Hi all. This is response to Big Moose on another thread. Moose thought it would be good to have a place to discuss the potential place of MAGA and Israel in the end times.
I am hopeful to start discussion on a series of questions asked. Please note these are only my views. I am a cessationist and do not believe we have end time prophets. So this is the best I can tell from research. This may or may not be accurate in part or whole. I would hope this forum is ok with laying this out. I took liberties to NOT include previous observations I noticed might be going a bit too far even in meanderings. So I am just trying to be helpful in answering a set of questions the best I know how to. Not holding back some fine points, while also in good faith design to be considerate of all those who reside in our form family. If others have different views or even contrary views, amen. I would love to learn from you and be open to move away from my own vain imaginings if that is what they turn out to be. I am ready at a moments notice to drop this view should a different shoe drop and things change wildly against the odds of my views ever seeing the light of day. And in that I prefer to be wrong, than insist I must be right somewhere. For this whole things could be grostesquely off. I don't believe so. But also, I would not exactly be surprised if it ends up being so. With that I wish good will, love and kindness, and consideration to all. But am sharing from the heart. However right, wrong, or other it might be. With that please consider the following: Blessings in advance...
Thanks Moose for the invite. And for @Margery for a green light on that. Up front, I would like to say that there are several days I have plenty of doubts that MAGA means anything in prophesy. I came to CCF from JD Farag's forum. I was there for four years. And although all throughout the days I did arrive at JDF with a 2018 conviction that God would likely use Trump in a massive way. And even though I was shocked with Biden mean, come on man. I still believed God would use Trump. In those days you would have to be in Qanon to see things like that. Admittedly I did dable into Q, but my convictions there is that even if it is something real, it uses disinformation. So, that, to me is an exercise in futility. So there was really not much to do with Q. Although Kenneth Copeland thought Trump was still president during Biden's term. lol. If that sounds odd, I would say my theories are a bit far more wild. But I will strive to maintain common courtesy in reference to proper Orthodox boundarious when engaging in a radioactive topic like this. And affirm that whatever else Copeland is, he is a false prophet. But again, after 7 years of looking at this, today, I still have reasonable to even great suspicions on my own takes. Because as I stand beside myself I would see that MAGA in some ways feels a bit cheesy to me. Originally in 2016 and 2017 I thought Trump was a shoe-in for the antichrist. So I've come a long What moved me from that stance was Daniel 11:37. So lets start there.
Daniel 11:37
He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
Now in one way we can ask, what does it mean "show no regard?" Does that mean he does not show any regard "regarding?" Or is the regard in question in the religious exercise sense? Because if the latter, then maybe Trump could still qualify. But there was a time Trump said he is not the savior and instead referenced Christ. One could argue that putting out a Bible does not show regard to God. And one could argue it might. Regardless, Trump phrasing things this way, in my opinion, makes it impossible for Daniel 11 to be talking about him:
Under 2 minute video
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My views are primarily predicated on the authority God has over His use of grammar. Whether that is in contrast or in sync with culture, whether that is in contrast or sync with aspects of church views upon sensible prophecy, and in contrast or sync with the social grammar of the New World Order or not. I start there because I honestly sense we as frail humanity can come to some observations about scripture that may tend to shoe-horn in our views more than perhaps bring out depth of what the spirit is saying. So I don't start with our biblical understanding of prophecy as much as I would see a biblical understanding of prophecy to be the silloutte proper exegesis would never end up straying beyond. So although I don't start with training wheels, to sort of speak, I believe that if the guardrails of scripture are trespassed in our own views, it should be thrown out immediately. It's just that I don't start with prophecy proper assumption.
However having said that, I do start from scripture. There is a lot of wonderful things I can say about my American reformed brothers and sister. I came out of that camp. I am no longer reformed but even though I see quite a bit of scriptural misuse in Americanizational versions of reformed thought, I do Revere quite a bit of what is found in reformed thought. I saw a level of it that yes was terrifying in ways, but in places equally if not surpassingly beautiful. One thing I differ with, for example, is the meaning of God being sovereign. In the American reformed perspective it would be determinism. Where there is no common definition outside that view that sovereign mean determinism. But where it does, this is also a belief about Allah in the Muslim faith, of which ours of course significantly differes. But where is would deeply receive the compliment to soul and search in Him of sovereign from the reformed camp is that they place the highest regard toward His sovereignty. And there is a feature of that I well ride. And even more, I believe is every bit as much a hermeneutic as other rules we might apply toward biblical interpretation. So even though I don't start prophesy with prophesy, I do start it with "the Word." And that being His character. For I perceive the character of God to be a very far reaching cue and tell toward and upon end time prophecy proper.
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Having said the above, I would suggest that if we go by the character of God, we will see very different things and themes.
I'll take a shortcut here. Directly in prophesy (and this is my view that may be inaccurate but I do not think so) Daniel's vision of the Lion flying, losing its wings and standing up with the heart of a man = America. An end time nation of consequence. While there are many voices that champion America is not in Bible prophecy...I would say Daniel differs. This was a prophecy made after the King of Babylon Nebu died. So I don't believe it means Babylon. But America.
A couple of years ago I watched a video by a production company called Parable. The title was: Is America a Christian Nation. Another shortcut. I believe America is not a Christian nation just like the video. But for entirely different reasons. That reason for me being this: Coming from England (the animal symbol of the Lion), America did not want the church to through the state to rule. They saw first hand its corruption. When the Puritans came to America, they sought religious freedom away from the control of religion or state governance over it/trhough it. They saw America likely as that which they might proffer into the 1,000 year reign. And although they did set up in Boston quite an infrastructure mirroring the Puritan clergy operations in England, the witch trials were their last leg to stand on in so doing. An unfortuneate end. But on its onset, America was seen as a land for freedom from state governned religion. And that they had in America. It is for that reason, it is by default not a Christian nation. Amen.
