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Shots Fired At Trump Rally

Read my post.
Assassinations of/attempts. Meaning both are in the list. What happened at that time in history was awful.

Are you saying God cannot or will not use The Church to change a country?
2 Chronicles 7:14, Jonah, Martin Luther, missionaries throughout the world, etc.

The church is supposed to lead and influence society, not follow and be changed by society.
The Church is supposed to reflect God's Word, which it truth and unchanging. There are still Bible-believing, preaching, teaching churches in the United States.

There are still a good many Christians in the United States.
I know thousands of them. They are in a variety of denominations/churches. Not all believe exactly alike, but all believe the core tenets of the Christian faith, as expounded in the Apostle's Creed, which reflects the Bible.

Not all are called to physical, military war. Some are called to other roles. Just as not all are called to be Pastors, Teachers, Elders, organists, choir members, prayer warriors, visiting the sick and home-bound, Altar Guild, building and grounds, technology, webmasters, Parents, artists, brick layers, carpenters, plumbers, secretaries, nurses, radiologists, police, fire fighters, funeral directors, etc.

I am thankful that many of the people, who settled the Americas were Christians, often fleeing persecution, and willing to take up arms as needed. Many of my ancestors, included.

I have not given up on my country, and I never will. Until God calls me home, I will continue to do my best, with The Holy Ghost's help, to love God with all my heart and soul and strength, love my neighbor as myself, and do what I am called to do in carrying out The Great Commission.
I agree with you.
The church is Salt and Light in this dark world. The church is The Restraining Force holding back the fullness of Lawlessness coming at the revealing of Antichrist.
The church does make a difference in the influence of Love and Peace keeping in the world. The church is the example for unbelievers to be drawn to Christ Jesus for Salvation.
Jesus said

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven"
Matthew 5:16

‘Bullet flew by his ear’: Christian prophet’s eerie Donald Trump prediction made months ago​

Chilling vision is circulating of a prominent Christian prophet predicting an assassination attempt of Donald Trump – four months ago.

Someone from my church forwarded me the original video that the clip came from. I am surprised Amir posted that. The three “prophets” in the video believe that we are in the tribulation right now. And I’m not impressed with his “prophecy.” It wasn’t hard for any of us to fathom an assassination attempt on Trump. The ear mention was just a coincidence. IMO. He also said Trump would get radically saved while on the ground. I heard he was asking where his shoes went 😆
I’m upset tonight because I watched a video of that poor lovely man who was killed, Corey Comperatore. People screaming and gesturing trying to get someone to come help. A lady with a pink cap screaming and wailing who I think was his wife. There was a hush in the crowd as everyone heard her. Then the police came and a doctor was doing cpr. Then they carried away his lifeless bloody body. I am so sad.
If that wasn’t the guy then who is the dead guy on the roof that Amir posted?
I was thinking that he said “you got the wrong guy” because he was pretty much saying that he had been set up as a (willing, suicidal) patsy.
But who knows? And we will never hear the actual, full truth. Just like with Kennedy.
I’m upset tonight because I watched a video of that poor lovely man who was killed, Corey Comperatore. People screaming and gesturing trying to get someone to come help. A lady with a pink cap screaming and wailing who I think was his wife. There was a hush in the crowd as everyone heard her. Then the police came and a doctor was doing cpr. Then they carried away his lifeless bloody body. I am so sad.


:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
It's sad to me when I see Amir and others posting things quickly which wind up not being true -- as Christians, we should be better than that.
I agree - I am disappointed that Amir posted an incorrect name and photo early on, saying it was an ANTIFA member. I actually forwarded that info on to my Mom and now I have to eat crow as she believes I’m not getting the “real”
News like she does from MSNBC. Amir was trying to be the first to get the info out rather than doing due diligence.
People react differently to being shot/shot at.
Training, experience, and what the person's role is at the moment.
Yes it is quite unnerving when you hear that whizzing whistling sound and the reports and at first cannot ascertain what direction it is coming from.

