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Faith and works

I have trouble with the belief that because someone's sin is greater than another's sin, that the lesser sin is somehow any better than the other.
It's like when someone says they just told a little "white lie". Isn't a lie a lie?
Jesus suffered tremendously for EVERY sin.
100% Rose, the only sin that is the worst sin is to deny the conviction of the Holy Spirit that testifies to the deity of our Lord Jesus and that his sacrifice is the only way for all of our sins past, present and future to be forgiven and for us to be saved because of this belief
100% Rose, the only sin that is the worst sin is to deny the conviction of the Holy Spirit that testifies to the deity of our Lord Jesus and that his sacrifice is the only way for all of our sins past, present and future to be forgiven and for us to be saved because of this belief
100% only sinning against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, the denial of Jesus
Kaatje-- I owe you an apology. My statement to you was false about you not loving truth. It was uncaring, and thoughtless of me to say that to one such as you who obviously loves God and his truth. i hope you can forgive me. I am very sorry. servant1
Your statement didn't touch me, because I knew it to not be true. So it didn't bother me.
In my mind it told me more about you than about me.

But your apology does touch me.
It takes courage to take the high road and ask for forgiveness.

So, I give it gladly, and hope we can move forward together in a gentler spirit.
And yes, that goes both ways. I know, I have to learn things in that area also.

So please forgive me if my replies come on too strong or seem unloveingly.
In my zealousness to keep the Forums on the right track, I know, I can be harsh sometimes.


Re the difference between big and small sins, this Scripture came to me:

Know ye‭‭ not‭ that‭ a little‭ leaven‭ leaveneth‭‭ the whole‭ lump‭?‭
(1 Cor. 5:6)

There is no difference between big sins and small sins.
Every single sin is enough to condemn us to eternal perdition.
That's why we need Christ's blood to hide behind on the Day of Judgement.

For‭ God‭ so‭ loved‭‭ the world‭, that‭ he gave‭‭ his‭ only begotten‭ Son‭,
that‭ whosoever‭ believeth‭‭ in‭ him‭ should‭‭ not‭ perish‭‭, but‭ have‭‭ everlasting‭ life‭.‭

(John 3:16)
Obeying =observe my commandments--(John 3:36= Those who disobey Jesus will not see life, Gods wrath remains upon them.)) Jesus meant every word he said, every word he said is his Fathers will.

No it doesn't. And (John 3:36) is not about OBEYING any law. It is about belief. Faith. Believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, is truth. Not law. You, for some reason want to make it 'law'. Why do you feel the need to put the believer under law?

Again, what Biblical truth were you presenting with the verses you gave?

Why do you ignore this question?

Actually the bible teaches( Acts 3:19) that one must repent and turn around( stop doing the sin) to get sins blotted out.)) If all sin was washed away then why do all pay their own wages of sin= death?

No. All sin/sins have been paid for. All of it/them.

That doesn't mean people, both the believer and the unbeliever, don't sin.

For the believer, his body still dies as it is what he inherited from Adam. His spirit/soul was born again. Not his body. The believer will get his new body later. (Rom. 8:23)

For the unbeliever, it doesn't matter that all sin is paid for. Because faith in Christ is that which is necessary to have Christ's sacrifice applied. And they don't want Christ.

In other words, everyone in hell had their sins paid for. But, they didn't/don't want God or Christ.

They don't want to be in hell. But neither do they want to be in Heaven.

We all sin, the righteous sin in small ways-They do not do the unacceptable sins mentioned at 1 Cor 6:9-11 and Gal 5:19-21--Both spots are clear--will not inherit Gods kingdom if one practices one of those sins or do them willfully. Paul Mentions--this is what some of you were=past tense. They stopped doing those unacceptable sins.

My, my. You who want to put the Christian under law using (James 2:17), now contradict yourself. For (James 2:10) says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

This throws out your 'small ways' interpretation.

I guess you only sin in 'small ways'. And your good works must out weigh your 'small sins'.

No no no
Jesus paid the penalty of sin for us. Upon believing and confessing we are sinners and Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins and that He rose from the dead we are saved and because we still wait for our glorified bodies we do still die. But those wages of sin were paid in full by Jesus.
He won't be saying that is true to these-Matt 7:21-23
Your statement didn't touch me, because I knew it to not be true. So it didn't bother me.
In my mind it told me more about you than about me.

But your apology does touch me.
It takes courage to take the high road and ask for forgiveness.

