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The Last Election? by Pete Garcia

Almost Heaven

I know alot of us who are watching and waiting for the Lord to return, are also keeping an eye on the elections this year as being a big indicator as to how soon things might be speeding up towards that Blessed Hope. I think the crowd is about 60-40 on who thinks we won't even have an actual election (or selection if you prefer), and all of this is predicated on "something" happening. Well, I want to look at the possible "something" and see what is most likely given what we know at the moment.

Let me also add before we get started a couple of things since this is a sensitive topic for many people. First, I'm not saying Trump is the solution to what ails America. We know what Scripture says and we know where Scripture says the world is heading. Secondly, if the Rapture is still years to decades off, (unlikely) but theoretically, let's say that it is years away. Which administration would you prefer to live under? Remember, it's not "politics," it's "policy." Whose policies would you rather live under? One that is demonstrably antichristian? AntiIsrael? AntiGod? Or one that isn't? Truth be told, I'm a monarchist waiting on Jesus to return. But if I had my druthers, I'd prefer serving the Lord under a Trump Administration than a fourth Obama term.

I'm not omniscient so I'd like to predicate this entire discussion with the idea that there are limitless possibilities that could happen, and I'm only listing a handful, in part due to time constraints as well as my inability to see into the future. However, just thinking through some things, I've boiled it down to about four different scenarios, with three major branches. Before we begin, let's just talk about the reality of life in the United States in 2024.

How does Revelation 3:3 relate to this, can someone explain?
I think it comes down to those who refuse to watch being surprised. Therefore, it's possible/likely that those who are watching and weighing everything will have an idea what's coming, even though not knowing the day or hour for sure.

"Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you."

I've seen that line of thought promoted by many people recently.
Many of us have been reading Pete's articles for more than a decade. I find this above posted one particularly timely and insightful.
Did you or anyone else watch the embedded YouTube linked in the article?
I found it informative, though it will get your blood boiling, turn your stomach, break your heart, and fill you with righteous anger all at the same time!

How does Revelation 3:3 relate to this, can someone explain?
3 Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.

That is from the ESV

You have to read that and then look at what Jesus is implying here. He is talking to the church at Sardis.

Remember what you received, and heard-- so at some point they received some teaching that if they remember it, they will keep it. (if Sardis refers to the Reformation churches- they stopped short of reviving the teachings of the Rapture and kept on in the errors of the Catholic church previous to them -Thyatira.)

Then Jesus shows more clearly what He is talking about- it's some teaching about the Rapture because the next thing he says is

If you will NOT wake up... which implies that there is a wilful sleep, a wilful blindness to the facts that they should recognize if they remember what they were taught (about the Rapture)..

If you will not wake up I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come AGAINST you.

So this further points to the Rapture teaching that this group is ignoring. There is a wilful ignorance - they keep sleeping in spite of the Lord's command to wake up. Those who wilfully continue to ignore the Rapture will be caught by surprise.

Here it is in the NKJV
3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.

It clearly shows that
They were ignoring teaching they once had. It's forgotten, and they are refusing to wake up.
If they wake up, keep it and repent, they are doing what Jesus wants of them.
If not, then Jesus will come unexpectedly and they WON'T have a clue
In the ESV it brings out an anger saying He will "come against you".

The implications are:
This is Rapture related
This church is present at the time of the Rapture but unprepared
Jesus is angry at their lack of attention to the teaching about the Rapture. - at least that comes out in the ESV and it lines up with the rest of the verses addressed to Sardis. It's one of the only 2 churches that don't have anything good said about them. The other is Laodicea. All the rest have at least something good about them that Jesus is happy with.

Even Thyatira (the Catholic and Orthodox pre Reformation church era) didn't get criticized as badly as Sardis. The Reformation churches didn't finish something, again the implication is that they did well to start with, but they didn't finish the job, something is left undone. They are on the point of death even though they are supposedly alive.

Here is the whole passage to the church of Sardis in the Amplified classic edition:

1 And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead.

2 Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done [any work of yours] meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight.

