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Debate Trump and Biden June 27th


Next Thursday, I am looking forward to seeing the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It should be interesting to see how Biden does. Will he be hyped up like the State Of The Union address? I told Jeff I wonder if he will be replaced with an AI. We will see how Biden does with this debate. I place my bets that Trump will do much much better. I heard there will be no audience. It will be on CNN and Max streamed. The CNN anchors are Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
Next Thursday, I am looking forward to seeing the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It should be interesting to see how Biden does. Will he be hyped up like the State Of The Union address? I told Jeff I wonder if he will be replaced with an AI. We will see how Biden does with this debate. I place my bets that Trump will do much much better. I heard there will be no audience. It will be on CNN and Max streamed. The CNN anchors are Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
No audience, and 2 ten minute breaks, during which the candidates are not allowed to talk to members of their team, mute buttons used on the candidate who is not speaking, no notes are allowed to be brought in, and the candidates will be given a pad and paper if they want to make notes while the other is speaking.
No audience, and 2 ten minute breaks, during which the candidates are not allowed to talk to members of their team, mute buttons used on the candidate who is not speaking, no notes are allowed to be brought in, and the candidates will be given a pad and paper if they want to make notes while the other is speaking.
I heard the debate is to last an hour and a half. I am sure Biden requested mute buttons, and the anchors hosting may want it that way.
I heard the debate is to last an hour and a half. I am sure Biden requested mute buttons, and the anchors hosting may want it that way.
Mute buttons are good, it will keep Trump from making mistakes by interrupting Biden constantly like he did on their last election first debate. Biden talking will be his own worst enemy and Trump needs to let him show just how bad he is cognitively.
Mute buttons are good, it will keep Trump from making mistakes by interrupting Biden constantly like he did on their last election first debate. Biden talking will be his own worst enemy and Trump needs to let him show just how bad he is cognitively.
So true (y) (y) as this saying goes give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. I wonder if he will mumble and jumble his words to where you don't know what he said.
That's what I said ... not sure how they will pull it off if he's not alone in his basement.

If there isn't an audience there, they can do a lot of manipulation with the camera/feed. They could pre-record his responses for example and then play that instead of the live response. They can record with the same background and angle where he'll be debating. If not that, they could pan away from him whenever he's appearing brain-dead or starts walking away or any other bizarre behavior and they could silence the feed until he's walked back to the podium. If they put it all on a delayed feed it would probably be pretty easy to do unless there is a malfunction when they're in the middle of it... Trump wouldn't know what went down unless he watched the feed after the debate was over.
If there isn't an audience there, they can do a lot of manipulation with the camera/feed. They could pre-record his responses for example and then play that instead of the live response. They can record with the same background and angle where he'll be debating. If not that, they could pan away from him whenever he's appearing brain-dead or starts walking away or any other bizarre behavior and they could silence the feed until he's walked back to the podium. If they put it all on a delayed feed it would probably be pretty easy to do unless there is a malfunction when they're in the middle of it... Trump wouldn't know what went down unless he watched the feed after the debate was over.
Wow, I hadn't thought about this. Trump should demand to have someone on his team filming.

It's frustrating to anticipate how bad this debate could go. I am very grateful that God will put the man He wants in the WH 2025.
Wow, I hadn't thought about this. Trump should demand to have someone on his team filming.

It's frustrating to anticipate how bad this debate could go. I am very grateful that God will put the man He wants in the WH 2025.
My thought is if we get Biden again or say he drops out whoever his replacement wins this country is going to get really bad. We know sometime in the future the ac and fp will be coming on the scene. Democrats want a New World Order.
My thought is if we get Biden again or say he drops out whoever his replacement wins this country is going to get really bad. We know sometime in the future the ac and fp will be coming on the scene. Democrats want a New World Order.
If any hard core dems are holding out hope for Biden, I think Bidens performance in the debate will be the proof they need to replace him.

Look for a new candidate sooner rather than later. Their convention is going to be a blood bath.
If any hard core dems are holding out hope for Biden, I think Bidens performance in the debate will be the proof they need to replace him.

Look for a new candidate sooner rather than later. Their convention is going to be a blood bath.
The latest survey I saw said that many Democrats are going to continue to vote for Biden not because they want him, they don't. But they don't want Trump worse than they don't want Biden. As they told the survey, we're not voting for Biden: we're voting against Trump!

To me that is the ultimate in Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you are voting for Biden only because you didn't want to vote for Trump, I'd rather you just didn't vote at all. Because voting for Biden is voting for Biden regardless of how you term it. And this country will not survive another Biden term.