That parable video was 2 hours long. I only made it half way through. Because what I did is dig as deeply as I could with their claims. Parables focus was this: The Freemasons constructed a demonic nation. And it is not a Christian nation because it is the freedom of flesh nation under the devil. Pretty much that was their take. My own research took their 1 hour on a 40 hour research journey. And 40 is a conservative number. By the time I was done, there was no longer any need to watch another hour of that. For to me by then, it was nothing more than whispers of contempt to sell a sensual tale of America. I'd like to say to just make money. But they seemed sincere. Although horrifically sincerely wrong.
One example of many: Thomas Jefferson is known for taking the miracles out of the Bible. Fair enough. But Parable made Jefferson's interest in what was known about Cyrus rule (which America had great interest he was known as the father of the freedom of rights in antiquity of governance), seem demonic. Was Jefferson a believer? Probably not. But was America's interest in Cyrus correct? It was only decades later that the Cyrus cylinder was discovered archilogically affirming the otherwise primitive writings they had to go by concerning Cyrus. If you will, Cyrus kind of founded America. Mic drop.
One other small helpful detial. George Washington, known to being a mason, did have a soft spot for the Jews persecuted around the world. And wrote a letter affirming his hope that America could be a place in the world that Jews did not have to worry about being persecuted. This would seem far more in concert to God's beginning work toward offering Israel a nation again...ever so slowly bringing them out of partial hardened status (at least as much as that might be known during the age of grace--whereas they won't come out of their hardness as a full nation until Christ Himself returns--Matt 23:39). So it would appear in part (perhaps in great part) that America's good future be upon the wings of its honor toward the Abrahamic Covenant ramification.
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Earlier I mentioned I start here. The reason is kind of stupid simple in a way. If we have a good idea of the character of God in the midst of competing interests and temptations, we might do better. Much of the thrust upon the age of the watcher church movement today (as seen on YouTube) is how out there we can get. But there are quite a few really good sources on YouTube to keep an eye on for sure, amen. But the general tendency of end time consideration seems to be a) how evil things get (this is biblical, amen), and b) looking how things shape toward the tribulation (in particular the beast system). I believe those are helpful but not core. I believe what is core is God's character because we are still in the age of grace where His charecter is more easily seen in contrast to the tribulation. That is not to say that God's character is not seen in the tribulation. For wrath against evil is a part of His character, amen. But the tendency to perhaps smuggle in elements of the tribulation (or paths quickly routing us there) is very strong. And in some ways likely overwhelming. To such a degree, I believe it is a mistake to see too much of Revaltion and tribulation porch sitting and digesting that in one bite. Considering we are still in the age of grace. So that opens up this question for me: Is it easier to see prophecy through His character or aspects of the tribulation. If by easier we mean what emerges in sensational fashion, it would appear the tribulation will win. For it is a far more alluring story to see the disfiguring qualities of the tribulaiton encroaching than to be all like, "Hey, God loves you." I mean, like what do you do with THAT in end time prophecy...I mean...come
Now that is not to say that there won't be cross over. There for sure will be times like COVID and the vax where a heads up better be recognized. But the temptation to put all eggs in one frighttrain basked is huge right now. This is human nature. And the good news is that we are human. Created in His image. And the irony? The Constitution of the United States of America affirms that our rights are endowed by our creator. Not our government. So if a country founded by Cyrus, blessed by the Abrahamic Covenant, and affirmed to be a governance of those endowed by the might be not the best policy to downplay America in end time prophesy proper. Especially the last one there. Because in that aspect of the constitution we find the character of God in government constitution. Somehow, that thing about Him being sovereign and giving us our rights kind of made it into earthly, worldly, secular government? lol. Yeah. It did. So whatever God does with America, is His call. But the evidence suggests He is probably interested in using the USA.
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I don't believe it ends with Trump affirming Jersualem and Golan Heights. I do believe that America has been slowly over taken by globalism since the JFK killing. So we have 60 years of influence at least since then. And a lot of people in government and education and politics and entertainemtn and such have been influenced by DEI principles. So just on that alone, makes a very inept America. On top of that is real world crime syndicate interest in owning the FED printing press. And unfortunately I do strongly believe that much money (if not most to all) budgeted in Congress is hugely laundered outside the country. And is money for possession. Not so much for programs. The Trillion + missing in the Pentagon amidst 911. All that money to Ukraine (the globalist money laundering Disneyland of the world)? The bullet train in California. Billions. Missing. Always. Absolutely no accountabitlity. The USA is in the thrawls of globalist crime syndication. And yet it still of. Just imagine if it ran on good faith.
I believe the story of end times has as much to do with the ending of the age of grace as it does about our transition into the tribulation. And I believe it means more to us this side of tribulation in age of grace spades. But it seems like our focus gets a gravitational pull toward the tribulation because it is the more sensationally understood go to prophetically. But if tempored by His character, I believe looking too intently upon a tribulation gaze can result in some fairly bad cases of Prophecy Mirage Syndrome. Get your t-shirts here folks. Coined Well what I mean by that is just that I would understand that the character of God would likely shift our head toward Israel. In the age of grace. More than the tribulation. Yes the tribuation offers much warning. And there is no shortage of cross over overlay to borrow and use as a warning, amen. But is that the core ingredient to "see" with eyes most primed to see? I don't believe so. Well this is my personal convictions. So yeah it could be wrong. But I honestly don't believe so. I mean my timing has been off all over the place. But the general trajectory (at least until today) seems to be rather steady over the course of 7 years. So it could all blow up in my face. But saying "the character of God" is the primary hue filter to discern end time prophecy is not exactly my idea. Rev 19:10. The exact presentation of God that came to die and suffer -- that character -- of the Father is the Spriit of prophecy. At least that is how I'm taking it.
