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You won't believe how many celebrities are witches


Please go to minute 4:16 to 4:30 of this 16 minute video -- IT IS ONLY 15 SECONDS LONG :)

Today is Luke 12:2 on STERIODS

CAVEAT -- There is some language just prior to that point that this lady warns about. Please click on the exact second to miss. Thanks :)

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This is just over 15 minutes long

FROM THE VIDEO: 178,864 views Feb 27, 2025
At this point, the only question I'm asking myself now after researching for this video is.. who in Hollywood ISN'T practicing witchcraft? Because, believe it or not, some of your favorite celebrities.. are practicing witches. Let's dive in!
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I'm not sure the best section for this. I believe this fits in End Time Prophecy because my reason for posting it is most related to that. Let me explain. I used to watch a lot of videos of testimonies (new conversions). I was expecting to find a lot of fluff. I come from the American Reformed "You Can't Handle the Truth" camp that looks at most conversions as suspect to begin with. So several years ago i was shocked to find Jesus Christ deeply living in the hearts of people that had nothing to do with Boutique Style Christianity. I thought perhaps they did not get the memo. In any event, it really gave me a heart for so many in the faith who were not card carrying reformed heads like my FBI style Committee, self. The folks in my clan meant well. Its just our way of dealing with "THE DOWNGRADE" and apostatizing of the church, was to CIA the world. Until i saw the floor in the spiritual CIA office crumble beneath them. And i got scared.

In any event, I am so blessed to see Jesus living in real hearts outside of my designer version of Christianity. I am thankful to God that He is certainly most more real than that. So i came across this one a while back expecting her to be shallow. But then there was this...
This is a 3.5 minute video

You guys, even in watching the 16 minute video at top above, I still wanted to check like where she was coming from. So i found this 3.5 minute one from 1 year ago. Please remember that i come from the "Yeah, you're probably not a Christian," club. So yeah...still kind of in my blood...yuuukkkiii. But WHAT IS THE REASON FOR THIS VIDEO? Glad you asked.

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Please go to minute 4:16 to 4:30 of the at top 16 minute video IT IS ONLY 15 SECONDS LONG :)

I believe Luke 12:2 applied magnanimously in Christ's day. BECAUSE OF HIS COMING (false religion was about to get a HUGE wakeup call). Ultimately this is at the resurrection or the white throne judgment in the future, no doubt. But i also believe that today is MORE a day of God Revealing than a day of DECEPTION. My stance on that is i believe that seeing everything through deception is not the correct hermeneutic. But is sponsored by genuine heart's often, yet commercial Christian concerns from what i have seen (sorry there is still a bit of the CIA DNA yet in me :( not proud of it!!!).

But this young lady who's heart is unmistakably sincere ya'll...she mentioned, out of her own heart and experience (even though she is looking hardcore into a lot of deception), that a lot is being revealed. I believe understanding this is a godly hermeneutic and more important than seeing deception. Because i believe if God is willing to show so much exposure of evil, and we camp heavily on seeing the evil, we will miss so so so much. Maybe compared to when He came the first time, perhaps. I am not speaking of salvation. But reward, I guess. Just sharing from the heart. I am not prophesying. I am a cessationist. I don't even know how to...lol. Not that i know. It is just on my heart. I just feel like Christianity can turn end times into their own theater. And as one grew up under Christian theater...i whole heartily reject still doing that. I will always look for the common ground. Amen. To live in peace with one another. But also hopefully speak a sincere heart. I see a lot of end times stuff as hypie. But i love we are goofy too. We are human. Its just that I've trained my heart to see evil so well over the decades...its kinda overly rated i tell yeah. I am just hopeful in the thrill that comes with the thrill of how incredible the thrill of "a good God" is...wow. Perhaps boring in novels, but truly great at parites....lol. That was literary device-eese for: "We can be wowed by the beast system...but i just want to forever be wowed by Him and encourage the same as the days surely grow darker." Blessings.

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Today is Luke 12:2 on STERIODS i believe -- and this lady just in doing a video and going about her biz...saw that too. I just think that is a social artifact worth posting and checking out. We only get one end times. Blessings.
Witch kits are common on shopping applications like TEMU and Amazon. I’ve browsed those before, the features of them that strike me the most are their boring sameness, repetitive designs, apparent uselessness (I don’t need herbs for my kitchen or oil for my bathtub, at least not with that label at that price), and utterly meaningless, at least to me, faux geometry style. Seriously, be honest, have you ever looked at those things for sale online and noticed how extraordinarily expensive they are? I like modern math, fractal geometry, and mystery laze tag as well as the MC Escher Apple gyroscope pinball maze gams too, but to me that all just looks like a kid who flunked tenth grade geometry got to work on dado’s woodburning set in the garage. And celebs practice that? It’s probably just for show and tell. “Conspicuous Consumption” didn’t die in the 1970s.
I know exactly what you mean. I’ve heard a few of the speakers who have that on their item agenda, and I can’t actually keep up with the names of the celebrities per se, because I don’t really have a lot of time for MTV or KISW at all, but then again I don’t want to come across all hypocritical and Holy Rollin’, because I live in an over large city of, you know, sin and iniquity myself. I could tell you about one or two clubs not far from where I live, but I’d just come across as a nerdy country-metal crossover wannabe artist, trying to cover that old snake church recording from a decade or more before Andrew Dice Clay.