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What to Make of Why Paula White?


READ THIS AS A SHORT CHEAT VERSION: Paula White is Head of White House Faith Office As A Metaphor Conveying to Us This: Just As Trump Will Likely Transform the Conservative Lanscape In Epic Unprecidented Ways to Come, Paula White Is Symbolic That the Way End Times Go is Not As the Christian End Time Blue Print Would Look Like. -- PROVE ME WRONG :p

I thought it might be helpful to refer to this thread from time to time as things evolve perhaps. But this is not so much a question of why would Trump pick White. But what blows me away is the irony. Personally I don't believe Trump is saved. But depending on how spiritual growth actually works, he could perhaps be a baby Christan. I don't exactly see it. But God is judge. But Trump does not seem to care about the controvsey. When it comes to Trump and controversy its understandable. But I would say the man is political poker player. So he has to know how raw Paul White rubs evangelicalism. I don't think he's trying to back hand the evengelicalsm or punk us with that move. But it is curious.

However, the topic of this thread is not really meant as a guessing game of why Trump selected her. My interest is why would she come on the wings of such extremely needed help in the country. Paula fits more in line with the corruption to be cleaned up. In the Providence of God, perhaps the whole Christian Nationalism NAR thing is for some reason. Not that it is for fulfilling prophecy. I have thought of it more along the lines of perhaps suggesting a metaphor. But I realize when we are dealing with a Holy God it is probably pretty far over our heads...lol. But my instinct tells me this: Paula may be a metophor for end time story. Like we have seen a plethera of end time trajectories, some good guesses and some really bad ones. But In general we do as a group tend to lean toward NWO takeover. And some form of a beast-system to escort our age in to the tribulation. But if the route to tribulation is somewhat different from that or maybe even other than that, having Paula White in the position she is, would to a degree testify her representing a metaphor for...as wrong a choice (abnoxiously so) as Paula White is--perhapst our eschatologically presumed end time blueprints. Like in that way, to me, that would make her rather uniquely fit for such an office. I admit it is really hard to see metaphor work like that. To me it is kind of like Occams Razor, the simpliest being the most likely. And although that may seem not simple, If Paula were a banner of sorts for God's Providence to permit as not so much a really bad choice but maybe a helpful nudge and wink to His body, "Just as you see Paula in office somewhat representing Christaintiy in a way, so might it be wise to consider that as wrong as she is for that office, so might the way we might be inclined to posture ourselves and process oncoming variables perhaps equally as off.

All things considered this that is the one I would see pretty much covers all areas in question. It seems, to me, to be the most holistic view. The other one is signaling America that it will become Babylon the Great in the tribulation. I suppose both could be true. But why I don't lean toward the direction of it just being poor human judgement in an apostate world, is the choice of her occurs in a time where Israel is constantly in flux with prophetic likeness. Had Israel not demonstrated such prophetic relvance for today, yes, then I believe the choice of her would just be par for the course for a Laodicean era. But with so much radioactive prophetic symptoms coming from Israel. It seems the loud overture of putting Paula in such a capaciity in contrast to its lack of Evangelical reception tends to imply something. Not necessarily a mirror of how off the beaten path Christianity has gotten. Or that Paula just demonstrates a thematic architype of "will I find faith on earth?" Or a reflection of the church (which is what I thought in 2017). But more like a a positive thing. Not that having her in office is a positive thing. Rather perhaps a dimension in which it may serve as Intel, reveal, disclosure. That as incredible as the Trump years may be, Paula may represent a significantly different road the Trump admin that could be as different as Paula is proportionately to her office. And that revealing that in concert with a better America through Trump would be perhaps like handing over a pair of eyes to see. That being given such a loud headsup, And while we may witness some incredible things the Trump admin will do, as good as it may look, neither the sociopolitical world nor the common evangelical eschatology theme will match. And the positive, being given that "tell." If that makes sense?

Please share as the Lord may lead. Blessings.
The other one is signaling America that it will become Babylon the Great in the tribulation.

I don't believe there is so much as a word of support in the Bible for the quoted.

I don't know much about Trump's and White's relationship, but apparently he started listening to her broadcasts at some point a long time ago. If he did come to the Lord, it would have been under that influence. You can love the Lord but have a lot of unBiblical ideas because of your history.

