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Today's Press Conference with President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

Video 12:9 minutes

Well worth watching. Things are definitely becoming very interesting when viewed through a prophetic lens.

As a sidebar, I just wanted to share that I am astounded by how quickly things seem to be moving. Just as I have been astounded by how quickly evil has blossomed in the last few years, I am now astounded by how quickly what (on the surface at least) appears to be good is on the ascendancy. It's as if God is now saying, "Okay Satan, you have shown what you can do. Now I'll show what I can do." But that doesn't mean I have changed my views on the end times. Not at all! I see the purpose of this current Trump era as one more call of God to mankind to take note of Him and His power to control the affairs of man and, as a result, to repent before the Rapture closes the Age of Grace and the arrival of the Antichrist unleashes the horrors of the Great Tribulation.
Well worth watching. Things are definitely becoming very interesting when viewed through a prophetic lens.

As a sidebar, I just wanted to share that I am astounded by how quickly things seem to be moving. Just as I have been astounded by how quickly evil has blossomed in the last few years, I am now astounded by how quickly what (on the surface at least) appears to be good is on the ascendancy. It's as if God is now saying, "Okay Satan, you have shown what you can do. Now I'll show what I can do." But that doesn't mean I have changed my views on the end times. Not at all! I see the purpose of this current Trump era as one more call of God to mankind to take note of Him and His power to control the affairs of man and, as a result, to repent before the Rapture closes the Age of Grace and the arrival of the Antichrist unleashes the horrors of the Great Tribulation.
I don't place any confidence in the man Trump but I have confidence that God will use him for His purpose, as you state, it's the last call for repentance and salvation in this age of Grace and to prepare to focus on Israel's repentance and call on Jesus Messiah.
I think we are so close to The Church age coming to a close too, and Jacob's trouble coming.
I think this is why the eyes of the world has been so focused on the tiny land of Israel and has extended to every Jew living around the world with hate, which is creeping towards Zechariah 12 as she will be a cup of trembling for all the nations.
We keep praying for God's Will to be done.
I know most of us don’t watch this guy but this critical assessment of the announcement is worth watching. He makes some excellent points.

Ultimately I know this idea of Trump’s is of no surprise to God and I trust that His will is being done no matter what.
