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Trump suggests US could be ‘associate member’ of British Commonwealth: ‘I love King Charles’

WASHINGTON — President Trump reacted warmly Friday to a report that the US could be offered “associate membership” in the British Commonwealth.

“I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!” the president wrote on Truth Social, linking to a report by the Sun that a proposal could be made by the monarch when Trump makes a state visit to the UK later this year.

The Commonwealth of Nations, established in 1926, has 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former colonies of the British Empire.

The US unilaterally declaring independence from Britain in 1776, and securing its independence via the Treaty of Paris seven years later following a bloody war, would not be an obstacle to membership.

Complete Article:

America is sounding much more like it's in Bible prophecy after all!!!!!
@Margery ???!!!

"Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, ‘Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?’"
Ezekiel 38:13

Not only Ezekiel 38 but
Possibly Also Part of the Revived Roman Empire???

Roman Britain​

Britain was part of the Roman Empire for over three and a half centuries. From the invasion under the emperor Claudius in AD 43 until rule from Rome ended in the early 5th century, the province of Britannia was part of a political union that covered most of Europe.

An article by
Bill Salus for Prophecy Depot
June 13, 2019

Is America in Ezekiel 38?

This commentary unpacks Ezekiel 38:13 to unmask the mysterious modern day identities of ancient Tarshish and their young lions, or “villages” in some translations. Additionally, it examines their specific roles within the prophecy. If Tarshish is the UK and the young lions are partially represented by the USA, then the ramifications for the future of America are staggering!

Ezekiel 38 and 39 involves at least fourteen participants in the prophecy. They are;
1.) The Victor: God.
2.) The (intended) Victim: Israel.
3.) The Invaders: Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, and Togarmah. (Refer to the Ezekiel 38 map image below to find out the modern day equivalents).
4.) The Protestors: Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish and their Young Lions.

The prophecy informs that, in the latter years the invaders will attack Israel to capture plunder and booty. They covet Israel’s economic prosperity and conspire militarily to confiscate this livelihood as part of their spoils of war. As the victor, the Lord prevents this from occurring by utilizing supernatural means to defeat these invaders. Meanwhile, as the epic event unfolds, the protestors complain about the evil intentions of the invaders. Their protests are lodged in the questions in Ezekiel 38:13 quoted below. Ultimately, after the invaders are conquered, Israel graduates from being the intended victim and instead becomes the resultant benefactor.

“Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, ‘Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?” (Ezekiel 38:13)

The modern day equivalents of these protestors today are commonly understood and taught to be;

Sheba: Yemen.
Dedan: Saudi Arabia and perhaps parts of the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) Arab Gulf States.
Tarshish: Either the UK or Spain.
Young Lions: Either the colonies that came from the UK, namely North America, or the offshoots of Spain, mainly the South and Central American countries.

Ezekiel 38:13 imparts several important clues to the reader. One of them is that the merchants (of Tarshish) are concerned about the motives of the invaders. They are not referred to as soldiers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, etc., but as merchants. The Hebrew word used by Ezekiel is clearly talking about commerce. Being labeled as merchants in Ezekiel 38:13 insinuates that at least some of the protestors have commercial interests at stake within Israel at the time of the Magog invasion. This is not a new phenomenon. According to Ezekiel 27:12, Tarshish has been conducting foreign trade in the Middle East for centuries.

These merchants appear distraught over the possibilities of the invaders seizing Israel’s national assets. This raises the questions, “If they are concerned about protecting their foreign trade relations within Israel, why do they not appear to be fighting alongside the Jewish state in this conflict? Why don’t they coalesce militarily to oppose the Magog coalition?”

In 1990, George H. Bush had no problem assembling an alliance of nations against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. That American led coalition was comprised of several Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, who is represented as Dedan in Ezekiel 38:13. However, in the Ezekiel invasion, a Desert Storm scenario does not seem to be repeated.

This might mean that passive political leadership is in place, but more likely implies that the protestors lack military prowess at the time. Maybe, these abstaining countries are concerned that their forces won’t match up against the invading armies.

Who was Tarshish?
The two most favored locations for Tarshish among historians, archaeologists and Bible teachers are Spain or Britain. My research leads me to conclude that Britain is the location of “Tarshish” and the North American countries most resemble their “young lions.”

