Thanks Margery. I appreciate your point about all the trees. I had thought what that meant is that nations at that time, in general, would become clearly what ever they could be. Like China with AI tracking and control, and Saudi Arabia with its elaborate theme parks, cities, and enginuity (being the place housing Mecca), and Europe with its hate speech laws, and America with it billionaie playboy president, and like that. Like all the nations of end times will become apparent in what they were about. But, I kind I like your connecting it to Israel enemies. I think that is likely a lot closer. My view there had been a bit more poetic perhaps than exegetically substantive.
All The Trees Exegetically -- Perhaps
But then I began to see something else about the trees...which I think you will like this view because it cuddles right up to yours. But from an entirely different perspective. And that is...what if "all the trees" means Ez 38? This is a prophetic passage that if for our day would be very trackable. Because it is the prophecy with most detail in all the bible (on any one subject centralized in 2 chapters Ez 38-39). Its not a prophecy tidbit. Its a prophecy theme park. And in it...drum roll please...are other nations. So I believe it may be like saying: All the trees = the blossoming of Ez 38. Something you can track very closely. But only if we believe the self evident reveal of Ez 38 & 39 for our age. A lot of Christains won't even entertain that.
I came to realize this view during the Uturn season on JDF. Uturn was most active for about a year and left the forum about 6 to 8 months before it closed. But during that time, I discovered that Uturn was able to track 10k data points watching pieces slowly fall into place. It amazed me that we could do that. Because typically if you go oncto YouTube you get the sense that Ez 38 can occur any day. Not from what I saw. We really need Saudi normalization with some other nations to follow for Ez 38 to be the fully blossoming tree it will become. I don't know of any scholar (I am sure they are out there somewhere) that tracks progress on Ez 38 meticulously. But it seems what the watcher world seems to settle for is: We know its soon. We don't need to watch it closley evolve. Lets look at other things. Play them up. And then compare.
But I don't think that really understands the "all the trees." Because if God gives us Ez 38 and 39 raw like that, by which a layperson can see all the geopolitics involved (who is pro or against Israel...what nations are involved, what nations the alignment should look etc). And that it is a rather nuanced and meticulous endeavor, it would seem evangelicalism trends toward the sensational (not having as much patience, diligience and warewithal to painstakenly see just what % level Ez 38 might be at for example today December 7, 2024--because it takes an interest in geopolitical manueverings--which for some could just be boring). But, it would seem to me that Ez 38 is likely more accurate in being a belwhether indicator of our day and time than how we look at technology, finance, government corruption, deception, and of course Trump etc. We tend to like the Revelation Blueprint, and then walk all that back to today and connect the dots. To me this has "some" merit. But it is, to me, like barrowing contemporary ideology of the 21st first century and overlaying it onto the 1500s. I used that absurd contrast for poetic exageration effect. Rather than what is actually provided for us in our context, Ez 38. Like a fine swiss Watch, I believe those 2 chapters have far more "relational eschatological accuracy" for our age then walking back the 70th week into the age of grace. Of course there will be cross over. But its more exotic to walk the tribulation back into our day than whatch meticolous geopolitical alignment with Ez 38. And so the "walk back" wins. Because its a shinier object. Which personally I think by doing will have the potential to reinterpret key areas of eschatology all along the way.
For example, the Abraham Accords look to be much more likely a part of Ez 38 than the covenant with the many. It may be the covenant with the many at some point. But lets skip over Israel's peace and security and jump to the antichrist. Back walk it into 2024. And come up with our own forced template of what everything means in light of forming our own tree. That, I guess, is the sort of trouble we can exchatologically get distracted by. Which ironically makes in some ways perhaps our views on eschatology a distraction itself, unfortuantely. Or at least the potential is there. But I didn't say all this to just vent. lol. Just that, yeah, I think your intuition on the "enemies of Israel" as "all the trees" is leaning in the right direction. Amen.
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By the way, thanks for the Arnold reference to world war association. Outside of that mention though, I don't think we hear all that much about that sort of thing. Have you?
Luke 17:30-37
As for Luke 17:30-37, the Left Behind series would treat that as the rapture. I think it fits perfectly in the tribulation though. Because I would see that event to be the Rev 14 angel reapers. Along those same lines, I had looked at the Jewish Feast Days in the Fall to be fulfilled at Christ's return. And I do believe that is accurate. But having thought previously that the Feast of Trumpets might be the rapture, I believe differently now. From best I can tell, this is the order and meaning of those last Fall feast days:
- Feast of Trumpets -- The Sign of the Son of Man (mourning when seen...10 days before the day of atonement)
- Day of Atonement -- Rev 14 reapers for those who did not repent within 10 days after seeing the Sign of the Son of Man
- Tabernacles -- The thousand-year reign
So I would see the reapers have a very powerful role at the tail end of the tribulation.
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Buying and Selling Motif in the Tribulaiton Era
As for the buying and selling at the end of the tribulation era, I appreciate you recognizing where you argument would have its potential weak points. In concert with that there is this one other area too I think that can be helpful in getting as much a sense as we can of what that might be like. In Daniel 2:42 it details the clay feet with iron to represent parts of that kingdom to be strong and parts week. We have tended to make this all about cyborging creation. But even if true (which I don't really subscribe to as much), the word of God defines that "the worst" it will get under the most powerful antichrist control of the world is clay feet mixed with iron. Even when the AC has ultimate control of the earth, it still has plenty of weak spots. That is not as exotic as a one world government that mind controls everything all over the place strongly. Our era is really into the science fiction of that (underscoring the "fiction" part of it). Some even extend the AC rule to 7 years instead of 3.5 so we can really juice that thing up. This is one huge exegetical issue with making the 1st seal AC. He does not rule the world for the first 3.5 years of the tribulation. It would appear that this clay/iron kingdom mix evolves in the scope of the tribulation. Not before. Even if not correct on my part, what is certain is the AC does not rule fro 7 years. And when it does it is weak all over the place on earth. Not a very sexy novel to sell. But that is the God's honest truth. So I just bring this up because we have a lot of sensational themes today that can tend to color biblical interpretation. So I guess this is my bid for sensationalizing the it were. I don't mean it won't be horrific or massively controlling for 3.5 years. Or maybe even beyond 3.5 years as the harlot rides the beast seemingly as part of perhaps this feet governance. But where the harlot ridding and the beast controlling line divides (outside of the midpoint where the beast demands worship), it is timing we likely don't have the tools today to exactly know to the degree it will go down exactly and when.
In any event dear sister, thank you so much for your thoughtful heart. And being a beautiful member of the body refining and sharpening one another. Amen. Blessings.