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RFK Jr. already has big plans for FDA, CDC under Trump

In a post-election interview on Wednesday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed some of his plans for a major overhaul of the country’s key health agencies.

An MSNBC reporter asked RFK Jr. whether he will terminate “the top level federal service workers that are currently at" the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“In some categories,” Kennedy responded. “There are entire departments, like the nutrition departments at FDA, that have to go.”

He said workers in certain departments, including nutrition, are “not doing their job” or “protecting our kids.”



Top Five Big Pharma CEOs Hold Emergency Teleconference After Trump’s Landslide Victory Threatens Their Grip on America: Report​

After former President Trump’s massive election victory, the top executives of Big Pharma were reportedly scrambling to protect their influence over U.S. healthcare.

Sources indicate that the heads of five major pharmaceutical companies held an emergency teleconference on Wednesday to address the potential fallout from a Trump administration that has vowed to disrupt Big Pharma’s hold on America.

New Jersey Assemblyman and advisor to Robert Kennedy Jr., Jamel Holley, shared the breaking news on X Wednesday, stating, “Sources tell me top five CEOs of pharmaceutical companies are holding an emergency teleconference at 1 PM. A lawyer has confirmed that everyone is in a state of panic!”
This emergency meeting comes as Kennedy, a well-known critic of corporate corruption in health policy, is expected to be appointed by Trump to lead a comprehensive overhaul of federal health agencies, including the FDA and CDC.


Maybe the VA will start using proven alternative therapies to some of the BIGPharma they always seem to push. Some docs are worse about it than others, and some are actually very good about it. BUT, the VA pays for/provides very few non-BIGPharma supplements/herbals/etc., and I've never seen an ND or Naturpathic Pharmacist at any VA. Although the VA has gotten much better about chiropractic, accupuncture, and massage therapy.
I think it would be wise if members of the current administration would keep their plans a little closer to themselves. Broadcasting everything now gives our enemies time to plan and prepare... I don't expect Trump to go silent, he probably can't, but his soldiers should talk less while preparing to do much.
The best laid plans of mice and men. With any elections many promises are made and many are never brought to fruition either because the struggle is too great for the alloted time to complete them or they just never intended to complete them. Which ever is the case it they come to pass great but if they fail to come to pass it should not be a surprise. Last time around before Trumps first time in office he promised to drain the swamp. By the end of his time in office all the best known players in government corruption were still not under arrest, prosecuted, nor in jail. This time the same idea but under a new label, taking out the garbage is the promise. Chances are again that claims are being made that will never come to pass. Unless we start to see some arrest and prosecution for things like the Jan 6 fiasco, the 2020 election theft which now has an open door for investigation with many states seeing the highest ever turn out and it still falling well short of the claimed 80 million that showed magically in the middle of the night for just one candidate, then we may well expect like most political promises they are full of substance as the wind.

Last time I looked Trump has never died on a cross nor been resurrected from the grave and should never be the center of our hope. We should be well aware that the Tribulation is still coming, the anti Christ will still be revealed and God's judgement will still come upon the world with great destruction. The world will still lose people to the tune of 1/3s of deaths and I can only imagine many of those will be gruesome deaths at that. I don't hold great hope for any spectacular turn back of the clock to a better time. Some small and insignificant things will come to pass but in the bigger scheme of things will have any real or lasting value.

Last time I looked I don't see last minute reprieve for the world. We are told from the sprouting of leaves on the fig tree only ONE generation will not pass before all things come to fruition. If that is the case this is not a time to get giddy with joy over a single election when we are called to be sober and of sound mind. Yeah we may get some turn around in the economy where food prices come down but don't expect them to get back down to 1990 or 1980 levels because it won't happen.

Trump got elected and there appears to be little to no attempt to steal it and yet the world is still filled with evil people bent on control because they think they know better how others should live. Trump is one man and even if he brings in a few like minded he is still less than all the globalist combined. So in short, Trump is the president elect, big deal. The end and all the horror that comes with it is still coming.
Last time I looked Trump has never died on a cross nor been resurrected from the grave and should never be the center of our hope. We should be well aware that the Tribulation is still coming, the anti Christ will still be revealed and God's judgement will still come upon the world with great destruction.

In the context of all time, a President's 4 years is pretty insignificant. I don't understand why anybody would compare Trump to Jesus, that seems foolish to me. It seems that that is often done by some who insinuate that others might be placing their hope in Trump rather than Jesus. Some might be doing just that, especially non-believers.

So in short, Trump is the president elect, big deal.

Since I have to live in this country, and because whatever administration is in power at any given time can have a big impact on our lives, it is a pretty big deal to me. I've got 4 children, and I hope for things to be as good as they can be for them while they're in this world, and with a President who doesn't seem to be directly warring against God, things will likely be a little better than they would be otherwise. Our govmint isn't a theocracy, though, and I don't expect it to be. We live in a fallen world.

