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Tucker Carlson's Massive Interview with Putin in Russia

U.S. Rejects Putin’s Latest Call for Ukraine Negotiations​

Skepticism remains high about the Russian leader’s intentions after he told Tucker Carlson that the war in Ukraine could be settled with a peace deal.

The Biden administration dismissed on Friday a call by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, showing no sign that flagging political support for American military aid to Kyiv had made President Biden more inclined to make concessions to Moscow.

All that'll do is give Russia USSR time to send more troops and get logistics caught up and in place, while not having to worry about an enemy offensive or pre-emptive strikes on incoming man, materiel, and equipment :tap:
(that way, Putin doesn't have to worry about the huge expense of air cover, his combat troops can get rested, resupplied, rotated, etc., but Ukraine doesn't get such a break, since there's always the issue of a broken treaty/agreement and Ukraine military, logistics, infrastructure, civilians, etc. being attacked, etc.)
I wish we could get to the bottom (get the truth) on what was going on for the previous 10 years in the Donbas region. Some have said the Ukranians were persecuting Russians in that territory leading up to this, and that the Russian speaking population there asked to be annexed by Russia. Did Putin touch on this? I can't remember it.
I did it. I watched the entire interview today. I thought I would only watch a few minutes, but it was interesting. Putin of course blamed everyone else for every issue Tucker brought up.

Putin achieved his goals for agreeing to the interview. He came across as sincere, very intelligent and even likable, all an act IMO. He played the room like a fiddle.

Tucker deserves credit for scoring the interview, and he did ask blunt questions, which he probably knew he would not get the answers he was hoping for.
I did it. I watched the entire interview today. I thought I would only watch a few minutes, but it was interesting. Putin of course blamed everyone else for every issue Tucker brought up.

Putin achieved his goals for agreeing to the interview. He came across as sincere, very intelligent and even likable, all an act IMO. He played the room like a fiddle.

Tucker deserves credit for scoring the interview, and he did ask blunt questions, which he probably knew he would not get the answers he was hoping for.
All the current political leaders on the world stage are so corrupt, Putin shines like a beacon of sanity and goodness in comparison.

When you set the standard that low, it's easy to excel.

I haven't watched it, but this is a fun take on the whole ordeal:
All the current political leaders on the world stage are so corrupt, Putin shines like a beacon of sanity and goodness in comparison.

When you set the standard that low, it's easy to excel.

I haven't watched it, but this is a fun take on the whole ordeal:
I did not want to comment on Tuckers “strange” facial expressions. It was awkward watching it. I dont know how Putin kept a straight face at times.
I wish we could get to the bottom (get the truth) on what was going on for the previous 10 years in the Donbas region. Some have said the Ukranians were persecuting Russians in that territory leading up to this, and that the Russian speaking population there asked to be annexed by Russia. Did Putin touch on this? I can't remember it.
I doubt Putin's reply would be truthful. Here's the problem with the Donbas. A LOT of Russians moved into the area with the intent of changing the ethnic composition some years before the airline incident in which some of the Russians of Donbas shot down an airliner. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia back in 2014. I remember there were some wild stories being put out by Russian propaganda at the time claiming Ukrainian "persecution". A lie repeated often enough will eventually be accepted in the media. I'm sure there were some cases of Ukrainians mistreating Russians, but at the same time, they were also being invaded and they knew it.

George translated the audio for someone on RF back at the time. They were Russian thugs brought in to foment revolution. Their "calls" for help from Russia were the pretext for the invasion of Crimea earlier that year, and this was a planned expansion.

One of our favourite Russians had his YouTube commentary removed by YouTube, then put back. Konstantin is NOT a fan of Putin and if anyone wants it, here is the restored version: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin - Lies Exposed! I haven't watched it, I don't have 3 hours and I'm pretty sure Konstantin is also a skeptic of Tucker Carlson. Konstantin's main point seems to be that he is sure TC will fall for Russian propaganda and spin. Not surface stuff of course, but Putin is an old KGB master.

And it's not whether Tucker believes the spin, it's whether the wider audience around the globe believes it.
I wish we could get to the bottom (get the truth) on what was going on for the previous 10 years in the Donbas region. Some have said the Ukranians were persecuting Russians in that territory leading up to this, and that the Russian speaking population there asked to be annexed by Russia. Did Putin touch on this? I can't remember it.
I doubt Putin's reply would be truthful. Here's the problem with the Donbas. A LOT of Russians moved into the area with the intent of changing the ethnic composition some years before the airline incident in which some of the Russians of Donbas shot down an airliner. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia back in 2014. I remember there were some wild stories being put out by Russian propaganda at the time claiming Ukrainian "persecution". A lie repeated often enough will eventually be accepted in the media. I'm sure there were some cases of Ukrainians mistreating Russians, but at the same time, they were also being invaded and they knew it.