So, I give it gladly, and hope we can move forward together in a gentler spirit.
And yes, that goes both ways. I know, I have to learn things in that area also.

So please forgive me if my replies come on too strong or seem unloveingly.
In my zealousness to keep the Forums on the right track, I know, I can be harsh sometimes.


Re the difference between big and small sins, this Scripture came to me:

Know ye‭‭ not‭ that‭ a little‭ leaven‭ leaveneth‭‭ the whole‭ lump‭?‭
(1 Cor. 5:6)

There is no difference between big sins and small sins.
Every single sin is enough to condemn us to eternal perdition.
That's why we need Christ's blood to hide behind on the Day of Judgement.

For‭ God‭ so‭ loved‭‭ the world‭, that‭ he gave‭‭ his‭ only begotten‭ Son‭,
that‭ whosoever‭ believeth‭‭ in‭ him‭ should‭‭ not‭ perish‭‭, but‭ have‭‭ everlasting‭ life‭.‭

(John 3:16)
1Cor 6:9-11, Gal 5:19-21 and false god worship are major sins. When a swear word slips in a traffic incident or something it doesn't say anywhere in the bible-will not inherit Gods kingdom like it does at both scriptures i shared. There are small sins, because all sin, the righteous do not do the sins found at the 2 scriptures i shared--they may fall and do one, but the wise stand back up quickly, its the practice of one of those sins that is condemned to not inherit Gods kingdom, yet most on earth do practice at least 1 of those.
No it doesn't. And (John 3:36) is not about OBEYING any law. It is about belief. Faith. Believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, is truth. Not law. You, for some reason want to make it 'law'. Why do you feel the need to put the believer under law?

Again, what Biblical truth were you presenting with the verses you gave?

Why do you ignore this question?

These believe-Matt 7:21-23
I was showing that belief includes obeying.
Yes a gift to the righteous only. The righteous obey.
No, it is a gift to all. For God so loved the world. That includes everybody. And so do his offers of salvation. When you read those offers, you will find no limitations upon them. All who desire to come may come. Obedience is a fruit of salvation. It is not in any way a part of the root of salvation.
No. All sin/sins have been paid for. All of it/them.

That doesn't mean people, both the believer and the unbeliever, don't sin.

For the believer, his body still dies as it is what he inherited from Adam. His spirit/soul was born again. Not his body. The believer will get his new body later. (Rom. 8:23)

For the unbeliever, it doesn't matter that all sin is paid for. Because faith in Christ is that which is necessary to have Christ's sacrifice applied. And they don't want Christ.

In other words, everyone in hell had their sins paid for. But, they didn't/don't want God or Christ.

They don't want to be in hell. But neither do they want to be in Heaven.

Heb 10:26 disagrees-- Any who practice ( willfull)a sin once knowing its sin, there is no sacrifice left for those.
No, it is a gift to all. For God so loved the world. That includes everybody. And so do his offers of salvation. When you read those offers, you will find no limitations upon them. All who desire to come may come. Obedience is a fruit of salvation. It is not in any way a part of the root of salvation.
Yes Jesus ransom sacrifice opened the door to ALL to enter through the narrow gate. Jesus assures-FEW do.
Yes Jesus ransom sacrifice opened the door to ALL to enter through the narrow gate. Jesus assures-FEW do.
That is correct because they choose darkness rather than light and will not come to the light. They will not accept Christ as Savior. And many who claim Christ as Savior trust in the works of the law to preserve their salvation rather than trusting that it is already done by faith. Exactly as Paul instructs us in Galatians, which book is the strongest (though far from the only) argument against your point of view that exists in all of Scripture.
That is correct because they choose darkness rather than light come and will not come to the light. They will not accept Christ as Savior. And many who claim Christ as Savior trust in the works of the law to preserve their salvation rather than trusting that it is already done by faith. Exactly as Paul instructs us in Galatians, which book is the strongest (though far from the only) argument against your point of view that exists in all of Scripture.
Many say they believe, Many love Jesus, Few obey Jesus. It takes disowning oneself to follow Jesus(Mark 8:34) To live now in this satan ruled system doing Jesus' Fathers will over self( Matt 7:21)--That will =( Matt 4:4) Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--that means obey those utterances to the absolute best of ones heart, soul, and mind. And that one must endure until their end doing it to be saved( Matt 10:22)
Every word Jesus taught, he meant, Every word Jesus taught came straight from the Father.( John 12:49)