Tarshish settled in the isles or in some translations the coastlands. In addition to the verse above, the theme of Tarshish in connection with the isles shows up in Psalm 72:10, and Isaiah 23:6, 60:9, 66:19. A careful reading of these verses uncovers a clear connection between Tarshish and a geographical location associated with isles or coastlands. One example is below.

The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall render tribute: The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. (Psalm 72:10)

The isles alluded to could be the British Isles, which are a group of oversized islands off the northwestern coast of continental Europe that consist of the islands of Great Britain, Ireland and over six thousand smaller isles.

Many of the maps that display the location of ancient Tarshish locate it around or beyond the Strait of Gibraltar. The Strait of Gibraltar is the westernmost part of the Mediterranean Sea before it merges with the Atlantic Ocean. It is the water barrier that separates Southern Spain from Northern Morocco. It is far to the west of Israel, which is also a point made in Psalm 48:7. The Psalm says, “As when You break the ships of Tarshish With an east wind.” This implies that the ships are coming to the Middle East from the west, rather than the east.
Bible prophecy expert Dr. Mark Hitchcock points out a possible connection between Tarshish and Britain in his book entitled, “The Late Great United States.” Hitchcock states;

“Some archeologists believe that Tarshish was the ancient name of Britain. “Tarshish” can also mean “beyond Gibraltar” depending on your translation. Tarshish and her villages or young lions — in other words Britain which then settled Canada and the United States and Australia.”[ii]
Dr. J. R. Church, the founder of Prophecy in the News, says the following about Tarshish in his book called, “The Guardians of the Grail.”

An inscription discovered in 1780, on a cliff above Mt. Hope Bay in Bristol, Rhode Island, contained an engraving that read “Voyagers from Tarshish this stone proclaims.” … Believed to be inscribed around 533 B.C….Harvard University has found five locations within the United States where the merchants of Tarshish had colonies.”[iii]

Another respected Bible prophecy experts that advocates this same connection is Dr. David Hocking, of Hope for Today Ministries. We shared a speaking platform together on July 3, 2011. During that event, Dr. Hocking provided several sound biblical, historical and archaeological reasons that support America as the Young Lions of Tarshish. Dr. Hocking’s conclusion that he gave at the event is quoted below. You can watch this entire event at this website: https://vimeo.com/26460214

“If you ask me today if the USA is in Bible prophecy, I would have to say on the basis of historical documentation and on the basis of the British museum and all of its records around Glastonbury that it begins with Great Britain (Tarshish), and undoubtedly as a seed-bearing people it refers to the USA as the “Young Lions.”
What was Tarshish famous for?

Tarshish’s claim to historical fame was primarily two-fold. First, they were known for their vast wealth and abundant mineral and metal resources. We glean this from historical accounts as well as several Scriptures. One example is found in Ezekiel 27:12, which says, “Tarshish was your (Tyre) merchant because of your many luxury goods. They gave you silver, iron, tin, and lead for your goods.”

This verse, written around 587 BC, acknowledged that “tin” was among the primary metals that came from Tarshish. Cornwall, a county on England’s rugged southwestern tip, was the only major source of tin in Europe for the past 2,500 years. In the 19th century there were approximately 400 mines in Cornwall employing 18,000 people. It is also true that the mountains of Wales, just north of Cornwall have been a source of all the minerals and metals listed above in Ezekiel 27:12.[iv]

Second, Tarshish gained renown for their extremely sturdy ships. These seaworthy vessels would take extended voyages to transport their exports and imports across the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. These ships of Tarshish are alluded to at least nine times in the Bible.

The ships of Tarshish were carriers of your (Tyre’s) merchandise. You were filled and very glorious in the midst of the seas. (Ezekiel 27:25; emphasis added)

What About Tarshish Today?

Ezekiel 38:8, 16 notifies that this is a prophecy that finds fulfillment in the last days. Ezekiel 38:13 places Tarshish in the epic event. Since these appear to be the last days, then it’s safe to say that ancient Tarshish has a modern day equivalent. This logical deduction applies geographically in the world, and geo-politically in the Middle East. Furthermore, Tarshish and their young lions have a relationship with Israel in this prophecy. This beckons the questions, what nation or nations have played instrumental roles in modernity in the Mideast? What countries have been interacting with Israel the most since its rebirth in 1948?

