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The Horror of an Iranian Nuclear Weapon

Almost Heaven

  • "In the Middle East, Iran is virtually behind all the terrorism.... When he founded the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini pledged, 'We will export our revolution to the entire world. We will export the Islamic revolution to the entire world'... which country ultimately stands in the way of Iran's maniacal plans to impose radical Islam on the world?... It's America, the guardian of Western civilization and the world's greatest power. That's why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy... Last month.... the foreign minister of Iran's proxy, Hezbollah... said this:
  • 'This is not a war with Israel. Israel... is merely a tool. The main war, the real war, is with America.'" — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking before a joint session of the US Congress, July 25 2024.
  • "Is this war now with Israel?... My answer is that this is not a war with Israel. Israel is merely a tool. The main war, the real war, is with America." — Khalil Rizk, Hezbollah's head of foreign relations on Al-Manar TV, June 17, 2024.
Concerningly, at this moment, Israel again faces a genocidal assault by a determined adversary, as Iran races ahead with its nuclear weapons program with one primary aim in mind: the absolute eradication of Israel. "The nuclear situation in Iran," the IDF's Deputy Chief of Staff, General Amir Baram, informed Israel's Knesset in July, "is like a car with all the parts ready – now they just need to be assembled."

Israel, given its lack of strategic depth, is in a vulnerable position. "The use of even one nuclear bomb inside Israel," said former Iranian President Akbar Rafsanjani, "will destroy everything."

More news showing the constitution of a "perfect storm" From the article:
"Apart from military action as a last resort, the only possible way to secure the safety of Israel is through a severe increase in, and enforcement of, economic sanctions and an embargo against Iran's exports and imports. Such a program had been successfully in place before the current administration came to power in 2021. The Biden administration waived the sanctions in place, thereby allowing Iran and its proxies hold the world hostage in any way they deemed fit. Taking full advantage of US prevarication, Iran probably believes it has free rein to terrorize any nations it chooses, with Israel the current main target."
It will be up to the American people voting it seems to set the timing... if this current administration is re-established with the person considered a "salad bowl" these muslim supporting policies will continue. We will see the complete weakness of the American military, not by rot or lack of technology, but by lack of will. The perfect storm coming together.

I am sure we all rest in the hope that God brings us home prior this chastening of Israel to turn to Him. It would make sense, that without the US to rely upon, Israel would return to her roots, the One True God. We live in exciting times! Do not worry, He holds His children in the palm of His hand...
It will be up to the American people voting it seems to set the timing... if this current administration is re-established with the person considered a "salad bowl" these muslim supporting policies will continue.
A weird thought stuck me this morning as I read the latest news. According to Israeli intelligence, Iran apparently has everything they need for a nuclear weapon, or more; they simply need to put the pieces together. The leaders of Iran have publicly stated that while they are determined to destroy Israel, their real target is America. We know (from back channel reports that are more and more making it into the mainstream) that a very large number of Middle Eastern terrorists are now loose in America, thanks to the Biden government's border policies. So, with all this in place, would the rabid leftists and the deep state power brokers in DC allow (or even enable) a major terrorist attack in this country in order to declare a national state of emergency and suspend the 2024 election? Because, frankly, that is likely the only way that they would be able to stop a Republican victory in both the White House and likely both houses of Congress. So, the thought that has been rolling around in my mind this morning is: In order to maintain control of this country and to protect their positions of power, would the deep state be willing to permit such a treasonous act? Because preventing an election from taking place is probably the only way they are going to stay in power.

I am praying to God that He will not permit this to happen.
Adrian we have pondered thoughts similar to what you have written. We are seeing behaviours that defy any logic I have known to date. One example I have used for over 10 years is: "Why would hillary and bill risk everything they have; they are "important" people, they have connections, they have all the money in the world, a daughter, grandchildren (I think)... why are they risking it all and for what?" Lately I have discussed this in the context of folks opining that obama weakened us for 8 years, then hillary was to destroy us in her 8 years with war, and self instigated nuclear war with Russia. Just how did these people think they could evade the fallout? What makes them think they would be better off after all this destruction? Why? ... I kept asking why?

Then it dawned upon me... the muslims think they have this promise of a paradise lined with virgins and all they could want for being a martyr and killing infidels... could it be that ALL these people in our government doing these illogical, diabolical and dangerous things are either deluded (by the power of God Almighty) or have signed on to a pact with satan?

