As a way for the enemy to divide Christians and destroy relationships, 2020 and the years following were perfect. The enemy destroyed fellowships, credibility and relationships so that people don't get saved and Christians are split apart. The enemy prioritizes attacks that leave Christians wounded and bleeding on either side of a battle line he drew in the sand. The circular firing squad it's often called.
Until we get Raptured out of here that is part of living down here- it's hard and the enemy sets us up to fight each other.
Friendships between great christian leaders that were an amazing testimony were divided. People accused each other instead of understanding that we might actually come to different conclusions and still be in fellowship, still be Christians.
I saw way too much of that.
BUT I also found a treasure.
Which of you haven't prayed for me when I asked for it? None. You've all been there for me. THAT MATTERS. That is the way it's supposed to be.
Did we disagree? Yes of course. Christians don't see everything the same way. That is why some of the threads we've participated in are so long, and never really persuade anyone to a single point of view. They make us think, grow, dig deep in the Word but ultimately we don't all agree on everything. Iron sharpens iron.
I know when I ask you to pray for the salvation of my hairdresser you pray with me. When I was facing probable thyroid cancer but surgery was cancelled 3 times because it was 2020 you prayed for me. When George got the brain tumour, you prayed with me. When my youngest granddaughter was born with genetic health problems that would require surgery, you prayed. This spring when the "whatever it is that behaves like MS but supposedly isn't" happened and took away a lot of my ability to get around, you prayed.
I count on the fellowship I have with all of you. That is precious. Valuable. And it goes both ways. I want to be that friend in the fellowship you can grab hold of and ask for prayer without any question, no judgment just support and heartfelt regular prayer.
Because Grace and Mercy with each other is a way to reflect Christ. And that will win the lost and keep us going down here until
the Rapture.