This seemingly rules out Spain as Tarshish and the Latin American countries as the young lions. The Spanish Empire was a dominant world influence in between the late 15th century until the early 19th century. During that time, Spain shared the global power struggle with the Ottoman Empire, which controlled the Middle East between 1517-1917. Today both empires have faded from their former glories and neither has much influence in the geo-political affairs of the Middle East in general and Israel specifically.

Around the end of the 18th century, the second rise of the British Empire began. At its height it was considered the largest empire in history. No other nation in history created as many colonies (young lions).[v] The empire grew so rapidly that it became characterized by the phrase, “the empire on which the sun never set.” By 1922, the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world’s population. Moreover, the empire covered more than 13,000,000 square miles, almost a quarter of the Earth’s total land area.[vi]

The Ottoman Empire’s control over the Middle East ended with its defeat in World War I. Subsequently, Britain and France took sovereignty over the territory. When Israel was rebirthed in 1948, it was Britain, rather than Spain, that controlled the subject territory, which at the time was called Palestine.


I am convinced that the majority of biblical, historical, archaeological, geographical and geo-political arguments for the identity of Tarshish and their young lions favor Britain and America. My conclusions are also based upon a thorough examination of several respectable commentaries that attempted to connect Tarshish to Spain.

In the end analysis, BREXIT seemingly paves the way for the fulfillment Britain’s role as the “Merchants of Tarshish” in Ezekiel 38:13. The UK is now free to act independently from all future EU governing decisions. BREXIT further implies that Ezekiel 38 is about to happen. I provide several reasons why the Revived Roman Empire of Daniel 2 and 7 follows after the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 in my related article called, BREXIT: The Biblical Perspective for the UK, US and EU.

If Britain and the USA are mentioned as mere protestors in Ezekiel 38:13, then this should trouble Americans. Why does the greatest superpower that ever existed seem to abstain from fighting alongside Israel at this critical point in its future? We are presently Israel’s greatest ally!

Why does the USA seem content to remain on the sidelines when Russia and its hordes invade Israel? Is it because America declines from superpower status between now and Ezekiel 38? Britain already has! In only seventy years, between 1920 and 1990, in the midst of Israel’s rebirthing process, Britain collapsed as a world superpower. Now the sun always sets on the British Empire. Today the UK only spans 94,058 square miles and has a population of only about 64 million.

It’s easy to see why Britain, as Tarshish in the prophecy, would tremble at the thought of fighting against the Magog coalition. But what about the USA? Is America following in Britain’s same failed footsteps? Will America turn its back on God and Israel, like Britain did when it failed to enact the Balfour Declaration, which was drafted in 1917? Britain’s failure to provide territory for a Jewish State at the time contributed to the extermination of approximately 6 million Jews in World War II!

Will America’s decades long push to divide the land of Israel into two states have the same consequences? Joel 3:2 says that one of the reasons God judges the nations is for dividing his land.


We . will . not . go . back . to . the . Brits.

I had ancestors, who fought for our freedom from them. Handing the U.S. back to England in NOT an option :tap:
My 5th Great-Grandfather ended up a POW in their clutches.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Shame on President Trump!!!

Some might even call what he said, especially in light of his position, TREASONOUS :tap:
:furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:

That would also be a short-cut to imposing sharia here :apost: :ban:

:overreaction: EXCEPT IT'S NOT even a little bit of an overreaction :tap:

We . will . not . go . back . to . the . Brits.

I had ancestors, who fought for our freedom from them. Handing the U.S. back to England in NOT an option :tap:
My 5th Great-Grandfather ended up a POW in their clutches.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Shame on President Trump!!!

Some might even call what he said, especially in light of his position, TREASONOUS :tap:
:furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:

That would also be a short-cut to imposing sharia here :apost: :ban:

:overreaction: EXCEPT IT'S NOT even a little bit of an overreaction :tap:
It's okay sister.
Trump is not handing America back to Britain.
Being a "Member of the Commonwealth", as he is accepting Charles invitation, won't lose America's Independence, but it does give the same benefits as though we have dual citizenship per say.

This is from the article:

Member states have no legal obligation to one another, though citizenship in one Commonwealth country does provide benefits in the UK — including the right to live, travel, study or work for up to six months without the need to apply for a visa beforehand.

The US unilaterally declaring independence from Britain in 1776, and securing its independence via the Treaty of Paris seven years later following a bloody war, would not be an obstacle to membership.
It's okay sister.
Trump is not handing America back to Britain.
Being a "Member of the Commonwealth", as he is accepting Charles invitation, won't lose America's Independence, but it does give the same benefits as though we have dual citizenship per say.

