If I recall correctly, Pastor Woods points to a chiasm style in Daniel 2 to 7. In other words chapters 2 relate to chapter 7, chapter 3 to 6, and chapter 4 to 5.
That makes sense to me, but I haven’t understood Daniel’s entire book as a chiasm? Could you elaborate?
Hol, you might want to be careful in using the word "elaborate" around me. I tend to have a fire hydrant syndrome. Nevertheless. Thanks for asking

Now to me this is an interesting thing. I would imagine with the focus that is common at the pastoral levels that the scope of teaching scripture can be topical or going through book by book. Even though the second one to me would be more beneficial, i believe both approaches do have their place. Even in the exegetical verse by verse expositional approach i would say though from what i have seen over the decades this is done in keeping thematics together within a denominational approach. I'm not so much for a denominational approach as i would be for compare and contrast. For me the best teaching of scripture would be how other denominations view things, how history has seen perspectives and biblical themes, and the tensions and differences in general scholarship. It would seem in general we did not end up looking into that so much.
So i bring all that up because in the reformed camp they tend to bring seminary down to the lay level. Which is noble, i believe. Its just that it tends to stay within its thesis driven denominational perspective. At least in the America version of this, the reformed perspective can tend to lean heavy on polemics to the extent of mischaracterizing
other views--at least from what i had been exposed to. However, there was a class taught in one on different eschatologies that i thought was proportionate to differing views.
I bring all that up because i am just shocked that after going through decades of seminary level teaching, I had no idea Daniel was not in chronological order. Or that different chapters were written in Aramaic and others in Hebrew. I had no idea to ask why, because i never knew it to begin with. To me, stuff like that would be extremely important to look into. Because it struggles with understanding providential decisions made in antiquity that seem to also underscore that activity to be included in "exegesis proper." That even providence has a hand in hermeneutics. Those are so awe inspiring conversations I believe the church could be having. But i don't believe it ever got to that level of awareness, for me, to where asking questions that belong to "how might the development of heuristics even play into hermeneutics?" If my saying this sounds Martian, in part it would seem because the church at large had not spent much time there. On one level of course this is very understandable in having a desire to focus on the practical...amen. I believe that is all in good faith, amen. I guess i am just a little shocked how quite a wide variety of ways we could be looking at scripture never made it to the proverbial shore, much less past a coast line understanding. So my apologies i don't have more depth here. I could have spent more time here. It is a worthy question you ask, amen.
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So the first link here shows Chiasm in Daniel. Of all the pastors i have heard over the years, Andy Woods actually is one i tend to favor most. Perhaps in his evaluation of Daniel there were many other things he spoke about. I will have to check him out again on that. Chiasm is interesting, and i believe enriching for devotionals. It helps give an idea toward the poetic mindset in the Hebrew or Israeli mind. For there seems to be incredible poetic structure to scripture. Amen. Personally i have never really been all that into Chiasm. Maybe that is to my detriment. I understand it is a fascinating endeavor to be deeper understood, amen. But its just that like i have seen Chiasm even for Revelation. And it is pretty amazing to see. But what really impressed me about Revelation was after just reading through it several times over the course of months, i came to realize a structure it had in just the simplicity of reading it. And the kinds of themes that would jump out like that I don't recall seeing in commentary. Things that might transcend perhaps the benefits of Chiasm. Like for instance, the 144k in 7 and 14 seem to make a huge key as to the use of modular narrative. Well you can kind of see this too in Chiasm: See how 4 layers in from the beginning or end is the 144k. So its there in Chiasm. But like a difference of benefit in modular narrative would be like, "In what way does this help massage out a hermeneutic? Its not so clear from Chiasm. I guess i'm kind of more interested in how poetics might lend toward ways of reading for context more perhaps than ways for reading to see poetic structure.
