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Trump plans to take over the Gaza Strip

Last October this article was posted about China making moves to own Gaza:
I don't think the Arab world should be allowed anywhere near Gaza. Give it to Israel or let Trump unroll his vision, but do not turn it over the Arab world. The entire Arab world hates Israel more than the entire rest of the world...
Except it would seem that Saudi Arabia would have interest in real and economically sound Israel if it sees it can benefit. I believe we ruling America out in Ez 38 language is a mistake. But what we do hear from Saudi Arabia does sound like a nation that was not involved in Ez 38, but likely had better interests toward Israel. It could of course be just be like a diplomatic statement for show...and underneath it all they were part of the shenanigins...but we are not told. From what we have seen of Saudi Arabia it does seem they do have a genuine interest in ecnomic growth with Israel. But yes they are a part of the Arab world and where they might organically side with Arabs is risky, amen.
There is something interesting that came to mind after this dust has somewhat settled now. I know that the evangelical watcher world has interests in seeing what unfolds in our day eschatalogically. And there are some differences and nuances of course. In general, there is consensus that would view what occurs nationally and internationally to be providential moves towards an end time theater. There are also views that would see things as perhaps more deceptive theatrically than providentially. And I have entertained that concept but would see it tends to somewhat confuse me about what otherwise seem in line with God's general stand alone Providence.

But to the degree the ways things shift today are more providentail than deceptive theater, I would at this point point out something. That Trump has only been in office a couple of weeks. And Israel is the very first foreign nation to officially visit the new Whitehouse Administration. And that 1st visit is Israel. And that first visit is not only America showing support toward Israel. Or military strength toward Isreal (where we might have considered America to kind of be out of the picture somewhat at this point and by this time). But rather, the very first foreign nation visit to Trump 47 Whitehouse = American inserting itself into Israel proper by virtue of the Gaza strip move by Trump.

If Providence is the belwhether indicator perpahs more than whatever psyops are in play, then what has just occurred providentially is that America has practically (in a poetic way) become as one with Israel as a nation could ever be in our modern world. To the degree that the sentiment made in public office officially is to view America so so so aligned with Israel, it providentially likely implies a sense in which God is letting the world know: Israel/America. Providentially. And if so, that the white house focus = The Order of Today -- Isreal.

In that sense it would seem that contrast of gentile church age of grace AND Isreal, the new focus of the coming tribulation -- on stage for the world to see in no quiet terms. Almost like an official announcement of the two principle players. America representing the hight of the gentile church age world, and Israel, the hight of focus in the tribulation age coming. Which I find incredibly interesting. It also implies, to me, the grand stand of Make America Great Again has much to do with the state of Isreal. Where we have tended to see MAGA as a thing that is a distraction possibly luring people off into trust in temporal government or become a Christian nation. Whereas, instead it would seem that America standing with Isreal in this way (being the first overture of Trump's foreign affairs role) to be centrally about Israel. At least on the onset. And if that is providential, it speaks volumes that MAGA is not so much a distraction, but an evidence pointing toward Isreal. Where we might get side interests to see America as a distraction, we might also consider it to be a major playing piece providentially concerning Israel. In other words, MAGA is MAGA likely for Israel. And in that way, not a distraction. But a core component of providence. If that makes sense? In any event, putting the hot bed of the middle east with a huge gigantic focus on Isreal via America is what seems to be a tug on the worl'ds coattials. Blessings.
The Trump Gaza vision is almost breathtaking even though it doesn't directly appear to fulfill prophecy. But perhaps the most breathtaking thing is that Trump and Netanyahu and virtually all world leaders (including the Pope) are looking at the Middle East and specifically Israel through the lenses of being unsaved, in a cult, as an atheist or agnostic, as an OT Jew, or other ways......but not as a born again Christian that is looking for the 7 year tribulation and the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Breathtaking.
The Trump Gaza vision is almost breathtaking even though it doesn't directly appear to fulfill prophecy. But perhaps the most breathtaking thing is that Trump and Netanyahu and virtually all world leaders (including the Pope) are looking at the Middle East and specifically Israel through the lenses of being unsaved, in a cult, as an atheist or agnostic, as an OT Jew, or other ways......but not as a born again Christian that is looking for the 7 year tribulation and the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Breathtaking.
The Gaza-Lago plan goes completely against God's plan and I don't see God letting this happen.
The Zephaniah Chapter 2 prophecy is going to take place.
If anything comes from this situation there's the possibility of seeing a ME Israel/Arab war break out in the near future that would likely be the Psalm 83 war because Egypt and Jordan are opposing the Palestinians into their countries and that's where Trump is proposing they go to, because the Palestinians heritage is of those nations.
If Egypt and Jordan fight against the migration of the Palestinians, this would fit how Egypt and Jordan are mentioned in Psalm 83, while these two nations have been at peace with Israel, until this.
Either way, I don't see God allowing the rebuilding of Gaza as planned by this administration just because it doesn't fit prophetically.
I understand your point of view, sister. But may I respectfully suggest a different one?

