Underneath Are the Everlasting Arms
By Hal Lindsey
From Hallindsey.com:
In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus admonished us to discern the times. That means, pay attention to what’s going on. Study and apply God’s word. And pray about everything. Today, we see signs of distress all over the world. We can see in real time things the Bible long ago told us about. And it’s not pretty. Lawlessness, moral confusion, slander, deception, hedonism, uncontrolled rage, and cruelty fill our sightlines. These things are no longer theoretical events to be analyzed from a distance. They’re happening all around us, and it can be scary.
But danger does not diminish God’s care.
By Hal Lindsey
From Hallindsey.com:
In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus admonished us to discern the times. That means, pay attention to what’s going on. Study and apply God’s word. And pray about everything. Today, we see signs of distress all over the world. We can see in real time things the Bible long ago told us about. And it’s not pretty. Lawlessness, moral confusion, slander, deception, hedonism, uncontrolled rage, and cruelty fill our sightlines. These things are no longer theoretical events to be analyzed from a distance. They’re happening all around us, and it can be scary.
But danger does not diminish God’s care.
The Hal Lindsey Report | Hal Lindsey
A news site dedicated to news analysis of current events from the perspective of Bible prophecy with Hal Lindsey