For example, in modular narrative approach what i would see (and I am sure this will not be a view shared by all) that the 144k in chapter 7 seem to announce the import of their being as much as the timing of their arrival. So, yeah. We are introduced to the 144k. But it is as much for show of import (about them) as it is the timing in which they are tagged by God for preservation. When seen in this light it makes solid sense why they are in chapter 14. In a contextual sense. Not just poetic one. If that makes sense. There will be different views that people will have about the 144k. But i just use this controversial topic to demonstrate the fruits of modular narrative perhaps that beyond Chaism. However, i believe it can be seen to some degree by both.
So, in 7 the 144k are sealed. And it would appear in linear fashion they are sealed from trumpets. When we note that, it suggest that the 144k are primed for bowls. At which point in chapter 14 they emerge again for what i believe their season. An aspect, element, or feature element of modular narrative is flash forward. In 7 we see how many are brought to the Lord through the 144k. So is that at that time? Or is that "in concert with their operatic introduction?" Like taking a bow when the curtain rises. Like noted as one of the main players in the come. And in that sense, it would seem those won by the 144k in 7 are those in the bowl sequence judgements (which i believe to be the second half of the tribulation). So we have chapter 7 using flash forward i believe. Because those won are shown to not be under intense heat anymore. Which are not associated with seals or trumpets. But bowls? Yes. Bowl 4. So to me, what we see in 7 is an intro to those who win souls in the second half trib bowl judgements. By way of flash forward literary technique. Something that may not be so clear from chiasm. When we come to chapter 10 we see a new book. To me, modular narrative would provide chapter 10 as the intro to the second half of the tribulation. And it would seem in mirror fashion that those that go out in the little book perspective is Israel 144k. Mirrored from Daniel 12. But see, this is why i would put more of a premium on modular narrative than chiasm because of its likely potential of being supreme unleaded fuel use toward contextualization. Whereas, Chiasm (not seemingly having run on premium as much as "plus" unleaded fuel), for me, does not inform as much about context as it would to demonstrate a divine hand was involved in its poetic writing. So i imagine there is something like that in Daniel. I have just never spent time doing that. Daniel scares Because the keys there are likely far more Hebraic than my 21st century mind might venture to comprehend. But those in the second half will see it super clearly no doubt amen. This is one reason i am thrilled at Pastor Adrian's take on Revelation. As it would seem to be a safe container by which the superimposing of previously recorded prophecies might be more palatably on display...amen.
Just a foot note along the way. My perspective view on the 1st and 2nd seal being outside of the tribulation proper are held independently from this operatic introduction as the curtain rises motif i see in Rev chapter 7. Although i believe in principle seem to follow suit. For example, I believe seal 1 and 2 are operatic intros. Or rather one outro and one intro. Out with the church and in with Isarel. My view upon chapter 7 has nothing to do with why i see seal 1 and 2 prior to the tribulation. But now as i look upon both, yes, they both would follow the: Ladies and Gentlemen....would you please welcome the stars of tonight's production...early curtain rise intro...motif.
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So i say all the above to suggest there likely is some pretty wild modular narrative going on in Daniel and likely related to its non-linear composition. But i am too scared to try and have that dance. I admit it. But i do believe it goes beyond Chiasm. Even as modular narrative would seem to transcend chiasm in Revelation. I just don't know how to do that with Danial. And maybe its not for us to try even. Since it is closed up until the time for Isreal in the tribulation to reactivate in their holy emissary like role for Him in the second half. HYPERLINK SHORTCUT But to answer your question, here are some links about its order:
Daniel's Double Chiasm
By using Hebrew and Aramaic, Daniel constructs two well design chiasms to bring God's message to two different groups of people.
The chronological order of the book of Daniel is as follows123:
- Chapters 1-4: Daniel and his three friends taken captive to Babylon.
- Chapters 5-6: Life in Babylon.
- Chapters 7-8: Prophetic Visions.
- Chapters 9-12: Continues the prophecies and visions.

Organizing the book of Daniel chronologically — Billy Humphrey
One of the challenges in understanding the story line of Daniel is the chronology of the book. Because the chapters are not laid out in a chronological order it’s difficult to understand the flow of events. The book is actually put together thematically, in two distinct parts: 1)

The Chronology of Daniel | 4 Truth Ministry
The book of Daniel is not in chronological order. Here is a timeline of known dates and events to assist you in studying the book. The actual chronology is chapters 1-4,7,8,5,6, 9-12

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This initial quote from Finis J. Dake kind of sets the stage to consider. Amen.