First, while Egypt and Jordan currently appear to be overtly at peace with Israel, I see too much evidence to indicate that they are actually not. Warfare does not have to include fighting. Both nations have been tacitly working toward Israel's eventual destruction. Egypt in particular through covertly permitting, among other actions, such things as the tunnels that have permitted terrorists and their supplies to secretly and plentifully enter Israel.

But let's turn now to scripture. I know it is common theological thought to place 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 with its reference to peace and safety and sudden destruction into the Tribulation period. But does that actually make sense in the context of Paul's entire letter? Does it even make sense in the context of those specific 11 verses? I don't think so. After speaking of the "Day of the Lord" why would Paul tell the Thessalonians "but you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief" when Paul has clearly taught that we will not be here at that time? It makes no sense to me.

I have come to believe that "peace and safety" refers to the period prior to the revealing of the Antichrist (In other words in our time, prior to the rapture) and the sudden destruction is not in reference to the betrayal of Israel by the Antichrist but to the conditions that permit the Antichrist to arise. Remember that a threatened Israel is nuclear capable, So the world knows that, when on the verge of existential destruction, Israel holds the power to unleash atomic hell. It is because of the threat of sudden destruction to that nation that the Antichrist's covenant of peace is so critical, and both reveals and cements his power globally. I think it is a mistake to presuppose that the Rapture will occur in a time of chaos, when it well may occur in a of time of peace ... its occurrence being what precipitates the chaos on earth.

So, viewing things in this way, I can easily see a time of peace and safety in our time which will collapse after the Rapture and plunge the world into chaos.

Please understand that I am not criticizing your comments or stating that you are wrong. I am merely stating an alternative view that makes sense to me after careful examination of Scripture. Of course, being human, I may be wrong; therefore I welcome critical input from anybody.
The Trump Gaza vision is almost breathtaking even though it doesn't directly appear to fulfill prophecy. But perhaps the most breathtaking thing is that Trump and Netanyahu and virtually all world leaders (including the Pope) are looking at the Middle East and specifically Israel through the lenses of being unsaved, in a cult, as an atheist or agnostic, as an OT Jew, or other ways......but not as a born again Christian that is looking for the 7 year tribulation and the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Breathtaking.
Beautifully said Batman :)
I understand your point of view, sister. But may I respectfully suggest a different one?

First, while Egypt and Jordan currently appear to be overtly at peace with Israel, I see too much evidence to indicate that they are actually not. Warfare does not have to include fighting. Both nations have been tacitly working toward Israel's eventual destruction. Egypt in particular through covertly permitting, among other actions, such things as the tunnels that have permitted terrorists and their supplies to secretly and plentifully enter Israel.

But let's turn now to scripture. I know it is common theological thought to place 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 with its reference to peace and safety and sudden destruction into the Tribulation period. But does that actually make sense in the context of Paul's entire letter? Does it even make sense in the context of those specific 11 verses? I don't think so. After speaking of the "Day of the Lord" why would Paul tell the Thessalonians "but you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief" when Paul has clearly taught that we will not be here at that time? It makes no sense to me.

I have come to believe that "peace and safety" refers to the period prior to the revealing of the Antichrist (In other words in our time, prior to the rapture) and the sudden destruction is not in reference to the betrayal of Israel by the Antichrist but to the conditions that permit the Antichrist to arise. Remember that a threatened Israel is nuclear capable, So the world knows that, when on the verge of existential destruction, Israel holds the power to unleash atomic hell. It is because of the threat of sudden destruction to that nation that the Antichrist's covenant of peace is so critical, and both reveals and cements his power globally. I think it is a mistake to presuppose that the Rapture will occur in a time of chaos, when it well may occur in a of time of peace ... its occurrence being what precipitates the chaos on earth.

So, viewing things in this way, I can easily see a time of peace and safety in our time which will collapse after the Rapture and plunge the world into chaos.

