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The United States is in trouble

If this video is true with what was established regarding more than one shooter, then this is what I believed happened. I did say if, so I am not verifying that the video is correct.

Matthew Crooks was a patsy just like Oswald was in the Kennedy assassination. The plan was for all shooters to get ready to fire at the same time. This would assure that Trump would be killed. However Crooks was surprised by the policeman who saw him on the roof which forced Crooks to start shooting before they were ready. This is what caused all three shooter to miss as they were all rushing.

If my theory is correct, then that would make the policeman a hero. It would also mean that Crooks rushing to start shooting saved Trump. The sad part is that it caused one of the spectators to be killed.
I did watch the Dr. Martenson video. He makes good points.

Regardless of how many shooters there were, or who all were in on the planning, I wish people would stop saying this:
However Crooks was surprised by the policeman who saw him on the roof which forced Crooks to start shooting before they were ready. This is what caused all three shooter to miss as they were all rushing.
The shot was on target, and Pres. Trump would be dead if he hadn't slightly turned his head.

God protected him. It wasn't a missed shot. Even Trump credits God.
My thoughts are both parties are very evil and, the majority of elected officials from both parties are working hand in hand to break the USA while pretending to be enemies.
I agree but it's on a global scale. The satanic corruption is not only consuming the US, but even Israel (though God will stop them in Israel). There are some who have spoken out in Israel that as Oct. 7 happened there were those high up in their military who not only were warned, but knew it was happening hours before they sounded an alarm. Why?, because they hate Benjamin Netanyahu. Also, as Benny Gantz was initially in Israel's war team, he's the one pumping the brakes on IDF operations in Gaza.
I was making a generalization and was not saying that is how everyone thinks. Don't take it personally. I guess I should have said that the Democratic is party evil.
No I didn’t take it personally. But I was wondering what your personal thoughts were because I see more and more on the internet the very strong accusations. Also from some of my own family who took the red pill and call the Dems evil as persons because they support abortion. But what they don’t understand it’s not because they are a Dem what makes them evil. (But it certainly doesn’t help because evil broods evil and they are in an echo chamber of their own delusions)
The shot was on target, and Pres. Trump would be dead if he hadn't slightly turned his head.
Yes, its not possible for even the best shooter to make a rushed shot that was right on target. His shot took time to make it that well aimed.

Side note - Who is Chris Martenson in the video? Seems like another in a long list of click bait videos looking for likes. Im not watching an hour long video from an unknown.
I did watch the Dr. Martenson video. He makes good points.

Regardless of how many shooters there were, or who all were in on the planning, I wish people would stop saying this:

The shot was on target, and Pres. Trump would be dead if he hadn't slightly turned his head.

God protected him. It wasn't a missed shot. Even Trump credits God.
I was not at all saying that God was not involved. Sure I believe that God had Trump turn his head, but he also caused the other shooters to miss because they were not ready to shoot. I never said God was not involved and I do think that he was! :noidea:
I think you’re right but I have my moments where I wonder and I think it’s because there is just so much craziness going on I just don’t trust what I see and hear anymore from anyone. I will continue to believe the best regarding Trump though and ignore my other thoughts because I do love the man and will vote for him.
Been thinking about this more and I do believe that what we are seeing is a sincere man who doesn’t have the Holy Spirit and therefore without the wisdom of God. So he is affected by the delusion that is ramping up. It makes him make wrong decisions. And makes him susceptible to those wolves in red clothing.
We will never know the full truth of what happened, no way. Hiding, manipulating, withholding truth. Look how long this has been going on with Kennedy. Decades. Even if God uses someone to expose the truth, they will call it lies, and we can never be sure ourselves anyway. As Pilate said “what is truth?” Personably I have to fixate myself more than ever on the Truth Himself Jesus Christ, because all of this is so exhausting and depressing.
We will never know the full truth of what happened, no way. Hiding, manipulating, withholding truth. Look how long this has been going on with Kennedy. Decades. Even if God uses someone to expose the truth, they will call it lies, and we can never be sure ourselves anyway. As Pilate said “what is truth?” Personably I have to fixate myself more than ever on the Truth Himself Jesus Christ, because all of this is so exhausting and depressing.
I agree with you. 👍

Some say let's not rush to judgement and wait for the official report to come out. Well we see how well that worked with the Kennedy assassination and the Warren report.

The truth is they want us to wait to give them time to come up with the official coverup and lies so they can deceive us. For me the only truth is what is in the Bible. Everything else that man comes up with is flawed.
Does Abraham's dickering with God over Sodom and Gomorrah apply in any other case?

