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Pfizer, FDA docs show both lied about vaccine safety.

As a way for the enemy to divide Christians and destroy relationships, 2020 and the years following were perfect. The enemy destroyed fellowships, credibility and relationships so that people don't get saved and Christians are split apart. The enemy prioritizes attacks that leave Christians wounded and bleeding on either side of a battle line he drew in the sand. The circular firing squad it's often called.

Until we get Raptured out of here that is part of living down here- it's hard and the enemy sets us up to fight each other.

Friendships between great christian leaders that were an amazing testimony were divided. People accused each other instead of understanding that we might actually come to different conclusions and still be in fellowship, still be Christians.

I saw way too much of that.

BUT I also found a treasure.

Which of you haven't prayed for me when I asked for it? None. You've all been there for me. THAT MATTERS. That is the way it's supposed to be.

Did we disagree? Yes of course. Christians don't see everything the same way. That is why some of the threads we've participated in are so long, and never really persuade anyone to a single point of view. They make us think, grow, dig deep in the Word but ultimately we don't all agree on everything. Iron sharpens iron.

I know when I ask you to pray for the salvation of my hairdresser you pray with me. When I was facing probable thyroid cancer but surgery was cancelled 3 times because it was 2020 you prayed for me. When George got the brain tumour, you prayed with me. When my youngest granddaughter was born with genetic health problems that would require surgery, you prayed. This spring when the "whatever it is that behaves like MS but supposedly isn't" happened and took away a lot of my ability to get around, you prayed.

I count on the fellowship I have with all of you. That is precious. Valuable. And it goes both ways. I want to be that friend in the fellowship you can grab hold of and ask for prayer without any question, no judgment just support and heartfelt regular prayer.

Because Grace and Mercy with each other is a way to reflect Christ. And that will win the lost and keep us going down here until

the Rapture. :rapture:
I really think that Trump was just blindsided by Covid. This situation was unprecedented in this country, because it was a lab-designed virus and quite unpredictable. The pressure was on him right away as they were making a big giant deal about having enough respirators. They killed many people with those respirators that damaged their lungs because they were set incorrectly. Then they pressured him to keep the lockdown going past the two weeks he intended. By the time they finally developed the jab he was desperate for a solution.

I stand by my above comment that this virus was unpredictable. I lost a close friend who, yes, was 70 years old, but who had absolutely nothing wrong with her medically, and had never called in sick to work in her entire life. She died at home quite suddenly after being sent home from the hospital with oxygen. (No she was not jabbed.) I also speak from my personal experience from having Covid. There was no normal progression of improvement like with the flu. It was up and down for days on end with no way of knowing when it would end. High fevers, then almost normal temps, then raging high fevers again. Some of the symptoms were just bizarre, most notably the way it dulled my senses and affected my brain. I had a lot of anxiety and wasn’t thinking clearly at all. I still have short circuits in my brain to this day (remembering words, and names of people I know very well) and I know others who do also. (And none of us have been jabbed.)

This whole thing was just a stressful, scary and confusing time for everyone. Including Trump.
I followed the Covid virus and the shots effects since late 2021.
The one who gave a complete breakdown of what actually happened was Billy Crone.
He did a complete series on these including videos of scientific experts on the subject, past video of globalists comments "predicting" such an outbreak and comments from doctors and virologists and even Senator Ron Johnson had a hearing with a panel of such experts that I saw on OANN news television Network before they were cancelled by their carriers for exposing the truth.

Billy Crone had his series on his website up for about a year but now is only available on DVD.

The whole tragic outbreak Was part of a Gain of Function experiment that was funded by our own NIH.

It was initially believed the virus had been "accidentally" spread from the lab in Wuhan China, until past videos were released that indicated it was no accident.

It no doubt was deliberately released out of the lab and was spread country to country by the use of the airlines, that's why it spread so quickly.

This was a diabolical strategy to create a "Pandemic" to test the masses reaction to see how far the governments could use their authority to get the people to submit to them.