The interesting thing is I believe Paula White is a NAR asset so her eschatolagy, like that of the catholic church is such that it will welcome the antichrist as the Savior and thus the NAR adherents will have no trouble worshiping the antichrist. So God might have her in a position to have Trump's ear for his purposes.
I don't believe there is so much as a word of support in the Bible for the quoted.

I don't know much about Trump's and White's relationship, but apparently he started listening to her broadcasts at some point a long time ago. If he did come to the Lord, it would have been under that influence. You can love the Lord but have a lot of unBiblical ideas because of your history.

The interesting thing is I believe Paula White is a NAR asset so her eschatolagy, like that of the catholic church is such that it will welcome the antichrist as the Savior and thus the NAR adherents will have no trouble worshiping the antichrist. So God might have her in a position to have Trump's ear for his purposes.
Honestly what I think draws Trump to Paula White is her prosperity gospel because he is big on wanting prosperity for America and tying it to religion probably makes him think it's from God to make America prosperous.
That's what comes to mind about what makes him drawn to her. Could be wrong but it certainly makes sense with him having the mind of a business man
From my point of view- Paula is a poster child of the final end time apostasy afflicting the Church of Laodicea just before (and after) The Rapture.

I expect apostasy, as in a departure from faith, not just because of Paul in 2 Thess 2:3 where he speaks of the great falling away, apostasy. But because of the nature of Laodicea, the last age of the church.

2 Thess 2:3
3: Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

I know there's a controversy whether this is the church falling into apostasy (departure from the faith) or being caught away by Christ in the Rapture (departure from earth)

My position is it can mean both. That isn't an either or thing. A church falling into apostasy, departing from the faith at the very same time as the true body of Christ, the believing remnant is caught up in the Rapture.

Looking at Rev 3:14-22 the church of Laodicea, the last church of the seven, this one is characterized by apostasy, a departure from the faith. There is a hint in there of the health and wealth prosperity gospel, the seeker friendly feel good gospel, and the self anointed, self appointed NAR gospel too.

So I've always expected the church to start to rot out theologically. And I always expected it to gather momentum towards the end.

that health and wealth prosperity gospel (which Paula White combines with the NAR) does seem to fit the Laodicean mindset.

When the Rapture takes place there WILL BE churches with members still there, preachers behind pulpits, who were not taken in the Rapture because they weren't truly saved.

I can't say for sure about anyone else's salvation- that is up to God, but looking at the fruit of her life- and her teaching, I don't think she's saved.

So I completely agree here:
So God might have her in a position to have Trump's ear for his purposes.
God who knows the heart, may allow her to help prepare the way for the New World Order to come. Along with all the other apostate churches who will help form the religious side of Babylon. A "church" made up of all the other left behind who consider themselves Christian but aren't.

The kingdom of this world, that we leave behind will have enough of it's structures left when we go, to rebuild fairly quickly after the Rapture and any wars that go on at that time. By rebuild I mean enough to put things like the Mark of the Beast in place at the midpoint of the Trib. Governmental structure in place to monitor buying and selling. The internet to allow the people all around the earth to view the 2 Witnesses rise from the dead in Jerusalem.

America since her foundation has always sent the gospel to the nations. It's part of her 2 fold character- the other side being a protector of the Jews.

When we leave, the gospel heart and soul of America's calling as a lighthouse to the world and a protector of Israel will be taken out. What will be left, may well be the harlot church, the whore that rides the beast, religious Babylon. Ready to form a new religion. Ready to form alliances with other religions. Ready to hate and persecute the Jews and the newly saved Christians after the Rapture takes place.
Personally I don't believe Trump is saved.
Pastor Jack Hibbs has spent a lot of time with Trump. The pastor has no doubt Trump is saved. Other Pastors who were with him in his last administration believe he was saved. Trump no doubt is a baby Christian, just like the vast majority of Christians who seldom if ever, study their bible.

I can remember some of the pastors I listened to when I was a new Christian. They are now the ones I would never again listen too.

Not everyone will grow/mature in their faith, or show much fruit, but that does not mean they are not saved.
I know there's a controversy whether this is the church falling into apostasy (departure from the faith) or being caught away by Christ in the Rapture (departure from earth)
What made me lean towards Andy Woods beliefs that the departure mentioned is the rapture is simple. There has been apostasy infecting the Church since the beginning of the church. However, there has never been a “departure”.
From my point of view- Paula is a poster child of the final end time apostasy afflicting the Church of Laodicea just before (and after) The Rapture.