3 So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come.

4 Yet you still have a few [persons’] names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white, because they are worthy and deserving.

5 Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels.

6 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).

In conclusion the way that Rev 3:3 fits with those other references Pete gave, they all imply that the church will know the season they are in, they will be ready and waiting for the Rapture. They won't be denying that the Lord is coming, or teaching that He's come in some mystical sense or that the future Millennium is really here and now etc as is often taught in many Reformation churches (BUT NOT ALL of them!- As @Ghoti Ichthus attests, some in the Reformation churches do believe in the Rapture and are waiting expectantly)

Here are the other 2 references:

1 Thess 5:1-4 but I include 5&6 as well for context. Please notice the thief in the night and the urging not to sleep as others do. This was written by Paul DECADES before John received the Revelation. This may well be a contextual clue that THIS is the teaching that was lost, this is what Jesus is referencing in Rev 3:3

5 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.

Hebrews 10:25 NKJV
25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

and here again, we are able to "see the Day approaching".

So the common theme is seeing the times and seasons, seeing the Day approaching. Being aware of His coming to get us, and being in a watchful happy expectancy.
Pete says he thinks if future Babylon is actually in Iraq, like Andy woods, that would make the rapture decades away.
That would assume that Satan wouldn't assist the building project of his pet city with all due speed and diligence.

If the demoniac of the Gadarenes was supernaturally empowered so that the locals didn't dare come near him, if others routinely break iron bands and chains, we can assume that Satan is able to empower those humans who he uses to do things supernaturally.

He won't just be empowering the AC, there will be a lot of people who willingly give themselves to Satan for their own reasons. It happens in the music industry and Hollywood if the tales of selling out to the devil for fame and fortune are true. They all end up regretting it-- and if he uses their bodies and minds to get the job done, it will happen with supernatural speed and ability.

When ordinary humans tackle a building project there are all the usual faults and setbacks, people make mistakes, get tired, accidents happen etc.

When Satanically empowered humans tackle a building project, it goes ahead if God allows it at supernatural speed and accuracy. And God will allow it during that special time frame. Satan will want to get the job done yesterday when he gets permission.

I don't think we can extrapolate the norms of right now on the strangeness of the Tribulation or the post Rapture period in general. A building, a city, infrastructure that took years to build "normally" won't take much time at all when demonically energized and inspired people are given assistance by fallen angels.
Pete says he thinks if future Babylon is actually in Iraq, like Andy woods, that would make the rapture decades away.
Don't get discouraged, the rapture isn't dependent on whether Babylon is fully built or not.

Also with the technology they have , cities and buildings are getting built faster and faster.

I cant' recall which PPOV episode it was, but Andy had photos pf the city being rebuilt
That would assume that Satan wouldn't assist the building project of his pet city with all due speed and diligence.

If the demoniac of the Gadarenes was supernaturally empowered so that the locals didn't dare come near him, if others routinely break iron bands and chains, we can assume that Satan is able to empower those humans who he uses to do things supernaturally.

He won't just be empowering the AC, there will be a lot of people who willingly give themselves to Satan for their own reasons. It happens in the music industry and Hollywood if the tales of selling out to the devil for fame and fortune are true. They all end up regretting it-- and if he uses their bodies and minds to get the job done, it will happen with supernatural speed and ability.

When ordinary humans tackle a building project there are all the usual faults and setbacks, people make mistakes, get tired, accidents happen etc.

When Satanically empowered humans tackle a building project, it goes ahead if God allows it at supernatural speed and accuracy. And God will allow it during that special time frame. Satan will want to get the job done yesterday when he gets permission.

I don't think we can extrapolate the norms of right now on the strangeness of the Tribulation or the post Rapture period in general. A building, a city, infrastructure that took years to build "normally" won't take much time at all when demonically energized and inspired people are given assistance by fallen angels.
Well said Margery, i couldn't have worded it any better
Don't get discouraged, the rapture isn't dependent on whether Babylon is fully built or not.

Also with the technology they have , cities and buildings are getting built faster and faster.