George translated the audio for someone on RF back at the time. They were Russian thugs brought in to foment revolution. Their "calls" for help from Russia were the pretext for the invasion of Crimea earlier that year, and this was a planned expansion.

One of our favourite Russians had his YouTube commentary removed by YouTube, then put back. Konstantin is NOT a fan of Putin and if anyone wants it, here is the restored version: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin - Lies Exposed! I haven't watched it, I don't have 3 hours and I'm pretty sure Konstantin is also a skeptic of Tucker Carlson. Konstantin's main point seems to be that he is sure TC will fall for Russian propaganda and spin. Not surface stuff of course, but Putin is an old KGB master.

And it's not whether Tucker believes the spin, it's whether the wider audience around the globe believes it.

The way that Crimea was invaded in 2014 is exactly how the Donbas area of Ukraine was invaded. This article by Radio Free Europe explains the whole set up. It's a classic method for Russian invasions and it worked well for Hitler as well in the lead up to WW2 with Czechoslovakia. It's a classic maneuvre- send in a large number of military age males, deny that they are invading, then seize the territory quickly and permanently in response to accusations of these invaders being "mistreated" by the locals. Purely for the protection of the minority Russians (or Germans, or who ever is invading whatever country thru open borders)

here's a quote from the article:

"As masked commandos in similar garb fanned out across the peninsula over the next two weeks, surrounding Ukrainian military bases and taking control of other strategic facilities, it was clear to many on the ground that they were Russian military. One of the soldiers said as much on camera.

But despite clear indications that Moscow had dispatched these forces -- or "little green men," as they came to be widely known -- Russia embarked on a campaign of denials and obfuscations about their provenance and role in helping cement Moscow's annexation of Crimea in March 2014.

Russia described them as "self-defense units" created by locals concerned about alleged threats against Crimea's Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian ultranationalists.

Only later did the story begin to change
It's a classic method for Russian invasions and it worked well for Hitler as well in the lead up to WW2 with Czechoslovakia. It's a classic maneuvre- send in a large number of military age males, deny that they are invading, then seize the territory quickly and permanently in response to accusations of these invaders being "mistreated" by the locals. Purely for the protection of the minority Russians (or Germans, or who ever is invading whatever country thru open borders)
Ahem :tap:

I surely hope the woman at Lakewood wasn't targeting Hispanics (next service at the church was Spanish-language). . . too many hate crimes against migrants and illegals (especially Hispanic and muslims), as it is.

Cuba, as a proxy or staging base for Russia USSR (Gog) or muslim allies (already in Cuba, Central America, Haiti, Mexico, etc.)
(like UK was jump-off spot and logistics staging for Allies in WWII)
ready to "protect" Hispanic and/or muslim minorities :mad:

10 Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
Ezekiel 38:10-13, KJV

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Yeah, there was a bunch to interpret during the first 30 minute monologue about "Russian history." But no, I guess Uncle Vlad had all of that memorized by heart? :lol:
I know, must be nice to have a leader who can answer questions, even if he is a killer….

If Putin was pinocchio, his nose would have never stopped growing throughout the entire interview. What a propaganda score for the evil empire.

Biden couldn’t even sit down for the normal President interview for the half time last night.
I know, must be nice to have a leader who can answer questions, even if he is a killer….

If Putin was pinocchio, his nose would have never stopped growing throughout the entire interview. What a propaganda score for the evil empire.

Biden couldn’t even sit down for the normal President interview for the half time last night.
Tucker got him a few times though and made him look awkward. Good for him to do that. Although yes, it was pretty much all propaganda that I think many ignorant Americans are going to unfortunately eat up like a delicacy.
Tucker got him a few times though and made him look awkward. Good for him to do that. Although yes, it was pretty much all propaganda that I think many ignorant Americans are going to unfortunately eat up like a delicacy.
Considering where he was, and who he was interviewing, overall IMO Tucker did a good job and pressed him a few times with tough questions.
I can see how he could feign confidence and sincerity, but I didn’t think he was faking intelligence. I assumed that he had all of that Russian history memorized. It didn’t occur to me that he could have been listening through his earpiece and repeating it all?
That would be more akin to our old Joe.
So our President is subservient to the CIA, and Putin to the KGB? Scary.
I don’t think most of our population will change their minds about him or even care about the interview. They are too wrapped up in Taylor Swift.
I am pretty dumb when it comes to this type of thing. The only thing that has me interested is Ezekiel 38. Whomever is Gog will be intelligent and manipulative. I saw that in him.