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VIDEO: Archeologists Unearth Steps Where Jesus Walked and Healed Blind Man 2,000 Years Ago


A team has uncovered something incredible that lay hidden for more than 2,000 years in Jerusalem, Israel.

An excavation project uncovered steps at a biblical historical site where the Bible says Jesus healed a man who had been blind from the day he was born, Fox News reported Thursday.

More photos from June appear to show the excavations as they progressed.


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How exciting!!!
The Lord continues to cause more evidence to be excavated to prove His Word is Truth and that Jesus did in fact do the things written about him in the scriptures.
Amazing find!!!
Woo hoo 🙌🥰
I have to admit that if I saw a step where they were certain that my Lord and Savior Jesus had actually set His foot there, it would be so very tempting to kiss it. I know that’s wrong. But I would hope that it wouldn’t be idolatry for me to at least touch it, just once.
Soon we will see Him in person. Our King. I can hardly stand the wait.