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How to Share The Gospel


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Do you have a plan as to how to share the Gospel? 🤔

This might be a good thread to give suggestions as to how to share the Gospel. The two most obvious ways are confronting people and handing out tracts. My X-wife hated both of those ways and would not do either. I did not mind doing either one but I kind of had to work myself up to do it. So I came up with a way that worked well for me that I did not have to get worked up for.

Before I tell you what I did and do, I am hoping that others will tell what they do, so there will be a number of choices for how to share the Gospel for those who are not doing it now.

One of the first ways I started doing it was when the Left Behind books came out. I was working then and gave them out to my coworkers and also family members. The books were interesting and it was easy for me to just give them out. I don't know how many people were saved when I gave out the books but I do know of two. One was my brother and the other was a Jewish coworker. While that method was easy, it was costly and after a while no one wanted those books any longer as they lost popularity. I must have given out over 200 of those books though.

After that, I had no special method and went back to confronting people in the park with a smile saying "Do you know what Jesus did for you?" as an opening line. Again, that was not my favorite method as some would give me a look like get away from me! I also spent some time in Prison ministry, but I would not suggest that to anyone to do unless you feel God has called you to it. That for me shut down during COVID in 2020. Soon after that I got a divorce and moved away and never started that back.

Now to my favorite method of sharing the Gospel which I have been doing for the last 15 years or so. I print out copies of my testimony and fold it so it fits in my pocket. I keep about 10 or so copies in my pockets at all times. So what I do is say to whomever "I got something for you. This is something I wrote on Christianity, if you don't like it throw it away". The reason I like this method is because I am not forcing anyone to stop and listen to me nor am I advertising anything like a church or something. So it is not offensive. I hand them out mostly to store clerks and cashiers and even people I pass in my apartment building. To anyone really that I don't have to stop, like someone walking down the sidewalk. I must have passed out a thousand of these over the years. I think there were only like 5 people that did not accept them. Most actually said thank you!

Here is my testimony that I pass out for those who are interested. 😊

I am not saying that is what others should do as it just works well for me. A good friend of mine passes out tracts to waiters when he pays the bill and asks them if they know what happens to them when they die. He makes sure to give them a good tip, so they don't mind his brief talk.

So it would be great if people share any creative ways that they share the Gospel on this thread, unless there is another thread I should have posted this on.

God Bless! 🙏
I just thought of another way to share the Gospel for those who are very shy. Buy some tracts that clearly tell how to get saved. Leave them places like in your shopping cart, a seat you have sat in, a hotel stay, a table you were served at, an Uber ride and the list goes on. Just anywhere that someone might see them and pick them up and read. Many times when handing out a tract the person won't read it, as they have already refused it in their mind. If someone finds a tract, they may just read it just out of curiosity?

Just a thought. 😊
At Halloween we put candy into small paper bags along with a tract or 2. The kids or their parents may throw them away but someone may read them, especially if the tract addresses them directly like, "Why I can't be a Mormon" or "Which church is best?" or something similar. And, we always include a Spanish one. Maybe just the title will start someone thinking (Will Everyone Go to Heaven?).
I just thought of another way to share the Gospel for those who are very shy. Buy some tracts that clearly tell how to get saved. Leave them places like in your shopping cart, a seat you have sat in, a hotel stay, a table you were served at, an Uber ride and the list goes on. Just anywhere that someone might see them and pick them up and read. Many times when handing out a tract the person won't read it, as they have already refused it in their mind. If someone finds a tract, they may just read it just out of curiosity?

Just a thought. 😊
My wife and I used to do that back in the day (1970's). I don't know why we stopped. After all, it had been a tract that someone left in a rental vehicle that first opened my mind a little to Jesus Christ and the way of salvation ... which a few months later prepared my heart to accept Him as my Lord and Savior.