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The United States is in trouble

Going back for a moment to the "Democrats are evil" statement. I do not believe Democrats are evil, at least not the rank and file members. I believe the platform of the Democrat party is pure evil, coming from an evil place. But the average Democrat is not evil in purpose: the average Democrat is simply deluded. Completely deluded. And so are many Republicans and Independents. This is what happens when you reject the word of God. The delusion that God warned of is increasing everywhere and now has a firm hold on most societies in this world. Spiritual darkness is covering this world ... and this nation. This is why it is so important we let our lights shine as brightly as we can.
Adrian spoke much truth above. The highlighted is what is tearing my heart out with relatives. They are intelligent, educated, mostly balanced... and they cannot "see" it! Yet every devoted, practicing and fruitful Christian I know "sees" it. Therefore this must be a spiritual blindness cast upon these people. Rational dialogue will not budge it. They are seething in hate towards truth, and openly support the satanic platform of a certain party... saying "well, abortion is just one of the issues..." They to a person each have a certain area where they will not conform to God's law, or as I say it, His Will and His Ways. Are we seeing the separation of wheat and chaff in real time? Is this unyielding the definition of the "narrow gate?" He knows, I don't and time will tell...

On a second note, I think Chris Martenson, PhD on "X" is the most balanced citizen analyst of the events of Trumps attempted assination. I have the software to do spectral analysis of sounds, and have conducted the analysis myself. I do not have all the witness audio recordings that Chris has.

My current analysis was 3 + 5 + 1 long delay +1 heavy round. The sound of the first 3 was different than the later 5. The first three also had the cadence of a "professional" marksman to me. The next 5 were undisciplined scatter firings. One piece of new evidence I got last night was that the kid had a 1:1 red dot (no amplification) optics and iron sights on the side of the rifle. If the first 3 were on the red dot with the weapon upright and the next 5 were on the iron sights with the weapon rotated 90 degrees, it "could" account for the spectral differences I noticed. This would need a test in the environment of the recording to verify... which we won't get. Either that or there was 2 different weapons in the first discharges. The latter were rounds from the PA swat team, then the USSS team in my opinion.

I am deeply saddened by the state of my beloved country. A country our forefathers fought and died for. But as it abandons God so it abandons its future.