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What Biblical Evidence Is There For The Closeness Of The Rapture

Andy C

There have been lots of interesting comments on this forum recently about the strong possibility of the rapture being this year.

What biblical evidence would anyone use as evidence the rapture is this year, or at least within the next few years? In other words, if you were trying to convince your Christian or non Christian friends about the extreme closeness of the rapture, how would you present your views to them?
I pray often for the Rapture to be Today.
I believe in the imminenency of the Rapture and as the rapid unfolding of world stability declines and becoming more ungodly and the hearts of men grow more evil every day, I can see the Rapture being ever closer than at any time in the history of the church.
I personally won't look at a day a month or a year because though I trust God to keep all of His promises to us, I don't want to set myself up for any amount of doubt for placing my trust in an interpretation from flawed humans trying to calculate the timing even though they may have good intentions coming from our brothers in Christ.
When Jesus said
No one knows the day or the hour, I take His Word for it and strive to be ready At All Times.
This is me. I do this for my spiritual well being.
While I have come to believe that the Rapture will occur at the time of a Feast of Trumpets, which has always been known as the biblical feast where "no one knows the day or the hour" of its occurrence until it actually occurs, I am open to correction. I will just be glad whenever it does occur.

(By the way, please notice that I do not say it will take place on "the" feast of trumpets, which would mean this October, although on which specific day of this year we will not know until that day begins. No, I am careful to say "a" feast of trumpets, because who knows what year the Father will send Jesus to take us home?)

Regardless, as I said above, like all of you I will be thrilled whenever the Rapture occurs, regardless of the day, the month, or the year. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
While I have come to believe that the Rapture will occur at the time of a Feast of Trumpets, which has always been known as the biblical feast where "no one knows the day or the hour" of its occurrence until it actually occurs, I am open to correction. I will just be glad whenever it does occur.

(By the way, please notice that I do not say it will take place on "the" feast of trumpets, which would mean this October, although on which specific day of this year we will not know until that day begins. No, I am careful to say "a" feast of trumpets, because who knows what year the Father will send Jesus to take us home?)

Regardless, as I said above, like all of you I will be thrilled whenever the Rapture occurs, regardless of the day, the month, or the year. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Amen, Even so Come Lord Jesus! 🙏
While I have come to believe that the Rapture will occur at the time of a Feast of Trumpets, which has always been known as the biblical feast where "no one knows the day or the hour" of its occurrence until it actually occurs, I am open to correction. I will just be glad whenever it does occur.

(By the way, please notice that I do not say it will take place on "the" feast of trumpets, which would mean this October, although on which specific day of this year we will not know until that day begins. No, I am careful to say "a" feast of trumpets, because who knows what year the Father will send Jesus to take us home?)

Regardless, as I said above, like all of you I will be thrilled whenever the Rapture occurs, regardless of the day, the month, or the year. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
I would be interested to hear your take on the below.

Question: As I understand it, you are a proponent that the 2nd Coming may take place during The Feast of Trumpets. I was wondering though, if The Feast of Tabernacles makes more sense. I say that because it is referenced in Revelation 20 as being celebrated. I don’t see where other feasts are celebrated so logically there must be a pretty important reason to celebrate one over the others during the reign of Christ. Would you please explain your theory?

Answer: I don’t see any reference to the Feast of Tabernacles in Rev. 20, but my belief that the 2nd Coming will fulfill the Feast of Trumpets is based on hints from Scripture and the traditions surrounding that day. According to Matt. 24:31 a loud trumpet call will accompany His return.

The Feast of Trumpets was called the day when no one could know the day or hour because it began on a new moon, when the moon was just a sliver in the sky and was easily obscured. Four times in the span of 13 verses Jesus said no man would know the day or hour of the 2nd Coming in advance (Matt. 24:36, 42-44, 50, Matt. 25:13).

The Feast of Trumpets begins a new year, the reigns of kings in Israel were dated from that day, and it’s likely that both Adam and the Lord were born on that day. Also the Feast of Tabernacles commemorates the time of God’s dwelling with the Jews and will be fulfilled in the Millennium.

