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Ten virgins


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
Dear all, I wrote this study a few years back. I hesitate to post it, because it is "different".
If you don't agree, please be gentle. :thankyou:

Who are the 10 virgins?

I want to make a case about the parabel of the wise and foolish vigins as written in Matthew 25.

Then‭ shall the kingdom‭ of heaven‭ be likened‭‭ unto ten‭ virgins‭, which‭ took‭‭ their‭ lamps‭, and went forth‭‭ to meet‭‭ the bridegroom‭.‭ And‭ five‭ of‭ them‭ were‭‭ wise‭, and‭ five‭ ‭were‭ foolish‭.‭ ‭They‭ that ‭were‭ foolish‭ took‭‭ their‭‭ lamps‭, and took‭‭ no‭ oil‭ with‭ them‭:‭ ‭But‭ the wise‭ took‭‭ oil‭ in‭ their‭ vessels‭ with‭ their‭ lamps‭.‭ ‭While‭ the bridegroom‭ tarried‭‭, they all‭ slumbered‭‭ and‭ slept‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ at midnight‭‭ there was a cry‭ made‭‭, Behold‭‭, the bridegroom‭ cometh‭‭; go ye out‭‭ to‭ meet‭ him‭.‭ ‭Then‭ all‭ those‭ virgins‭ arose‭‭, and‭ trimmed‭‭ their‭ lamps‭.‭ ‭And‭ the foolish‭ said‭‭ unto the wise‭, Give‭‭ us‭ of‭ your‭ oil‭; for‭ our‭ lamps‭ are gone out‭‭.‭ ‭But‭ the wise‭ answered‭‭, saying‭‭, ‭Not so‭; lest‭ there be‭‭ not‭ enough‭‭ for us‭ and‭ you‭: but‭ go ye‭‭ rather‭ to them‭ that sell‭‭, and‭ buy‭‭ for yourselves‭.‭ ‭And‭ while they‭ went‭‭ to buy‭‭, the bridegroom‭ came‭‭; and‭ they that were ready‭ went in‭‭ with‭ him‭ to‭ the marriage‭: and‭ the door‭ was shut‭‭.‭ ‭Afterward‭‭ came‭‭ also‭ the other‭ virgins‭, saying‭‭, Lord‭, Lord‭, open‭‭ to us‭.‭ ‭But‭ he answered‭‭ and said‭‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭, I know‭‭ you‭ not‭.‭ ‭Watch‭‭ therefore‭, for‭ ye know‭‭ neither‭ the day‭ nor‭ the hour‭ wherein‭‭ the Son‭ of man‭ cometh‭‭.‭

So, first thing we have to know, is when the parabel is taught. It is directly after the Olivet Discourse. And of course we know, that in the time it was spoken, there were no chapters and verses. Matthew wrote these things in an ongoing manner, so it is obviously part of Jesus’ sermon regarding the “last things”.
When He finished speaking about what would happen at the end of Days, He gave an illustration, namely that of a servant who was dutiful, and one who was not. And then comes our chapter. Jesus goes on with explaining how and why we must keep awaiting His return, and He uses parabels. The first one about a group of girls waiting for the Bridegroom.

In this parabel we find 10 virgins, or young unmarried girls; we hear someone shouting, and then there is the Groom. But there seems to be no mentioning of a Bride, that is interesting!

The girls ALL expected the Groom, they all had a lamp. And they all got weary. Just like the disciples did in the Garden of Olives when Jesus struggled with his commission (John 17).
When the shout comes, that the Lord is coming, they all got up, and they were all eager to meet Him. But there is a difference, their lamps were going dim. They needed oil, but only 5 of them had oil with them. Now we know from many places in Scripture that oil is a reference of the Holy Spirit. 5 of the girls had the Holy Spirit, the other 5 had not.

The Groom and those “that were ready”, entered the Marriagehall, and the door was shut.
Like in the days of Noah, when the door of the Arc was shut, there was no opening it anymore. God had shut it Himself. Likewise the door of the Feasthall is closed. There is no opening it. Not for as long as the duration of the Feast. Jewish marriagefeasts were celebrated for 7 days. Likewise, we will be with our Groom in Heaven for the duration of 7 years. And now we can see the Bride, that seemed absent in the parabel at last. Because the Bride is us, the Church, “the ones that are ready”. We are collected to be with the Groom, and brought into the Marriagehall.

So who do you think are the ones that were eagerly awaiting the Lord, but without the Holy Spirit?
I don’t believe it is the apostate church, for they are NOT eagerly awaiting the Lord’s return.
No, I think it is Israel!

They await their Moschiach, but because they rejected Jesus, their true Messiah, a veil was cast over their eyes and they have to live without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Who was given to the Believers, the Church. As it is written in Romans 11:
“God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day.”

The foolish girls went into the village, bought oil and filled their lamps. This means that they came to belief in Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit, because He is the One that testifies of Christ (John 15:26). So now, they understood that the Groom, was indeed the Messiah that they longed for, but had previously rejected. And they want to join in and celebrate the Marriage of the Lamb, but sadly, they are too late.