So in all of that, MAGA to me just represent a constitution affirming we get our rights from God putting the NWO in its place. That to me makes the most sense. From a view of the character of God perspective. In addition, it does something else. It challenges us, I believe. Because I think most Christians would be fine with: ...and the NWO took over and brought us into the tribulation...the end. I'm fine with that. If that is the way it goes...amen. But some concerns I have on that is perhaps our tendency toward over familiarization sysndrome perhaps settling in. Now there are believers that think that Satan rules all 7 years of the tribulation. In that sense we could call it his 70th week. I am not of that view. Rather, I see the word telling us that the AC rules from the midpoint for 3.5 years. Not before. So to me, even once the tribulation hits, we still have 3.5 years before the AC actually rules the place. Where I think i've seen some Christian insurance companies starting to offer Mark of the Beast, 10-Nation Conferedacy, and Babylon the Great insurance less some of that leaks over into the age of grace. I understand how some reputable scholars will see the 10 nation conederacy bleed over into the age of grace. I think we can have liberty in our varying views. I just don't share those. I could be wrong of course. But I don't believe this NWO we see now is the one in the tribulation. I believe God might want to (and this is just me now) own the 70th week Himself. Not outsourcing to the AC. Nor allowing some NWO to own His 70th week (another overlay perhaps of my reformed upbringing). But the way I understand it is its God's 70th week for Israel. The AC just happens to live in that world. At the midpoint. Sure he makes a covenant with the many at the beginning. But his full force of power I would understand to not come until after Trumpet 5. My take is that the NWO we see now does re-emerge in the 3rd seal. But I don't see them as tribulation escorts. I would see God as having His signature over it all. Consequently some (see great deception today...amen) believe this is an age of deception. No doubt we have that. But I believe we are actually living in an age of revealing so that even that let's the world know by name: R E V E L A T I O N is coming.
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Again, sometimes I am embarrassed to hold this view. Because it seems juvenile even to me. But I do think there will likely be an awakening of sorts. We live in an age where the internet has changed the game. And given much more insight ability to the average Joe. Outpacing propaganda should we care. As this increases, I believe it is a foregone conclusion that not only will bad government be fronted off, but something perhaps in biblical proportion like Jesus's allusion to Luke 12:2 part (a). I say part a because this occured. The entire infrastructure of Israel runamuck ended in 70 AD with the destruction of their temple. So in a mirror way (and in a way foreshadowing the sheep and goats reveal & further on the great white throne judgement) since He is about to come again, it would seem fitting that some great exposure take place. I believe some of the troubled areas of this is perhaps where our social moment has tended to prep us richly in it. And by our moment we cannot possibly perceive maybe outside of it. Or so it might seem. Ok there is something I need to share first...
I believe that God is in charge of grammar. He is in charge of moment meanings. The first prophecy about Christ associated with Israel was by whom? Balaam. Yeah. Not some one to go to for prophecy. The king of Babylon ends up writing Daniel chapter 4. And Caiaphas in John 11:15 prophesied. I believe things could be said in our age from the commons and it means possibly something so much more. I am a cessationist so I don't believe we have modern day prophets. What I mean though is that God can use the commoner language to do with it whatever He wants kind of thing. So like in that sense, I would see the great awakening (if there even is one) to be a time in the age of grace where mankind sees stuff hidden for a long time. If we leave it at that pedestrian level, I probably won't get into too much trouble. But see I am viewing things along the lines of God being providentially active according to His character toward His creation in the end times of the age of grace closing. I don't typically put Halloween stickers on it. Like making it an AC thing. Because to me, even though the world is in the lap of the evil one, God is sovereign. And this is His age of grace still. It's not like God does not have access nor control. So I tend to go with winds having more His earmark than what deception does with things. This may not be being the sharpest tool in the shed. But I am often on very different pages than the general watcher consensus. Although I still do find much value in those views too. Amen. But here...
Ok so you know for a long time we thought maybe the rapture would be on a Holy Feast Day? I thought that about the Feast of Trumpets in 2017. So I'm not above doing that....I did. And was shocked when it became 9-24 and I was still here. In part though, why would we be looking for a sign to be the thing it was signing? It kind of does not make sense if we think about it. How I look at 2017 now 9-23 is a sign for the coming 1st seal. But I know that is several counties over from just saying. But check this out. So you know what I do believe the Feast of Trumpets is though? Cuz I traveled 25 miles to a library to get a book about it. In 2017. I was bumbed because I thought that the book would help me understand the rapture. You know what I got instead? It was 10 days of morning and circumspect leading to the Day of Atonement. So that so did not But you know what it might? And I believe this matters. See why...
I believe the Feast of Trumpets at Christs return is...drum roll please...ta dah...the Sign of the Son of Man. WHAT? Said no one ever. Come on, really? What's wrong with you dude? lol. Ok but hear me out. It is the first of the Fall fests right? We know the Feast of Tabernacles is the 1,000 year reign. Right? And the Atonment for believers is Christ. For those rejecting Christ, they get one too. And the version of that being alive on earth then is the Supper of God brought them by no other than the Rev 14 reapers. So, 10 days before that, what? We know there is a Sign of the Son of Man somewhere in all that, right? And when they see Him they Mourn. You know this sounds like the Feast of Trumpets. Because they see Him. A sign of Him. And Mourn. And then 10 days later, had they not believed (don't go back into the house, right....). There is an event of decision here it looks like. Do you want Him? Or door number 2? If door 2, you become God's supper. Not good. So why do I bring this up?
As a mirror it would seem looking back the "revealing" was the 70 AD collapse of the temple. And diaspora. Wake up all. No more OT for your guys. We know at the end of the tribulation there is that end piece of decision or reflection...or something, right? Ok so mirror back / mirror forward. What if the age of grace is its own age? The church age. What if the age of grace is its own end time? An economy just shy but right up against the tribulation? I believe I can make this case with Israel. So please don't loose me just yet. But what if there is a miniature golf version at the end of the age of grace where the commons wake up? See those seeing the sign of the Son of Man are not guaranteed salvation. Right? They have to choose. Christ or Reaper. Decide. So what if the actual event of the great awakening has more to do with a mirror effect along the way? Not a spiritual awakening through some bogus version of the church via MAGA. But if MAGA is kind of the signature event prompt for, "dinner time." Just the bell ringer? Maybe that bell ringer is not even saved. Like Caiaphas. Like Baalam?
See to me it makes sense if we don't own the grammar and God does, He might make doodles in the American sand signature to read...America has a constitution that = God gave you your rights "oh world." Told by a gentile nation to the world through dumbed down bell ringing. An awakening. Maybe a moment God provides clarity for the age of grace proper. Saved and unsaved. Like the condition of the 1st century. And if the Feast of Trumpets is the Sign of the Son of Man, that. The Jews looking then aren't saved...yet. So to me I just don't tend to give too much credit to secular vibes when God is hot in His moment. So let's ask. Is He hot? Is this a hot moment for Him? See if we see this according to His character it drowns out the whole America this or that Trump this or that thing. Ultimately, God is THE actor THe player. So if we extrapulate...yeah. Anywayz. There may not be one and its just smoke and mirrors. If Trump turns out to be dud...or Hagelian Dialectic operation, yeah I 'll be mad. But since it was just me in hopeful thoughts of what God might do (like a rapture vibe), I'll probably get over it pretty fast.
I think we can consider both and be ok though. But to me, the smart money is the former. Because if the fabric of age of grace endtimes is His character MORE than all the world being in the lap of the evil. Cha-ching. I mean it kinda calibrates for me in a way. But really...Israel to me (the best for last) is the MOTHER PAY LOAD here.
But first one last thing here, please. Look this is an extremely controversial topic. Am I going out on a limb? Yeah. Totally. If I said the Lord told me this, my whole concept should be taken down. But this is just my leanings from research and 7 years of study. Which may in the end all be...nothing. But I am hopeful it remains for discussion. Because if this is off, any change to clarify that in my own heart would be helpful. Amen. But this issue about the great awakening is radioactive because it is something touted by unbelievers and possibly even a total spyop. So why in the world give it any thought? If the things I post here are radioactive, please note there are 10 times the things I could post I am totally holding back because it would not be proper to lay out, me thinks. But at least to get something on the table, yeah, this. So here is one thing I could hold a candle for some kind of exposing to come. We are alive at a time when Chrsitian persecution world wide has been at an all time high. Not long ago Fox news demonstrated a million Christian killed in 1 decade. It is high. It is super high. That is not a great awakening. But there is something else. This has also been an age where Muslim conversion to Chrstianity has been off the charts. Making Iran the capital of conversion. Now we can say in the end times people don't run to Christ. It is more a secular thing. Not according to Iran. So again, the way I see this is we can frame this how we want. We can say, "Oh its secular." or "Oh its deception." Or we could just look at all the things combined and not rush to put tags on it. Like maybe it is a time where Christians are literally persecuted the most AND Muslims are converting at a super all time high together. So we can have opinions on that. But I don't think any man or office owns the directors cut here. So it breaths room to consider, I believe. That if it is a time where Muslim conversion is at an all time high AND we think this is a time of super pagan non-conversion mostly...we might want to reconsider for the sake of sober mindedness. And let the chips fall where they may and then gather hopeful better perspectives as we go kind of thing. And in all of that there is this: Maybe God does a "but God" moment here aside from Trump, aside from America, and aside from our notions. I think that is ok to say. Again it may not be accurate. But would it not be worse not to consider that as a potential being that the mind we are most hopeful to discover here is what God might be doing in it all? Not of course to set ourselves up for being deceived. But just to be open to real world discussion. Since there are no shortage of views flying off the shelves like crazy. King Joah, in 2 Kings 13, at Elishas command only shot 3 arrows into the ground. At which Elisha shamed him not doing more. An economy of opportunity. A Steward of the moment. Since we have all the internet and each other...striking more arrows might be a good thing.
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Ok so on this one, perhaps this should have been first. But this is the one that does that seems most obvious. But for some reason seems to not get too much press for some reason. Not sure why. But for starts, the way the question is asked "What is the Israel of the scripture we must support?" First off I believe the Israel that is in Israel is Israel. I came from the reformed world where there is a tendency of replacement theology. Thinking the church is Israel. If meant, I would testify that to the best of my earnest heart, the Israel that now is is very likely the ones to face Ez 38. And through it, the tribulation, their 70th week. If others see something else, fine. We can talk. But that is my bid.
Not only that, but also, I believe that as many a Bible scholar has attested to, that we are getting closer and closer to Ezekiel 38 timing. We can tell by how much things look like Ezekiel 38. What seems missing is two major pieces. Saudi nomralization and the nations there so doing also brings in to the Abraham Accords. And Israels peace and safety. The later I believe is due to how God might position America in their favor. Along with the Abraham Accords. I would also see a very likely Saudi normalization through Trump's America. It kind of makes sense, don't it though? But as we know, we can be tracking along and BAM! Something we don't know what to do with. As may be yet the case still. But I would guess a Saudi normalization prior to summer 2026. And an Israeli peace and safety too nearing that timeframe or just after. Best guess at this point.
The other thing I would like to say about Israel is that it would seem to me that since Ez 38 is the grandest piece of prophesy with such fine details, it would seem fitting to be for a time open to end ours. To see it. And realize its a clock. More than Revelation. More than the beast system. More than the AC. And more than the 10 nation confederacy. Well that is my bid. And it makes sense in the character of God giving us super low hanging fruit like Ez 38 while Isreal is right there in our faces and larger than life in the news and social media issues. Since God is providing this level of noise and "revealing" it would seem adjacent to how He might permit other revealings too. Just saying.
Well that is my take in general. I know its a lot to chew on. But if any would like to fire away, this isn't written in stone in my heart. But it is a pretty interesting consideration, no? Blessings.
Greg and TCC I wonder if we could start a thread on this subject? I have been pondering for a long time (almost as long as "What is the True Church supposed to be in our age?) where we think MAGA fits in with respect to prophecy.
I focus on themes that in the end times things will get worse and worse, as in the "birth pangs" prophecy. I am trying to understand how a MAGA style awakening happens? If there was widespread repentance and turning to God, I could see another parenthesis of peace... I do see the seeds of a turning back to God, but after watching 9/11 come and go, I suspect the hearts of the people.
EDIT: I would also like to add to this, What is "the" Israel of the Scripture that we must unilaterally support? Where/what is its manifestation today?
I am hopeful to start discussion on a series of questions asked. Please note these are only my views. I am a cessationist and do not believe we have end time prophets. So this is the best I can tell from research. This may or may not be accurate in part or whole. I would hope this forum is ok with laying this out. I took liberties to NOT include previous observations I noticed might be going a bit too far even in meanderings. So I am just trying to be helpful in answering a set of questions the best I know how to. Not holding back some fine points, while also in good faith design to be considerate of all those who reside in our form family. If others have different views or even contrary views, amen. I would love to learn from you and be open to move away from my own vain imaginings if that is what they turn out to be. I am ready at a moments notice to drop this view should a different shoe drop and things change wildly against the odds of my views ever seeing the light of day. And in that I prefer to be wrong, than insist I must be right somewhere. For this whole things could be grostesquely off. I don't believe so. But also, I would not exactly be surprised if it ends up being so. With that I wish good will, love and kindness, and consideration to all. But am sharing from the heart. However right, wrong, or other it might be. With that please consider the following: Blessings in advance...
Thanks Moose for the invite. And for @Margery for a green light on that. Up front, I would like to say that there are several days I have plenty of doubts that MAGA means anything in prophesy. I came to CCF from JD Farag's forum. I was there for four years. And although all throughout the days I did arrive at JDF with a 2018 conviction that God would likely use Trump in a massive way. And even though I was shocked with Biden mean, come on man. I still believed God would use Trump. In those days you would have to be in Qanon to see things like that. Admittedly I did dable into Q, but my convictions there is that even if it is something real, it uses disinformation. So, that, to me is an exercise in futility. So there was really not much to do with Q. Although Kenneth Copeland thought Trump was still president during Biden's term. lol. If that sounds odd, I would say my theories are a bit far more wild. But I will strive to maintain common courtesy in reference to proper Orthodox boundarious when engaging in a radioactive topic like this. And affirm that whatever else Copeland is, he is a false prophet. But again, after 7 years of looking at this, today, I still have reasonable to even great suspicions on my own takes. Because as I stand beside myself I would see that MAGA in some ways feels a bit cheesy to me. Originally in 2016 and 2017 I thought Trump was a shoe-in for the antichrist. So I've come a long What moved me from that stance was Daniel 11:37. So lets start there.
Daniel 11:37
He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
Now in one way we can ask, what does it mean "show no regard?" Does that mean he does not show any regard "regarding?" Or is the regard in question in the religious exercise sense? Because if the latter, then maybe Trump could still qualify. But there was a time Trump said he is not the savior and instead referenced Christ. One could argue that putting out a Bible does not show regard to God. And one could argue it might. Regardless, Trump phrasing things this way, in my opinion, makes it impossible for Daniel 11 to be talking about him:
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My views are primarily predicated on the authority God has over His use of grammar. Whether that is in contrast or in sync with culture, whether that is in contrast or sync with aspects of church views upon sensible prophecy, and in contrast or sync with the social grammar of the New World Order or not. I start there because I honestly sense we as frail humanity can come to some observations about scripture that may tend to shoe-horn in our views more than perhaps bring out depth of what the spirit is saying. So I don't start with our biblical understanding of prophecy as much as I would see a biblical understanding of prophecy to be the silloutte proper exegesis would never end up straying beyond. So although I don't start with training wheels, to sort of speak, I believe that if the guardrails of scripture are trespassed in our own views, it should be thrown out immediately. It's just that I don't start with prophecy proper assumption.
However having said that, I do start from scripture. There is a lot of wonderful things I can say about my American reformed brothers and sister. I came out of that camp. I am no longer reformed but even though I see quite a bit of scriptural misuse in Americanizational versions of reformed thought, I do Revere quite a bit of what is found in reformed thought. I saw a level of it that yes was terrifying in ways, but in places equally if not surpassingly beautiful. One thing I differ with, for example, is the meaning of God being sovereign. In the American reformed perspective it would be determinism. Where there is no common definition outside that view that sovereign mean determinism. But where it does, this is also a belief about Allah in the Muslim faith, of which ours of course significantly differes. But where is would deeply receive the compliment to soul and search in Him of sovereign from the reformed camp is that they place the highest regard toward His sovereignty. And there is a feature of that I well ride. And even more, I believe is every bit as much a hermeneutic as other rules we might apply toward biblical interpretation. So even though I don't start prophesy with prophesy, I do start it with "the Word." And that being His character. For I perceive the character of God to be a very far reaching cue and tell toward and upon end time prophecy proper.
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Having said the above, I would suggest that if we go by the character of God, we will see very different things and themes.
I'll take a shortcut here. Directly in prophesy (and this is my view that may be inaccurate but I do not think so) Daniel's vision of the Lion flying, losing its wings and standing up with the heart of a man = America. An end time nation of consequence. While there are many voices that champion America is not in Bible prophecy...I would say Daniel differs. This was a prophecy made after the King of Babylon Nebu died. So I don't believe it means Babylon. But America.
A couple of years ago I watched a video by a production company called Parable. The title was: Is America a Christian Nation. Another shortcut. I believe America is not a Christian nation just like the video. But for entirely different reasons. That reason for me being this: Coming from England (the animal symbol of the Lion), America did not want the church to through the state to rule. They saw first hand its corruption. When the Puritans came to America, they sought religious freedom away from the control of religion or state governance over it/trhough it. They saw America likely as that which they might proffer into the 1,000 year reign. And although they did set up in Boston quite an infrastructure mirroring the Puritan clergy operations in England, the witch trials were their last leg to stand on in so doing. An unfortuneate end. But on its onset, America was seen as a land for freedom from state governned religion. And that they had in America. It is for that reason, it is by default not a Christian nation. Amen.
