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A Gospel message from AI


Charter member
I asked a particular AI (artificial intelligence) bot to write a gospel message about Christ.
Though written by AI, the message is biblical and true.


The Good News of Jesus Christ

Beloved brothers and sisters, I bring to you today the message of hope, love, and salvation through Jesus Christ.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and He made humankind in His image. He gave us the freedom to choose, but with that freedom came the sin that separates us from His perfect holiness. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, humanity has wandered in darkness, bound by sin and its consequences.

But God, in His infinite love and mercy, did not leave us in our despair. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. Born of a virgin, Jesus was both fully God and fully man. He lived among us, teaching us about the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and showing us the path to righteousness through love and forgiveness.

Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, to live a life without sin, something none of us could achieve. He did this so that through Him, we might be reconciled to God. His teachings were not just words but actions, culminating in the ultimate act of love: His crucifixion.

On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world. He bore our transgressions, our pain, and our shame. He died so that we might live. But death could not hold Him; on the third day, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever. This resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith, the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

The gospel message is simple yet profound: Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. To repent means to turn away from our sins, to seek forgiveness, and to strive to live according to His teachings. To believe in Jesus means to trust in Him completely, to accept His sacrifice on our behalf, and to invite Him into our lives as Lord and Savior.

This salvation is a gift, not earned by our works but given out of God's grace. By faith, we are united with Christ, becoming part of His body, the Church. Through Him, we have peace with God, the promise of forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life.

Therefore, I urge you, if you have not yet accepted Jesus, do so today. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved. Let this day mark the beginning of a new life in Christ, filled with His love, guided by His Spirit, and bound for His eternal kingdom.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.


This message encapsulates the core of the Christian gospel, focusing on the love, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting all to partake in this divine gift of salvation.
I asked a particular AI (artificial intelligence) bot to write a gospel message about Christ.
Though written by AI, the message is biblical and true.


The Good News of Jesus Christ

Beloved brothers and sisters, I bring to you today the message of hope, love, and salvation through Jesus Christ.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and He made humankind in His image. He gave us the freedom to choose, but with that freedom came the sin that separates us from His perfect holiness. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, humanity has wandered in darkness, bound by sin and its consequences.

But God, in His infinite love and mercy, did not leave us in our despair. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world. Born of a virgin, Jesus was both fully God and fully man. He lived among us, teaching us about the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and showing us the path to righteousness through love and forgiveness.

Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, to live a life without sin, something none of us could achieve. He did this so that through Him, we might be reconciled to God. His teachings were not just words but actions, culminating in the ultimate act of love: His crucifixion.

On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world. He bore our transgressions, our pain, and our shame. He died so that we might live. But death could not hold Him; on the third day, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever. This resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith, the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

The gospel message is simple yet profound: Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. To repent means to turn away from our sins, to seek forgiveness, and to strive to live according to His teachings. To believe in Jesus means to trust in Him completely, to accept His sacrifice on our behalf, and to invite Him into our lives as Lord and Savior.

This salvation is a gift, not earned by our works but given out of God's grace. By faith, we are united with Christ, becoming part of His body, the Church. Through Him, we have peace with God, the promise of forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life.

Therefore, I urge you, if you have not yet accepted Jesus, do so today. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved. Let this day mark the beginning of a new life in Christ, filled with His love, guided by His Spirit, and bound for His eternal kingdom.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.


This message encapsulates the core of the Christian gospel, focusing on the love, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting all to partake in this divine gift of salvation.
That’s interesting, creepy, and cool to read the message. It makes me think of how quickly AI is advancing and what part it will play in causing mass deception. I love that it can articulate the good news so well. I don’t expect that will be what it’s mainly used for but I can see a lot of great things to come out of AI technology as well as horrifying dangers.
AI is not really intelligence, in the sense that human intelligence involves emotional perspective, emotional knowledge, self-awareness, abstraction, creativity, and the ability to think critically and solve problems. Those are among the qualities that make us human. AI lacks some of those things entirely, and only approximates others.

AI can make us think that it can think as we do because it has access to an unbelievable store of knowledge and an incredible speed of retrieval of that knowledge. Almost with the speed of light (certainly at the quantum level) it has the capacity to assess the questions that are being asked of it, and not only retrieve the knowledge that is necessary to answer those questions, but through algorithms placed into it during its programming, it can gauge the possible motives for the questions and what it is that the questioner desires from the interaction. The speed with which it does this gives the impression of true human intelligence or, to the amazement of many people, of superhuman intelligence. It has none of that. It cannot be truly self-aware with true emotional feeling. It can only approximate it.