I expect apostasy, as in a departure from faith, not just because of Paul in 2 Thess 2:3 where he speaks of the great falling away, apostasy. But because of the nature of Laodicea, the last age of the church.

2 Thess 2:3
3: Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

I know there's a controversy whether this is the church falling into apostasy (departure from the faith) or being caught away by Christ in the Rapture (departure from earth)

My position is it can mean both. That isn't an either or thing. A church falling into apostasy, departing from the faith at the very same time as the true body of Christ, the believing remnant is caught up in the Rapture.

Looking at Rev 3:14-22 the church of Laodicea, the last church of the seven, this one is characterized by apostasy, a departure from the faith. There is a hint in there of the health and wealth prosperity gospel, the seeker friendly feel good gospel, and the self anointed, self appointed NAR gospel too.

So I've always expected the church to start to rot out theologically. And I always expected it to gather momentum towards the end.

that health and wealth prosperity gospel (which Paula White combines with the NAR) does seem to fit the Laodicean mindset.

When the Rapture takes place there WILL BE churches with members still there, preachers behind pulpits, who were not taken in the Rapture because they weren't truly saved.

I can't say for sure about anyone else's salvation- that is up to God, but looking at the fruit of her life- and her teaching, I don't think she's saved.

So I completely agree here:

God who knows the heart, may allow her to help prepare the way for the New World Order to come. Along with all the other apostate churches who will help form the religious side of Babylon. A "church" made up of all the other left behind who consider themselves Christian but aren't.

The kingdom of this world, that we leave behind will have enough of it's structures left when we go, to rebuild fairly quickly after the Rapture and any wars that go on at that time. By rebuild I mean enough to put things like the Mark of the Beast in place at the midpoint of the Trib. Governmental structure in place to monitor buying and selling. The internet to allow the people all around the earth to view the 2 Witnesses rise from the dead in Jerusalem.

America since her foundation has always sent the gospel to the nations. It's part of her 2 fold character- the other side being a protector of the Jews.

When we leave, the gospel heart and soul of America's calling as a lighthouse to the world and a protector of Israel will be taken out. What will be left, may well be the harlot church, the whore that rides the beast, religious Babylon. Ready to form a new religion. Ready to form alliances with other religions. Ready to hate and persecute the Jews and the newly saved Christians after the Rapture takes place.
I agree with you. My thoughts are from the point of view as to why President Trump would choose her of all people to lead his faith office.
Bottom line is her prosperity gospel in my opinion.
I agree with you. My thoughts are from the point of view as to why President Trump would choose her of all people to lead his faith office.
Bottom line is her prosperity gospel in my opinion.
Yeah, definitely not one of the better ones for that office. Probably baby Christian lack of discernment if he's saved. If he isn't, at least he's trying.

Net result though, she could help set up a future version of this faith office (that office shouldn't exist, it is just too risky for the govt in power to decide on who is and isn't a person of faith, which denominations are ok, which are not, even which religions are ok)

Today under Trump it's fine, but after Trump????? After the Rapture????
What made me lean towards Andy Woods beliefs that the departure mentioned is the rapture is simple. There has been apostasy infecting the Church since the beginning of the church. However, there has never been a “departure”.
I understand the argument, brother. I hold to the other view mainly because of the language used in the original Greek. And when I view the argument you put forward, I think "Yes there has always been apostasy. But according to the Bible there've also been many antichrists (1 John 2:18; 1 John 4:3). Yet there's an ultimate Antichrist coming. The fact that there have been the former does not mean the latter won't come. In the same way, the fact that there's always being apostasy does not mean that the great apostasy will not come. And already in the Church we see where in some places the apostate assemblies greatly outnumber the faithful assemblies. When I was growing up, there were many different churches but for the most part the true gospel was preached in each one, to some extent or another. Nowadays, there are many so-called Christian churches with once great denominational names that today wouldn't know the gospel if it hit them in the face; therefore they certainly don't preach it. And it is this truth that I believe is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the "great falling away."
I understand the argument, brother; the other view mainly because of the language used in the original Greek. And when I view the argument you put forward, I think "Yes there has always been apostasy. But according to the Bible there've also been many antichrists (1 John 2:18; 1 John 4:3). Yet there's an ultimate Antichrist coming. The fact that there have been the former does not mean the latter won't come. In the same way, the fact that there's always being apostasy does not mean that the great apostasy will not come. And already in the Church we see where in some places the apostate assemblies greatly outnumber the faithful assemblies. When I was growing up, there were many different churches but for the most part the true gospel was preached in each one, to some extent or another. Nowadays, there are many so-called Christian churches with once great denominational names that today wouldn't know the gospel if it hit them in the face; therefore they certainly don't preach it. And it is this truth that I believe is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the "great falling away."
Understood Pastor, thanks. For me, what this thread is is a bread crumb of sorts. Well, how i mean that is like in the story of Red Ridding Hood. She puts down breadcrumbs as a marker. Not very successfully though. lol. But I would submit this might be a thread along the way that might be interesting to refer to down the road. Or not....lol.

