READ THIS AS A SHORT CHEAT VERSION: Paula White is Head of White House Faith Office As A Metaphor Conveying to Us This: Just As Trump Will Likely Transform the Conservative Lanscape In Epic Unprecidented Ways to Come, Paula White Is Symbolic That the Way End Times Go is Not As the Christian End Time Blue Print Would Look Like. -- PROVE ME WRONG 
I thought it might be helpful to refer to this thread from time to time as things evolve perhaps. But this is not so much a question of why would Trump pick White. But what blows me away is the irony. Personally I don't believe Trump is saved. But depending on how spiritual growth actually works, he could perhaps be a baby Christan. I don't exactly see it. But God is judge. But Trump does not seem to care about the controvsey. When it comes to Trump and controversy its understandable. But I would say the man is political poker player. So he has to know how raw Paul White rubs evangelicalism. I don't think he's trying to back hand the evengelicalsm or punk us with that move. But it is curious.
However, the topic of this thread is not really meant as a guessing game of why Trump selected her. My interest is why would she come on the wings of such extremely needed help in the country. Paula fits more in line with the corruption to be cleaned up. In the Providence of God, perhaps the whole Christian Nationalism NAR thing is for some reason. Not that it is for fulfilling prophecy. I have thought of it more along the lines of perhaps suggesting a metaphor. But I realize when we are dealing with a Holy God it is probably pretty far over our But my instinct tells me this: Paula may be a metophor for end time story. Like we have seen a plethera of end time trajectories, some good guesses and some really bad ones. But In general we do as a group tend to lean toward NWO takeover. And some form of a beast-system to escort our age in to the tribulation. But if the route to tribulation is somewhat different from that or maybe even other than that, having Paula White in the position she is, would to a degree testify her representing a metaphor wrong a choice (abnoxiously so) as Paula White is--perhapst our eschatologically presumed end time blueprints. Like in that way, to me, that would make her rather uniquely fit for such an office. I admit it is really hard to see metaphor work like that. To me it is kind of like Occams Razor, the simpliest being the most likely. And although that may seem not simple, If Paula were a banner of sorts for God's Providence to permit as not so much a really bad choice but maybe a helpful nudge and wink to His body, "Just as you see Paula in office somewhat representing Christaintiy in a way, so might it be wise to consider that as wrong as she is for that office, so might the way we might be inclined to posture ourselves and process oncoming variables perhaps equally as off.
All things considered this that is the one I would see pretty much covers all areas in question. It seems, to me, to be the most holistic view. The other one is signaling America that it will become Babylon the Great in the tribulation. I suppose both could be true. But why I don't lean toward the direction of it just being poor human judgement in an apostate world, is the choice of her occurs in a time where Israel is constantly in flux with prophetic likeness. Had Israel not demonstrated such prophetic relvance for today, yes, then I believe the choice of her would just be par for the course for a Laodicean era. But with so much radioactive prophetic symptoms coming from Israel. It seems the loud overture of putting Paula in such a capaciity in contrast to its lack of Evangelical reception tends to imply something. Not necessarily a mirror of how off the beaten path Christianity has gotten. Or that Paula just demonstrates a thematic architype of "will I find faith on earth?" Or a reflection of the church (which is what I thought in 2017). But more like a a positive thing. Not that having her in office is a positive thing. Rather perhaps a dimension in which it may serve as Intel, reveal, disclosure. That as incredible as the Trump years may be, Paula may represent a significantly different road the Trump admin that could be as different as Paula is proportionately to her office. And that revealing that in concert with a better America through Trump would be perhaps like handing over a pair of eyes to see. That being given such a loud headsup, And while we may witness some incredible things the Trump admin will do, as good as it may look, neither the sociopolitical world nor the common evangelical eschatology theme will match. And the positive, being given that "tell." If that makes sense?
Please share as the Lord may lead. Blessings.

I thought it might be helpful to refer to this thread from time to time as things evolve perhaps. But this is not so much a question of why would Trump pick White. But what blows me away is the irony. Personally I don't believe Trump is saved. But depending on how spiritual growth actually works, he could perhaps be a baby Christan. I don't exactly see it. But God is judge. But Trump does not seem to care about the controvsey. When it comes to Trump and controversy its understandable. But I would say the man is political poker player. So he has to know how raw Paul White rubs evangelicalism. I don't think he's trying to back hand the evengelicalsm or punk us with that move. But it is curious.
However, the topic of this thread is not really meant as a guessing game of why Trump selected her. My interest is why would she come on the wings of such extremely needed help in the country. Paula fits more in line with the corruption to be cleaned up. In the Providence of God, perhaps the whole Christian Nationalism NAR thing is for some reason. Not that it is for fulfilling prophecy. I have thought of it more along the lines of perhaps suggesting a metaphor. But I realize when we are dealing with a Holy God it is probably pretty far over our But my instinct tells me this: Paula may be a metophor for end time story. Like we have seen a plethera of end time trajectories, some good guesses and some really bad ones. But In general we do as a group tend to lean toward NWO takeover. And some form of a beast-system to escort our age in to the tribulation. But if the route to tribulation is somewhat different from that or maybe even other than that, having Paula White in the position she is, would to a degree testify her representing a metaphor wrong a choice (abnoxiously so) as Paula White is--perhapst our eschatologically presumed end time blueprints. Like in that way, to me, that would make her rather uniquely fit for such an office. I admit it is really hard to see metaphor work like that. To me it is kind of like Occams Razor, the simpliest being the most likely. And although that may seem not simple, If Paula were a banner of sorts for God's Providence to permit as not so much a really bad choice but maybe a helpful nudge and wink to His body, "Just as you see Paula in office somewhat representing Christaintiy in a way, so might it be wise to consider that as wrong as she is for that office, so might the way we might be inclined to posture ourselves and process oncoming variables perhaps equally as off.
All things considered this that is the one I would see pretty much covers all areas in question. It seems, to me, to be the most holistic view. The other one is signaling America that it will become Babylon the Great in the tribulation. I suppose both could be true. But why I don't lean toward the direction of it just being poor human judgement in an apostate world, is the choice of her occurs in a time where Israel is constantly in flux with prophetic likeness. Had Israel not demonstrated such prophetic relvance for today, yes, then I believe the choice of her would just be par for the course for a Laodicean era. But with so much radioactive prophetic symptoms coming from Israel. It seems the loud overture of putting Paula in such a capaciity in contrast to its lack of Evangelical reception tends to imply something. Not necessarily a mirror of how off the beaten path Christianity has gotten. Or that Paula just demonstrates a thematic architype of "will I find faith on earth?" Or a reflection of the church (which is what I thought in 2017). But more like a a positive thing. Not that having her in office is a positive thing. Rather perhaps a dimension in which it may serve as Intel, reveal, disclosure. That as incredible as the Trump years may be, Paula may represent a significantly different road the Trump admin that could be as different as Paula is proportionately to her office. And that revealing that in concert with a better America through Trump would be perhaps like handing over a pair of eyes to see. That being given such a loud headsup, And while we may witness some incredible things the Trump admin will do, as good as it may look, neither the sociopolitical world nor the common evangelical eschatology theme will match. And the positive, being given that "tell." If that makes sense?
Please share as the Lord may lead. Blessings.