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The Bleeding Edge


By Pete Garcia/Rev3:10.net

**With permission by Pete Garcia to share:

According to Moore's Law, the more transistors that could be put on an integrated microchip would double its processing power equalling more powerful, yet smaller, cheaper, and more efficient devices. Gordon Moore (co-founder of Intel) made this prediction in 1965 regarding the next 10 years. However, to date, this observation is still accurate and moving faster than I'm sure even he could have ever imagined.

Similarly, Buckminster Fuller, in his 1982 book "The Critical Path", noted that the amount of new information doubled every hundred years up until the year 1900, after which, that too had begun to be halved at an exponential rate until our present day. These days, our new information is doubling in months and not years. There has never been a time where the phrase "the only constant is change" was more apropos. I'm sure most of us here today are still doing our best to adapt to the ever-changing technologies that are being foisted upon us at a dizzying pace.

Although Neuralink and Synchron's race toward putting technology into the human brain is advancing rapidly, it still has an issue with information processing. Whichever system becomes the standard, it would need to be powerful enough to handle the amount of data processing that the human brain (on average) contains. For example:

  • The Human Brain contains several billion petabytes of information to index
  • The Internet contains around 5 million terabytes
  • The amount of Internet indexed by Google equals around 200 terabytes or .004% of the total Internet
Here are some numbers that should put the chart below it into context. Just remember the “doubling every 12 hours” statistic:


I wonder how they figured that out... or if it is speculation.
I found the following information on an online medical site:

(According to Scientific American) "experts have calculated the human brain storage by gauging connections between brain cells and decoded that number into bytes and computer memory units. The human brain contains billions of neurons, each forming thousands of connections. A single byte comprises 8 bits, and the human brain can store more than one quadrillion bytes of data – a petabyte. As mentioned in an article in Scientific American, the memory capacity of a human brain was testified to have equal to 2.5 petabytes of memory capacity. A “petabyte” means 1024 terabytes or a million gigabytes so that the average adult human brain can accumulate the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of memory. As per the reports of the study conducted by Stanford, the human brain compares constructively with the most authoritative modern computers. The cerebral cortex in the human brain is proficient in possessing 125 trillion synapses, which may stock as much as 2.5 petabytes of overall memory capacity."
By Pete Garcia/Rev3:10.net

**With permission by Pete Garcia to share:

According to Moore's Law, the more transistors that could be put on an integrated microchip would double its processing power equalling more powerful, yet smaller, cheaper, and more efficient devices. Gordon Moore (co-founder of Intel) made this prediction in 1965 regarding the next 10 years. However, to date, this observation is still accurate and moving faster than I'm sure even he could have ever imagined.

Similarly, Buckminster Fuller, in his 1982 book "The Critical Path", noted that the amount of new information doubled every hundred years up until the year 1900, after which, that too had begun to be halved at an exponential rate until our present day. These days, our new information is doubling in months and not years. There has never been a time where the phrase "the only constant is change" was more apropos. I'm sure most of us here today are still doing our best to adapt to the ever-changing technologies that are being foisted upon us at a dizzying pace.

Although Neuralink and Synchron's race toward putting technology into the human brain is advancing rapidly, it still has an issue with information processing. Whichever system becomes the standard, it would need to be powerful enough to handle the amount of data processing that the human brain (on average) contains. For example:

  • The Human Brain contains several billion petabytes of information to index
  • The Internet contains around 5 million terabytes
  • The amount of Internet indexed by Google equals around 200 terabytes or .004% of the total Internet
Here are some numbers that should put the chart below it into context. Just remember the “doubling every 12 hours” statistic:


Perhaps this is the real danger of AI. It can learn and retain everything much, much faster than human beings, and it won't "forget." Sooner or later we'll be so far behind tech and knowledge-wise compared to AI that we'll become useless and unable to function without AI nanny/guardian/caretaker to allow/assist/facilitate purchases and other functions.

Add in the Pentagon considering allowing AI drones to autonomously kill humans . . .

Dear God, please hurry up!

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: