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Tucker Carlson's Massive Interview with Putin in Russia


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
“We’re here to interview the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin,” Carlson said in his video. “We’ll be doing that soon. There are risks to conducting an interview like this, obviously. So we’ve thought about it carefully over many months. Here’s why we’re doing it.”

“First, because it’s our job. We’re in journalism. Our duty is to inform people. Two years into a war that’s reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what’s happening in this region, here in Russia, or 600 miles away in Ukraine,” he said. “But they should know. They’re paying for much of it in ways they might not fully yet perceive. The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It’s left hundreds of thousands of people dead — an entire generation of young Ukrainians — and has depopulated the largest country in Europe,” he said.

“But the long-term effects are even more profound. This war has utterly reshaped the global military and trade alliances, and the sanctions that followed have, as well. And in total, they have upended the world economy,” Carlson said, adding that the economic order established after World War II “is coming apart very fast, and along with it, the dominance of the U.S. dollar.” Claiming that these “history-altering developments” will “define the lives of our grandchildren,” Carlson said “the populations of the English-speaking countries” remain unaware “because no one has told them the truth.”

Further read and watch:
News outlet on Telegram:

⚠️ President Vladimir Putin confirms to Tucker Carlson that President Biden is not running the United States.

PUTIN when asked who runs the U.S.:

“The same forces which have always run it.
You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power.
That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.”
“The same forces which have always run it.
You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power.
That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.”
Yep. At least the same people who've been running it in the modern era. Trump didn't answer to that power base which is why they've been working to destroy him. Even so, the powers that be kept Trump from accomplishing too much against their plans.

I'm glad the guy is doing this interview with Putin. It's late in coming.
News outlet on Telegram:

⚠️ President Vladimir Putin confirms to Tucker Carlson that President Biden is not running the United States.

PUTIN when asked who runs the U.S.:

“The same forces which have always run it.
You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power.
That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.”
Could be Putin playing Tucker like a fiddle, and many will dance around enjoying the music.
Timing of this interview is interesting. Reasons behind it are probably more than we realize. So in consideration of the possible impact of this interview...

FWIW, I'll say that my 25 year old son, who grew up under "beta male" Obama, saw O's opposite as Putin, who was very masculine and strong, even though Russia/Putin is a "bad guy".
The stark contrast made Putin seem the more respectable man. Add to that the way Western culture really began pushing that "toxic masculinity" narrative which boys of that generation either resisted or aligned with.

Now since the Russia-Ukraine War, my son does realize both Ukraine and Russia governments are corrupt.. and the US govt is also corrupt for backing Ukraine or using Ukraine as our proxy. ...But there must be some tendency to "pick a side" or to cast one as the good guy and one as the bad guy. My son is smart with history and politics (his favorite 'sport'), but he almost seems to want Russia to "win" (which we can guess they likely will due to prophecy).

Tucker is very popular among young conservative men... so this interview with Putin could actually cause conservatives to "support" Putin/Russia (for being strong while America/Biden is shamefully weak).
In any case, theres bound to be an effect from this... IF Tucker isn't somehow stopped (by our govt?) from airing it.
Timing of this interview is interesting. Reasons behind it are probably more than we realize. So in consideration of the possible impact of this interview...

FWIW, I'll say that my 25 year old son, who grew up under "beta male" Obama, saw O's opposite as Putin, who was very masculine and strong, even though Russia/Putin is a "bad guy".
The stark contrast made Putin seem the more respectable man. Add to that the way Western culture really began pushing that "toxic masculinity" narrative which boys of that generation either resisted or aligned with.

Now since the Russia-Ukraine War, my son does realize both Ukraine and Russia governments are corrupt.. and the US govt is also corrupt for backing Ukraine or using Ukraine as our proxy. ...But there must be some tendency to "pick a side" or to cast one as the good guy and one as the bad guy. My son is smart with history and politics (his favorite 'sport'), but he almost seems to want Russia to "win" (which we can guess they likely will due to prophecy).

