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Do We Have Time To Make America Great Again?

By Jan Markell for
Harbinger:s Daily

For now, the whole country has dodged a bullet. God surely had mercy. But will He allow time to make America great again? It’s a catchy campaign slogan, but is it reality in light of God’s end-time planned scenario?

The Left has a terribly dark heart—driven by the god of this world. And they are driving the out-of-control spirit of the Antichrist that has been unleashed in America and the world. It is the same spirit that invaded Israeli kibbutzim on October 7, 2023. It is merciless.

You have to wonder how half of America will vote for this agenda to continue. How on earth did this happen? Because evil and Leftism control the media, academia, entertainment, and even the religious left.

But is there still time in God’s economy to make America great after years of unspeakable wreckage? Have you noticed the calamities throughout the planet that affect all of America’s policies?

  • The time clock for the end of the Church Age, Israel, is in turmoil.
  • The globalists continue to destabilize Europe and shake up European leadership.
  • There is currently no one in power whom the world admires. It is, in fact, leaderless.
  • There is a longing for a Mr. Fix-It.
  • Violence and lawlessness reign.
  • Technology—and, specifically artificial intelligence—is taking over everything, just as it will in the Tribulation.
  • Hearts are growing cold (Matthew 24:12) as some in America cheer on the violence perpetrated against a presidential candidate.
  • Many church pulpits are silent at this time in history; others are riddled with false doctrine, led by wolves.
  • There seems to be a love of evil (II Timothy 3:13) as worldwide, people are celebrating anti-Semitic activity and denouncing people who have done nothing but bless the world.
  • Gog is preparing to make a move.
These and two dozen more bullet point issues will be difficult to reverse!

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I agree. Following the Rapture it would not surprise me at all to see civil war break out in the United States. But not before.
I believe the U.S. must be removed as a player in those Tribulation events because she always supports Israel. Israel depends on the U.S. This means Israel doesn't feel the need to turn back to God, which she eventually will.
This is absolutely spot on. Israel must have no hope anywhere on this planet. They must be so hopeless in position that they must turn to God to survive.
I agree. Following the Rapture it would not surprise me at all to see civil war break out in the United States. But not before.

This is absolutely spot on. Israel must have no hope anywhere on this planet. They must be so hopeless in position that they must turn to God to survive.
To your last comment
Tom Hughes was commenting during one of his podcasts on the subject of what Israel would have to go through during the Tribulation for them to get to the point that causes them to call out to Messiah Jesus and Tom pointed to the book of Hosea and said Israel is going to have major suffering to endure, like Hosea describes it as an affliction.....

15 I will return again to My place
Till they acknowledge their offense.
Then they will seek My face;
In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.”
Hosea 5:15
My current thought is that God is shining a light on the darkness, exposing the lies, and revealing Himself. This would help explain the ineptitude of the SS the other day, because of the lies/DEI, etc. I think some on the left are waking up and switching teams politically, hopefully spiritually also, and perhaps there is going to be another time of reprieve, and the final harvest before the Trib will come in, then BANG, the Church is removed, leaving America leaderless and Israel friendless. Then Mr Fixit shows up, and you know the rest of the story.