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Could we suffer an EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) attack just before we are raptured?

A problem with language especially English, is it does not always get our thoughts across properly. We have to find a word that we think explains how we feel. The problem is that I can think the word means one thing and someone else can think it means another.

So to be clear, I am not at all saying that I want everyone to agree with me. You are 100% correct stating that iron sharpens iron so we should express different views as that is how we learn. So what is my definition of "Debating" which may be entirely wrong? It's like the purpose is to disagree with the other person even if you kind of do agree. You know like debating in school where they give you a side to take whether you agree with it or not. I know of people in my family that will debate over almost anything you say. Why? Because they just love debating!

Anyway, I think I will stop saying that I am not debating and just stick with saying "It's just my opinion". :)
Maybe “discuss” is a better word than debate.
Maybe “discuss” is a better word than debate.
I love to discuss anything I have knowledge of, but don't like my version of debating.

That said, there is really nothing wrong with the word "debate", but in English the same word can have different meanings. I think I had the wrong meaning of debate regarding the forum. When I analyze why that is, I think is because my sisters and brother would always debate with me about anything I said for fun. They would later admit I was right, but just wanted to get under my skin. I hated that! So if I change my thinking about the word "Debate", I guess I could say I like debating in a friendly manner.

It is interesting to evaluate oneself and discover why you think how you do and how most of it comes from your upbringing. I guess if everyone was brought up exactly the same, there might be less arguments. Whoops, while I was writing that I forgot about the old sin nature, arguments would still persist!

What Would an EMP Attack on the U.S. Look Like

Just a thought on my part.

As I believe that God removing all Christians in the Rapture is a glorious event, I don't believe that us disappearing will cause planes and cars to crash. Do I believe there will be a disaster during our disappearance? I do, but not because we are missing. So one possibility is an EMP attack. This would stop all traffic via air and land. The attack of the EMP would cause a large bright light in the sky which of course many will see. Could this be thought to be something caused by a UFO by aliens? This could be used to explain the missing Christians and children that are really taking away in the Rapture.

Just a theory of many of how the Rapture might happen.

That's an interesting thought and it reminds me of something one person was writing about a few years ago. I think his book was Earthquake Resurrection but I never read it, just heard him talk once.

He was speculating that the dead bodies being suddenly reconstituted in a perfect glorified form (and we who are alive and remain being changed) then ripped out of the world would create a HUGE effect on the planet by the physics involved. I can't remember his whole theory but he was talking along the lines of us leaving a sudden vacuum behind.

Sort of a sucking sound as the air rushed in to the space we all just took. Only more so because of all the dead leaving too.

He figured it would trigger an earthquake all round the world.

When you wrote that I thought, well what about an EMP? A sudden electromagnetic discharge like the lightning we get when the clouds and the earth are building up opposite charges.

BANG and it's like a huge bolt of lightning going off anywhere a Christian or a body of a Christian used to be.

I'd love it if we left a lasting impression as we take off!
Agree, if not self-driving/flying there will be all sorts of crashes.
I cant truly imagine the horror seconds after the rapture. Planes falling, cars driverless on the freeway…….Thats why its important to get the Word out to whoever we can because there is no guarantee they will even get a chance after the rapture. Millions could die around the world as a result of the rapture. I can have nightmares just thinking about how it will be, and then, judgements could begin after the tribulation starts.