This is from the article:

Member states have no legal obligation to one another, though citizenship in one Commonwealth country does provide benefits in the UK — including the right to live, travel, study or work for up to six months without the need to apply for a visa beforehand.

The US unilaterally declaring independence from Britain in 1776, and securing its independence via the Treaty of Paris seven years later following a bloody war, would not be an obstacle to membership.
That means the UK could send more terrorists our way. They've become essentially a Muslim country. Or even "just" send Muslims here to marry US citizens to gain citizenship, etc. This also means all the other "associates" can come in and do the same thing.

I still say it's bad. Maybe even worse than the open borders because the "visitors" would be here legally and couldn't be deported as easily as people here illegally. India has millions and millions and millions that would love to come here and have an anchor baby in the US. Not all of UK former colonies share western values, and even fewer, Cristian.

Eventually, I could see this new Commonwealth creating major military and treaty problems for the US.

EDITED TO ADD: And security, safety, freedom, and religious issues. And maybe problems keeping allegiance WITH ISRAEL.
This is bad. VERY BAD. Trump seems to have failed basic history and law.

Like many a Trump pronouncement lately, this appears NOT to have been well thought out. He either doesn't listen to his advisors or they aren't willing to jeopardize their position with him by giving him some much needed feedback.

Several reasons.

Not the least of which is America would lose it's full and complete independence from Britain which they gained in the War of Independence in 1776. Stepping back into this partnership might be a nice thing for a photo op, but legally it opens up a can of worms. I'm sure that wouldn't worry Trump, he will plow thru any red tape put in his way, but this could bite down the road should the Lord tarry and you end up with a different weaker president.

While the Commonwealth looks like an innocent group of British democracies that band together for trade and other mutual benefits it is ALSO a constant recognition that members of the Commonwealth......

.......BELONG to the CROWN - the Royal family under King Charles. You see Charles is the king of Britain, BUT ALSO independent of that monarchy he is also the King of Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

India is a notable exception to that rule, and that required a special declaration in 1949 to allow it to exist within the Commonwealth, but as an independent Republic. Ditto many of the other countries within the Commonwealth.

Then we come to the fact that built into the Commonwealth is a number of free trade agreements that Canada - yes CANADA is part of.

Trump would have to drop all his tariffs and trade war stuff IMMEDIATELY to gain entry into the Commonwealth- not only with Canada but also with Britain, Australia and New Zealand. (I'm aware of some stuff going on with Britain, and Aus, but not sure of NZ.)

There are 56 countries in the Commonwealth, not just Canada, Aus and NZ! All were former British Colonies, but now are independent countries, and like Canada, they have a formal separation agreement, while many of us still retain the monarchy as our head of State.

Then there is the free travel by Commonwealth members. That would IMMEDIATELY stop Trump's ability to use ICE to deport people from those countries and grant them legal status within the Commonwealth, which would then include the USA.

Lawsuits would have a case! Because members of the commonwealth ARE guaranteed rights within the Commonwealth by law. Not the least of which is the right to hear the charges, and get a lawyer and not be held without legal representation and notification of our Embassies. That has NOT been the case with some recent ICE arrests and detainment and release without apology of German and Canadian citizens - I've been watching those cases with interest.

Not only is this stunningly ignorant of the nature and legal basis of the British Commonwealth, it is downright dangerous to the US Constitution based on your War of Independence in 1776 and all the legal framework that built up the US Constitution since that date.

in one word


And I'm not just saying this as a member of the commonwealth, many of whose 56 countries, plus Britain have tariffs levied by Trump against us, but as a fan of the US Constitution and the unusual Republic (NOT a democracy although commonly thought of as such) who SHOULD remain independent!

But you shouldn't worry, Trump was responding to a gossip piece from the Sun newspaper in Britain, definitely NOT an official mouthpiece of King Charles.

AS the King of Canada, Great Britain and several other Commonwealth nations - King Charles would NOT be offering membership in the Commonwealth to a country that is in a major trade war with any member of the Commonwealth or who has recently held members of the Commonwealth in prison without ability to contact a lawyer or their embassy (Canadian citizen, later released without charges or apologies after family started to worry)

I don't know where the Sun dug this idea up, but it's a non starter.
This is bad. VERY BAD. Trump seems to have failed basic history and law.