IDK, but the United States is so much like a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, and all signs point to the imminent return of Jesus, that I think it makes sense to apply the principle/pattern/promise.

Both Lot (and his immediate family) being removed from Sodom/Gomorrah before their destruction, and Noah (and his immediate family) being removed to the ark before the world-wide flood, are illustrations/patterns/principle of a pre-Trib Rapture.

Once we're outta here, at least for a moment before people realize what happened and repent/come to faith, there will be none

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
IDK, but the United States is so much like a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, and all signs point to the imminent return of Jesus, that I think it makes sense to apply the principle/pattern/promise.

I asked, because I don't think it is really relevant to the USA. Just my opinion though. In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah The Lord told Abraham that He was going to destroy those towns. Abraham then discussed this with the Lord and got Him to preserve the two towns if 10 righteous could be found therein.

In this modern time we live in, the entire world has gone quite evil. Some people hold the USA up as being especially evil, but I don't see it that way at all. The entire world is digging for itself a deep dark hole.

God's wrath this time will be 7 years of Tribulation before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ. It's written, it's coming, it's going to happen, and probably in the not too distant future. I for one am not going to ask the Lord to spare the world from His wrath which He has told us is coming just as He told Abraham that we was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
I asked, because I don't think it is really relevant to the USA. Just my opinion though. In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah The Lord told Abraham that He was going to destroy those towns. Abraham then discussed this with the Lord and got Him to preserve the two towns if 10 righteous could be found therein.

In this modern time we live in, the entire world has gone quite evil. Some people hold the USA up as being especially evil, but I don't see it that way at all. The entire world is digging for itself a deep dark hole.

God's wrath this time will be 7 years of Tribulation before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ. It's written, it's coming, it's going to happen, and probably in the not too distant future. I for one am not going to ask the Lord to spare the world from His wrath which He has told us is coming just as He told Abraham that we was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
Exactly! We are not Sodom and Gomorrah because it would be a whole lot worse if we were. The world is evil and getting worse by the minute. I agree that this will be different because it is prophesied that the judgement is coming and only those who have Faith in Jesus Christ will be saved. The World is not going to be spared but individuals can be in the rapture as we all know.
I have yet to see evidence of a second shooter. All the cell phone recordings, cameras and sounds, trajectory of bullets does not support a second shooter.
I finally found the original video with the two shooter theory which is not all that long.
I asked, because I don't think it is really relevant to the USA. Just my opinion though. In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah The Lord told Abraham that He was going to destroy those towns. Abraham then discussed this with the Lord and got Him to preserve the two towns if 10 righteous could be found therein.

In this modern time we live in, the entire world has gone quite evil. Some people hold the USA up as being especially evil, but I don't see it that way at all. The entire world is digging for itself a deep dark hole.

God's wrath this time will be 7 years of Tribulation before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ. It's written, it's coming, it's going to happen, and probably in the not too distant future. I for one am not going to ask the Lord to spare the world from His wrath which He has told us is coming just as He told Abraham that we was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is the correlation where God will remove the Church from this world before the time of wrath commences, as he preserved Lot and his family before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Going back for a moment to the "Democrats are evil" statement. I do not believe Democrats are evil, at least not the rank and file members. I believe the platform of the Democrat party is pure evil, coming from an evil place. But the average Democrat is not evil in purpose: the average Democrat is simply deluded. Completely deluded. And so are many Republicans and Independents. This is what happens when you reject the word of God. The delusion that God warned of is increasing everywhere and now has a firm hold on most societies in this world. Spiritual darkness is covering this world ... and this nation. This is why it is so important we let our lights shine as brightly as we can.
I think God's Wrath is set to come as it is written and what God says does not return void. Isaiah 55:11
When praying for this nation our focus should be to pray for repentance and for those who don't know Jesus to seek Him so that Jesus will reveal God's Grace to them and they will take His free gift of salvation in His Son Jesus and be saved while God's Long Suffering is still here. 2 Peter 3:9
God has always judged nations throughout generations especially when nations have cursed Israel. Genesis 12:3
But His judging a nation isn't the Wrath He has stored up for all the nations coming during The Day of The Lord in the time of Jacob's trouble. That Day is coming and Jesus is coming even more quickly to take His Bride Home
I never said God was not involved and I do think that he was! :noidea:
I'm sorry if I hit a nerve, I have been overreacting each time anyone says the shooter missed because he was rushed. :hug:

Yes, its not possible for even the best shooter to make a rushed shot that was right on target. His shot took time to make it that well aimed.
Considering Andy's expertise, the shot wasn't rushed and so many claim it was (n)