Yeah we may get some turn around in the economy where food prices come down but don't expect them to get back down to 1990 or 1980 levels because it won't happen.

Because of our massive debt it will probably be near impossible to curtail govmint spending to a level that would tame inflation. With a stronger economy and cheaper energy, we should see some downward adjustment in prices, but we probably won't see too much as the dollar, which isn't worth much now, will likely continue to have less and less purchasing power.

If Trump uses tariffs as he indicates he plans to, we'll see some serious inflation. We're still living with the higher cost of technology due to his first term tariffs in that area, which I at least thing diben left in place.
many promises are made and many are never brought to fruition either because the struggle is too great for the alloted time to complete them or they just never intended to complete them.
I believe we need to pray daily for God's hand to bring about open doors for this new Admin to accomplish things.

Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I see the panic cited in the OP as a tiny little wedge into the heart of a 36" round and 18" deep dense piece of firewood. May God drop the hammer :pray:

Many countries are scrambling at the thought of a Trump admin. Ex-pat Iranians were erupting in shouts of joy! In the US FBI agents are fleeing and finding new jobs.

We are given a brief breather from God's kind providence, and with our understanding of eschatology maybe we can be the tastier salt and brighter light that the world needs.

No one should place their hopes in the Trump admin, but we can certainly rejoice and be thankful that God saw fit to grant the world some relief before the eye of the storm hits.
In the context of all time, a President's 4 years is pretty insignificant. I don't understand why anybody would compare Trump to Jesus, that seems foolish to me. It seems that that is often done by some who insinuate that others might be placing their hope in Trump rather than Jesus. Some might be doing just that, especially non-believers.

Since I have to live in this country, and because whatever administration is in power at any given time can have a big impact on our lives, it is a pretty big deal to me. I've got 4 children, and I hope for things to be as good as they can be for them while they're in this world, and with a President who doesn't seem to be directly warring against God, things will likely be a little better than they would be otherwise. Our govmint isn't a theocracy, though, and I don't expect it to be. We live in a fallen world.

Because of our massive debt it will probably be near impossible to curtail govmint spending to a level that would tame inflation. With a stronger economy and cheaper energy, we should see some downward adjustment in prices, but we probably won't see too much as the dollar, which isn't worth much now, will likely continue to have less and less purchasing power.

If Trump uses tariffs as he indicates he plans to, we'll see some serious inflation. We're still living with the higher cost of technology due to his first term tariffs in that area, which I at least thing diben left in place.
So is it safe to say you don't see the Rapture coming any time soon?
The best laid plans of mice and men. With any elections many promises are made and many are never brought to fruition either because the struggle is too great for the alloted time to complete them or they just never intended to complete them. Which ever is the case it they come to pass great but if they fail to come to pass it should not be a surprise. Last time around before Trumps first time in office he promised to drain the swamp. By the end of his time in office all the best known players in government corruption were still not under arrest, prosecuted, nor in jail. This time the same idea but under a new label, taking out the garbage is the promise. Chances are again that claims are being made that will never come to pass. Unless we start to see some arrest and prosecution for things like the Jan 6 fiasco, the 2020 election theft which now has an open door for investigation with many states seeing the highest ever turn out and it still falling well short of the claimed 80 million that showed magically in the middle of the night for just one candidate, then we may well expect like most political promises they are full of substance as the wind.

Last time I looked Trump has never died on a cross nor been resurrected from the grave and should never be the center of our hope. We should be well aware that the Tribulation is still coming, the anti Christ will still be revealed and God's judgement will still come upon the world with great destruction. The world will still lose people to the tune of 1/3s of deaths and I can only imagine many of those will be gruesome deaths at that. I don't hold great hope for any spectacular turn back of the clock to a better time. Some small and insignificant things will come to pass but in the bigger scheme of things will have any real or lasting value.

Last time I looked I don't see last minute reprieve for the world. We are told from the sprouting of leaves on the fig tree only ONE generation will not pass before all things come to fruition. If that is the case this is not a time to get giddy with joy over a single election when we are called to be sober and of sound mind. Yeah we may get some turn around in the economy where food prices come down but don't expect them to get back down to 1990 or 1980 levels because it won't happen.

Trump got elected and there appears to be little to no attempt to steal it and yet the world is still filled with evil people bent on control because they think they know better how others should live. Trump is one man and even if he brings in a few like minded he is still less than all the globalist combined. So in short, Trump is the president elect, big deal. The end and all the horror that comes with it is still coming.
There is so much in what you've said that I agree with 100% ... at the macro scale. Certainly Trump is no savior (which he himself is quick to say) and therefore, despite this electoral win and a brief reprieve from the darkness that was more and more swallowing this land, the world is definitely going to get worse; the Rapture will occur; the antichrist will rise; there will be hell on earth; indeed every single thing that has been prophesied will shortly come to pass. But, I think my brother @Tall Timbers and my sister @Hol have put the correct perspective on it all.

