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Thank you.
sadness and feelings of hopelessness. Sounds like me. I ask for prayer for my faith to come back. I have been trying to get strong in my faith and it takes one bad thing to step into my life and ruin everything I was fighting to gain. Oh Lord help me. Please help me. In Jesus name. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

:hug: :console:

I don't personally know any Christians, other than very new ones, who haven't been there. I've been there multiple times.

Two things that have helped me immensely:

1. Put everything in Jesus' in-box, and don't even dare to think of taking it back out. Just slide it in and pray and have faith that you'll get an answer. It might not be what you want, and it might not be when you want, but God's plan is perfect, so the answer will be what you need when you need it. This is the hard part. Sometimes, it takes years or even decades for God to answer. I prayed when I was about 5 for persecution to come to my church. It took God over six decades to answer, and I had forgotten that prayer until pretty recently when His answer became apparent. Persecution's happening here, albeit not the hard persecution I was learning about at the time I prayed that prayer, but I do suspect hard persecution is on the way. Looking at it, even hard persecution back then wouldn't have had the same strengthening impact on the churches that even soft persecution is having today. Locally, the formerly muslim women and girls, who have become Christians, are facing hard and brutal persecution by their families, mosques, and local muslim communities if (and when) they get found out.

Obey God and trust Him for the consequences. I heard this on the radio during someone's sermon (I think Charles Stanley, but not sure). This has been especially helpful with the financial consequences and prospect of on-the-street homelessness from unpaid elder caregiving for my parents for over five years (and only God knows how much longer). I have a lot more peace about having sufficient shelter when this is all over, even though I have no idea what or where it will be.

May God bless you with David-like faith and trust in Him.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
sadness and feelings of hopelessness. Sounds like me. I ask for prayer for my faith to come back. I have been trying to get strong in my faith and it takes one bad thing to step into my life and ruin everything I was fighting to gain. Oh Lord help me. Please help me. In Jesus name. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:
Take a deep breath sis. Then get into prayer and bring this before the Lord; spend some time with Him and let Him comfort you.