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Pfizer, FDA docs show both lied about vaccine safety.


Staff member
I received the following in an email from Liberty Counsel Action this morning.

Pfizer just released its last documents as mandated by the court. For the last two-plus years, both the Feds and Pfizer touted the lies of "safe and effective." We knew both claims were false. These documents now prove that the Feds and Pfizer KNEW what THEY were saying were LIES!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew the safety monitoring system was "not sufficient" for assessing the increased risks for cardiovascular conditions associated with Pfizer's COVID-19 shots.

In these documents, the FDA admits its risk assessment "[p]rogram is NOT sufficient to assess the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and subclinical myocarditis associated with COMIRNATY."

In addition to the Pfizer and FDA documents, the Department of Defense has released a disturbing report. They show a shocking increase in deaths and adverse events after the COVID shots. Comparing a five-year average to the outcomes from 2022 involving pilots (some of the most physically fit), one Navy medical officer found the following changes:
  • Myocarditis up 151%.
  • Cardiomyopathy up 152%.
  • Hypertensives up 36%.
  • Pulmonary heart disease up 62%.
  • Other forms of heart disease up 63%.
  • Ischemic heart disease up 69%.
  • Heart failure is up 973%.
Pfizer just released its last documents as mandated by the court. For the last two-plus years, both the Feds and Pfizer touted the lies of "safe and effective." We knew both claims were false. These documents now prove that the Feds and Pfizer KNEW what THEY were saying were LIES!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew the safety monitoring system was "not sufficient" for assessing the increased risks for cardiovascular conditions associated with Pfizer's COVID-19 shots.

In these documents, the FDA admits its risk assessment "[p]rogram is NOT sufficient to assess the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and subclinical myocarditis associated with COMIRNATY."
These people need to be held accountable for their lies that killed a lot of people because they believed by taking the vaccine they were protecting themselves. So glad neither one of us took them.
Pfizer just released its last documents as mandated by the court. For the last two-plus years, both the Feds and Pfizer touted the lies of "safe and effective." We knew both claims were false. These documents now prove that the Feds and Pfizer KNEW what THEY were saying were LIES!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew the safety monitoring system was "not sufficient" for assessing the increased risks for cardiovascular conditions associated with Pfizer's COVID-19 shots.

In these documents, the FDA admits its risk assessment "[p]rogram is NOT sufficient to assess the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and subclinical myocarditis associated with COMIRNATY."
Can you share the link, so I can send it to others?
Im certainly not saying Trump is responsible but he did order the rush job. Does anyone feel he bares some responsibility, or was he simply relying on the medical “experts” information as relayed to him?

What a mess that whole situation has become, and I feel sorry for those folks suffering any lasting effects, or for those who died.

Like many on this forum, I did take the first few jabs, but never again, and I had no adverse effects - at least that I know of.
Im certainly not saying Trump is responsible but he did order the rush job. Does anyone feel he bares some responsibility, or was he simply relying on the medical “experts” information as relayed to him?

What a mess that whole situation has become, and I feel sorry for those folks suffering any lasting effects, or for those who died.

Like many on this forum, I did take the first few jabs, but never again, and I had no adverse effects - at least that I know of.
I know Trump did the Operation Warp speed hoping he had the solution to helping people. I don't know if he ordered the rush job, but it turned out to be a catastrophe. I have also heard that embalmers are saying it is a mess when they go to embalm people. The blood is not normal such as blood clots from whatever is in the blood from the vaccines. It has affected the DNA.
I know Trump did the Operation Warp speed hoping he had the solution to helping people. I don't know if he ordered the rush job, but it turned out to be a catastrophe. I have also heard that embalmers are saying it is a mess when they go to embalm people. The blood is not normal such as blood clots from whatever is in the blood from the vaccines. It has affected the DNA.
One of the compelling reasons I took the jab because it was finished under Trump, and he cut all the bureaucratic red tape which allowed operation warp speed to be completed so fast.
He trusted Fauci and Birx and others who were beholden to Fauci. He is guilty of trusting them, nothing more, in my opinion. He was not a medical expert and the medical experts all fell into line with what they were told to say in order to protect their financial and power ties to the Big Pharma sector.
Comparing a five-year average to the outcomes from 2022 involving pilots (some of the most physically fit), one Navy medical officer found the following changes:
  • Myocarditis up 151%.
  • Cardiomyopathy up 152%.
  • Hypertensives up 36%.
  • Pulmonary heart disease up 62%.
  • Other forms of heart disease up 63%.
  • Ischemic heart disease up 69%.
  • Heart failure is up 973%.
I have 3 observations to back this up

POINT 1: That is completely correct. I saw a study out of Switzerland from Feb of this year 2023- that showed 1 in every 35 young fit health care workers taking the vaccine had heart damage shown by alarming spikes in Troponin levels. What startled the researchers was that it affected women more than men unlike the earlier Thai study that showed younger men were more vulnerable. Apparently younger women are even MORE vulnerable than younger men.