What has occurred is God giving America one last chance to reflect Christ's light and proclaim His Gospel into this world; one last chance for the Laodicean church here to repent and become the Philadelphian church; one last moment of peace on this earth before all hell breaks loose. What has happened is that God has heard the cries of His children for one last moment of peace and freedom as they complete their commission, one last lifting of spiritual oppression, one final period of protection for their families, and the opportunity to see as many of them saved before the Rapture as possible.

I hope nobody is looking at this election as any more than a temporary stay in God's plan, given by God out of his mercy, but definitely given for His purposes. It IS a big deal for us who live in this country. I pray we do not squander it ... but use it for His glory.
What has occurred is God giving America one last chance to reflect Christ's light and proclaim His Gospel into this world; one last chance for the Laodicean church here to repent and become the Philadelphian church; one last moment of peace on this earth before all hell breaks loose. What has happened is that God has heard the cries of His children for one last moment of peace and freedom as they complete their commission, one last lifting of spiritual oppression, one final period of protection for their families, and the opportunity to see as many of them saved before the Rapture as possible.
I am going to hold reservation on this idea because for now we are still under the old regime. Second based on the last time Trump was in office and the promises he made to get into office that were never fulfilled I have to ask is it really a reprieve or does it just again look like one because that is what everyone is hoping for?

I have to ask where in Revelation does it every show that the Laodicean church actually repented. The warning was put there but it never says if they did repent or not. I would venture to say given later prophecy of what is to come and the fact that the anti Christ remains till Jesus comes, at best a few in that church may have awakened and repented but as to the majority probably not.

I hate to say this but "all hell" started to break loose in May of 1948. Once that count down clock started there is no delaying the inevitable other wise that makes God a liar and He is not a liar. Yeah I get it people want to have hope in something and more often than not is something they can see and touch. But is that how faith works? If I can see and touch something it is easy to believe it is and what it does. On the other hand having faith in the savior that none of us have see is real faith. That is where I real hope lies yet many are getting all giddy because their guy won the office and why? Because they are thinking things will change but will they truly change? Only time will tell but historically speaking they never really have in the past for any serious length of time.
I cant speak for TT, but I have no idea based on his post, why you would make such a faulty assumption.
I am not making and assumption. I am asking a question based on his state views of things. If I had made and assumption I would have made it a statement that I believe he does no see the Rapture coming any time soon. Since I used a "?" to end it, it should be obvious it is a question and not a statement.
I cant speak for TT, but I have no idea based on his post, why you would make such a faulty assumption.
I can't speak for him either but most of us know the answer to that question from years of reading his posts.
We know there is going to be a global govmint, and it is developing right before our very eyes. We know that we'll likely be Raptured soon, woohoo!
He even stated so earlier this morning in another thread.
I can't speak for him either but most of us know the answer to that question from years of reading his posts.

He even stated so earlier this morning in another thread.
Well I am sorry as I am new here and have not read through all the postings. I only asked because the statements made in the post are not dissimilar to others I am seeing in several Christian based sites where there is almost a growing worship of Trump as some kind of savior. It is like many are of the mind with Trump in office we may have extra time before the Rapture. My concern is only that we all remain vigilant, sober and realize that the count down clock started in may 1948 and will not stop for any reason till God's plans are fulfilled.

I am pleased to see Trump won but only because the alternative was very scary. Even so I don't see anything prophetically changing. There is no temporary stopping the clock like in a football game. There are no time outs to regroup and discuss future plans. Time marches on relentlessly and I hope we all remember that. As I have said before given the promises made before the 2016 election that never came to pass why should I expect the ones at this election to come to pass either. Basically they are one in the same with a different wrapping. In 2016 we had drain the samp and we saw the likes of AOC coming in during his first term and none of the old hacks like Pelozi, Hillary, Shciff, other members of what is now called the squad and the many old timers who constantly attacked Trump in the past are still where they were before, none of them investigated for crimes we have seen them do in public no less. This time we have "taking out the garbage." Same idea just a new title.

I am only putting out the warning that this is not the time to be all relaxed and think oh everything is going to get better. According to prophesy it will not get better only worse till it is the worse time ever in history. Additionally that will not happen at the flip of a switch, it will come on over time. As we have seen the constant and steady movement of technology now able to explain much of what John wrote about in Revelation which he did not understand we can now start to understand as it has come along in our life time but came over years and decades not over night. Every battle has lulls in it but those are not indications the fight is over.