They have to go through the Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble.
And, even with all the horrors that will come over the earth, I believe that this time will a blessing in disguise also.
Because, like JD likes to put it: “The Tribulation is for the Salvation of the Jewish Nation”.

In Romans 11:25,26 we read:
For‭ I would‭‭ not‭, brethren‭, that ye‭ should be ignorant‭‭ of this‭ mystery‭, lest‭ ye should be‭‭ wise‭ in‭ your own conceits‭; that‭ blindness‭ in‭ part‭ is happened‭‭ to Israel‭, until‭‭ the fulness‭ of the Gentiles‭ be come in‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ so‭ all‭ Israel‭ shall be saved‭‭: as‭ it is written‭‭, There shall come‭‭ out of‭ Sion‭ the Deliverer‭‭, and‭ shall turn away‭‭ ungodliness‭ from‭ Jacob‭:‭

All Israel will be saved. They were and are God’s beloved people. Romans 11:28:
they are beloved for the father's sakes.”

God’s mercy is great! For you, for me, for whole Israel. Hallelujah! Rom. 11: 33-36:
For‭ God‭ hath concluded‭‭ them all‭ in‭ unbelief‭, that‭ he might have mercy‭‭ upon all‭.‭ ‭O‭ the depth‭ of the riches‭ both‭ of the wisdom‭ and‭ knowledge‭ of God‭! how‭ unsearchable‭ ‭are‭ his‭ judgments‭, and‭ his‭ ways‭ past finding out‭!‭ ‭For‭ who‭ hath known‭‭ the mind‭ of the Lord‭? or‭ who‭ hath been‭‭ his‭ counsellor‭?‭ ‭Or‭ who‭ hath first given‭‭ to him‭, and‭ it shall be recompensed‭‭ unto him‭ again‭‭?‭ ‭For‭ of‭ him‭, and‭ through‭ him‭, and‭ to‭ him‭, ‭are‭ all things‭: to whom‭ ‭be‭ glory‭ for‭ ever‭.
Thanks Erika, This passage was in my morning reading and it is an excellent explaination in my opinion. In our Bible study group last Friday, someone mentioned that we can ask the particular author of the books of the Bible exactly what they had in mind when writing a particular detail. Of course we can ask Jesus but it is also fun to think about talking with Matthew or Paul or James, any of them about what they wrote.
Good thread, I will post a different view.

From Jack Kelley

As you know, I believe that the parable of the 10 virgins speaks about a time on Earth just after the 2nd Coming, and that these 10 represent Tribulation survivors.

During the Church Age the Holy Spirit is sealed within believers as a guarantee of our inheritance (Ephes. 1:13-14). But only the church is promised this and the Church will be long gone by this time.

No such guarantee is mentioned for Tribulation believers. In fact Rev. 16:15specifically warns them to stay awake and maintain their righteousness, symbolized by keeping their clothes with them. (Clothing is often used to represent righteousness, as in Isaiah 61:10).

Rev. 16:15 implies that Tribulation believers are responsible for remaining steadfast in their faith to avoid losing their salvation. Matt. 25:8 agrees, telling us that all 10 virgins had oil in their lamps at the beginning, but the five foolish ones didn’t have enough to carry them through.

All 10 fell asleep and their lamps were in danger of going out. Only 5 had the ability to replenish their lamps with oil they had brought, and refused to lend any to the others. (You can’t “lend” the Holy Spirit to someone.)

So yes, the parable would seem to indicate that Tribulation believers are not promised eternal security and the five who fell asleep spiritually did not have time to restore their salvation when they finally woke up and found that the Lord had returned. It was too late.

Good thread, I will post a different view.

From Jack Kelley

As you know, I believe that the parable of the 10 virgins speaks about a time on Earth just after the 2nd Coming, and that these 10 represent Tribulation survivors.

During the Church Age the Holy Spirit is sealed within believers as a guarantee of our inheritance (Ephes. 1:13-14). But only the church is promised this and the Church will be long gone by this time.

No such guarantee is mentioned for Tribulation believers. In fact Rev. 16:15specifically warns them to stay awake and maintain their righteousness, symbolized by keeping their clothes with them. (Clothing is often used to represent righteousness, as in Isaiah 61:10).

Rev. 16:15 implies that Tribulation believers are responsible for remaining steadfast in their faith to avoid losing their salvation. Matt. 25:8 agrees, telling us that all 10 virgins had oil in their lamps at the beginning, but the five foolish ones didn’t have enough to carry them through.

All 10 fell asleep and their lamps were in danger of going out. Only 5 had the ability to replenish their lamps with oil they had brought, and refused to lend any to the others. (You can’t “lend” the Holy Spirit to someone.)

So yes, the parable would seem to indicate that Tribulation believers are not promised eternal security and the five who fell asleep spiritually did not have time to restore their salvation when they finally woke up and found that the Lord had returned. It was too late.