Please understand that I am not criticizing your comments or stating that you are wrong. I am merely stating an alternative view that makes sense to me after careful examination of Scripture. Of course, being human, I may be wrong; therefore I welcome critical input from anybody.
Things are happening so rapidly all we can do is watch and see what God lets happen according to His Will.
My point of view as far as what comes out of the Palestinian migration is just a thought and is why I said possibly.
But as for Gaza becoming a Gaza Riviera in the thoughts of President Trump, I don't see God allowing that primarily because of how long he thinks it would take to rebuild and transform it into what he plans and it just looks like we are nearing the end of the Church Age and Day of The Lord ever closer and God's Word is specific in what His plan is that the Abrahamic Covenant will come to pass and Gaza is part of the Land God has given to Israel and it will be so.
I only pray that Trump's taking control of Gaza won't be seen by God as part of dividing His Land because if He does see it as such it will not fare well for America 🙏
The Gaza-Lago plan goes completely against God's plan and I don't see God letting this happen.
The Zephaniah Chapter 2 prophecy is going to take place.
If anything comes from this situation there's the possibility of seeing a ME Israel/Arab war break out in the near future that would likely be the Psalm 83 war because Egypt and Jordan are opposing the Palestinians into their countries and that's where Trump is proposing they go to, because the Palestinians heritage is of those nations.
If Egypt and Jordan fight against the migration of the Palestinians, this would fit how Egypt and Jordan are mentioned in Psalm 83, while these two nations have been at peace with Israel, until this.
Either way, I don't see God allowing the rebuilding of Gaza as planned by this administration just because it doesn't fit prophetically.
Hi Rose. Blessings. As believers, we all have our varying sources in prophecy. Some diligently try to just use the Bible. For the most part, it would seem understanding prophecy in the OT is quite a task with many different ways in which prophecy works in the Old Testament. Often it is something historically fulfilled. Some times in part. Sometimes it is something still yet future. Having a hanlde on all those variations is quite a task, amen. Even scholars with their doctorates in prophecy will differ here and there.

But as for Zephaniah 2, something that might hold interest for today because of some of its familiar language, or pherhaps how some of name in the evangelical sphere interested in end times may favor to look upon different ways of understanding Old Testament prophecies. I understand Bill Salus is big on Psalm 83. For the record, on JDF there was an interest in Psalm 83 with some. Not so much with others. My stance was that I look at Psalm 83 not as prophecy. But I would try my darndest to be open and even aid credibility to Psalm 83 war positions even though I don't see it as prophecy. Because I just believe that different views should be discussed among the saints. Back then some of those opposed to Psalm 83 had pretty strong attitudes. And some on the Psalm 83 side had attitudes in places as well. So I it was not exactly an easy navigation for me. Who would hope for best discussion on the forum. But it would get contentious in places. For that, I don't think it was all that well fleshed out for the benefit of the body on the forum (as far as I remember).

Bill Salus is a big Psalm 83 proponent. In general, it is a time where there is a lot of excitement. And strong vioces of course on all sides. And of course we are all entitled and to a degree responsible for the views we hold, amen. But in my honest estimation, everything is moving away from Psalm 83 perspectives. If Suaid Arabia normalizes with Israel (which looks likely at some not to distant time), then a Psalm 83 view might of necessessity be ruled out as a prophecy. It seems there are two major camps on this issue. Those who see Ez 38 primarily (understanding Psalm 83 not as prohecy--this would be my camp) and those that see a Psalm 83 war lead to an Ez 38 war. One of those two perspectives is likely accurate, making the other not so accurate. I guess we shall see. But it would appear to be that this area in Zepheniah 2 does have very deep roots in historical fulfillment. I honor your perpsective to hold to how you see prophecy potential unfold. But I guess I would just ask you to consider that if Zepheniah 2 has already been fulfilled in completion for its scriptural intent, what happens next or down the road in our views today is God fulfilling prophecy. Just maybe not the way we might be thinking about it. In that I would just like to leave a link to one of the online scholars that paints a very detailed picture of that time in Zephaniah 2 fulfillment. The link is for the whole chapter. But I would just point to verse 4 where it mentions Gaza. That in and of itself is long enough on its own. My hope is that it just encourages us to consider perhaps were we might be sharpened here or there in how the difficult subject of prophecy can best work in looking at things today. As you know my views are extremely different than most. So this admonition certainly applies to me also as well -- as a rule. Amen. Blessings.