But if my argument has any sliver of merit, it would have to. If not...yeah...we won't need to be coming back here lol. And in what you bring up I realize the grand scale of what i might be wagering is about as far as one could take an argument to an extreme. Because i realize we are living at a time where for what I might be suggesting here, it would not just be one small thing of a difference. For it would be a whole host of things seeming one way but being another.

Like your view on the great apostasy. In 2017 seeing Trump being prayed over in the Oval office was like watching a Nightmare Before Christmas. In part, it would have been my launch pad for my Laodicean church age motif. Even though, 2 Thes 2 about the great apostasy could be a thicker reference perhaps in relation to the tribulation mid point, even with that, it would also seem to carry with it overtones for the season approaching the 70th week as well. I guess in that it would have to matter to what degree. And it looks pretty bad today granted. So yes, i see in order for a postulation of mine here to have real traction, it would almost mean that there would have to be a number of things going on today that would perhaps only have the appearance of what they seem. And since we don't have a verse like that in the bible, it would have to seem like winning the lottery odds for that many things to be mere lookalikes.

It would make sense to me that what is proposed here be just a wee bit outside the statistics of reasonable probability. My answer to that would be though more along the lines of a paradigm perspective rather than event or even theme based. What i mean by that is for me its not really so much a matter of how many things do we notice can be this or that. Or even the genuine themes (like these are views from 90% of the watcher community themes), as an example of where I would see the basis of argument. But rather on a greater paradigm of what the story we see is saying. In that way I would see there be reasonable room for a great host of many perceptions on events or themes to come to be understood completely differently. When i look at it this way, the events and themes we see do belong to a story arc. But depending on what that story is...and what that actual arc is will literally determine what everything else associated with it means. I have an example, (i realize that could just sound like a lot of words...lol).

. . . . .

Recently a dear brother shared with me a video from "A Call for an Uprising" channel (or whatever that person calls their channels these days). And I used to watch that channel actually like 8 years ago. But this video mentions RFK saying Trump comes in on a white horse. That is his theme. And demonstrates MAGA as a cult. I understand how to some or many it might. But the point in the video i would like to highlight is a clip where it sounds like Trump is saying "I am not a Christian.' While thanking Christians for voting for him. In that clip, it does sound like Trump is saying he is not a Christian. If that is what Trump is saying then, for me, that changes the whole paradigm of meaning. Because if Trump can say, "I am not a Christian" while encouraging Christians to vote for him, saying he is not a Christian to our faces and yet we will still vote for him, that is super creepy. And would mean something very diabolical. If Trump did say, "I am not a Christian" there, then that redefines EVERYTHING else. Because that would mean Trump is hurtfully amusing himself over manipulating Christians. Now as a politician i realize they do manipulate people. That is kind of a given. But if Trump is able to play mind games with Christians and demonstrate toying with them (and not just generic manipulation all politicians do) that for me would suggest that everything about the man would be seriously suspect.