Like many a Trump pronouncement lately, this appears NOT to have been well thought out. He either doesn't listen to his advisors or they aren't willing to jeopardize their position with him by giving him some much needed feedback.

Several reasons.

Not the least of which is America would lose it's full and complete independence from Britain which they gained in the War of Independence in 1776. Stepping back into this partnership might be a nice thing for a photo op, but legally it opens up a can of worms. I'm sure that wouldn't worry Trump, he will plow thru any red tape put in his way, but this could bite down the road should the Lord tarry and you end up with a different weaker president.

While the Commonwealth looks like an innocent group of British democracies that band together for trade and other mutual benefits it is ALSO a constant recognition that members of the Commonwealth......

.......BELONG to the CROWN - the Royal family under King Charles. You see Charles is the king of Britain, BUT ALSO independent of that monarchy he is also the King of Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

India is a notable exception to that rule, and that required a special declaration in 1949 to allow it to exist within the Commonwealth, but as an independent Republic. Ditto many of the other countries within the Commonwealth.

Then we come to the fact that built into the Commonwealth is a number of free trade agreements that Canada - yes CANADA is part of.

Trump would have to drop all his tariffs and trade war stuff IMMEDIATELY to gain entry into the Commonwealth- not only with Canada but also with Britain, Australia and New Zealand. (I'm aware of some stuff going on with Britain, and Aus, but not sure of NZ.)

There are 56 countries in the Commonwealth, not just Canada, Aus and NZ! All were former British Colonies, but now are independent countries, and like Canada, they have a formal separation agreement, while many of us still retain the monarchy as our head of State.

Then there is the free travel by Commonwealth members. That would IMMEDIATELY stop Trump's ability to use ICE to deport people from those countries and grant them legal status within the Commonwealth, which would then include the USA.

Lawsuits would have a case! Because members of the commonwealth ARE guaranteed rights within the Commonwealth by law. Not the least of which is the right to hear the charges, and get a lawyer and not be held without legal representation and notification of our Embassies. That has NOT been the case with some recent ICE arrests and detainment and release without apology of German and Canadian citizens - I've been watching those cases with interest.

Not only is this stunningly ignorant of the nature and legal basis of the British Commonwealth, it is downright dangerous to the US Constitution based on your War of Independence in 1776 and all the legal framework that built up the US Constitution since that date.

in one word


And I'm not just saying this as a member of the commonwealth, many of whose 56 countries, plus Britain have tariffs levied by Trump against us, but as a fan of the US Constitution and the unusual Republic (NOT a democracy although commonly thought of as such) who SHOULD remain independent!

But you shouldn't worry, Trump was responding to a gossip piece from the Sun newspaper in Britain, definitely NOT an official mouthpiece of King Charles.

AS the King of Canada, Great Britain and several other Commonwealth nations - King Charles would NOT be offering membership in the Commonwealth to a country that is in a major trade war with any member of the Commonwealth or who has recently held members of the Commonwealth in prison without ability to contact a lawyer or their embassy (Canadian citizen, later released without charges or apologies after family started to worry)

I don't know where the Sun dug this idea up, but it's a non starter.
I agree completely.
Just the fact that it's no secret that Charles is a globalist and they know Trump is a Nationalist places a big wedge that can't be ignored and in the long run this "membership" isn't going to fair well for America.
I agree completely.
Just the fact that it's no secret that Charles is a globalist and they know Trump is a Nationalist places a big wedge that can't be ignored and in the long run this "membership" isn't going to fair well for America.
I was honestly shocked and horrified to see this article!

Charles is a globalist, but even as King he has no right to force his globalist vision on any country he is King of. That has to go thru the usual democratic channels and given that our Commonwealth leaders are of one mind with him on the joys of globalism, this is not an issue.

One of the reasons I'm shocked to the core is that fact I mentioned about the US Constitution and the REPUBLIC that you've formed.

It is significantly DIFFERENT than the democracies around the world, including the daughters of Tarshish (providing Britain is Tarshish which I think is the case).

It's nice to have America - being the embodiment of that Monte Python quote "AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT"

It has meant that you can act with a degree of independence that the rest of us can only wish for.

So keep your Constitution, don't muck it up and keep trying to have a free and independent election process on your own inimitable schedule. Trade wars come and go, but America needs to remain true to it's convictions for her sake, and the sake of the free world.