Hi Rose. Blessings. As believers, we all have our varying sources in prophecy. Some diligently try to just use the Bible. For the most part, it would seem understanding prophecy in the OT is quite a task with many different ways in which prophecy works in the Old Testament. Often it is something historically fulfilled. Some times in part. Sometimes it is something still yet future. Having a hanlde on all those variations is quite a task, amen. Even scholars with their doctorates in prophecy will differ here and there.

But as for Zephaniah 2, something that might hold interest for today because of some of its familiar language, or pherhaps how some of name in the evangelical sphere interested in end times may favor to look upon different ways of understanding Old Testament prophecies. I understand Bill Salus is big on Psalm 83. For the record, on JDF there was an interest in Psalm 83 with some. Not so much with others. My stance was that I look at Psalm 83 not as prophecy. But I would try my darndest to be open and even aid credibility to Psalm 83 war positions even though I don't see it as prophecy. Because I just believe that different views should be discussed among the saints. Back then some of those opposed to Psalm 83 had pretty strong attitudes. And some on the Psalm 83 side had attitudes in places as well. So I it was not exactly an easy navigation for me. Who would hope for best discussion on the forum. But it would get contentious in places. For that, I don't think it was all that well fleshed out for the benefit of the body on the forum (as far as I remember).

Bill Salus is a big Psalm 83 proponent. In general, it is a time where there is a lot of excitement. And strong vioces of course on all sides. And of course we are all entitled and to a degree responsible for the views we hold, amen. But in my honest estimation, everything is moving away from Psalm 83 perspectives. If Suaid Arabia normalizes with Israel (which looks likely at some not to distant time), then a Psalm 83 view might of necessessity be ruled out as a prophecy. It seems there are two major camps on this issue. Those who see Ez 38 primarily (understanding Psalm 83 not as prohecy--this would be my camp) and those that see a Psalm 83 war lead to an Ez 38 war. One of those two perspectives is likely accurate, making the other not so accurate. I guess we shall see. But it would appear to be that this area in Zepheniah 2 does have very deep roots in historical fulfillment. I honor your perpsective to hold to how you see prophecy potential unfold. But I guess I would just ask you to consider that if Zepheniah 2 has already been fulfilled in completion for its scriptural intent, what happens next or down the road in our views today is God fulfilling prophecy. Just maybe not the way we might be thinking about it. In that I would just like to leave a link to one of the online scholars that paints a very detailed picture of that time in Zephaniah 2 fulfillment. The link is for he whole chapter. But I would just point to verse 4 where it mentions Gaza. That in and of itself is long enough on its own. My hope is that it just encourages us to consider perhaps were we might be sharpened here or there in how the difficult subject of prophecy can best work in looking at things today. As you know my views are extremely different than most. So this admonition certainly applies to me also as a rule. Amen. Blessings.

Referring to Psalm 83,
Many believe it's merely a prayer and not prophecy.

But if we look at what a Psalm is,
A psalm is a song or poem used in worship.
Does this mean that the entirety of the Psalms are merely song, poem, or prayer?
That would not fit the prophecies of the Messiah's coming.
But it's true that there are varying interpretation of prophecy but the fact remains that we are living in prophetic times and as we are still here we will see God's plans play out because Only God knows exactly how He will play everything out for all to see in Awe.
Things are happening so rapidly all we can do is watch and see what God lets happen according to His Will.
My point of view as far as what comes out of the Palestinian migration is just a thought and is why I said possibly.
But as for Gaza becoming a Gaza Riviera in the thoughts of President Trump, I don't see God allowing that primarily because of how long he thinks it would take to rebuild and transform it into what he plans and it just looks like we are nearing the end of the Church Age and Day of The Lord ever closer and God's Word is specific in what His plan is that the Abrahamic Covenant will come to pass and Gaza is part of the Land God has given to Israel and it will be so.
I only pray that Trump's taking control of Gaza won't be seen by God as part of dividing His Land because if He does see it as such it will not fare well for America 🙏
Good point on the rebuilding timeframe. I don't think we are going to be here all that long either dear sister. Knowing Trump, in all likelihood its a grand overture ploy for something else more acceptable. Some other less crazy idea than a Trump semi-owned Israel...lol. The thought of that just makes me wonder if Trump just dreams this stuff up in his sleep to mess the world...his toy...lol...or something.