As for other feasts being celebrated, Ezekiel 45:21-25 says Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles will all be celebrated during the Millennium.

The love of many is growing cold as anger (and fear) takes hold of hearts in a politically (and other avenues) tumultuous world. This is a big one for me. And, in unexpected places.

In some recent traveling we had to do, we've chatted with customer service people asking them how their day is going, etc. What's coming out consistently is the mostly angry people they are having to deal with. It's so bad that if you're the one decent person acting with kindness they bend over backwards to give good service.

But, those are good Gospel sharing opportunities to help explain why you have joy and peace, faith and trust in Jesus....thus no fear (but careful wisdom) and giving room for God to judge and deal with the world.

The hotel we stayed in was quite a difference from some others. It was obvious to me that whoever owned it was a Christian. Encased in the second story railing were subtle crosses with hearts in the middle and I immediately understood the message....the love of Jesus in His work on the cross. There was also a bible in our room and all the employees were relaxed, helpful, and I picked up on a few as probably being believers. It was such an oasis (and we slept so well there), I couldn't help but to comment on our enjoyment of staying there and that we had access to a bible in our rooms. The lady smiled knowingly and put her hands together in a prayer gesture.

The man who owns the hotel is Chinese and putting together all that I picked up on, he has been wonderfully transformed by Jesus and it's apparent in all his staff and the quality of the hotel.

Things are getting blustery in Rapture prep for sure.....but, then that creates another layer of hearts stirred up to look for answers where they've not before....ready to hear about the Gospel. :)

Believe me God will present you with opportunity too. One service lady I was chatting up was sharing about her life. In the course of conversation she commented (now this is not a bragging thing but just to share what opens people up and how bad our world is getting) on how people don't stop to care and ask about others and just listen in a caring manner anymore (indicating that she appreciated the conversation.....and trust me, people want to know that you care, even if you don't agree with their stances, that is HUGE).

At that point, I recognized an open door and realized that God was prompting me to share something important for her. I shared my belief in the Lord and the power of prayer for His help in impossible to us situations. She really perked up and listened. I shared some things that God has done for me and was able to point her to a good bible study to consider attending. It really felt like a God moment there. She wrote down the information and thanked me.

But, it was showing genuine care for her and her well being that paved the way to this point. And that's how the Church is the salt and the light to the world. And some are hungry for the fruit that Jesus produces in us as they see something different than the world's emptiness and misery.
In regards to what we tell our unbelieving family and friends about the Rapture.
It begins with knowing the Bible.
Personal study and meditation of the scriptures and yielding to The Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding.
It's not a good idea to share what we hear on social media where anything may be an opinion outside of scripture.
Some prophecy teachers are humble enough to admit it's an opinion and not "so sayeth The Lord".
In this case we consider the opinions but not take them as scripture.
When sharing our blessed hope with an unbeliever it's important to stay within the boundaries of scripture because if we don't and an opinion doesn't come to be as hoped for, this can cause more distancing from the unbeliever from God's biblical truths and what may lead to the scoffing of Jesus coming as Peter warns us about in
2 Peter 3:3. It can also cause a believer weak in the faith to become more weary and lessen their trust in God's promise.
Stay within Scripture. God's Word is convincing enough when our faith is anchored on God's biblical Truths.
We want to be like Noah was.
He demonstrated such faith not knowing what was to come when God instructed him to build the Ark as long as it took to build it he preached the coming judgement of God and was ridiculed by the people who never saw rain before much less a coming flood that would sweep them all away.
Noah had no idea when the flood was coming but he did as God instructed him to do and fearlessly preached the coming judgement in spite of opposition from the world at that time.
In regards to what we tell our unbelieving family and friends about the Rapture.
It begins with knowing the Bible.
Personal study and meditation of the scriptures and yielding to The Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding.
It's not a good idea to share what we hear on social media where anything may be an opinion outside of scripture.
Some prophecy teachers are humble enough to admit it's an opinion and not "so sayeth The Lord".
In this case we consider the opinions but not take them as scripture.
When sharing our blessed hope with an unbeliever it's important to stay within the boundaries of scripture because if we don't and an opinion doesn't come to be as hoped for, this can cause more distancing from the unbeliever from God's biblical truths and what may lead to the scoffing of Jesus coming as Peter warns us about in
2 Peter 3:3. It can also cause a believer weak in the faith to become more weary and lessen their trust in God's promise.
Stay within Scripture. God's Word is convincing enough when our faith is anchored on God's biblical Truths.
We want to be like Noah was.
He demonstrated such faith not knowing what was to come when God instructed him to build the Ark as long as it took to build it he preached the coming judgement of God and was ridiculed by the people who never saw rain before much less a coming flood that would sweep them all away.
Noah had no idea when the flood was coming but he did as God instructed him to do and fearlessly preached the coming judgement in spite of opposition from the world at that time.
The world is growing darker by the minute and we all want to fly away and be with The Lord. No one wants to be here any longer than we have to and most of us prefer the Now.
Jesus even as He knew what was coming that He would have to suffer greatly as He was sent by The Father to do to redeem us from our sins and death. He prayed to The Father of it was possible to take that cup from Him, but He also said, Not His will but The will of The Father be done.

