allowed to return at the rank they would have likely been had they never been discharged.
and then promptly deployed.

Unfortunately, a Soldier restored to what would have been his or her rank, had he or she not been discharged, may not have the experience, knowledge, skills, or physical ability to perform the duties of the rank to standard, and there will be necessary remediation, for which there may not be time :eek: :headbang:

This is a serious safety, morale, leadership, training, readiness, and tactical issue.

I hope mortuary affairs is prepared for higher than expected casualties, not just among the restored Soldiers, but among the Soldiers they lead and are responsible for :cry: :mad:

The influx of so many higher ranking Soldiers against not enough personnel slots of their ranks will also create a top-heavy force and cause promotion opportunities to stagnate or even evaporate in some military occupational specialties (MOS). Commanders will be able to pick-and-choose which Soldier gets the slot (and eventual promotion opportunities), and which Soldier is underutilized and denied opportunity. There could be issues with discrimination/favoritism as a result. Additionally. the influx of higher ranking Soldiers will cause bloated personnel budgets and other administrative issues, including higher quarters allowances and lack of suitable-for-the-rank housing.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

Unfortunately, a Soldier restored to what would have been his or her rank, had he or she not been discharged, may not have the experience, knowledge, skills, or physical ability to perform the duties of the rank to standard, and there will be necessary remediation, for which there may not be time :eek: :headbang:

This is a serious safety, morale, leadership, training, readiness, and tactical issue.
I knew an officer who got kicked out for some reason I don't remember. He got back pay and came back on active duty. He had to retrain. He kind of got treated the way passed over officers are treated. He eventually separated on his own. Real nice guy. I'm still in contact with him.
I have mixed thoughts on this. Also, of the 8000 troops discharged from the military for refusal, as of 2 Oct, only 43 have requested to come back in. The majority who refused were on their intial enlistment and no doubt many used refusal as a way to get out early. There were very few senior enlisted or officers who refused.

When you enter the military, you give up all kinds of rights, and medical decisions. I did not want half the shots I received in my 29 years in the Marines, but order are orders. At the time of the covid vaccination mandate, which I disagree with, was a lawful order. By refusing a lawful order, you therefore should not later on have the legal option to try and sue.

Im happy the military is allowing those kicked out, the option of returning to service, if still qualified.
When you enter the military, you give up all kinds of rights, and medical decisions. I did not want half the shots I received in my 29 years in the Marines, but order are orders. At the time of the covid vaccination mandate, which I disagree with, was a lawful order. By refusing a lawful order, you therefore should not later on have the legal option to try and sue.
I still don't know what some of the vaccines I got were. Codes and lot numbers on my yellow shot records :yikes:
Others had the name or someone later decoded for me. Nice to know I'll (probably) never get some stuff that I'll probably never get exposed to anyway. OTOH, with all the people coming here from all over the world, some of those vaccinations might save my butt someday :lol:
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) Soldiers were evidently the vaccine testing and proving ground for everything :scaredoor: :eek:
When you enter the military, you give up all kinds of rights, and medical decisions. I did not want half the shots I received in my 29 years in the Marines, but order are orders. At the time of the covid vaccination mandate, which I disagree with, was a lawful order. By refusing a lawful order, you therefore should not later on have the legal option to try and sue.

During the anthrax vaccinations, in the Air Force at least there were a lot who refused to get the series. Whenever I went in for my next anthrax shot the medical people seemed surprised to have someone who was happy to get it. The Air Force caved from the pressure of the rank and file and stopped the anthrax vaccinations. I think I had one to go. I went in and they wouldn't give it to me. I don't know if the anthrax vaccine mandate was DoD wide or just the Air Force. I begged them to give me the last shot but they wouldn't give it to me. I thought it was weird that it went from a mandate to you can't even get it voluntarily.

Because I was world wide deployable on a constant basis, I had to have a lot of vaccinations. I never met a vaccination I didn't mind getting, including the COVID one initially. But there's just too much evidence showing a lot of danger in the mRNA vaccine. I don't ever plan to knowingly receive another mRNA vaccine in my life. If they really want the majority to get COVID vaccinations now, I think they'll have to develop a true vaccine for it.
I never met a vaccination I didn't mind getting, including the COVID one initially. But there's just too much evidence showing a lot of danger in the mRNA vaccine. I don't ever plan to knowingly receive another mRNA vaccine in my life. If they really want the majority to get COVID vaccinations now, I think they'll have to develop a true vaccine for it.
That expresses my feelings on the subject perfectly. I normally get a flu shot with G, never any issues, but our Canadian govt has now got one in the works using the mRNA process and has an agreement with the manufacturer for flu shots and a lot of other normal vaccines. We won't know WHAT is in the shots in Canada because they have a financial deal with Moderna I think (or Pfizer) and that will eliminate the more expensive to produce old fashioned vaccines. Those 2 have locked in deals with govts like that in a lot of other countries. So we are politely refusing to get the flu shot in future and any other vaccine unless the risk benefit ratio looks good to me.

I get a chuckle out of the way the news media is shocked and dismayed that people aren't going for the flu shot and those going for boosters of the plague vaccine itself are down about 96%. I WONDER WHY?????

I was unable to discuss it elsewhere, because the plague was a forbidden topic, but shortly after I couldn't discuss it, the first real lab tested problems were showing up -- not just the hype by the easily dismayed. Done in Denmark and Switzerland. I wanted to warn people that I WAS seeing some very reputable research coming out and link to the articles and the data but that wasn't possible.

I did catch Covid last fall- a year ago, and I think I'd have been one of the statistics because I did start to have breathing trouble on day 6 in spite of all the things I knew by then to do. (from the research that I couldn't share). I was able to get onto Prednisone right away (nice cheap and relatively safe) and got thru just fine.

Looking back, I'm actually fine with getting the vaccine. Even if I've ended up with some problems. It's a risk benefit ratio that each person has to figure out for themselves instead of having some idiotic govt officials mandate it for all.

That was the most evil part. Not the vaccine, -even though I think it's been the worst one down the pike ever in the history of vaccines, but removing people's rights to politely refuse it. THAT was the WORST part!!!

That has been a foundational principle in medicine as long as I've been a nurse. The patient has the ultimate right to refuse treatment or to go to another practitioner even if that means the local voodoo witch doctor or down to Mexico for something that isn't allowed in Canada. Parents are supposed to have that right with their kids but the law has been steadily eroding that right here in Canada.

For the US military I think those culpable are the ones like Fauci who knowingly hid the risks that were obvious even in the initial data from the lawmakers who turned around assuming it was around the same safety profile as past vaccines and then mandated it with automatic job loss to the military, first responders, police, fire and medical staff. Pilots and Flight Attendants were another group affected. Even now it's almost impossible to connect the dots officially between the FAA's recent change in the cardiac standards for airline pilots, the soaring number of heart attacks by pilots on the job and the mandated vaccines.

If the Lord should tarry there ought to be a massive legal case brewing in all those groups, not just the military and hopefully the stats and the research will start to become public knowledge.
We're you able to complete the anthrax series, or did the Marines shut it down too?

The Army mandated it for Soldiers in certain MOSs, units, and in or going to certain areas. There were two different types, so they may have been working on whether a series or a single shot was needed, or maybe which one was better. I ended up with both, so four altogether :lol:
IDK what they did after I retired.

Would you like one of my shots since I seem to have an "extra?" :lol: