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The Order of Revelation


Video from YouTube channel Soothkeep with Lee Brainard
Lee details the order of the book of Revelation, as he describes the Chronology, Overlapping Chronologically with the timing of events, order of the visitation, Typology of The Day of The Lord, and how we can tell what occurs during the Tribulation including how some of the Seals are in order at the beginning of the Tribulation and other Seals overlap throughout the Tribulation, and describes what part of the Chronological order occurs at the Second Coming, the Millennium and the New Heavens and New Earth.
Lee then opens up for Q&A.

Lee does a great job presenting evidence for the Chronology of the book of Revelation.
A bit lengthy but worth watching.

1:42 minutes

Lee's good. His main idea as far as I've been able to tell in previous sessions is that the Seals start near the front of the Trib, and they continue to the end, while the Trumpets start consecutively, but also then play till the end and finally the Bowls or Vials which are also starting after the Seals and Trumpets but as those overlap, each previous judgment continues to overlap with the others and play out till the end.

I got a bit confused till I figured out what he meant. I still might be wrong interpreting him like this though. Thanks Rose, I'll have to put it on sometime tomorrow, probably listen in 10 minute segments.