That parable video was 2 hours long. I only made it half way through. Because what I did is dig as deeply as I could with their claims. Parables focus was this: The Freemasons constructed a demonic nation. And it is not a Christian nation because it is the freedom of flesh nation under the devil. Pretty much that was their take. My own research took their 1 hour on a 40 hour research journey. And 40 is a conservative number. By the time I was done, there was no longer any need to watch another hour of that. For to me by then, it was nothing more than whispers of contempt to sell a sensual tale of America. I'd like to say to just make money. But they seemed sincere. Although horrifically sincerely wrong.
One example of many: Thomas Jefferson is known for taking the miracles out of the Bible. Fair enough. But Parable made Jefferson's interest in what was known about Cyrus rule (which America had great interest he was known as the father of the freedom of rights in antiquity of governance), seem demonic. Was Jefferson a believer? Probably not. But was America's interest in Cyrus correct? It was only decades later that the Cyrus cylinder was discovered archilogically affirming the otherwise primitive writings they had to go by concerning Cyrus. If you will, Cyrus kind of founded America. Mic drop.
One other small helpful detial. George Washington, known to being a mason, did have a soft spot for the Jews persecuted around the world. And wrote a letter affirming his hope that America could be a place in the world that Jews did not have to worry about being persecuted. This would seem far more in concert to God's beginning work toward offering Israel a nation again...ever so slowly bringing them out of partial hardened status (at least as much as that might be known during the age of grace--whereas they won't come out of their hardness as a full nation until Christ Himself returns--Matt 23:39). So it would appear in part (perhaps in great part) that America's good future be upon the wings of its honor toward the Abrahamic Covenant ramification.
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Earlier I mentioned I start here. The reason is kind of stupid simple in a way. If we have a good idea of the character of God in the midst of competing interests and temptations, we might do better. Much of the thrust upon the age of the watcher church movement today (as seen on YouTube) is how out there we can get. But there are quite a few really good sources on YouTube to keep an eye on for sure, amen. But the general tendency of end time consideration seems to be a) how evil things get (this is biblical, amen), and b) looking how things shape toward the tribulation (in particular the beast system). I believe those are helpful but not core. I believe what is core is God's character because we are still in the age of grace where His charecter is more easily seen in contrast to the tribulation. That is not to say that God's character is not seen in the tribulation. For wrath against evil is a part of His character, amen. But the tendency to perhaps smuggle in elements of the tribulation (or paths quickly routing us there) is very strong. And in some ways likely overwhelming. To such a degree, I believe it is a mistake to see too much of Revaltion and tribulation porch sitting and digesting that in one bite. Considering we are still in the age of grace. So that opens up this question for me: Is it easier to see prophecy through His character or aspects of the tribulation. If by easier we mean what emerges in sensational fashion, it would appear the tribulation will win. For it is a far more alluring story to see the disfiguring qualities of the tribulaiton encroaching than to be all like, "Hey, God loves you." I mean, like what do you do with THAT in end time prophecy...I mean...come
- Ezekiel 33:11
- Hosea 11:9
Now that is not to say that there won't be cross over. There for sure will be times like COVID and the vax where a heads up better be recognized. But the temptation to put all eggs in one frighttrain basked is huge right now. This is human nature. And the good news is that we are human. Created in His image. And the irony? The Constitution of the United States of America affirms that our rights are endowed by our creator. Not our government. So if a country founded by Cyrus, blessed by the Abrahamic Covenant, and affirmed to be a governance of those endowed by the might be not the best policy to downplay America in end time prophesy proper. Especially the last one there. Because in that aspect of the constitution we find the character of God in government constitution. Somehow, that thing about Him being sovereign and giving us our rights kind of made it into earthly, worldly, secular government? lol. Yeah. It did. So whatever God does with America, is His call. But the evidence suggests He is probably interested in using the USA.
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I don't believe it ends with Trump affirming Jersualem and Golan Heights. I do believe that America has been slowly over taken by globalism since the JFK killing. So we have 60 years of influence at least since then. And a lot of people in government and education and politics and entertainemtn and such have been influenced by DEI principles. So just on that alone, makes a very inept America. On top of that is real world crime syndicate interest in owning the FED printing press. And unfortunately I do strongly believe that much money (if not most to all) budgeted in Congress is hugely laundered outside the country. And is money for possession. Not so much for programs. The Trillion + missing in the Pentagon amidst 911. All that money to Ukraine (the globalist money laundering Disneyland of the world)? The bullet train in California. Billions. Missing. Always. Absolutely no accountabitlity. The USA is in the thrawls of globalist crime syndication. And yet it still of. Just imagine if it ran on good faith.
I believe the story of end times has as much to do with the ending of the age of grace as it does about our transition into the tribulation. And I believe it means more to us this side of tribulation in age of grace spades. But it seems like our focus gets a gravitational pull toward the tribulation because it is the more sensationally understood go to prophetically. But if tempored by His character, I believe looking too intently upon a tribulation gaze can result in some fairly bad cases of Prophecy Mirage Syndrome. Get your t-shirts here folks. Coined Well what I mean by that is just that I would understand that the character of God would likely shift our head toward Israel. In the age of grace. More than the tribulation. Yes the tribuation offers much warning. And there is no shortage of cross over overlay to borrow and use as a warning, amen. But is that the core ingredient to "see" with eyes most primed to see? I don't believe so. Well this is my personal convictions. So yeah it could be wrong. But I honestly don't believe so. I mean my timing has been off all over the place. But the general trajectory (at least until today) seems to be rather steady over the course of 7 years. So it could all blow up in my face. But saying "the character of God" is the primary hue filter to discern end time prophecy is not exactly my idea. Rev 19:10. The exact presentation of God that came to die and suffer -- that character -- of the Father is the Spriit of prophecy. At least that is how I'm taking it.
