
Elon Musk changes X handle to Kekius Maximus. What does it mean?
The world’s richest man’s new handle and avatar appear to refer to a cryptocurrency – but they both include references previously co-opted by the far right

Right-wing billionaire Elon Musk has changed his name to “Kekius Maximus” on X, the social media platform he owns, signaling support for a type of cryptocurrency.
The world’s richest man changed his name on X on Tuesday and updated his profile photo to an edited picture of “Pepe the Frog,” a meme that has been co-opted by hate groups.
Musk has been at President-elect Donald Trump’s side since he won the election, appearing to be one of his closest advisors. He has also been named as co-chair of the new Department of Government Efficiency. Alongside co-leader Vivek Ramaswamy, Musk has vowed to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government’s budget in the role.
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The reason I posted this was not so much because of the intrique and controversy. But because I am into social artifacts. In some ways I believe social artificats can be very helpful in underscoring some themes in our day that might have more social currency or relevance than they otherwise might if we were not living in such interesting times. For instance, posting this 100 years ago might have been helpful public socio-political commentary, but in terms of it being any such thing as much more would have fallen to eroding tides of philosphical chances in society. And then on to the next thing.
To me, this meme moment is a rather helpful momentary pause to stop and smell the flowers. Not that I desire to equate Kek the Frog as a flower to smell. But rather its moment. Why? Mostly because from what I have seen we live in complex times. And there are a lot of concepts that seem to blend into each other. So when there is an opportunity to barrow meme culture as prime time quick study evaluation stop-off along the tends to cover a lot of ground simultanously and helps keep my posts generally shorter over time (so yeah...I guess there is a bit of a self serving motive its exercise could also result in TCC being more sisinct...which is not exactly a bad thing).
Now for essay etiquette I would like to give a GENERIC observation and then also a creative (insane hot sauce) version. So if this format is not helpful to our community, I would understand if it were removed. But in any event, I would hope perhaps the GENERIC remain because I believe there is a link in it to sober thoughts concerning our socio-political terrian.
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So I think there are some interesting features here:
- The worlds richest man changes into a familiar 2016 Trump affirming meme
- Worl's richest man does this on extremely hot social media platform with massive awareness and coverage
- World's richest man flashes meme trolling the establishment
It is that last bullet that I believe is most interesting. Because right now we know Germany has an election coming up in February. And Pepe in this article is touted as hate speech, by no other than the free speech controlling "fact checkers" of Europe. That doesn't sound Nazi at all. In irony, I believe, Germany is saturated with EU speak/Climate Change speak/Globalism to say it succinctly. So I thought this is interesting and helpful to notice. That Germany, known for its Nazi history, has made the AFD Nazi's. While excusing its emperialistic (a true Nazi trope) tendency to emasculate individual European nation state individuality. While enforcing Arab Spring fallout to dilute individual state identity further. Which is very similar to the open border syndrome held in America when a globlaist president (Biden) is in charge. So the effects on Europe are really no different than the effect on the USA when the role of immigration is played out. Globalism interest is to erode national identity and make strong nationalism a hate theme. No borders, no national identity = civilized. Wanting the Genesis God given table of nations to "not be" a thing anymore.
I don't state the above to justify the AFD. For who knows what interests are all caught up in that group. But what the world is aware of is that Germany has become an epicentric focus of all things globlaists leaning. Which makes sense they would have an interest to understand something more about their own national pride (meant in a good, sound, and sober sense). I imagine there might be white supremacy types drawn to the AFD. But it seems that today we have come to classify any nation that does not want to be stampeded by immigration that erodes national identity as Natzi. Yet, at the same time the Western world use literal Nazi's in Ukraine as representing the globalist sense of democracy vs. Russia. In that sense, democracy is merely an ideology to exploit while using Nazi's to guard globalist money laundering interests in Ukraine. And just call all of that, democracy. PEW Research did an interesting overview of the AFD:

7 facts about Germany’s AfD party
Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the first far-right political party to win a state election in Germany since World War II.