I cant' recall which PPOV episode it was, but Andy had photos pf the city being rebuilt
It was discouraging. I don't know where Babylon will be but thinking of it being far off is sad to me
Saddam Hussein began rebuilding Babylon in the 80s. He accompolished at great deal towards that end. It has undergone recent and fairly significant damage, but wait...it is beginning to be rebuilt again. Here is an article from 2022...so don't lose heart. I agree with what @Margery said and here is proof there is already interest in rebuilding once again!

Babylon is coming back to life, with its famed Ishtar Gate to be restored by this summer​

A new World Monuments Fund project in conjunction with the US embassy in Baghdad aims to repair Iraqi cultural heritage as part of the Future of Babylon project​

Saddam Hussein began rebuilding Babylon in the 80s. He accompolished at great deal towards that end. It has undergone recent and fairly significant damage, but wait...it is beginning to be rebuilt again. Here is an article from 2022...so don't lose heart. I agree with what @Margery said and here is proof there is already interest in rebuilding once again!

Babylon is coming back to life, with its famed Ishtar Gate to be restored by this summer​

A new World Monuments Fund project in conjunction with the US embassy in Baghdad aims to repair Iraqi cultural heritage as part of the Future of Babylon project​

Thank you.
I wonder why he would say that when he seems to be up on all that kind of news....?
Who knows -- not everyone can be up on everything. Plus Pete's friend Tyler is really pushing the whole mystery Babylon is the US thing right now. I like that Pete usually takes a middle course on things and doesn't go all in on things we won't know for sure until they happen.
Yeah although Pete doesn't fully endorse it, he doesn't mind entertaining the ideas of people like Tyler and Barry Scarborough etc.

I personally don't buy into the mystery Babylon stuff being about America, a lot folks try to make the end times stuff based on America rather than what happens in Israel.
Yeah although Pete doesn't fully endorse it, he doesn't mind entertaining the ideas of people like Tyler and Barry Scarborough etc.

I personally don't buy into the mystery Babylon stuff being about America, a lot folks try to make the end times stuff based on America rather than what happens in Israel.
Yeah -- I was getting too frustrated seeing it pop up all the time so unsubscribed to Tyler's telegram for now to try to save what's left of my sanity. Guess I'm more of an Andy Woods guy 🤣.

The other one that gets me is when people start talking about BRICS as the ten kings. I can't wrap my mind around that reasoning.
Thank you.
I wonder why he would say that when he seems to be up on all that kind of news....?
He's human. Our understanding of things differs. It might help to think in probabilities when there are a number of competing theories. Assign them a rank. For example with the identity of Babylon my own ranking goes like this from most to least probable. But I consider that each has a chance of being right.

It's a horse race. Right now for me Babylon is leading by a whisker, and the European (Rome) Babylon is coming up fast. Trailing the pack but still in the race is the American concept of NYC as Babylon with some thoughts of Washington DC. Usually those betting on America as Babylon are Americans, the rest of us extend grace to the America centric vision of prophecy that is summed up as "only in America".

Babylon is Babylon: Not as popular as it once was but my top contender because of Zech and the other prophecies.

Pros- Zechariah's Wickedness in the ephod with the lead lid and 2 stork wing women (doubly evil - storks are unclean and angels are supposed to be masculine in their identity. This pair are female and have stork wings) and those winged entities carry it back to it's place. Another pro, the prophecies of Babylons desctruction to the point that bricks aren't used anymore- they are so that's future and arabs won't pasture their flocks - they do in that area and Andy Woods delights in showing pictures. Another pro it's in the Middle East and it's at the juncture of several continents- within shipping and train distance (especially if the Chinese Belt and Road really gets going) as well as flying distances to connect to the Orient, India, Russia, Turkey and Europe as well as Africa.

Cons- the only con is the speed of construction of a city in that area under current conditions - but current conditions and conditions in the Trib are different plus when Satan empowers someone or a number of someones to do something, that brings in a whole nother element of speed, accuracy and ability. Babylon needs to be seen by ships afar off- Revelation, however with modern tech that isn't a problem. But implications are as a port city, a hub of commerce. Again conditions in the Trib might be wildly different and very suddenly too. The lack of peace and stability in the region is a definite con.

