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What does God see in you?


Staff member
I often think this thought. Don't most of us at some time? You know what I am talking about-- Why does God love me? What does He see in me? Now, there are many theological answers to this question. But Pastor Jeremy Mattek of Time of Grace, in his usual grace-filled style, offers an encouraging and comforting perspective on this question.

I often think this thought. Don't most of us at some time? You know what I am talking about-- Why does God love me? What does He see in me? Now, there are many theological answers to this question. But Pastor Jeremy Mattek of Time of Grace, in his usual grace-filled style, offers an encouraging and comforting perspective on this question.

I love how Pastor Jeremy Mattek ends with "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see".

I never really focused on the end of those words before. We Christians were blind before we accepted Jesus! As we were blind we could not help but do things that were really against God, just like Paul.

I have been and will continue to post these verses below.
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

So the Gospel is shared with all who are interested. Sadly as per John 3:20, those who are evil will not respond to the Gospel as they don't like it. Those who are not evil and are just blind to the Gospel will be attracted to it and will then be able to see! We know that Paul did not like evil, he was just blind to the truth! It is the same with us true Christians. I use the term "true Christians" because not everyone who claims to be a Christian truly is.
I know that we should take the near death experience testimonies with a a grain of salt but one former atheist was saying that when he "passed temporarily" before coming back, he was with Jesus and stated Jesus was replaying moments of his life back to him both the bad and good and said whilst the moments of his life were being replayed, he actually felt as if Jesus was there in each moment.

The man then asked Jesus were you actually with me, and he said Jesus replied that he was and that in each of his bad moments of his life he was there waitimg for him to ask out and be saved.

My general question is, do you think we will have a review of the moments of our lives with Jesus when we pass or when we are raptured?
I often think this thought. Don't most of us at some time? You know what I am talking about-- Why does God love me? What does He see in me? Now, there are many theological answers to this question. But Pastor Jeremy Mattek of Time of Grace, in his usual grace-filled style, offers an encouraging and comforting perspective on this question.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful God sees Jesus' righteousness instead of my sin.


:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
I know that we should take the near death experience testimonies with a a grain of salt but one former atheist was saying that when he "passed temporarily" before coming back, he was with Jesus and stated Jesus was replaying moments of his life back to him boyh the bad and good and said ehilst the moments of his life were being replayed, he actually felt as if Jesus was there in each moment.

The man then asked Jesus were you actually with me, and he said Jesus replied that he was and that in each of his bad moments of his life he was there waitimg for him to ask out and be saved.

My general question is, do you think we will have a review of the moments of our lives with Jesus when we pass or when we are raptured?

We'll appear at the Bema Seat of Christ for our works to be judged and rewards. Nothing to do with Salvation. Only eternal rewards.
My general question is, do you think we will have a review of the moments of our lives with Jesus when we pass or when we are raptured?
Who knows? But it wouldn't surprise me. After all, being able to look back at every moment of your life and see where Christ intervened and guided and protected and interceded for you would be a wonderful thing. On the other hand, however, I am certain, based on scripture alone, that we will not ever be reminded of the negative things in our lives on this earth. Yes, our works will be judged at the Bema seat, but we ourselves will not be for the simple reason that we have already been judged in Christ, and the penalty paid ... in full. Thank you, Jesus, for paying the price that we never could! :hug:
So the Gospel is shared with all who are interested. Sadly as per John 3:20, those who are evil will not respond to the Gospel as they don't like it. Those who are not evil and are just blind to the Gospel will be attracted to it and will then be able to see! RWe know that Paul did not like evil, he was just blind to the truth! It is the same with us true Christians. I use the term "true Christians" because not everyone who claims to be a Christian truly is.
Wouldn't that go against other verses which state all who call on the Lord will be saved?

Aren’t all unbelievers evil in their hearts?

What would you consider the definition of evil is? Is there such an evil in a person that they could never be saved? If you believe yes, how did Paul become saved?
Wouldn't that go against other verses which state all who call on the Lord will be saved?

Aren’t all unbelievers evil in their hearts?

What would you consider the definition of evil is? Is there such an evil in a person that they could never be saved? If you believe yes, how did Paul become saved?
Good questions that I don't know if I can answer to your satisfaction, but I will try. 😊

1. "Wouldn't that go against other verses which state all who call on the Lord will be saved?"
No, because those whose hearts are evil will not call on the Lord.

2. "Aren’t all unbelievers evil in their hearts?"
In the end my answer is "Yes", but right now my answer "No" as per the verses below. Right now we have sheep and goats mixed together.
Matthew 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Matthew 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

"What would you consider the definition of evil is? Is there such an evil in a person that they could never be saved? If you believe yes, how did Paul become saved?"
a. I would say that true evil is not submitting to God or rejection of God and basically what Satan and one third of the Angles did.
b. It is not that an evil person could not be saved, they just will not be saved by their own choice. They are not attracted to what God offers.
c. Paul was not evil in his heart, but deceive just like Eve was. He was persecuting Christians because he believed they were following the wrong God. The same as Jews believe today.

You may not agree, but if you don't let me ask what do these verses mean to you?
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Sometimes it's the most evil among us who turn to God.
There are those who are evil in their hearts and then those who are not evil in their hearts but do evil for what ever reason. Paul did a lot of evil, but not because he had evil in his heart. He actually thought he was serving the God of the Jews.

It is easy for those of us who grew up in a safe neighborhood with good parents to judge someone who does evil things but grew up with bad parents in a neighborhood with gang violence. All they know to do is to be evil to survive. That does not mean they were evil in their heart. When those who are not evil in their heart find out there is a better way, that is the change we see. God had to show Paul that there is a better way.
You may not agree, but if you don't let me ask what do these verses mean to you?
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God
You are correct, I do not agree at all. All can be saved, no matter what evil deeds they did if they call out to Him.

