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Here is a question for this body of believers? Why did He who created everything enter into our world being created in the womb of Mary? Why not enter as a fully grown man? Why did He who holds the world together, come as One who needs to be held?
How else could he personally and intimately identify with us unless he experienced EVERYTHING we do? Having lived exactly as we do in every single aspect of life, including helplessness, weaknesses, hunger, fatigue, temptations, the need to learn everything in life from scratch --literally all that is in the world (Hebrews 4:15; 1 John 2:16; Hebrews 5:8-9)-- He is fully equipped to identify with everything you or I will ever go through in life. What an intercessor! What a Savior!
Here is a question for this body of believers? Why did He who created everything enter into our world being created in the womb of Mary? Why not enter as a fully grown man? Why did He who holds the world together, come as One who needs to be held?
The Bible says that He knows our frailty. He came as the most vulnerable, the most frail to show His love for us. It gives us someone that we can see and know that He has been through our issues, our suffering and pain, even our growing pains.
It's one thing for the God of the universe to come down to save us. It's a whole other level to come down with us, as one of us, to live with us, then die for us. The message this morning at church was about His name. Jesus, Emmanuel- God with us, God saving us. It absolutely floors me every time I think of it. What love!
Here is a question for this body of believers? Why did He who created everything enter into our world being created in the womb of Mary? Why not enter as a fully grown man? Why did He who holds the world together, come as One who needs to be held?
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