Referring to Psalm 83,
Many believe it's merely a prayer and not prophecy.
But if we look at what a Psalm is,
A psalm is a song or poem used in worship.
Does this mean that the entirety of the Psalms are merely song, poem, or prayer?
That would not fit the prophecies of the Messiah's coming.
But it's true that there are varying interpretation of prophecy but the fact remains that we are living in prophetic times and as we are still here we will see God's plans play out because Only God knows exactly how He will play everything out for all to see in Awe.
Amen dear Rose. I understand what you are saying. Is it possible Psalm 83 is prophecy? Yes. Is it probable? Based on what I have seen as far as how prophecy works, in all honesty, it sounds like a hope more than a prophecy. To me. But I believe in our day and age, not all things are equal. This may sound biased. And I think it is to a degree. But I would say that the ground rules seem to apply here. What ground rules?
Let's take a quick trip. We are in 1939. Oh look, still no Israel. Mark Twain has a famous comment as to why Israel is still not a nation, thinking it never would (around that same timeframe). During the time of the Nixon years it seemed Israel to be doomed. And begged for American intervention. Throughout the decades America has protected Israel. And they have a fight power extraordianire even of their own. A tiny sliver of Isreal against the massive backdrop of Arab nations wanting her gone. And yet she remains. And even flourishes.
So I would see that number one beacon of prophecy for our age is Israel being back. Hands down. Kind of kills the replacement theory peeps who thought they had it made for centuries...until Israel came
Looking at scripture there is no shortage of opinion on how to view end times. Doing away with all the noise, what do we see in the word? Most use today Revelation or Daniel to be rubrics and even massive templates by which to build all manner of supposition about our end times. One problem there is how do books (1 closed from discovery on purpose) like Daniel and Revelation help in full revelatory timing? They do certainly to a degree. But that nature of their writing is criptic to an extent for sure.
Then we see Ez 38 and 39. This area of scritpure is THE area in scripture where it contains "the most" detailed prophecy on any one subject we have all in one place. That makes it unique in appearance and perhaps in function. Compare that to Psalm 83. We live in a world where some would see it as prophecy and some not. Where we might attempt to see its statements as things to match. But since it is not even certain if it is prophecy or how it might fit if so...none of those difficulties exists with Ez 38.
I would say that if Psalm 83 were prophecy we likely saw it in 1948. Or in combination too with following years through 1967. But to see it as a shoehorn into the Ez 38 war I would see as a far greater task. In Ez 38 we can see how close we are by what lines up. And its been running in that direction (evolving if you will) for decades. But with Psalm 83, we see it may have started there back in the day...but what is evolving in the middle east is going a different direction than Psalm 83 in general. However, it is not going in a different direction than Ez 38.
So seeing these things playing out, to me it would seem the view to favor would be a past Psalm 83 and an emerging Ez 38. And our conditions today tell that story more. Overall I would just say Ez 38 being the most clear passages containing the most detail about any one prophecy and it be about Israel, who is now back...would, to me, infer extreme weight upon a host of factors outlining Ez 38 as "the huge prophesy lead in" transcending our understanding of Daniel and Revelation. Almost like Ez 38 could be a key by which to understand everything else.
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So yeah I suppose things "could" resort to all heck breaking lose in the middle east. And Psalm 83 come into play. But because the general trajectory over time has seemed to have passed the Psalm 83 train station and diving headlong into an international portrait of Ez 38, I would suggest what's what with what is self evident we tend to never seem to just let be. So based on this what I would call self evident factors our age has to work with, again because Ez 38 is the clearest and most detailed (and cocerning Israel -- in contrast to many other things we might do with Revelation and Daniel and the beast system and the NWO and the mark of the beast --I would see the winner hands down to be Ez 38--for its seems to see this throws off evangelical America). We don't hear that much about Ez 38 and America. We suppose it can't be. And what I do see in watcher view is tendencies to explain how things have to go a different direction than what we are seeing form because of our understanding of how Daniel, Revelation and watcher culture has framed it. But all of that holds no candle to perhaps the slow and encroaching value Ez 38 has in our day and age. And yes, perhaps in grave contrast to pulp culture views on biblical prophecies regardless however sincerely held they may be. If that makes sense?
In that I would not see all roads lead to, well who knows lets just see. Because in general the evangelcial community has tended to turn a blind eye to Ez 38 escalation as is. And personally it does blow my mind, how. Like why is it not a contending concern in watcher circles? Not that it has to be the correct view. But by virtue of what we thought we needed to hold to, it can't even get a seat at the table. So in that light, I would suggest our not considering that = it being more likely. Just as at His first coming. A quagmire. So in that I would say a "wait and see" mode is fine. Amen. To a great extent this is true. Amen. But what it seems to reveal more is a staple unwillingness of Evangelicalism to. consider the Ez 38 route. We seem to do and be about anything and everything but that. To me, that's a tell. Just saying. And just my 2 cents. But thanks for engaging. I hope it makes sense in a way in what I am saying. I am not saying its right. But by the deafening silience in evangelicalism, it would seem to surely be they might inadvertently being saying that themselves. Blessings.