That is an example of what i mean by paradigm. That if the story Trump is telling for example is, "You Christians are suckers," then whatever patriotic bone he has in his body would only be pure treachery. And therefore no sound way for America to improve in any genuine way. Unless God was just using a total dirt bag in spite of himself. But that sort of thing would change the entire meaning of what the story of Trump and America would be about, for me. And mean something very different in what is actually going down today. Yes we see it is end times or greatly nearing it. But for most of us, it would seem a brief reprise for America is what seems to be a likely short lived potential for some reason. But if what is happening is not a reprieve, then we have totally something else going on. And not a reprieve. And everything else lined up with what is happening takes on an entirely different tone. So that is like an example of paradigm i mean. That the story arc that seems to be playing out in the way it looks for me, seems to be fairly consistent. Although quite a bear of a burden to bear (pun intended). Blessings.
I understand the argument, brother; the other view mainly because of the language used in the original Greek. And when I view the argument you put forward, I think "Yes there has always been apostasy. But according to the Bible there've also been many antichrists (1 John 2:18; 1 John 4:3). Yet there's an ultimate Antichrist coming. The fact that there have been the former does not mean the latter won't come. In the same way, the fact that there's always being apostasy does not mean that the great apostasy will not come. And already in the Church we see where in some places the apostate assemblies greatly outnumber the faithful assemblies. When I was growing up, there were many different churches but for the most part the true gospel was preached in each one, to some extent or another. Nowadays, there are many so-called Christian churches with once great denominational names that today wouldn't know the gospel if it hit them in the face; therefore they certainly don't preach it. And it is this truth that I believe is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the "great falling away."
I can see both views as being possible, but lean heavily towards rapture

Side note - Arnold Fruchtenbaum is a solid teacher, and has one of the most quoted books in Eschatology, “Footsteps of the Messiah”. Arnold agreed with your position until he read Andy Woods book “The Falling Away”, and subsequently changed his view to align with Woods.
I understand the argument, brother; the other view mainly because of the language used in the original Greek. And when I view the argument you put forward, I think "Yes there has always been apostasy. But according to the Bible there've also been many antichrists (1 John 2:18; 1 John 4:3). Yet there's an ultimate Antichrist coming. The fact that there have been the former does not mean the latter won't come. In the same way, the fact that there's always being apostasy does not mean that the great apostasy will not come. And already in the Church we see where in some places the apostate assemblies greatly outnumber the faithful assemblies. When I was growing up, there were many different churches but for the most part the true gospel was preached in each one, to some extent or another. Nowadays, there are many so-called Christian churches with once great denominational names that today wouldn't know the gospel if it hit them in the face; therefore they certainly don't preach it. And it is this truth that I believe is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the "great falling away."
Trump comes in on a white horse.
That's disturbing.

The American experiment as a republic should know better than to idolize any leader.

I agree with Margery that Paula White may become important in leading people after the rapture. For now I think her position in the WH is not relevant, she may have given a big donation and was rewarded with an empty role :scratch:
For now I think her position in the WH is not relevant, she may have given a big donation and was rewarded with an empty role :scratch:
This is an interesting take. Could very well be the case.


When a leader compromises by taking in a bad influence for what ever reason, it never bodes well.

Remember King Solomon and even worse King Ahab.
They both took for some political reasons women with their own idol religion, and reaped Gods wrath.
Thanks for all who have weighed-in with observations. No doubt these are strange times. And no doubt that there are varying opinions. Symbolically as @Hol stated it does not have teeth. Which might be a metaphor too...lol. Like my point was wondering if Paula White is more a statement to the USA via God permitting MORE THAN it just suggest how apostate Christianity has gotten today. Regardless of the former, the latter is true. We know this for sure. But I don't ask as an excercise in quessing things we can't know. But kind of introduce the art of social artifact species discernment. In other words, what kind of species does Paula represent. A) Bad Christianity or B) a dynamic story literary device? For most the answer will be A. Because it is self evident. But if she just represents fallen religion mainly or only, I believe we are far more wired for story than to settle for that. Or to rush to summary judgement perhaps. Here is why:

  • POTUS 45 = Jerusalem Affimred for Israel / Golan Heights (on Purim) affirmed for Israel (without which there can be no Ez 38)
  • POTUS 45 = Abraham Accords (inducing Saudi Arabia to neutralize with Israel)
  • POTUS 46 = Oct 7th Push Back to Stir Up Middle East to Fight Off the Saudi/Israel Normalization
  • POTUS 47 = Saudi Arabia Housing Peace Negotiations with Russia/Ukraine (Saudi Arabia)
  • POTUS 47 = Emerging Israel as a 1 State Solution Potential...

...and let's just stop right there. Because as this article outlines we are in a perfect story storm. This hinge point epitomizes "the story," I believe. This is a good time for this article because it time-capsules uncertainty in a grand manner. This is a perfect moment for this article because it is clear that from this article things could go just about any direction...but according to the article, it would likely not end with an Israeli 1 state solution nor Saudi normalization with Israel. So, this is the perfect marker point to see over time which tells a deeper story...the one in this article, or the Paul White story of Christian decadence. No doubt both will continue. But if the story and the USA and Israel becomes louder (from this very point), then does that become a story of "the role of decadent Christianity symbolizing America to empower Israel?" I don't think any watcher would go there. But with NAR trajectory enroute, we might be kind of stuck with that story. So instead of trying to unravel it in that far more confused estate, I believe this might be a better time to consider what story is actually being told currently...

