Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Have you had your trial yet?
James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;”
Since you have been a Christian have you gone through a trial caused by or allowed by God yet? Abraham went through a trial caused by God. Job went through a trial caused by Satan. All the heroes in the bible went through trials. What about you?
I use to think that a good Christian would not have any major problems in this world, kind of like a light version of the prosperity Gospel. Now that God has me going through a major trial, he has showed me that I am just being promoted. Before I go on, let me help you understand why we need a trial, test, temptation or what ever you want to call it.
So let’s say that I have been married for 50 years to the same woman who has never cheated on me. I am so happy that she has been faithful that I reward her with a diamond ring worth $50K and a large party celebration with 300 guests. Most of the guests don’t know much about my or my wife’s life and have much praise for my wife being faithful. However, my brother who I am close to and who lives near me is not at all impressed with my wife’s faithfulness.
My brother knows some things regarding my marriage that the others don’t know. He knows that I have never allowed my wife to be alone with or speak with anyone without me being right beside her. He knows if I would leave the house I would lock her inside and disable the phone so she could not see or speak with anyone. So the bottom line is that she was unable to cheat on me as I prevented it. Should she now receive a reward for something she really had no part in?
You can see in this made up example, that my wife does not deserve a reward. Now if I were to leave her alone for a year or more and she was subject to temptation and was faithful, then I could see rewarding her. Well guess what, God wants to reward us! For him to reward us he must allow us to go through some type of trial. So if you haven’t gone through a trial, you might want to question whether you are a mature Christian.
Please don’t feel bad if you haven’t had a major trial yet and I am not at all saying that you are not saved. I am saying that you are not as close to God as you could be, nor will you receive all the rewards that you could have. This is why the prosperity Gospel is so troubling, because it makes one think that the better your life is on earth, the better Christian you are.
Have you received your trial yet?
James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;”
Since you have been a Christian have you gone through a trial caused by or allowed by God yet? Abraham went through a trial caused by God. Job went through a trial caused by Satan. All the heroes in the bible went through trials. What about you?
I use to think that a good Christian would not have any major problems in this world, kind of like a light version of the prosperity Gospel. Now that God has me going through a major trial, he has showed me that I am just being promoted. Before I go on, let me help you understand why we need a trial, test, temptation or what ever you want to call it.
So let’s say that I have been married for 50 years to the same woman who has never cheated on me. I am so happy that she has been faithful that I reward her with a diamond ring worth $50K and a large party celebration with 300 guests. Most of the guests don’t know much about my or my wife’s life and have much praise for my wife being faithful. However, my brother who I am close to and who lives near me is not at all impressed with my wife’s faithfulness.
My brother knows some things regarding my marriage that the others don’t know. He knows that I have never allowed my wife to be alone with or speak with anyone without me being right beside her. He knows if I would leave the house I would lock her inside and disable the phone so she could not see or speak with anyone. So the bottom line is that she was unable to cheat on me as I prevented it. Should she now receive a reward for something she really had no part in?
You can see in this made up example, that my wife does not deserve a reward. Now if I were to leave her alone for a year or more and she was subject to temptation and was faithful, then I could see rewarding her. Well guess what, God wants to reward us! For him to reward us he must allow us to go through some type of trial. So if you haven’t gone through a trial, you might want to question whether you are a mature Christian.
Please don’t feel bad if you haven’t had a major trial yet and I am not at all saying that you are not saved. I am saying that you are not as close to God as you could be, nor will you receive all the rewards that you could have. This is why the prosperity Gospel is so troubling, because it makes one think that the better your life is on earth, the better Christian you are.
Have you received your trial yet?