My first time experiencing it I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was able to take cover. The second time it was a drunk shooting at me and at first I thought it was just blanks, then I suddenly started hearing that eerie sound buzzing by me and realized he was unloading a fully loaded revolver, which he reloaded and released six more my way. Thankfully he was pretty drunk and couldn’t shoot straight!

Thankfully I wasn’t hit either time.
Yes it is quite unnerving when you hear that whizzing whistling sound and the reports and at first cannot ascertain what direction it is coming from.

My first time experiencing it I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was able to take cover. The second time it was a drunk shooting at me and at first I thought it was just blanks, then I suddenly started hearing that eerie sound buzzing by me and realized he was unloading a fully loaded revolver, which he reloaded and released six more my way. Thankfully he was pretty drunk and couldn’t shoot straight!

Thankfully I wasn’t hit either time.

I can't remember the number of shots fired calls I've responded to and they've still been shooting when I got there :lol:
Sometimes I was so close when the shooting started, I responded while calling Dispatch before they received any calls :lol:
By the Grace of God, I'm still here :)

Never mind all the shots fired calls that the shooting was finished before I got there, or unfounded :rofl:
I agree - I am disappointed that Amir posted an incorrect name and photo early on, saying it was an ANTIFA member. I actually forwarded that info on to my Mom and now I have to eat crow as she believes I’m not getting the “real”
News like she does from MSNBC. Amir was trying to be the first to get the info out rather than doing due diligence.
Yep, that's why i only rely on him for Israeli updates and nothing else
Date-time stamp of article after post date-time due to Jerusalem being ahead of US time :)

'I’m supposed to be dead': Donald Trump Speaks Out After Assassination Attempt​

Trump told the "New York Post" that the bullet would have killed him had he not turned his head to the side to read a chart.

JULY 15, 2024 08:33

"When asked if the incident had changed his policy or perspective, Trump said he was writing a new speech. “I want to try to unite our country,” he said, “but I don’t know if that’s possible. People are very divided.”"


:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Read my post.
Assassinations of/attempts. Meaning both are in the list. What happened at that time in history was awful.

Are you saying God cannot or will not use The Church to change a country?
2 Chronicles 7:14, Jonah, Martin Luther, missionaries throughout the world, etc.

The church is supposed to lead and influence society, not follow and be changed by society.
The Church is supposed to reflect God's Word, which it truth and unchanging. There are still Bible-believing, preaching, teaching churches in the United States.

There are still a good many Christians in the United States.
I know thousands of them. They are in a variety of denominations/churches. Not all believe exactly alike, but all believe the core tenets of the Christian faith, as expounded in the Apostle's Creed, which reflects the Bible.

Not all are called to physical, military war. Some are called to other roles. Just as not all are called to be Pastors, Teachers, Elders, organists, choir members, prayer warriors, visiting the sick and home-bound, Altar Guild, building and grounds, technology, webmasters, Parents, artists, brick layers, carpenters, plumbers, secretaries, nurses, radiologists, police, fire fighters, funeral directors, janitors, fast-food workers, business executives, scientists, window washers, mechanics, factory workers, hair stylists, barbers, phlebotomists, librarians, bakers, engineers, etc.

I am thankful that many of the people, who settled the Americas were Christians, often fleeing persecution, and willing to take up arms as needed. Many of my ancestors, included.

I have not given up on my country, and I never will. Until God calls me home, I will continue to do my best, with The Holy Ghost's help, to love God with all my heart and soul and strength, love my neighbor as myself, and do what I am called to do in carrying out The Great Commission.

Christians can pray and certainly influence God in whatever their local condition may be, and they can pray for the nation. But changing a nation from bad to good, I don't believe is in the mix. God spared Nineveh, for a while. But Assyria was not changed.

Europe was Christianized from peasant to King. And that was God's hand when the disciples wanted to go elsewhere. (Acts 16:6-10) And the U.S was later a product of that European Christianization.

The U.S. is certainly unique in that it was Christian at it's beginning. But like Europe it is now only in name only. Of course their are pockets of believers throughout, but the nation is no longer Christian. The overall Church in Europe and America is a mess. They are in no position to change the country.

