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This is a prophecy MUST WATCH!


Staff member
There are 24 hours available to us in each day, 168 every week of our lives. So, if something of absolute importance demands we give up just one hour of our time, we do it...because it is so important.

Therefore, since NOTHING in our lives is more important than Jesus Christ and His return, please take one hour and watch the following prophecy discussion with Jan Markell, Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, and Barry Stagner. It will fill you with faith, hope, and great encouragement and leave you more excited and much better equipped to walk through these last days.

I hate to say this, but the video is somewhat dated. I checked and it was released only 1 year ago. Things are changing at incredible speed these days!

I understand that Jan Markell's ministry is prophecy, but in the case of this particular discussion, I got something of a sense of tunnel vision to some degree. I do agree that it is critical to back not just Israel, but Jewish people worldwide. I also think it is very important to take the Trib seriously -- very seriously. Preliminary thoughts so far.