. . . . .

Enters DOGE -- what story is that?

Tom Rentz, best selling author, attorney and analyst weighs in on X regarding the DOGE story:

I came across a lawyer, Tom Renz, who actually read Trump’s DOGE Executive Order and expected some illegal power grab, found it to be alright. Turns out Trump and Musk didn’t create anything. Obama did.

Obama created United States Digital Service (USDS) in 2014. It was meant as a bureaucratic patch job to fix the Obamacare website meltdown.

Fast forward to 2025. Trump rebrands it DOGE (United States DOGE Service). Keeps the acronym, keeps the funding but gives it a whole new mission: Find the Receipts.

Legally untouchable because it was already fully funded and operational. Trump invokes 5 USC 3161, which allows him to create temporary hiring authorities. DOGE teams get embedded inside every single federal agency. Each team consists of a lawyer, HR rep, a zoomer nerd, and an investigator. They report to DOGE, not the agency they’re embedded in.

But wait, there more! Trump invokes 44 USC Chapter 35, which governs the federal IT and cybersecurity oversight. Since USDS was originally an IT oversight body, DOGE now has full access to all federal data systems. Yes, that’s right. All of them.

His executive order is written to block legal challenges. Includes language that overrides conflicting executive orders. Orders every agency to comply. Refusal means they violate presidential authority.

Congress can’t defund it because it’s not a news program, just a repurposed one. DOJ can’t sue for overreach because Trump used the existing laws exactly as written. Democrats trying to file legal challenges run into standing issues because DOGE operates within existing frameworks.

Obama literally built the perfect Administrative (read: Deep) State IT backdoor. Trump and Musk just hacked the system and took the admin controls. Musk now has legal oversight of every major agencies internal systems. The Administrative State can’t stop it without rewriting multiple federal laws. They legally outplayed the system and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Obama created DOGE."

So if Trump is granted a playing field where he can craftily use engineering of the left to upend them, this story, to me, sounds like Esther. Where Haman was the epitome of digging one's own grave. If DOGE is the story Haman defeating himself, granted this would be more than about America. Or the state of fallen Christianity. It would be a providential story playing out in the grand world theater. And if its main recipient is to Israel's benefit, then the story of Paula and America serve as the story of Israel. In any case I think its good to at least have this deposit here. Should it provide in some small way a potential bellwether of actually what story is unfolding before us. Because we have been using our labels and putting out labels on it to a degree. And we have also been open to see what happens because in our honest heart we don't know exactly what roads lead where "sometimes." I suppose another way to look at it might be Paula representing in a way a Christian witness whose time is by virtue of its disclosure about itself fading in its utility for this world system. Whereas on one hand, the witness of the church starting to shift out of metaphoric import, and Israel metaphorically coming into hers. Possibly...just sayin...blessings. :)
A good reminder to keep our leaders in prayer.

I'm thankful that the restrainer is still restraining and we still have time to share the Gospel. :)
When I heard that she would continue in this capacity, my heart sunk. I have been praying that the President would actually have learned his lesson about her the first time, however, apparently not. I remember listening to Amir Tsfarti in a prophecy update and he was joking around with the two other hosts - can’t find it right now of course, but it was a question to Amir from one of the other two about him considering a role as spiritual advisor to DJT. He jokingly said, yep, my bags are packed and I’m just ready for the final vote, then he said, just kidding, no he hadn’t been asked and no, he wouldn’t; one reason given was that he wasn’t a citizen. Honestly, if DJY had wanted him, I believe it could have been made to happen, but unfortunately, Ms. White is back and if you look under the dictionary under “false teacher,” you’ll see her picture. Actually she’s got a lot of company, sadly.

With that, all I have to say is, if President Trump is saved, he has to be just starting out. What’s even worse is visiting her website and seeing that she’s “celebrating 40 years.” That’s 40 years of selling people down the river about the gospel. I know that one day she’ll pay for this, but it saddens me about how many people she may be responsible for sending to eternity in Hell because of what she’s been teaching. I’ll never stop praying, but even when God blessed us with not getting Harris, obviously it’s all about God’s plans and not mankind’s.