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Olivier Melnick and Brandon Holthous expose the Apostasy of the End Times

Just watched the video. And I realized something. I thought that Paula White and the gang were there to support, encourage and possibly evangelize Trump. I was never thrilled to see them there…actually it thoroughly annoyed me. But I thought their intentions were Godly (with a side-dish of self promotion. Or vice-versa.) Now I know that all they wanted was connections to Trump so that they could effect laws and see their 7-Mountain Mandate come to pass.
I am going to say something very radical here, and it is: I think I would rather see Trump not in the Oval Office again, if Paula White and the other NAR people are going to cling on to him again. I think I would rather see the pure evil I see now take us down, than people who are supposedly representing Jesus Christ, walking around claiming His name, working within the top level of our government to bring in that lie. It’s almost as evil as what we see going on right now! And it is certainly detrimental to the name of Jesus Christ.
If Trump does make it to the election, of course, I will vote for him…writing him in if I have to. What else can we do?
But now I have to wonder if God really wants him in there.
Just watched the video. And I realized something. I thought that Paula White and the gang were there to support, encourage and possibly evangelize Trump. I was never thrilled to see them there…actually it thoroughly annoyed me. But I thought their intentions were Godly. Now I know that all they wanted was connections to Trump so that they could effect laws and see their 7-Mountain Mandate come to pass.
I am going to say something very radical here, and it is: I think I would rather see Trump not in the Oval Office again, if Paula White and the other NAR people are going to cling on to him again. I think I would rather see the pure evil I see now take us down, than people who are supposedly representing Jesus Christ, walking around claiming His name, working within the top level of our government to bring in that lie. It’s almost as evil as what we see going on right now! And it is certainly detrimental to the name of Jesus Christ.
If Trump does make it to the election, of course, I will vote for him…writing him in if I have to. What else can we do?
But now I have to wonder if God really wants him in there.
And when Jesus replied to the disciples question on what would be the sign of His coming, the first words Jesus replied were
"Watch out that you are not deceived....." Luke 21:8
There's so much deception out there in these last days that we need to be alert and discern everything because the god of this world is blinding the minds of unbelievers but the church is not ignorant of what is suspicious and appears to be a good thing but is actually a falsehood. Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 4:4
2 Corinthians 11:14
If it smells like a skunk it just might be a skunk 😆🤣
I have no idea what my lineage is 🤣
Maybe part Boxer since I have always had Boxers as my choice of pets since I was 3 years old.
I believe I have had five Boxers now with Macho being my most recent.
How come everyone is laughing at my lineage bloodline of purebread Boxer
Phffth 😆🤣
I'm so glad I had a laugh tonight. Too much seriousness too often gets to me sometimes. Thank you for the laughs family 🥰
Just watched the video. And I realized something. I thought that Paula White and the gang were there to support, encourage and possibly evangelize Trump. I was never thrilled to see them there…actually it thoroughly annoyed me. But I thought their intentions were Godly (with a side-dish of self promotion. Or vice-versa.) Now I know that all they wanted was connections to Trump so that they could effect laws and see their 7-Mountain Mandate come to pass.
I am going to say something very radical here, and it is: I think I would rather see Trump not in the Oval Office again, if Paula White and the other NAR people are going to cling on to him again. I think I would rather see the pure evil I see now take us down, than people who are supposedly representing Jesus Christ, walking around claiming His name, working within the top level of our government to bring in that lie. It’s almost as evil as what we see going on right now! And it is certainly detrimental to the name of Jesus Christ.
If Trump does make it to the election, of course, I will vote for him…writing him in if I have to. What else can we do?
But now I have to wonder if God really wants him in there.
Going to say another radical thing here, (and I agree 100%)

I think if God allows the conservative voters their way whether it's Canada, USA or anywhere else for that matter- it will be something that opens the eyes of the discerning to the evil that sits in the conservative side, pulling the strings. But the ones hoping for a fresh start, a real reset back to better laws will be disappointed.

You call it the swamp down in the US, it has no name up here but it is every bit as evil as the leftist globalists, perhaps more so because it comes hidden in plain sight, with a good face pasted on it.

I agree, vote for the best knowing that nobody is perfect and the perfect candidate/party doesn't exist. Also knowing that it is God who puts people into power and takes them out.

At this point in history if we are as close to the Tribulation as I suspect we are, I think that BOTH sides are primed and ready to work for globalism, one world govt, and mark of the beast. There are no reprieves regardless of who wins.

Whoever "wins" if it's rigged or wins if it's fair-- is there at that very point in history by God's permission and if we are close to the Trib, then no matter who God allows in there, they will both be working to bring about the Tribulation whether they understand it or not.

I think back to my reaction to the Q Anon group and it's ungodly attachment to Trump- they were/are antisemitic to the core (Trump wasn't) and their symbols were openly demonic - I spotted a nod to Mithras, a Satanic/witchcraft reference to a tree symbol (trees in the Garden of Eden are a focus there), some frog stuff, some blasphemy of Christ putting words in He never said and other issues. But they deceived a lot of people.

Then as you point out, the speed at which the NAR attached themselves to Trump.

Both groups were involved in "predicting" he'd win the next election and how the worst criminal elements in politics would meet their political end, but it doesn't happen. Because they are false prophets. Just like in Jeremiah's day.

Babylon is coming. Babylon will have it's way for 7 years. The false prophets prophesy Peace Peace when there is no peace. Babylon and the NAR false "profits" are springing from the same root.

Babylon owns the political machine on both sides so that no matter who is elected, with the best of intentions, Babylon will continue to pull the strings. Just like we saw happen with Trump with the wrong people being put in charge, left in charge. Trump either couldn't see their intentions were evil or he was blinded by their "support" that failed him when the heat was on.

Babylon will be allowed to put itself in power from the right and left in order that prophecy is fulfilled, and the Tribulation machinery is in place by the time we go up.
They will both be working to bring about the Tribulation whether they understand it or not.

Trump with the wrong people being put in charge, left in charge. Trump either couldn't see their intentions were evil or he was blinded by their "support" that failed him

WOW. I think you hit it right on. Trump had and has good intentions but was gullible to those around him who fed his pride. God used that to allow things to come to pass.
And Paula White was attached to him long before he became President. He actually called her one day after seeing her preach on TV, asking her questions. Maybe she (and her pals?) even got him to run! Nothing would surprise me anymore.
There is much too much going on that are shadows of the tribulation. I have to agree with you that we aren’t getting a reprieve. This ball is rolling and picking up exponential speed. We are going home soon.
God has a covenant with America like He has with Israel and America won't have judgement on it nor persecution because of that covenant. I personally don't agree but some people do believe that.
We know that God made a covenant with only one nation, Israel. People who try and place the US in a covenant relationship with God are the most likely to their rugs ripped from under them when that doesn't work out.

The Pilgrims did make the Mayflower Compact but it wasn't given to them by God.

One way to look at coming persecution is to be grateful if we are counted worthy to suffer for Jesus' name. (I haven't tried that yet, but love listening to testimonies of those who have <3)