Looking for the link now I'm having trouble locating the study. But no trouble finding that the NIH as well as several other govt funded health bureaucracies have gone into overdrive to debunk that study and play with the results so it "actually" means a lot less. SHOCKER!!! If I find it I will post the abstract but I suspect they were forced to retract it.

They used a simple test to measure a heart enzyme (the one they take in hospitals to see if you have had a heart attack) and even in many otherwise healthy people with NO symptoms-- SYMPTOM FREE ---they were picking up spikes in the Troponin level (the enzyme).

NEWS FLASH to the YT censors and others-- Troponin levels shouldn't be elevated in healthy young adults of either sex that aren't currently running a marathon (slight elevation then). That enzyme is released by dead and dying cardiac muscle cells. The study accounted for anything related to heavy exercise and eliminated that as a factor. But hey presto the fact checkers are bringing that up.

I just don't think that a few journalists acting as Moderna and Pfizer or govt propaganda mouthpieces have the required medical knowledge to debunk a really good well set up study. They wouldn't know a Troponin level if it bit them on the nose. But someone with medical knowledge was coaching them carefully to pick it apart and introduce doubts.

One of the ones I read claimed that elevated troponin was not a cause for immediate alarm, it's actually quite common and it needs a dr to interpret whether you are fine with an elevated level. WOWZERS

In the ER when we check if someone is having a heart attack it's quite common alright, -- it's an IMMEDIATE sign that the patient is having an attack in progress, time to shove a clot buster into them and grease the skids to get them into the OR for a stent!!! But hey what do I know -- I haven't worked as an RN in decades! Modern medicine must be way more advanced right???

George loves listening to live Air Traffic Control streams (all around the world) and about the time we started seeing the dreadful backlogs of passengers last Christmas there were a lot of those sites reporting on pilots dying of a heart attack unexpectedly in the air or during takeoff and landing procedures. That USED TO BE VERY VERY RARE. NOT NOW.

Which stands to reason with the above stats

POINT 3: The FAA recently amended (fixed) the problem by changing the health requirements for pilots to mask the fact that most pilots flying now wouldn't qualify because they are showing signs of heart disease. Pilots who otherwise passed all previous health tests are suddenly needing a change in the FAA to keep working. Because otherwise air traffic might grind to a halt perhaps?

When I looked that one up, the AP news people had helpfully fact checked to reassure people that it had NOTHING to do with the recent vaccine requirements and they cited a very old study from early in the vaccinations that cardiac stuff was super rare and only in male teens and young adults. That conclusion has been proven false- every age is at risk, younger is more at risk and women more than men if the Swiss study is borne out by any others-- but the fact checkers don't want that bit of bad news getting out so they are very careful how they word it.
The people to blame are Fauci, Birx and others who knew the truth about the early results in the vaccine tests.

Front line medical staff were doing their absolute best under some very difficult circumstances. The vaccine was sold to Trump and others as SAFE. And something to get people out of quarantine, and the economy back to "normal". Those were lies carefully crafted to sell the vaccines.

You only know what you know at the time.

The people who DID know- were Fauci, Birx etc. They were the gatekeepers of knowledge about the virus and they suppressed any research or data that didn't fit their narrative.

Sadly the death rates were high in the initial waves of the disease. That was a fact. Any Epidemic is like that including SARS, original version that hit in Toronto way back. But like every epidemic, the virus changed and viruses usually change to be milder and less apt to kill their hosts. That also happened. Wait long enough, the deaths come down and the disease becomes a part of normal life.

What was happening just about the time the vaccines came on the market was a number of proven medicines and I don't mean that antivirus stuff.

Things like Ivermectin, Reactine and Pepcid AC (they interfered with the way the disease activated the immune system and saved lives) and good old Prednisone. All cheap, easy to get and really really available everywhere even third world countries.

But the propaganda was coming out in the guise of actual research. LIES were being told to people like Trump and other leaders around the globe.

Anything that got in the way of selling vaccines had to be suppressed.

And sadly the very people who were warning of this were using the same fear tactics that the opposition did. Everyone was lying.