Tucker is very popular among young conservative men... so this interview with Putin could actually cause conservatives to "support" Putin/Russia (for being strong while America/Biden is shamefully weak).
In any case, theres bound to be an effect from this... IF Tucker isn't somehow stopped (by our govt?) from airing it.
Good analysis. I think the prince of the air will definitely use this to divide. Just like I could see him letting Trump win just to cause more division. Nothing would surprise me anymore especially as Satan is getting more desperate as his time gets closer to it's inevitable end.
Would be a nice change though, to hear some propaganda from the other side.
Since we're getting bombarded with propaganda in the western nations now, I think it's good to hear from elsewhere. I think Putin has a pretty good idea of the intentions of the Globalists and he doesn't seem to buy into that. Maybe what we'll hear will be more truth than we usually do.
I think Putin has a pretty good idea of the intentions of the Globalists and he doesn't seem to buy into that.
I agree.
At one time Putin was a WEF Young Global Leader, so he has intimate knowledge of their goals.
And for a long time i wondered if he was for or against them.

It could be a very convoluted sceme in which Putin is on team Global Cabal, aiding to the dismanteling of the "Old Order" to usher in the New Order.
But since Putin started his own "Block of Power" with the BRICS countries, I think it is a serious power struggle, between the West and the East.

Russia Says Tucker Carlson Interview of Vladimir Putin Has Taken Place​

The interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin announced by Tucker Carlson has been confirmed to have taken place by the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian President had spoken in person to American journalist Tucker Carlson. Per Russian state media, Peskov said “Yes, I can confirm this” and “as soon as it… is ready, it will be released”.

Explaining why Russia had agreed to give Carlson an interview when it had turned down other Western journalists, Peskov said while he didn’t consider Carlson pro-Russian, he wasn’t pro-Ukrainian either, merely pro-American, and consequently “He has a position that differs from the rest [of Western media]… at least it is contrastingly different from the position of traditional Anglo-Saxon media”.

In my case, I'm not familiar with Tucker Carlson other than having heard his name many times. I wonder where/how he publishes. Is he a radio personality? Does his stuff end up in print somewhere? It he a TV talking head?
“We’re here to interview the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin,” Carlson said in his video. “We’ll be doing that soon. There are risks to conducting an interview like this, obviously. So we’ve thought about it carefully over many months. Here’s why we’re doing it.”

“First, because it’s our job. We’re in journalism. Our duty is to inform people. Two years into a war that’s reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what’s happening in this region, here in Russia, or 600 miles away in Ukraine,” he said. “But they should know. They’re paying for much of it in ways they might not fully yet perceive. The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It’s left hundreds of thousands of people dead — an entire generation of young Ukrainians — and has depopulated the largest country in Europe,” he said.

“But the long-term effects are even more profound. This war has utterly reshaped the global military and trade alliances, and the sanctions that followed have, as well. And in total, they have upended the world economy,” Carlson said, adding that the economic order established after World War II “is coming apart very fast, and along with it, the dominance of the U.S. dollar.” Claiming that these “history-altering developments” will “define the lives of our grandchildren,” Carlson said “the populations of the English-speaking countries” remain unaware “because no one has told them the truth.”

Further read and watch:
Regardless of the outcome or accuracy of the comments during the interview, its really bold of Tucker to go there. I have no doubt Tucker will press Putin, and hopefully get him to answer all his questions. I wonder what restrictions if any were placed on Tucker in regards to what he can ask Putin?
Tucker was on primetime FoxNews for a few years, but he's been around tv for few decades.
He is a 'truth teller' but he is not particularly friendly toward Israel. And for someone who doesnt have the Holy Spirt, it is easy to see why people could see Israel as just another place that has allowed the Left to infiltrate their government.
He doesnt have God's wisdom, but he can he can put two and two together and he does care about America and the middle class.
I wonder what restrictions if any were placed on Tucker
The only restriction was that he was not allowed to look into Putin's eyes.