I would have been laughed out of any reasonable group 5 years ago with that hypothesis, but I ask you all, is there an other reason? I am all ears, and ask this humbly and sincerely.
A weird thought stuck me this morning as I read the latest news. According to Israeli intelligence, Iran apparently has everything they need for a nuclear weapon, or more; they simply need to put the pieces together. The leaders of Iran have publicly stated that while they are determined to destroy Israel, their real target is America. We know (from back channel reports that are more and more making it into the mainstream) that a very large number of Middle Eastern terrorists are now loose in America, thanks to the Biden government's border policies. So, with all this in place, would the rabid leftists and the deep state power brokers in DC allow (or even enable) a major terrorist attack in this country in order to declare a national state of emergency and suspend the 2024 election? Because, frankly, that is likely the only way that they would be able to stop a Republican victory in both the White House and likely both houses of Congress. So, the thought that has been rolling around in my mind this morning is: In order to maintain control of this country and to protect their positions of power, would the deep state be willing to permit such a treasonous act? Because preventing an election from taking place is probably the only way they are going to stay in power.

I am praying to God that He will not permit this to happen.
The though had already crossed my mind that something "devastating" would occur, in order to skip the elections entirely.
So a State of Emergency because of a terrorist threat would fit the bill "nicely".
A weird thought stuck me this morning as I read the latest news. According to Israeli intelligence, Iran apparently has everything they need for a nuclear weapon, or more; they simply need to put the pieces together. The leaders of Iran have publicly stated that while they are determined to destroy Israel, their real target is America. We know (from back channel reports that are more and more making it into the mainstream) that a very large number of Middle Eastern terrorists are now loose in America, thanks to the Biden government's border policies. So, with all this in place, would the rabid leftists and the deep state power brokers in DC allow (or even enable) a major terrorist attack in this country in order to declare a national state of emergency and suspend the 2024 election? Because, frankly, that is likely the only way that they would be able to stop a Republican victory in both the White House and likely both houses of Congress. So, the thought that has been rolling around in my mind this morning is: In order to maintain control of this country and to protect their positions of power, would the deep state be willing to permit such a treasonous act? Because preventing an election from taking place is probably the only way they are going to stay in power.

I am praying to God that He will not permit this to happen.
Unfortunately losing the election does not equate to the deep state losing power. It gets in their way for a time, but they will get in trump's way just as before.

The deep state were partners with Deagel who predicted that in 2025 several million Americans will die. Obama's movie shows the USA being hit by an EMP. and the collapse and invasion of the USA.. what a weird thing for past POTUS to produce!

Luciferian's always have to hide in plain sight what they want to take place. Do you remember Obama's birthday and the suggested donations of $6 or $60 or $600? Or Obama comes to a party dressed as Satan?
It's not just staying in power, though. They could cheat and still do that. If so, would there be an uprising? That would play into their hands just as well.

This has been discussed on a few threads lately, but anything that might happen from the "deep state" would likely serve at least these globalist goals:
  • staying in power
  • concentrating power globally or at least regionally
  • reducing the population significantly
  • exercising draconian control over whatever is left
  • serving their true master

Yet the Restrainer is still restraining, and God will only allow things to go ahead in accordance with His timing and plan. I've thought about that a lot lately.
Yes, and in all our speculation and discussion we must never forget that God alone is in control and what will happen will only ever play into His hand, His plan. And His plan is perfect. We can rest entirely secure in that knowledge. No need to fear.
We have the only book in the world full of fulfilled prophecy, and now it is telling us what must come next, so we know when the Scripture tells us God works all things after the counsel of His will, that He is the Almighty, that He knows the end from the beginning, and that He is good, there can be no doubts about these truths for they have already been proven.

Sometimes when I pray about events in the world, it's too complicated... no human can work out how to fix the mess. Take Israel for example: they have let Iran get so close to making a nuke, how could they do that when they said they would never let that happen? If they had dealt with Iran years back, Iran wouldn't have had the close ties to Russia that it does now.

But God knows exactly how to deal with all of this, so I tell Him I don't know how to pray as I can't direct Him, but I tell Him I sure delight in the fact He knows and He is able to act with both justice and mercy.

Yet the Restrainer is still restraining, and God will only allow things to go ahead in accordance with His timing and plan. I've thought about that a lot lately.
That is often in my thoughts too.

Whether watching Israel's struggle to survive against the determined onslaught since Oct 7 of last year or watching the Russian prisoner exchange today with all the ramifications there- is Russia really signalling an end to war in Ukraine or is there something else cooking?