The verses mean prior to being saved, most or even all preferred/loved the darkness and perhaps even gave no second thoughts to their sins. However, in every believers life, there came a point where they could finally see the Light through the darkness of their life.

In response to your comments on Paul, his actions were evil in his persecution of His Saints - regardless of his motives, his actions were evil.

I try my best not to base my beliefs on a select few verses, but try to take in all the Word to help me understand as best I can.
You are correct, I do not agree at all. All can be saved, no matter of what evil deeds they did if they call out to Him.

The verses mean prior to being saved, most or even all preferred/loved the darkness and perhaps even gave no second thoughts to their sins. However, in every believers life, there came a point where they could finally see the Light through the darkness of their life.

In response to your comments on Paul, his actions were evil in his persecution of His Saints - regardless of his motives, his actions were evil.

I try my best not to base my beliefs on a select few verses, but try to take in all the Word to help me understand as best I can.
It you disagree that's fine. God has shown me that my job is not to convince anyone of anything, but to just share what I know with them. Those who have ears to hear will agree and for those who don't, it is not up to me to convince them otherwise. That was a problem I use to have trying to convince people of things and ended up in an argument or debate. I answered your question which is all I am supposed to do. I will not get into a debate about it.

God Bless! 😊
I believe scripture teaches us that there are evil people. It states that they hate the light of God and they will not come to the light of God. (John 3:20; Job 24:16; Jeremiah 9:6) It's not an inability, it's a refusal. They have set their hearts to walk in darkness. Who knows why. It's a product of their self will, a product of human pride. Regardless, they actually like to do evil and they don't want God's light to expose them.

That said, our problem arises because we cannot see a person's inner heart, only their outer actions. It took a direct word of God for Ananias to go to Saul; all he could see is a man persecuting Christians. (Acts 9:13-15). We are not God; therefore we cannot judge whether someone can be saved or not. Our job is merely to share God's love as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. And this flows from within us, not out of a sense of duty, but out of the compassionate heart of Christ that dwells in us. This is why we need to draw closer and closer to God through Christ, allowing him to change us, allowing him to make us more and more like Christ. For when we surrender our lives to God in this way, our care for other's souls will be such that we will never refuse to give anyone the gospel.

The sharing of the gospel is our part of God's work. It is the privilege he is a given to each one of us.. God's part is to take that word to their heart. Their part is to accept it. But, sadly, despite our efforts --and God's-- some, being evil, will reject not just the gospel that can save them but the God that made them.
A little condescending response brother, indicating you and you alone can decipher the truth. Im sure thats not your intent, but in many of your previous threads, thats what to me it comes across as.

He is the leader of Iran, responsible for the killing of many who disagree with his “god”, not really a laughing matter.
As I said, not interested in debating with you. 😊
I believe scripture teaches us that there are evil people. It states that they hate the light of God and they will not come to the light of God. (John 3:20; Job 24:16; Jeremiah 9:6) It's not an inability, it's a refusal. They have set their hearts to walk in darkness. Who knows why. It's a product of their self will, a product of human pride. Regardless, they actually like to do evil and they don't want God's light to expose them.

That said, our problem arises because we cannot see a person's inner heart, only their outer actions. It took a direct word of God for Ananias to go to Saul; all he could see is a man persecuting Christians. (Acts 9:13-15). We are not God; therefore we cannot judge whether someone can be saved or not. Our job is merely to share God's love as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. And this flows from within us, not out of a sense of duty, but out of the compassionate heart of Christ that dwells in us. This is why we need to draw closer and closer to God through Christ, allowing him to change us, allowing him to make us more and more like Christ. For when we surrender our lives to God in this way, our care for other's souls will be such that we will never refuse to give anyone the gospel.

The sharing of the gospel is our part of God's work. It is the privilege he is a given to each one of us.. God's part is to take that word to their heart. Their part is to accept it. But, sadly, despite our efforts --and God's-- some, being evil, will reject not just the gospel that can save them but the God that made them.
You are a good Pastor so I should not be surprised, but you have expressed this way better than I could!!! 👍😍
I believe scripture teaches us that there are evil people. It states that they hate the light of God and they will not come to the light of God. (John 3:20; Job 24:16; Jeremiah 9:6) It's not an inability, it's a refusal. They have set their hearts to walk in darkness. Who knows why. It's a product of their self will, a product of human pride. Regardless, they actually like to do evil and they don't want God's light to expose them.

That said, our problem arises because we cannot see a person's inner heart, only their outer actions. It took a direct word of God for Ananias to go to Saul; all he could see is a man persecuting Christians. (Acts 9:13-15). We are not God; therefore we cannot judge whether someone can be saved or not. Our job is merely to share God's love as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. And this flows from within us, not out of a sense of duty, but out of the compassionate heart of Christ that dwells in us. This is why we need to draw closer and closer to God through Christ, allowing him to change us, allowing him to make us more and more like Christ. For when we surrender our lives to God in this way, our care for other's souls will be such that we will never refuse to give anyone the gospel.

The sharing of the gospel is our part of God's work. It is the privilege he is a given to each one of us.. God's part is to take that word to their heart. Their part is to accept it. But, sadly, despite our efforts --and God's-- some, being evil, will reject not just the gospel that can save them but the God that made them.
Yes, there are without a doubt folks who live for evil. What I cant accept is that they cant ever repent, which goes against several scriptures where God desire all to be saved, and all who call out to the Lord will be saved.