One of the things that was a give away that it was planned, these the term Pandemic was made, was the Event 201 that took place in John Hopkins Hospital and funded by The Gates Foundation.
Bill and Melinda Gates have been philanthropists and promoted the use of vaccines and abortion primarily in third world countries like Africa because of the overpopulation there.

The pandemic was purposed for two things, to test submission to the governments, and to depopulated the planet because the globalists believe overpopulation is problematic for climate change.

Bottom line is this was planned to kill as many people as possible and as a test run to implement the Great Reset

The victims in all this, was the public who was caught unexpectedly with surprise and unprepared.

The ones who perpetrated this planned tragedy were not surprised because they knew what would kill the people, not the virus, but the vaccine that just happened to have already been developed even before Operating Warp Speed.

Yes, they had a Covid "vaccine" before Covid broke out because it was part of the plan to use the spike protein to kill people.
It was never a vaccine. It was never safe and "effective" and they knew it didn't help anyone get better and is why all the boosters.

For Big pharma it was greed. All about the money.
For the globalists, it was always about Power and the moving forward with the long planned One World Government.

It all sounds like a conspiracy theory but that's what they wanted people to believe to prevent anyone from knowing the truth behind it otherwise their plan wouldn't have worked.

It was a success but not enough for their Great Reset so on to the next plan. A Cyber attack that will disrupt everything electronic worldwide. More fear mongering and making the masses depend on the government for help
They always tell us what they're going to do before they do it.

We know this is all leading to the Antichrist Beast Kingdom.
We're this close to the Rapture of the church and the start of the Tribulation.
If anyone is interested in hearing what was discussed with Senator Ron Johnson and the panel of experts on the virus and the shots from 2022 here's the link to OANN news with the video included at the end of the short article.

With most of my wifes extended family getting covid, Im amazed neither of us had covid. I never stopped going out, was around others on a constant basis, yet never got sick. Perhaps I received so many vaccines in my decades in the Marines, it formed a resistance to anything else getting through.*maisey*
Keep in mind the Greek term for "Sorceries" is Pharmakia.
This is where the English word Pharmacy comes from.

The atrocities done in the name of medicine by the imposing of mandated shots that only kill and not help anyone get well, is criteria to fall under The judgement coming during the Tribulation.

"And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts"
Revelation 9:21
With most of my wifes extended family getting covid, Im amazed neither of us had covid. I never stopped going out, was around others on a constant basis, yet never got sick. Perhaps I received so many vaccines in my decades in the Marines, it formed a resistance to anything else getting through.*maisey*
There are quite a few people who never got Covid. It’s strange. It may have to do with our blood types. People with certain blood types fared much worse. I am A Positive which is supposed to be one of the not favorable types.
I had Covid twice.

Trump has yet to comment on his Operation Warp speed being a failure.
The program to get a vaccine to market wasn't a failure but was a success. The failure was the mRNA vaccines. They turned out not to be vaccines and overtime it became clear that they were more dangerous than the disease they were supposed to protect against. 95% efficacy? Yeah right. Like the rest of us, Trump was a victim of the Deep State.
There are quite a few people who never got Covid. It’s strange. It may have to do with our blood types. People with certain blood types fared much worse. I am A Positive which is supposed to be one of the not favorable types.
I had Covid twice.