This post is not about the AFD or a support for far right leanings potentially within that party. What is meant here is a clear demonstration by how the "Idenepent" uses language to shape ideology. From that it is clear that the left wants to intimidate any sense of individuality apart from their interpretation of themes as far right wing, Nazi, extremists, or conspiracy theorists. Setting themselves up as the voice of reason...all the while eroding slowly over time seductively, a sense of reality about ourselves. So in that sense, it would seem Elon's connection to German election intererence and changing his X avatar to Pepe seems timely (on the eve of January 20th). So it's an interesting collection of meme culture for sure. But I just thought it to be helpful to see through the hype and just let the reality of motives (good/bad/or indifferent) have a chance to champion the heart more than perhaps a socially configured eye-roll might seem more immediately fitting.
- It would make sense why Elon and Vivek and Trump might in contrast to the above dig their heals in regards to H1-B Visa's / by contrast
- I hate Trump's flip-flops on H1-B -- First boisterously against them, then becomes Elon's lap dog in favor of them -- Yuk...I hate that
- But in contrast to the above, in a lot of ways it does take the edge off the white supremacy theme the left will miraculously use on world culture
- Of course Trump could just be milquetoast on themes...but the Pepe meme I believe helps to see the contrast a bit more...just saying
- A man's ability "Elon" to cause value to meme -- Causing a literal meme coin to skyrocket in currency
- And that the above bullet is even a thing
- And the irony of Musk's relation to Dogecoin...and then become Doge himself
- And the irony that Dogecoin started as a mock meme against crypto currency and in so doing became a crypto currency itself (the proverbial underdog, litterally, syndrome) -- Dogecoin was named after a popular meme that combined a Shiba Inu dog and a misspelled version of the word "dog"
Which leads me to more poetic side, lol...
If you just read all the above, how might this have sounded to someone 100 years ago? How about 1,000 years ago? Like in what world do meme's become literal currency? And irony become literal money? In the world we live in today. So it is on those wings I would ask you to please consider the more poetic side here. Because what I just said not poetic. It is not only real. But in our faces real. That is how loudly real it is. At the end of the day we could say, "Yeah but it does not amount to much. That and a buck will get you a cup of coffee a year from now." I understand.
But putting conspiracy theory to bed, what are we witnessing? Isn't it interesting that to even get to first cause mode here is like a chore for a superhero? "Hey Superman, can you tell me which end of this box is UP?" And he replies: "Well, for that, hold on, I'm gonna need my cape. Let me get right back." So really? Look at how muddy it can be just to take notice of certain very basic things occuring. It almost seems like even common occurance is held hostage to political hysteria. lol.
So I won't belabor this because it is the more "out there" side of the street. But I just think it is note worthy that a frog meme has not fallen to the wayside like network television has. But actually risen to the top ,of the social media cup of coffee, like cream and implies by metaphor of a video game also gaining steam that things might be getting like level 80 ya' metaphoric troll. Now this could be rich kid visions of grandiosity. And we just go on and on with ups and downs. Or there might be some huge dynamics in play. We will only know when we get there. So it will be interesting. But what is also interesting about all of this is that if it does become "biblical," then, in what sense does meme culture have in prophesy? I have not seen anything in the Bible inferring memes share a role in its use. And so here is the hot sauce: But just like it would seem the book of Revelation to be written in a literary style that would not be a thing for 1800 years to come (modular narrative). And just as the book of Revelation might be written in literary style most for the time it is for (modular narrative is most popular in Hollywood). Could it also be a consideration that the proliferation of meme-ology be also somewhat a philosphical street graffiti version of literary style also arriving on the wings of the time it is for? If it turns out that we are on the verge of an apocolyptic age cross hair moment approaching, where would we have ever found that in theological works throughout the centuries?
Sure we would see thematic meme like overtures in the book of Revelation as has been seen in historic commentaries. Most popularly known as seeing Revelation archetype pictographs as the Catholic Church. And later added to it Freemasonry America. BUT, what if its not that as much as it is a tip of the hat in memology metaphor itself? Like the way in which Revaltion uses themes we believe might be the Catholic church, or Freemasonry America. Etc? What if the "sense" to correspond imagery is the correct sense even if it might be something different other than the Catholic Church and Freemasonry America? Well I just postulate that because those two are the most familiar themes we have historically. For example, in the reformation it was well hightened to see the book of Revalation implying the Catholic Church and Pope as antichrist. And although there might be themes of Catholicism to share in part with a future false prophet, what seems to be something I don't recall coming across before is the sense of first cause in interpretation that might very easily be overlooked. The very essence of a timeframe arising where memeology would be so picturesque. Vivid. And maybe even larger than life real and in our faces...and it meme I mean, mean something.
Ok, so, yeah I know. I'll go Blessigns.