In one of my earlier comments in regards to dividing Isreal, I had posted prior here on that. But since my lengthy posts can be a bit much (trying to do better on that you guys), in short I would just restate the nomclature here, as I see it:

  • The Abrahamic Covenant is still in force in God's eyes
  • The Abrahamic Covenent is not being honored at all by Israel now -- of which parts of the Abrahamic Covenent would require their obedience for blessing and protection
  • Israel was Diaspora-ed by God for 2,000 years
  • This left 0% of their land to divide for 2k years
  • God granted Israels 1948 return in the context providentially in struggle
  • Part of the struggle has been for decades a two-state solution
  • The socio-political context today of dividing Israel (as I see it) is not the context of Joel 3
  • The division in Joel 3:2 refers to dividing the land for the purpose of dispersing Israel
  • Today's context in dividing Isreal is related to diplomacy in the region -- not dispersement
  • The idea of dividing Gaza is long standing diplomacy to "keep Israel at peace" -- at least in political theory -- not to disperse them
  • It would seem God would recognize this distinction since He brought Israel back under the very contention of this context providentially
  • America is strongly influenced by Israel (in media, in receiving aid $, in strong Executive Orders protecting Jewish Interests in the USA, by congressional HR 6090 Bill protection against anti-semitism in the USA--to the potential peril of US 1st ammendment rights, Trump noted in 2019 that previously Israel had a strong foothold in Congress before and he hoped for it to return)
  • All the above suggest an America saturated with Israeli influence
  • Therefore, if America controls Gaza, the world would rightly see this just as America handing Israel back to them (not dividing it)

From my understanding, Joel 3:2 is a warning agaisnt those in the tribulation period who divide Israel for the purpose of dispersing her. At least that is how that passage states things. If Joe Biden were to take control of Gaza during his term, it would have likely been to torture Israel. Some people I know thought Trump was the president of Israel when he was the 45th president. As a joke. But it seemed reasonably funny because of how much he helped Israel to be solid. I believe these factors are helpful to mitigate against theories out there suggesting how to look upon what dividing Israel looks like today. In my humble opinion, notions of that concern today are completely out of context. Just saying. Blessings dear sister.
Referring to Psalm 83,
Many believe it's merely a prayer and not prophecy.

But if we look at what a Psalm is,
A psalm is a song or poem used in worship.
Does this mean that the entirety of the Psalms are merely song, poem, or prayer?
That would not fit the prophecies of the Messiah's coming.
But it's true that there are varying interpretation of prophecy but the fact remains that we are living in prophetic times and as we are still here we will see God's plans play out because Only God knows exactly how He will play everything out for all to see in Awe.
Amen dear Rose. I understand what you are saying. Is it possible Psalm 83 is prophecy? Yes. Is it probable? Based on what I have seen as far as how prophecy works, in all honesty, it sounds like a hope more than a prophecy. To me. But I believe in our day and age, not all things are equal. This may sound biased. And I think it is to a degree. But I would say that the ground rules seem to apply here. What ground rules?

Let's take a quick trip. We are in 1939. Oh look, still no Israel. Mark Twain has a famous comment as to why Israel is still not a nation, thinking it never would (around that same timeframe). During the time of the Nixon years it seemed Israel to be doomed. And begged for American intervention. Throughout the decades America has protected Israel. And they have a fight power extraordianire even of their own. A tiny sliver of Isreal against the massive backdrop of Arab nations wanting her gone. And yet she remains. And even flourishes.

So I would see that number one beacon of prophecy for our age is Israel being back. Hands down. Kind of kills the replacement theory peeps who thought they had it made for centuries...until Israel came along...lol.

Looking at scripture there is no shortage of opinion on how to view end times. Doing away with all the noise, what do we see in the word? Most use today Revelation or Daniel to be rubrics and even massive templates by which to build all manner of supposition about our end times. One problem there is how do books (1 closed from discovery on purpose) like Daniel and Revelation help in full revelatory timing? They do certainly to a degree. But that nature of their writing is criptic to an extent for sure.

Then we see Ez 38 and 39. This area of scritpure is THE area in scripture where it contains "the most" detailed prophecy on any one subject we have all in one place. That makes it unique in appearance and perhaps in function. Compare that to Psalm 83. We live in a world where some would see it as prophecy and some not. Where we might attempt to see its statements as things to match. But since it is not even certain if it is prophecy or how it might fit if so...none of those difficulties exists with Ez 38.

