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Why Are We Deceived?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Why Are We Deceived?

The three methods below are commonly used by salesmen, magicians and religious cults.
(Of course there are many other reasons you can be deceived, like by being simply uninformed for example.)

1. Logic bypass (Also known as “fast talking”)
So how does this work? It is really kind of simple. Your ability to process information in a logical way is much slower than your ability to listen and respond. So if I just make sure I speak faster (if only a little bit) than your ability to process the information, you will either agree with me or be confused. Due to pride most of us don’t want to admit that someone is speaking to fast regarding a complicated subject, so we just decide to agree with them.

2. Logic restriction (Only use the logic or formula I give you to use)
So how does this work? Well I decide for you the logic you should use before I show or tell you something I want you to believe. As example, I could ask you to count all the donkeys in a field I lead you to. You then count them and say there are 23 donkeys and would even swear to it in court! But the reality could be that there were NO donkeys, as they were all mules. But I started you out with the premise that they were donkeys and you accepted that. It works kind of like the placebo effect. If on the other hand, I asked you to count all the animals in the field you would say 23 mules, assuming you knew what a mule was. If you did not know what a mule was the smart thing to do would be to find out.

3. Logic distraction (Getting you to focus ONLY on the words or objects I want you to)
So how does this work. Well most of us understand this as “slight of hand” or “misdirection” when a magician does it. But a used car salesmen does the same thing when he asks you to look at how beautiful the car is and keeps you from looking under the hood. Another example is a salesman selling time share condos might tell you it will only cost you $5 dollars a day. He tells you that it is just lunch money and you will end up with a vacation home for your family. What he does not tell you or want you to think about, is that this is over a 25 year period and the total will be $45,625! He also neglects to mention that there is also a maintenance fee and tips you must pay every time you use the property. They want you to focus ONLY on what they tell you to focus on.

So what is my point? Before you make an important decision about anything and especially religion, make sure you are using your own unaltered logic. God gave us a mind to think with and we will be held accountable for ourselves. The person or persons that convinced you of something even if by deceptive means (the serpent in the garden) will not be there in your defense and regarding religion the judge will be God.

Goodboy :)