“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42

I know most of us never thought we would be here to see even what we see today.
But when we look beyond the horizon, we will see Jesus coming for His Bride.

We all need to stay focused. Keep our eyes on the prize. Run our race to the finish knowing that God is Faithful and All of God's promises in Christ Jesus Are Yes and Amen.
I have given this a lot of thought and study. My conclusions are the rapture will happen whenever He wants it to.

Deep thoughts, I know:)
As it's been said
"Father knows best"
All the more our ever Loving Father is Omniscient and as scripture tells us

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning
James 1:16

Our Father has given us His free gift of Salvation and He will accomplish this gift by our being caught away to meet The Lord Jesus in the air.
It WILL come, and God is Faithful

“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
Numbers 12:19
We all need to stay focused. Keep our eyes on the prize. Run our race to the finish knowing that God is Faithful and All of God's promises in Christ Jesus Are Yes and Amen.
Yes, that is what scripture tells us to do.

I know at times I can get caught up in all the rapture hype that abounds on the internet, even from teachers many of us on here follow.

What I do know is no one will be given any special insight to the timing of departure for we will all find out at the same time as we’re going up.
Yes, that is what scripture tells us to do.

I know at times I can get caught up in all the rapture hype that abounds on the internet, even from teachers many of us on here follow.

What I do know is no one will be given any special insight to the timing of departure for we will all find out at the same time as we’re going up.
I love listening to the various views from different prophecy teachers and yet what I cannot conclude with scripture that is not clear on the interpretation, I just Trust God in what He has made clear and try not to be certain with the uncertainty.
There's so much difference in opinion from the Rapture, what or who is Babylon of Revelation, and other different thoughts from well Eschatology experts. But I know God has promised.
Jesus has made a covenant with us. John 14:1-4 Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for us and will come back to take us where He is.
I hold to His promise.
The church has waited for 2,000 years for His return but the difference today is we can see clearly His coming is ever so nearer than ever before and our wait is much less than it was for the early church.
What a blessed time to live in.
I see it like this for myself.
The Rapture could happen tomorrow, but at my age and with my challenging health problems, I could go to be with The Lord tonight.
We'll get there!
I believe Jesus is coming.
Those who are not looking for His coming are the ones in darkness and will be caught sleeping when He comes but we are children of the light so we Know He's coming and will not be surprised when He does.
Things are getting blustery in Rapture prep for sure.....but, then that creates another layer of hearts stirred up to look for answers where they've not before....ready to hear about the Gospel. :)
Beautiful testimony EL!

One thing that comes to mind is how ten years ago none of us would have imagined how fast evil would consume many and like EL shared, it's hitting almost every aspect of people's lives. The mockers are more and more bold. The liars are arrogantly demanding they speak the truth, etc.

But, God delays the judgement while we keep witnessing because we need the fullness of the Gentiles Romans 11:25.