MAKE REAGAN PROUD! Stay the course! (at least till the Rapture, then as I have often observed here and elsewhere, after that event, anything goes!)
I was honestly shocked and horrified to see this article!

Charles is a globalist, but even as King he has no right to force his globalist vision on any country he is King of. That has to go thru the usual democratic channels and given that our Commonwealth leaders are of one mind with him on the joys of globalism, this is not an issue.

One of the reasons I'm shocked to the core is that fact I mentioned about the US Constitution and the REPUBLIC that you've formed.

It is significantly DIFFERENT than the democracies around the world, including the daughters of Tarshish (providing Britain is Tarshish which I think is the case).

It's nice to have America - being the embodiment of that Monte Python quote "AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT"

It has meant that you can act with a degree of independence that the rest of us can only wish for.

So keep your Constitution, don't muck it up and keep trying to have a free and independent election process on your own inimitable schedule. Trade wars come and go, but America needs to remain true to it's convictions for her sake, and the sake of the free world.

MAKE REAGAN PROUD! Stay the course! (at least till the Rapture, then as I have often observed here and elsewhere, after that event, anything goes!)
A lot has been happening out of the Norm.
Some things have us scratching our heads and doesn't make a lot of sense.
But We Know that God is in Control and nothing happens that He doesn't permit, and the final outcome is always according to His will.
Everything will result in fulfilling God's ultimate Plan that will not fail. His Coming Kingdom ruled by our Lord Jesus and We shall rule With Him.
Oh Rose, @1LoverofGod I didn't mean I was shocked and horrified at you posting the article, I suddenly realized I could have sounded that way.

No, I was shocked by the very thought of America tossing aside the Revolution that formed her, the Constitution that was written Amendment by Amendment, the freedom and independence she holds dear and has done for over 250 years for single whimsical gesture by one sitting President in response to an emotional bond with King Charles.

Presidents come and go like clockwork (I wish we had term limits up here) but your Republic is grounded in your Constitution, which by my understanding is above the President.

The Constitution is the over arching authority under which any President governs for his short terms in office, limited to 2 terms, each term limited to 4 years. He is not allowed to change the Constitution or go against it. His oath is to uphold it. He derives governing authority from that Constitution. I might be wrong, the legal experts in American Constitutional law might see it differently, but that is how this one Canadian sees it.
Oh Rose, @1LoverofGod I didn't mean I was shocked and horrified at you posting the article, I suddenly realized I could have sounded that way.

No, I was shocked by the very thought of America tossing aside the Revolution that formed her, the Constitution that was written Amendment by Amendment, the freedom and independence she holds dear and has done for over 250 years for single whimsical gesture by one sitting President in response to an emotional bond with King Charles.

Presidents come and go like clockwork (I wish we had term limits up here) but your Republic is grounded in your Constitution, which by my understanding is above the President.

The Constitution is the over arching authority under which any President governs for his short terms in office, limited to 2 terms, each term limited to 4 years. He is not allowed to change the Constitution or go against it. His oath is to uphold it. He derives governing authority from that Constitution. I might be wrong, the legal experts in American Constitutional law might see it differently, but that is how this one Canadian sees it.
I understood where you were coming from.
Robin, you know something about law, so does @Hol - The Constitution is a higher authority than a President, and the President derives his authority from the Constitution which is the governing document- the source of American law and govt??? Am I right or did I misunderstand things?

Sounds right to me. I believe this was just our president being jovial and striking up a friendship, nothing more.
Robin, you know something about law, so does @Hol - The Constitution is a higher authority than a President, and the President derives his authority from the Constitution which is the governing document- the source of American law and govt??? Am I right or did I misunderstand things?
Even the President of the US is bound by the Constitution.
This is why the framers established the three separate powers in government.
The Executive.. President
The Legislative... Congress
And the Judicial... Supreme Court. The balance in power is meant to keep one branch in government from over reaching authority.

But anymore it seems that the Constitution is no more than a floor mat to wipe one's feet. Sad but true.
Trump reveres our Constitution and especially George Washington so I would find it hard to believe he would want to give over our sovereignty.
I don't think he does, I just don't think he realized the ramifications of what he said.
Sounds right to me. I believe this was just our president being jovial and striking up a friendship, nothing more.
I think Robin is right, but it was a stunner hearing that.