Bottom line.

The Restrainer restrains till He is taken out of the way as the church goes up in the Rapture. Then all hell breaks loose.
A weird thought stuck me this morning as I read the latest news. According to Israeli intelligence, Iran apparently has everything they need for a nuclear weapon, or more; they simply need to put the pieces together. The leaders of Iran have publicly stated that while they are determined to destroy Israel, their real target is America. We know (from back channel reports that are more and more making it into the mainstream) that a very large number of Middle Eastern terrorists are now loose in America, thanks to the Biden government's border policies. So, with all this in place, would the rabid leftists and the deep state power brokers in DC allow (or even enable) a major terrorist attack in this country in order to declare a national state of emergency and suspend the 2024 election? Because, frankly, that is likely the only way that they would be able to stop a Republican victory in both the White House and likely both houses of Congress. So, the thought that has been rolling around in my mind this morning is: In order to maintain control of this country and to protect their positions of power, would the deep state be willing to permit such a treasonous act? Because preventing an election from taking place is probably the only way they are going to stay in power.

I am praying to God that He will not permit this to happen.
That's a left field thought that could very well come out to play
I think I need a little help understanding my relatives... in light of what I posted above. Just got off the phone with my cousin, 2 years older and only lives about 20 minutes away. He is retired high school teacher and coach. I resist talking politics with him because he is liberal...

He called, with some massive interpersonal problems with his two grown kids... also his wifes dog died this week because it ate some of her craft materials (8 year old show dog).

At the very end of our phone call, he said: "You going to vote for the astronaut?" I said, a definite no. I want nothing to do with the party of abortion and open borders that is destroying our nation. Then he said, very agitated: "How can you support that evil, manic, deluded tyrant?" To which I said: "Give me an example of that behaviour by him." He responded with more agitated, vile descriptions of the man that was almost assassinated.

This is similar to most of my relatives that are ex school teachers and such. I sincerely ask, why are these age wise mature and educated people acting like this? No logic? No ability to dialogue with them... What are your spiritual view of such situations?
What are your spiritual view of such situations?

2 Tim 3:1-9 NASB1995

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes’s and Jambres’s folly was also.

I took the liberty of highlighting what I believe directly answers the question.

I have family members in the same frame of mind. It is a sad thing to see. They won't listen to reason and seem incapable of coming to knowledge of the truth, but embrace the evil and the lies of this world, perhaps without even realizing it.

2 Thes 2: 9-12

that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

I believe those who have embraced this world instead of truth have been sent a deluding influence. I think that's what we're seeing in this world today and is a sign that the Church will soon depart.
Thanks TT, I sincerely appreciate and respect your views as a Godly man. I guess I did not want to apply those truths of God to "my family." These are people who lived their lives well, were not in trouble with the law, were gracious and compassionate, and were "churched" in a denomination. (not evangelical) They however did not pursue a lifetime of study of His Word. It is hard to accept that they most likely are the subject of your quote:
I believe those who have embraced this world instead of truth have been sent a deluding influence.
We who are His, know what the eternal implications of this is. It is hard to accept, very hard, but fits perfectly. My heart breaks for my relatives. Not only will they not listen to this, they will not listen to our Biblical understanding and application for life's situations... as in the Bible is God's owners manual for life on earth. Things that are prohibited, called abominations, and told to flee from... are not recommendations.

The focus of your post above, was the discussion my wife and I had... we looked at how narrow the way to Him might really be. All who appear to be His, see "it" ... is it perhaps coalescing that those who do not see, are not His? Are not Spirit filled and guided?

EDIT: I agree with Amethyst that a political position is not a salvation position. My focus would be on the platform of one side that is so clearly anti Biblical, and how can a person of His support such things? We all know the vile nature of their carrying ons.

What stunned me was how they ignore these vile activities and policies, and focus on a hate for an individual. When asked to support this dislike of the individual, they only spew more hate towards him. (Took a while to get that thought formalized... that is the core of my dilemma... but TT likely addressed it.)
My focus would be on the platform of one side that is so clearly anti Biblical, and how can a person of His support such things? We all know the vile nature of their carrying ons.
I see what you mean now. I didn't know you thought those relatives were Christian/professing Christians.
I know a lot of people who would just say they are Christian because culturally they have no problems with Christians or they heard about Jesus a few times. But being "religious" is "not for them."