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Wait, Did Catholic Joe Biden Just Become a Freemason?

Old Joe Biden has begun his post-presidential career, which is no doubt going to rival Jimmy Carter’s in undeserved media adulation, by apparently becoming a Freemason. This would be an utterly unremarkable incident in the life of a man who lives in the world where people are constantly slapping each other on the back, giving each other awards, and making their friends and allies honorary members of this or that organization, were it not for the fact that the Roman Catholic Church, to which Old Joe ostensibly belongs, bans Catholics from becoming Freemasons on pain of excommunication. Would Old Joe so flagrantly flout the rules of the Church to which he so ostentatiously belongs? Come on, man! Sure he would.

The announcement from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of South Carolina is straightforward and unambiguous. Grandly headed “Resolution of Membership - President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” it states: “It is with great pleasure that I, Victor C. Major 27th The Most Worshipful Grand Master, welcome our newest member to the Prince Hall Family. On Sunday, January 19, 2025 at a private event, Master Mason membership with full honors were conferred upon President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in recognition of his outstanding service to the United States of America.” Yeah, it was outstanding, all right, if you’re a socialist internationalist who wants to destroy the U.S. not only as a world power but as a nation-state, but whatever.

Accompanying the Freemasons’ announcement are three photos of Old Joe with Prince Hall officials including Victor C. Major, Worshipful Grandmaster of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge; apparently they were taken upon the former figurehead’s induction into the lodge. Since this took place on Jan. 19, the old mountebank was still president at the time.