So some said avoid the vaccine- it's the mark of the Beast or my personal not favourite- it's killing everyone who takes it. Most people who took it survived. And still when I look at it, the same reasons the vaccine causes harm in people is the SAME reason the DISEASE caused harm in some people. Which makes medical sense.

It has to do with the Spike Protein and the way it activates an immune pathway that in some people goes haywire and causes problems from clots to arrythmias (very very different, not the same, but both affect the heart) and cause cancer to suddenly appear or get bad faster than normal.

So hindsight is 20 20 and the major problem I see isn't the vaccine or the disease, but the suppression of truth, suppression of evidence and the ongoing suppression of any research that proves that Fauci and Birx and Moderna and Pfizer

ARE CULPABLE and should have the hide sued off them for doing what they did.

Lastly-- the FDA bears particular responsibilty because they were the very people who were supposed to stand in the way of such crimes.

They aided and abetted the perps.

Don't get me wrong, this is the worst excuse for a vaccine that has ever been allowed but don't overlook the concerns of the time either. People were looking for a solution and ready to grab at anything to bring "normal" back. Just like they will when the Antichrist comes along with his plan to make it all better.

no that isn't the swiss study that I was referring to. Feb of 2023, and it studied troponin levels in young healthy medical stuff who volunteered for the vaccine and for the study. They took the levels over a couple of weeks and were startled by the results.
Im certainly not saying Trump is responsible but he did order the rush job. Does anyone feel he bares some responsibility, or was he simply relying on the medical “experts” information as relayed to him?
I don't blame Trump. He was making decisions based on the best information he had at the time. The importance of a vaccine seemed pretty critical when he called for Operation Warp Speed.

Of course, we know now that it was all an orchestration and the info Trump received was meant to see the country as well as the world react a certain way.
Just the wording of Operation Warp speed indicated to me it wasn't properly tested, and they also used the term emergency use authorization. It was a rush job that is not a good sign.
Yep I remember a lot of us talking about this on the other site at the time. Some kept saying "trust the medical community." Even though we had medical people on those forums.

Til it all the "no vax" got labeled conspiracy and got snuffed out and became a banned topic. Unfortunate, really.
Esp when we had Franklin Graham out there saying if you dont take the vax, you're a reckless Christian. :ohno:
Yep I remember a lot of us talking about this on the other site at the time. Some kept saying "trust the medical community." Even though we had medical people on those forums.

Til it all the "no vax" got labeled conspiracy and got snuffed out and became a banned topic. Unfortunate, really.
Esp when we had Franklin Graham out there saying if you dont take the vax, you're a reckless Christian. :ohno:
I remember that well I was one against the vaccine, and there were others as well. I am thinking there is a certain person that may have got banned because of her comment or she didn't like it when it was taken down and left.
It might be. It's behind a fire wall and I would have to subscribe to see it.

Here's what I can say- I looked and found the study- but what is left of it isn't available to view and all the evidence that it existed and it's claims are found in the debunkers.

The study was done in Basel Switzerland and in Feb of 23 it got some traction. 2 Drs I follow reported on it, I went over had a look, printed it out (I don't know where it is right now). One Dr's video - Dr Campbell in Feb /23 when I saw it last. That video was removed by YT and Dr Vinay Prasad who reported first in Oct of /22 still has some comments up on it buried deep in an old YT that YT must have overlooked. Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings at the 3:20 mark

So what I reported above is from memory and today from looking at the crazy debunking efforts which report it as MACIS: Incidence, Patient Characteristics and Outcome of Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine.

It's amazing to see that it existed at one point. I remember reading it, printing it out.

Then the enthusiastic debunking machine got it off the web so nobody could refer back to it and actually read it.

AND make a bunch of wild claims about normal troponin variations being why the study needed to be ignored.

A prominent Swiss cardiologist whose specialty IS Troponin is behind the study here: Forschungsgruppe Müller C. | Departement Klinische Forschung | Universität Basel

and the study I remember is near the bottom. MACIS: Incidence, Patient Characteristics and Outcome of Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine.

But if you follow any links to it, the actual study has been removed.

And it's off his resume now.

The Thought Police are quite active. My takeaway- it's going to get worse before Jesus fixes this whole mess permanently and brings the people who perpetrated this crime to HIS justice!
Many Christians got it, not knowing. The Feds did a good job making everyone believe if you didn't have the shots you would die or if you got the virus you would spread it a cause people to die. They lied. All along it was always a 99.9% survival if you got it. Only The ones with underlying health problems were at higher risk.
It was always no different than the flu.
More people died After the shots than those who got the virus and never had the shot.