Don't think for a minute that the Democrats and establishment D.C. Beltway types (including RINOS, NeoCons, and Deep Staters) have all of a sudden become moved by the atrocities done against Israel by Hamas.
With the exception of Trump's four years, recent history has shown that since the Clinton Whitehouse days, US Democrat policy has grown increasingly anti-Israel/Zionist in policy and rhetoric to the point of open hostility.
Most of these Democrats are the same people who for years/decades, have routinely spoken out of both sides of their mouths regarding peace in the Middle East being obtainable if Israel would but only give up more of her occupied land (see below map). This is the same political ilk who since the 1977 Camp David Accords, relentlessly pushed the suicidal "land for peace" deals upon Israel as that was the only solution.
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With the exception of Trump's four years, recent history has shown that since the Clinton Whitehouse days, US Democrat policy has grown increasingly anti-Israel/Zionist in policy and rhetoric to the point of open hostility.
Most of these Democrats are the same people who for years/decades, have routinely spoken out of both sides of their mouths regarding peace in the Middle East being obtainable if Israel would but only give up more of her occupied land (see below map). This is the same political ilk who since the 1977 Camp David Accords, relentlessly pushed the suicidal "land for peace" deals upon Israel as that was the only solution.
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Don't think for a minute that the Democrats and establishment D.C. Beltway types (including RINOS, NeoCons, and Deep Staters) have all of a sudden become moved by the atrocities done against Israel by Hamas. With the exception of Trump's four years, recent history has shown that since the...