I never got it and never made an effort to avoid it. I was flying around the country visiting relatives when the airports were empty. I only wore a mask when it was mandated to get into a building I wanted to enter. The only case I know of it in my bloodline was one of my daughters got it while in Europe. My wife and daughter brought it home with them and never bothered to tell me until it slipped out later. I've definitely been exposed to it but didn't get it. I received all but the most recent vaccine and have apparently had no ill effect from that. I take a blood thinner... so that might go in my favor.
The program to get a vaccine to market wasn't a failure but was a success. The failure was the mRNA vaccines. They turned out not to be vaccines and overtime it became clear that they were more dangerous than the disease they were supposed to protect against. 95% efficacy? Yeah right. Like the rest of us, Trump was a victim of the Deep State.
Trump was a victim in it too because the globalists had to get him out of office because he was hindering their plans to move forward with the Great reset. That's why so much effort has been invested in keeping him from re election and getting him convicted of anything to keep him from being President again because he's not of the globalists.
He has his flaws but he did have an opposing view of the deep state and globalists.
I never got Covid nor was I ever vaccinated.
I think the ones who were infected were those who were regularly exposed to the virus like medical personnel as in nurses and doctors and those with underlying conditions and poor immune systems, that's why they kept saying the vulnerable were the elderly.
People who were suspectable to getting sick already got it easily.
Some people have strong immune systems that can fight off viruses and not get sick.
But those who had strong immune systems and got the shots and boosters unwittingly lowered their immune systems with the spike protein and even though they had gotten so many boosters, they got Covid more than once which the CDC labeled "Long Covid" incorrectly.
I’m very healthy and my immune system was pretty good. However, I did catch Covid at a time when I was already pretty weak and had lost weight with a bad erosion at my gastroesophageal junction. They had just done the upper endoscopy on me and found the erosion, and then I got sick with Covid the very next day. (My husband fell with Covid the day of my endoscopy!) Strangely, the Covid seemed to target me right where I was weakest, with unrelenting, very severe nausea the entire two weeks I had it.
Side note, my husband received the monoclonal antibodies “regeneron,” and his recovery was amazing. Trump was trying to get that treatment more available and I’m ticked that people were pushed toward the jab and hospital admission rather than that.
There are quite a few people who never got Covid. It’s strange. It may have to do with our blood types. People with certain blood types fared much worse. I am A Positive which is supposed to be one of the not favorable types.
I had Covid twice.

Im O positive which supposedly had the least amount of infections. For whatever reason I never had it, Im thankful as many of our younger nieces and nephews had it.

No more shots for me other than my annual flu shot which I have not missed in over 4 decades.

Best defense for health is a strong offense which for me is heavy exercise.
Im O positive which supposedly had the least amount of infections. For whatever reason I never had it, Im thankful as many of our youner nieces and nephews had it.

No more shots for me other than my annual flu shot which I have not missed in over 4 decades.

Best defense for health is a strong offense which for me is heavy exercise.
Exercise is good for the immune system. I do some walking and Pilates but I should try to step it up more. I never could run well.
The Ivermectin is real effective in treating Covid if taken within the first ten days of the virus onset. That too was frowned upon by the CDC and government as not good and kept saying it was misinformation and not permitted to even talk about on social media.
I took that and started on day 2 or 3, and I’m not sure how much it helped me. It certainly wasn’t giving me the quick results that other people had, so with that nausea I didn’t want to take it anymore. I powered through and finished it at the prescribing doctors urging. But yeah, not sure if it helped me at all. I was extremely sick for 13 days
That's another misconception is that those masks helped but they never worked. It was proven in studies that the Covid particles that are airborne are too small and they go right through the tiny little holes in the material used to make masks. Of those tiny fiber holes were sealed in masks you couldn't breathe.
But masks don't work. But we're still mandated for the same reason the shots were, power and authority to force submission to the public and fear was used to get people to submit.
I still stand by the fact that, although the Covid virus floating in the air could still go through the masks, they did offer some protection against droplet transmission. This coming from a healthcare background where I often wore a mask at work, with my patients who had viral pneumonia, respiratory MRSA, etc. I was upset back on the other forum with what a big deal everyone made about masks. No they should never have been mandated outside of healthcare settings. But this was a very confusing time and wearing a mask was an individual decision for everyone to make, and no one should have been ridiculed for it. One person on the forum actually insinuated that I wasn’t walking in faith, just because I chose to wear a mask at the grocery store. I’m still hurt by that implication. And I feel that it’s dangerously close to word-faith theology. This person didn’t seem to care that I had to think about my unsaved mom too, who was absolutely terrified. That said, what very little protection the masks offered was only a delay, because we all got Covid eventually anyway. These fools that want to keep the population masked forever — it’s just dystopian.