Europe is not going to return to it's Christianity. Instead she is going to be led by the anti-christ. America is not going to return either to it's Christian base. She has sinned having had tremendous light from God. Judgement is what is next for America.

We who are Christian pray and do what we can. But Christians let America go years ago. But remember, even the Holy Spirit only 'hinders' the march of the 'mystery of iniquity'. (2 Thess. 2:7) He is not now trying to stop it.

If one wants the old America back and prays for it, he should be willing and prepared for war. Because that is how it was established. Just like with Israel in Canaan. And I don't see that happening.

Its reported repeatedly that the shooter missed. IMO, he did not miss, and here is why. When a shooter is aiming in for a semi distance shot, most follow the acronym BRASS, which stands for breath, relax, aim, stop, and slowly squeeze the trigger. The shooter no doubt had a direct aim at Trump’s temple. When he was in the process of a slow trigger squeeze, which can take a few seconds, a spit second before he completed the squeeze Trump turned his head. A good use of the BRASS shot would mean when the slow trigger squeeze is completed, it surprises you when the round goes off. This prevents a sudden squeeze/jerk of the trigger which would cause
the rifle to Jerk a little and miss your shot.

Lots of speculation on the news and on here as to motive, did someone pay him, deep state…etc….and with the way the world is now, anything could be possible.

I still believe based on limited evidence, it was a loner kid, wanting to go down in history for an assassination.
Its reported repeatedly that the shooter missed. IMO, he did not miss, and here is why. When a shooter is aiming in for a semi distance shot, most follow the acronym BRASS, which stands for breath, relax, aim, stop, and slowly squeeze the trigger. The shooter no doubt had a direct aim at Trump’s temple. When he was in the process of a slow trigger squeeze, which can take a few seconds, a spit second before he completed the squeeze Trump turned his head. A good use of the BRASS shot would mean when the slow trigger squeeze is completed, it surprises you when the round goes off. This prevents a sudden squeeze/jerk of the trigger which would cause the rifle to,
Jerk a little and miss your shot.

Lots of speculation on the news and on here as to motive, did someone pay him, deep state…etc….and with the way the world is now, anything could be possible.

I still believe based on limited evidence, it was a loner kid, wanting to go down in history for an assassination.
I've been reading about the shooter and he had tried out for a shooting class but was not accepted because he couldn't shoot anything and was reckless in his shooting.
It has me scratching my head because it seems even though it wasn't a clean hit of his target, if not for Trump having moved his head to look down when that bullet grazed his ear, the bullet was close enough to appear the shooter was pretty good with his aiming from where he was on the roof across the street.
The reports I read said for him to shoot as close as he did would put him close to a Marksman shooter. But according to reports he hadn't had any real training.
Was he just "lucky"?

I certainly believe that the President would have been dead, but God had him tilt his head, he is a blessed man. Just like George Washington he is bulletproof.

An Indian chief said he wanted to visit the man who couldn’t be killed in battle.
See video: Bulletproof George Washington.
I have this book. Its a good read and it recounts this story of the Indian Red Hawk that said he was bulletproof.
I've been reading about the shooter and he had tried out for a shooting class but was not accepted because he couldn't shoot anything and was reckless in his shooting.
It has me scratching my head because it seems even though it wasn't a clean hit of his target, if not for Trump having moved his head to look down when that bullet grazed his ear, the bullet was close enough to appear the shooter was pretty good with his aiming from where he was on the roof across the street.
The reports I read said for him to shoot as close as he did would put him close to a Marksman shooter. But according to reports he hadn't had any real training.
Was he just "lucky"?

Reports are often not correct. The distance he shot from was not that far, and anyone with a little experience could make that shot. For all we know, he secretly practiced at a range, or in the hills.

In the Marines, we had to annually qualify with the rifle, shooting targets from 200, 300, and 500 meters, all without a scope.

Im not sure how the term “Marksman” is used via the news, but in the Marines, its the lowest level of qualifying. Its expert, sharpshooter, then Marksman.