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The Rapture is Still Imminent :: By Rick Segoine


2023 has passed, and believers in Jesus are still here on Earth as of Jan. 8th, 2024. Many of us thought the Rapture might happen in 2023 due to certain mathematical calculations, or the convergence of so many prophetic signs and the ridiculous amounts of oppressive wickedness flooding the world, or because of simply longing for it. Or, perhaps, all of the above.

Does this make the Rapture less imminent now that we have reached the year 2024?

No, it is more imminent than ever before because the passing of each and every day leads us closer to that highly anticipated day and hour that no one but our Heavenly Father knows.
Is there a lesson to learn here?
Yes, to take an even deeper step into faith and trust in the Will of God.
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A lot of people have stumbled hard when the Rapture didn't happen when they wanted it to. God's timing is best and it's probably best that he didn't tell us when it would happen so we wouldn't stop living in anticipation of the wonderous event. May it be today, Lord.
The is still much work to be done by the church, more people to hear the gospel.

From the article:

There are still testimonies every day of lost souls getting saved, and only God the Father knows when the last savable one will check in. When that happens, the Father will inform His Son that it is time. Time to appear in the sky, accompanied by the shout of the archangel and the sound of a trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Time to call first the dead in Christ and then to call those in Christ who are living at that moment to be with Him forever.

At that amazing moment in time, the Father will have determined that the place Jesus has been preparing for His bride will have been completed and that every last soul that would accept the free gift of salvation this side of the Rapture will have done so.
From the article:

I pray that the Father’s great will that none should perish penetrates deeply into our hearts and souls and keeps us busy doing the work that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have called us each in our own way to do.

When that blessed day arrives, and Jesus speaks those amazing words that we who love Him long to hear Him say – the beautiful words, “Come Up Here ” – oh, what a magnificent day that will be.
I wouldn't be surprised if these evil people that want to bring in the NWO have something planned before the election. The really bad issue is all the illegal immigrants that have come in could be planning something. It is hard telling how many terror cells there are here. Trump will deport them immediately if he gets in office, and start drilling for oil.
If the red heiffer sacrifice goes ahead on passover this year, i wonder if the end times will speed up even more and we are closer than ever to being out of here?
I think from our point of view yes, it will seem to speed up. God's plans are set- so He isn't speeding things up, but from our point it sure feels like it. And I expect that things will continue to increase in frequency and intensity till we are out of here.

The sacrifice may have occurred quietly, and if it hasn't already I expect it will soon. Just from the risk of the cows getting disqualified by an attack from the Palis who apparently are aware of the program and upset about it.
He isn't speeding things up, but from our point it sure feels like it.
What a cool thought. It reminded me of this ride that was at Disney World when I was a kid. In the 1970’s. I think it was called “Flight” something or other. Anyway, you sit in your seat that lifts you up in the air but not very high…and the entire place is a big tube covered with screens….like this 360* theater all around you….they played scenes of earth and sky whooshing past, even a flock of birds flying along with you. I really felt like I was flying! But actually I was just in a seat that very slowly travels through this tube.
That said, LORD get me off this ride!!! 🤣