Do you still have asylums down there? We can't lock the really crazy people up anymore till they commit murder and even then it's only if it's a particularly bad murder. The murders that don't hit the news seem to be catch and release.
I pray for the ambulances police and fire engines that are our "first responders". Most of their calls are now drug related. It's really sad.
No. As far as I know Asylums were "outlawed" in the States.
I believe in the past, at first, an Asylum was usually where people were "committed" involuntarily. Then the laws changed to where the "average", person with mental illness would be "hospitalized" on a volunteer basis, unless the person was deemed a danger to self or others but this would have to be a court order to put people on a "hold".
Here in California, the city here has a place that was an institution for long term in patient mental health. But by the 1970's it was converted for the "criminally insane".
It was for sentenced criminals that were found "guilty by insanity", and rather than be incarcerated in a regular prison, that's where they would go.
But Cali Governor "Nusense" began to commute convictions and gradually let criminals out of both prisons and the hospitals for the "criminally insane", and would place them in ironically, Safe Houses, for rehabilitation, ya right

But over the past few years, in particularly since Covid, many of those people ended up in the streets, like what you describe.
The Streets of San Francisco, and I don't mean the television series, turned into a drug infested city and to only make things worse, the city officials, decided to "help" the addicts from getting diseases from sharing needles and city officials began their help in passing out "clean" needles to the addicts. Then went as far as letting them shoot up right in front of City Hall and the Police department and pretty much anywhere they chose to shoot up they were permitted to do it and that led to dirty needles being thrown on the streets everywhere throughout the city of San Francisco and then..... Oh my, these homeless addicts started defecating anywhere and everywhere on public sidewalks and the City had to form a special unit just to pick up that "mess".
Oh California is ughh a nightmare of a place to live in anymore.
Political leaders here who have bought into the DEI wokeness allowed sympathy for the criminals, both sane and insane, to roam freely without care about the normal citizens.
This has to be the far most worse State in the Union of America.
One conservative news outlet refers to California as
"West Coast Messed up Coast".