Babylon is Rome: This one has gathered traction over the years especially since Dave Hunt's book "A Woman Rides The Beast" and it comes in second in my probability rank.

Pros- very popular. Fits with a Roman Empire revised and beefed up to rule the world. Rome being Rome. Fits with the prophecy of the AC being of the people who destroy the second temple (the one that Jesus visited). Herods Temple- destroyed in 70 AD Somewhat fits with being nearish to a port but like Babylon above that problem is surmounted by cellphones and other tech so the ships captains who made bundles of money by Babylon's trade get to see her destruction and weep bitterly. Another pro is the whole attitude in Europe- the imagery the EU parliament and currency have invoking the Tower of Babel, the woman riding a beast on the Euro (the legend of Europa riding the bull/Zeus).

Cons- I don't know how well Rome fits as a centre for trade.

Babylon as something like NEOM or any other part of the far flung ancient Babylonian Empire which at it's heyday stretched to Egypt. While NEOM is a real stretch, NEOM shows what can be done (even if it's fizzling a little right now) without any supernatural demonic assistance.

The major pro is that it's within current plans to connect shipping and rail plus air with all the above continents listed under Babylon as Babylon.
The major con is that it's only "babylonian" in it's geography if you consider ancient Babylon's Empire borders. It's pretty far out there.

Lastly in my head anyway comes the America as Babylon Theory. If anyone is interested Lee Brainard sums up the more credible points. Tyler of Gen 2434 is enthusiastic but I wasn't sold on his presentation. There's somebody else who wrote a book on it that I have in my kindle and he was OK. Of all 3 Lee is the only one that has ever made me look twice at the theory.
Yeah although Pete doesn't fully endorse it, he doesn't mind entertaining the ideas of people like Tyler and Barry Scarborough etc.

I personally don't buy into the mystery Babylon stuff being about America, a lot folks try to make the end times stuff based on America rather than what happens in Israel.
Because at the end of the day, as @Spartan Sprinter points out the Bible is not about America, it's about Israel.

No matter how many Masonic symbols got shoved into Washinton DC, no matter how demonic Hollyweird gets, no matter how nasty New York gets the real America wasn't even a world player till after WW2. And from that time to today they've functioned as a sheild over Israel, sometimes doing better than other times. That is not consistent with the full on Babylonian evil that opposes God. America is one of the nations that has actually got a pretty solid Christian heritage especially if you consider it's heart.

Flyover country, the big heart of America where God, family and country still are precious to it's citizens. This is not Babylon. America is a johnny come lately as a world power. And for the whole time they've been tempered and restrained by the Christian voters whether they vote right or left.

Before that it was Britain. And that gets mildly interesting because both Britain and America rose to world status as they protected Israel. There is a crossover during WW2. Britain's downfall happened when they didn't uphold the Balfour Declaration, instead carving off a chunk of the promised land to Israel and giving it to the former king of Mecca and Medina. His kingship was moved to the new country of Jordan and the Saud family took over Arabia. Then the San Remo Conference which settled the borders again got carved off and carved off. By the time of WW2 Britain was stopping the flow of refugee Jews into the land they called Palestine. While British merchant ships would later fulfill a prophecy in Isaiah about bringing the Jews back, it was too late to save the British Empire.

America stepped in. As a Sheild till the time is right.

Even now although Biden is anti semitic and senile and does more harm than good, the thought of attacking Israel always carries with it the fear of the full weight of American anger towards any upstart Muslim trying it on for size.

I think until we leave, America remains a heartland, flyover country, beloved of Trump for good reason. It has some terrible devilish evil chewing on it's edges in Hollywood, and Washington DC as well as NYC

BUT THEY ARE NOT AMERICA as a whole, nor should we consider them as the sum total of America.

Which is part of why I don't see America as Babylon.

But back to why I like to look at probabilities.

When I get depressed about one option, I can focus on the others. Because I'm not perfect so my thoughts about which is right aren't either. And that is comforting.