It's getting harder and harder to get organic, or just non-GMO, starchy things like bread, crackers, and pasta. It's extremely noticeable at WF because that was one of the few places a good variety was available.
And lately, WF has started looking more and more like other grocery stores . . . far more junk foods, far more candy, more sugar in bakery stuff, etc. The WF close to me recently took out one of the salad/hot bar tables to make room for candy
The bakery stuff isn't labeled organic or non-GMO anymore, so I assume it's GMO/bioengineered and contains rBST

The packaged organic bread products have more bad ingredients on the label, too (i.e., more now contain soy, sugar/more sugar, rancid seed oils, etc.)
It's like they're
trying to kill us!
And the prices!
Uff da!