I would say that if Psalm 83 were prophecy we likely saw it in 1948. Or in combination too with following years through 1967. But to see it as a shoehorn into the Ez 38 war I would see as a far greater task. In Ez 38 we can see how close we are by what lines up. And its been running in that direction (evolving if you will) for decades. But with Psalm 83, we see it may have started there back in the day...but what is evolving in the middle east is going a different direction than Psalm 83 in general. However, it is not going in a different direction than Ez 38.

So seeing these things playing out, to me it would seem the view to favor would be a past Psalm 83 and an emerging Ez 38. And our conditions today tell that story more. Overall I would just say Ez 38 being the most clear passages containing the most detail about any one prophecy and it be about Israel, who is now back...would, to me, infer extreme weight upon a host of factors outlining Ez 38 as "the huge prophesy lead in" transcending our understanding of Daniel and Revelation. Almost like Ez 38 could be a key by which to understand everything else.

. . . . .

So yeah I suppose things "could" resort to all heck breaking lose in the middle east. And Psalm 83 come into play. But because the general trajectory over time has seemed to have passed the Psalm 83 train station and diving headlong into an international portrait of Ez 38, I would suggest what's what with what is self evident we tend to never seem to just let be. So based on this what I would call self evident factors our age has to work with, again because Ez 38 is the clearest and most detailed (and cocerning Israel -- in contrast to many other things we might do with Revelation and Daniel and the beast system and the NWO and the mark of the beast --I would see the winner hands down to be Ez 38--for its seems to see this throws off evangelical America). We don't hear that much about Ez 38 and America. We suppose it can't be. And what I do see in watcher view is tendencies to explain how things have to go a different direction than what we are seeing form because of our understanding of how Daniel, Revelation and watcher culture has framed it. But all of that holds no candle to perhaps the slow and encroaching value Ez 38 has in our day and age. And yes, perhaps in grave contrast to pulp culture views on biblical prophecies regardless however sincerely held they may be. If that makes sense?

In that I would not see all roads lead to, well who knows lets just see. Because in general the evangelcial community has tended to turn a blind eye to Ez 38 escalation as is. And personally it does blow my mind, how. Like why is it not a contending concern in watcher circles? Not that it has to be the correct view. But by virtue of what we thought we needed to hold to, it can't even get a seat at the table. So in that light, I would suggest our not considering that = it being more likely. Just as at His first coming. A quagmire. So in that I would say a "wait and see" mode is fine. Amen. To a great extent this is true. Amen. But what it seems to reveal more is a staple unwillingness of Evangelicalism to. consider the Ez 38 route. We seem to do and be about anything and everything but that. To me, that's a tell. Just saying. And just my 2 cents. But thanks for engaging. I hope it makes sense in a way in what I am saying. I am not saying its right. But by the deafening silience in evangelicalism, it would seem to surely be they might inadvertently being saying that themselves. Blessings.
U.S. President, Donald Trump:

'The United States is committed to buying and owning Gaza, and after we obtain it we may distribute parts of it to different Arab countries to develop and build on.

I will meet with Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman and Egyptian President Al-Sisi, and they will accept receiving Palestinian refugees from Gaza after talking to me.'

U.S. President, Donald Trump:

'The United States is committed to buying and owning Gaza, and after we obtain it we may distribute parts of it to different Arab countries to develop and build on.

I will meet with Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman and Egyptian President Al-Sisi, and they will accept receiving Palestinian refugees from Gaza after talking to me.'

I can't confirm this yet but if President Trump is planning on Owning Gaza? Not good!!
It belongs to Israel! It's God given to Israel!!
Ohh my. Not good if this is true.

'Level it': Trump says US will 'take over' Gaza Strip, rebuild it to stabilize Middle East​

When asked about taking over the Gaza Strip, Trump said he could see the U.S. in a "long-term ownership position" of the piece of land, which would likely bring stability to the Middle East.

Complete Article:


'Level it': Trump says US will 'take over' Gaza Strip, rebuild it to stabilize Middle East​

When asked about taking over the Gaza Strip, Trump said he could see the U.S. in a "long-term ownership position" of the piece of land, which would likely bring stability to the Middle East.

Complete Article:

This is more clear. He's not saying He will take ownership, but The US will take ownership.

I think he should clear out Gaza, help Israel rebuild and then turn ownership to Israel who is the rightful owner biblically.
He doesn't understand scripture. I'm Praying somebody explains God's Abrahamic Covenant to Israel.