So in all of that, MAGA to me just represent a constitution affirming we get our rights from God putting the NWO in its place. That to me makes the most sense. From a view of the character of God perspective. In addition, it does something else. It challenges us, I believe. Because I think most Christians would be fine with: ...and the NWO took over and brought us into the tribulation...the end. I'm fine with that. If that is the way it goes...amen. But some concerns I have on that is perhaps our tendency toward over familiarization sysndrome perhaps settling in. Now there are believers that think that Satan rules all 7 years of the tribulation. In that sense we could call it his 70th week. I am not of that view. Rather, I see the word telling us that the AC rules from the midpoint for 3.5 years. Not before. So to me, even once the tribulation hits, we still have 3.5 years before the AC actually rules the place. Where I think i've seen some Christian insurance companies starting to offer Mark of the Beast, 10-Nation Conferedacy, and Babylon the Great insurance less some of that leaks over into the age of grace. I understand how some reputable scholars will see the 10 nation conederacy bleed over into the age of grace. I think we can have liberty in our varying views. I just don't share those. I could be wrong of course. But I don't believe this NWO we see now is the one in the tribulation. I believe God might want to (and this is just me now) own the 70th week Himself. Not outsourcing to the AC. Nor allowing some NWO to own His 70th week (another overlay perhaps of my reformed upbringing). But the way I understand it is its God's 70th week for Israel. The AC just happens to live in that world. At the midpoint. Sure he makes a covenant with the many at the beginning. But his full force of power I would understand to not come until after Trumpet 5. My take is that the NWO we see now does re-emerge in the 3rd seal. But I don't see them as tribulation escorts. I would see God as having His signature over it all. Consequently some (see great deception today...amen) believe this is an age of deception. No doubt we have that. But I believe we are actually living in an age of revealing so that even that let's the world know by name: R E V E L A T I O N is coming.
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Again, sometimes I am embarrassed to hold this view. Because it seems juvenile even to me. But I do think there will likely be an awakening of sorts. We live in an age where the internet has changed the game. And given much more insight ability to the average Joe. Outpacing propaganda should we care. As this increases, I believe it is a foregone conclusion that not only will bad government be fronted off, but something perhaps in biblical proportion like Jesus's allusion to Luke 12:2 part (a). I say part a because this occured. The entire infrastructure of Israel runamuck ended in 70 AD with the destruction of their temple. So in a mirror way (and in a way foreshadowing the sheep and goats reveal & further on the great white throne judgement) since He is about to come again, it would seem fitting that some great exposure take place. I believe some of the troubled areas of this is perhaps where our social moment has tended to prep us richly in it. And by our moment we cannot possibly perceive maybe outside of it. Or so it might seem. Ok there is something I need to share first...
I believe that God is in charge of grammar. He is in charge of moment meanings. The first prophecy about Christ associated with Israel was by whom? Balaam. Yeah. Not some one to go to for prophecy. The king of Babylon ends up writing Daniel chapter 4. And Caiaphas in John 11:15 prophesied. I believe things could be said in our age from the commons and it means possibly something so much more. I am a cessationist so I don't believe we have modern day prophets. What I mean though is that God can use the commoner language to do with it whatever He wants kind of thing. So like in that sense, I would see the great awakening (if there even is one) to be a time in the age of grace where mankind sees stuff hidden for a long time. If we leave it at that pedestrian level, I probably won't get into too much trouble. But see I am viewing things along the lines of God being providentially active according to His character toward His creation in the end times of the age of grace closing. I don't typically put Halloween stickers on it. Like making it an AC thing. Because to me, even though the world is in the lap of the evil one, God is sovereign. And this is His age of grace still. It's not like God does not have access nor control. So I tend to go with winds having more His earmark than what deception does with things. This may not be being the sharpest tool in the shed. But I am often on very different pages than the general watcher consensus. Although I still do find much value in those views too. Amen. But here...
Ok so you know for a long time we thought maybe the rapture would be on a Holy Feast Day? I thought that about the Feast of Trumpets in 2017. So I'm not above doing that....I did. And was shocked when it became 9-24 and I was still here. In part though, why would we be looking for a sign to be the thing it was signing? It kind of does not make sense if we think about it. How I look at 2017 now 9-23 is a sign for the coming 1st seal. But I know that is several counties over from just saying. But check this out. So you know what I do believe the Feast of Trumpets is though? Cuz I traveled 25 miles to a library to get a book about it. In 2017. I was bumbed because I thought that the book would help me understand the rapture. You know what I got instead? It was 10 days of morning and circumspect leading to the Day of Atonement. So that so did not But you know what it might? And I believe this matters. See why...
I believe the Feast of Trumpets at Christs return is...drum roll please...ta dah...the Sign of the Son of Man. WHAT? Said no one ever. Come on, really? What's wrong with you dude? lol. Ok but hear me out. It is the first of the Fall fests right? We know the Feast of Tabernacles is the 1,000 year reign. Right? And the Atonment for believers is Christ. For those rejecting Christ, they get one too. And the version of that being alive on earth then is the Supper of God brought them by no other than the Rev 14 reapers. So, 10 days before that, what? We know there is a Sign of the Son of Man somewhere in all that, right? And when they see Him they Mourn. You know this sounds like the Feast of Trumpets. Because they see Him. A sign of Him. And Mourn. And then 10 days later, had they not believed (don't go back into the house, right....). There is an event of decision here it looks like. Do you want Him? Or door number 2? If door 2, you become God's supper. Not good. So why do I bring this up?
