Let me assure at the outset of today’s venture into the blogosphere. I by no means intend to be disparaging of or demeaning to those with hereditary or other mental disorders of any sort. It is the Spiritual health to which I refer by the use of the article’s title, not the physical.
That said, I must state without reservation that there is a growing Insanity in this nation and world. It is hereditary in nature –rather, I should say, it is hereditary in the supernatural sense. The loss of normal sensibility becomes overtly more apparent with each news cycle that delivers the news of human activity.
The cause of the Insane condition is as ancient as the time of the first humans to exist. Adam and Eve suffered the beginning of the spiritual mentality breakdown the moment Eve fell victim to Lucifer’s lies and Adam to his own temptation choice to disobey God’s Commandment to not eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. All of their progeny have within our genetic bloodstream the infection God calls sin.
The gene that causes the Insanity affects each and every one of us until the Cure is accepted. That cure must be voluntarily received as surely as did our human father Adam voluntarily receive the deadly gene upon his rebellion at the moment he chose to disobey his Creator’s warning to not eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The Cure is, of course, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and His Sacrifice on the cross at Calvary. He died for the sin of mankind and was Resurrected to Life so that all who believe this Truth and accept Jesus’ cleansing blood as a Cure for the sinful condition are instantaneously healed of all unrighteousness –forever.
That said, I must state without reservation that there is a growing Insanity in this nation and world. It is hereditary in nature –rather, I should say, it is hereditary in the supernatural sense. The loss of normal sensibility becomes overtly more apparent with each news cycle that delivers the news of human activity.
The cause of the Insane condition is as ancient as the time of the first humans to exist. Adam and Eve suffered the beginning of the spiritual mentality breakdown the moment Eve fell victim to Lucifer’s lies and Adam to his own temptation choice to disobey God’s Commandment to not eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. All of their progeny have within our genetic bloodstream the infection God calls sin.
The gene that causes the Insanity affects each and every one of us until the Cure is accepted. That cure must be voluntarily received as surely as did our human father Adam voluntarily receive the deadly gene upon his rebellion at the moment he chose to disobey his Creator’s warning to not eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The Cure is, of course, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and His Sacrifice on the cross at Calvary. He died for the sin of mankind and was Resurrected to Life so that all who believe this Truth and accept Jesus’ cleansing blood as a Cure for the sinful condition are instantaneously healed of all unrighteousness –forever.
The Insanity Gene :: By Terry James
Let me assure at the outset of today’s venture into the blogosphere. I by no means intend to be disparaging of or demeaning to those with hereditary or