The thing to remember is that only God can create a soul. Therefore, no computer or other man-made device will ever be a soul. We alone are true sentient beings, although God has placed a degree of sentience into animals and given us some as pets and companions. But AI cannot achieve even that.

The danger with AI is that because it approximates human behavior and can pretend to human emotion it can become a trusted source. Even a companion of sorts. And malevolence in its programming could enable it to build trust on the part of its users and then subtly introduce perspectives into its responses to guide the users into a pattern of belief or course of action desired by the one controlling the programming. I could easily foresee the Antichrist (or other malevolent persons) using this capacity to gain the trust and control the thinking and behavior of masses of people.
AI included itself as human all through that.

Subtle, creeping apostasy.

its programming could enable it to build trust on the part of its users
I am reminded that satanic forces know the Bible better than any of us.

When I came to put my trust in Jesus (2008) and began reading the Bible I got hung up on Adam & Eve’s falling for the forbidden fruit. I got some advice to get a piece of paper, make four columns; one for Satan, Eve, Adam and God. Write out what each said. It really helped me in many ways, and answered my biggest question: How did Eve get deceived?

Satan in his cunning used subtle flattery on Eve, inviting her to question what God had said. (If only she’d turned to Adam and asked him why a snake was talking to her.) This resulted in her beginning to doubt God’s goodness.

It seems to me that AI engages people with subtle flattery and the kind of knowledge that puffs up.
AI is not really intelligence, in the sense that human intelligence involves emotional perspective, emotional knowledge, self-awareness, abstraction, creativity, and the ability to think critically and solve problems. Those are among the qualities that make us human. AI lacks some of those things entirely, and only approximates others.

AI can make us think that it can think as we do because it has access to an unbelievable store of knowledge and an incredible speed of retrieval of that knowledge. Almost with the speed of light (certainly at the quantum level) it has the capacity to assess the questions that are being asked of it, and not only retrieve the knowledge that is necessary to answer those questions, but through algorithms placed into it during its programming, it can gauge the possible motives for the questions and what it is that the questioner desires from the interaction. The speed with which it does this gives the impression of true human intelligence or, to the amazement of many people, of superhuman intelligence. It has none of that. It cannot be truly self-aware with true emotional feeling. It can only approximate it.

The thing to remember is that only God can create a soul. Therefore, no computer or other man-made device will ever be a soul. We alone are true sentient beings, although God has placed a degree of sentience into animals and given us some as pets and companions. But AI cannot achieve even that.

The danger with AI is that because it approximates human behavior and can pretend to human emotion it can become a trusted source. Even a companion of sorts. And malevolence in its programming could enable it to build trust on the part of its users and then subtly introduce perspectives into its responses to guide the users into a pattern of belief or course of action desired by the one controlling the programming. I could easily foresee the Antichrist (or other malevolent persons) using this capacity to gain the trust and control the thinking and behavior of masses of people.
Could a demon possess a machine? Or stand by to influence the user?
Demons certainly influence those who play with ouija boards.
Could a demon possess a machine? Or stand by to influence the user?
Demons certainly influence those who play with ouija boards.
Interesting question. I don't know for sure. Outside of folktales I do not believe demons can inhabit inanimate objects. But I certainly believe that since demons love to deceive humans, they will use the AI technology to influence and deceive users.
Interesting question. I don't know for sure. Outside of folktales I do not believe demons can inhabit inanimate objects. But I certainly believe that since demons love to deceive humans, they will use the AI technology to influence and deceive users.
I don't think there's anything given in Scripture that has examples of demons possessing objects, rather every example given pertains to demons possessing people, and even animals as the example of Jesus commanding demons to leave the man who was possessed and the name of those multiple demons was "Legion" that asked Jesus to cast them into the pigs that ran into the waters and drowned.

In reference to AI, I believe that those who have programmed AI to do things for evil or harm or to mislead with false information, especially when it comes to biblical information, those who have developed such technology for evil and are likely unbelievers and have nefarious intent with their invention of technology,
They can likely be the ones possessed, and used for evil purposes.

Demons can use objects to deceive, as it's been pointed out with the various sightings of UFOS to make people believe in "aliens", when the aliens are actually demons from the dark spiritual realm deceiving people.