As a mirror it would seem looking back the "revealing" was the 70 AD collapse of the temple. And diaspora. Wake up all. No more OT for your guys. We know at the end of the tribulation there is that end piece of decision or reflection...or something, right? Ok so mirror back / mirror forward. What if the age of grace is its own age? The church age. What if the age of grace is its own end time? An economy just shy but right up against the tribulation? I believe I can make this case with Israel. So please don't loose me just yet. But what if there is a miniature golf version at the end of the age of grace where the commons wake up? See those seeing the sign of the Son of Man are not guaranteed salvation. Right? They have to choose. Christ or Reaper. Decide. So what if the actual event of the great awakening has more to do with a mirror effect along the way? Not a spiritual awakening through some bogus version of the church via MAGA. But if MAGA is kind of the signature event prompt for, "dinner time." Just the bell ringer? Maybe that bell ringer is not even saved. Like Caiaphas. Like Baalam?
See to me it makes sense if we don't own the grammar and God does, He might make doodles in the American sand signature to read...America has a constitution that = God gave you your rights "oh world." Told by a gentile nation to the world through dumbed down bell ringing. An awakening. Maybe a moment God provides clarity for the age of grace proper. Saved and unsaved. Like the condition of the 1st century. And if the Feast of Trumpets is the Sign of the Son of Man, that. The Jews looking then aren't saved...yet. So to me I just don't tend to give too much credit to secular vibes when God is hot in His moment. So let's ask. Is He hot? Is this a hot moment for Him? See if we see this according to His character it drowns out the whole America this or that Trump this or that thing. Ultimately, God is THE actor THe player. So if we extrapulate...yeah. Anywayz. There may not be one and its just smoke and mirrors. If Trump turns out to be dud...or Hagelian Dialectic operation, yeah I 'll be mad. But since it was just me in hopeful thoughts of what God might do (like a rapture vibe), I'll probably get over it pretty fast.

But first one last thing here, please. Look this is an extremely controversial topic. Am I going out on a limb? Yeah. Totally. If I said the Lord told me this, my whole concept should be taken down. But this is just my leanings from research and 7 years of study. Which may in the end all be...nothing. But I am hopeful it remains for discussion. Because if this is off, any change to clarify that in my own heart would be helpful. Amen. But this issue about the great awakening is radioactive because it is something touted by unbelievers and possibly even a total spyop. So why in the world give it any thought? If the things I post here are radioactive, please note there are 10 times the things I could post I am totally holding back because it would not be proper to lay out, me thinks. But at least to get something on the table, yeah, this. So here is one thing I could hold a candle for some kind of exposing to come. We are alive at a time when Chrsitian persecution world wide has been at an all time high. Not long ago Fox news demonstrated a million Christian killed in 1 decade. It is high. It is super high. That is not a great awakening. But there is something else. This has also been an age where Muslim conversion to Chrstianity has been off the charts. Making Iran the capital of conversion. Now we can say in the end times people don't run to Christ. It is more a secular thing. Not according to Iran. So again, the way I see this is we can frame this how we want. We can say, "Oh its secular." or "Oh its deception." Or we could just look at all the things combined and not rush to put tags on it. Like maybe it is a time where Christians are literally persecuted the most AND Muslims are converting at a super all time high together. So we can have opinions on that. But I don't think any man or office owns the directors cut here. So it breaths room to consider, I believe. That if it is a time where Muslim conversion is at an all time high AND we think this is a time of super pagan non-conversion mostly...we might want to reconsider for the sake of sober mindedness. And let the chips fall where they may and then gather hopeful better perspectives as we go kind of thing. And in all of that there is this: Maybe God does a "but God" moment here aside from Trump, aside from America, and aside from our notions. I think that is ok to say. Again it may not be accurate. But would it not be worse not to consider that as a potential being that the mind we are most hopeful to discover here is what God might be doing in it all? Not of course to set ourselves up for being deceived. But just to be open to real world discussion. Since there are no shortage of views flying off the shelves like crazy. King Joah, in 2 Kings 13, at Elishas command only shot 3 arrows into the ground. At which Elisha shamed him not doing more. An economy of opportunity. A Steward of the moment. Since we have all the internet and each other...striking more arrows might be a good thing.
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Ok so on this one, perhaps this should have been first. But this is the one that does that seems most obvious. But for some reason seems to not get too much press for some reason. Not sure why. But for starts, the way the question is asked "What is the Israel of the scripture we must support?" First off I believe the Israel that is in Israel is Israel. I came from the reformed world where there is a tendency of replacement theology. Thinking the church is Israel. If meant, I would testify that to the best of my earnest heart, the Israel that now is is very likely the ones to face Ez 38. And through it, the tribulation, their 70th week. If others see something else, fine. We can talk. But that is my bid.
Not only that, but also, I believe that as many a Bible scholar has attested to, that we are getting closer and closer to Ezekiel 38 timing. We can tell by how much things look like Ezekiel 38. What seems missing is two major pieces. Saudi nomralization and the nations there so doing also brings in to the Abraham Accords. And Israels peace and safety. The later I believe is due to how God might position America in their favor. Along with the Abraham Accords. I would also see a very likely Saudi normalization through Trump's America. It kind of makes sense, don't it though? But as we know, we can be tracking along and BAM! Something we don't know what to do with. As may be yet the case still. But I would guess a Saudi normalization prior to summer 2026. And an Israeli peace and safety too nearing that timeframe or just after. Best guess at this point.
The other thing I would like to say about Israel is that it would seem to me that since Ez 38 is the grandest piece of prophesy with such fine details, it would seem fitting to be for a time open to end ours. To see it. And realize its a clock. More than Revelation. More than the beast system. More than the AC. And more than the 10 nation confederacy. Well that is my bid. And it makes sense in the character of God giving us super low hanging fruit like Ez 38 while Isreal is right there in our faces and larger than life in the news and social media issues. Since God is providing this level of noise and "revealing" it would seem adjacent to how He might permit other revealings too. Just saying.
Well that is my take in general. I know its a lot to chew on. But if any would like to fire away, this isn't written in stone in my heart. But it is a pretty interesting consideration, no? Blessings.