LOL this is the first appearance i've seen from Jack on this forum
LOL this is the first appearance i've seen from Jack on this forum
Your slowing down, I have used him a few times. I learned many years ago from the old rapture ready forum, if the info is already out there, why take the time to research for an answer. Plus, I really like the simplicity of Jacks teaching. He died 8 years ago, but to this day, I still miss his daily postings.
So who do you think are the ones that were eagerly awaiting the Lord, but without the Holy Spirit?
I don’t believe it is the apostate church, for they are NOT eagerly awaiting the Lord’s return.
No, I think it is Israel!
Interesting thoughts.

Thanks for posting this, I really appreciate posts that make me think because it always leads to a good discussion. We members on this forum may not always agree, but we are on the same team, and we win!
if the info is already out there, why take the time to research for an answer.
Because it’s fun! I purposely almost always won’t read commentaries or articles because I love the thrill of digging up the answers for myself. I love mining! God will almost always speak to me thru His word in the process and I will learn more than what I was searching for. Something personal just for me. What’s really great is to then look up a trusted commentary afterward and see that my answer matches the commentator. Or, doesn’t match and I can compare my scriptural basis to theirs.
My only exception are the prophetic books which I need much help to understand and keep in the correct viewpoint.
(I don’t mean to sound smug and that I’m such a scholar. I wax and wane with this deep kind of Bible study.)
Dear all, I wrote this study a few years back. I hesitate to post it, because it is "different".
If you don't agree, please be gentle. :thankyou:

Who are the 10 virgins?

I want to make a case about the parabel of the wise and foolish vigins as written in Matthew 25.

Then‭ shall the kingdom‭ of heaven‭ be likened‭‭ unto ten‭ virgins‭, which‭ took‭‭ their‭ lamps‭, and went forth‭‭ to meet‭‭ the bridegroom‭.‭ And‭ five‭ of‭ them‭ were‭‭ wise‭, and‭ five‭ ‭were‭ foolish‭.‭ ‭They‭ that ‭were‭ foolish‭ took‭‭ their‭‭ lamps‭, and took‭‭ no‭ oil‭ with‭ them‭:‭ ‭But‭ the wise‭ took‭‭ oil‭ in‭ their‭ vessels‭ with‭ their‭ lamps‭.‭ ‭While‭ the bridegroom‭ tarried‭‭, they all‭ slumbered‭‭ and‭ slept‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ at midnight‭‭ there was a cry‭ made‭‭, Behold‭‭, the bridegroom‭ cometh‭‭; go ye out‭‭ to‭ meet‭ him‭.‭ ‭Then‭ all‭ those‭ virgins‭ arose‭‭, and‭ trimmed‭‭ their‭ lamps‭.‭ ‭And‭ the foolish‭ said‭‭ unto the wise‭, Give‭‭ us‭ of‭ your‭ oil‭; for‭ our‭ lamps‭ are gone out‭‭.‭ ‭But‭ the wise‭ answered‭‭, saying‭‭, ‭Not so‭; lest‭ there be‭‭ not‭ enough‭‭ for us‭ and‭ you‭: but‭ go ye‭‭ rather‭ to them‭ that sell‭‭, and‭ buy‭‭ for yourselves‭.‭ ‭And‭ while they‭ went‭‭ to buy‭‭, the bridegroom‭ came‭‭; and‭ they that were ready‭ went in‭‭ with‭ him‭ to‭ the marriage‭: and‭ the door‭ was shut‭‭.‭ ‭Afterward‭‭ came‭‭ also‭ the other‭ virgins‭, saying‭‭, Lord‭, Lord‭, open‭‭ to us‭.‭ ‭But‭ he answered‭‭ and said‭‭, Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭, I know‭‭ you‭ not‭.‭ ‭Watch‭‭ therefore‭, for‭ ye know‭‭ neither‭ the day‭ nor‭ the hour‭ wherein‭‭ the Son‭ of man‭ cometh‭‭.‭

So, first thing we have to know, is when the parabel is taught. It is directly after the Olivet Discourse. And of course we know, that in the time it was spoken, there were no chapters and verses. Matthew wrote these things in an ongoing manner, so it is obviously part of Jesus’ sermon regarding the “last things”.
When He finished speaking about what would happen at the end of Days, He gave an illustration, namely that of a servant who was dutiful, and one who was not. And then comes our chapter. Jesus goes on with explaining how and why we must keep awaiting His return, and He uses parabels. The first one about a group of girls waiting for the Bridegroom.

In this parabel we find 10 virgins, or young unmarried girls; we hear someone shouting, and then there is the Groom. But there seems to be no mentioning of a Bride, that is interesting!

The girls ALL expected the Groom, they all had a lamp. And they all got weary. Just like the disciples did in the Garden of Olives when Jesus struggled with his commission (John 17).
When the shout comes, that the Lord is coming, they all got up, and they were all eager to meet Him. But there is a difference, their lamps were going dim. They needed oil, but only 5 of them had oil with them. Now we know from many places in Scripture that oil is a reference of the Holy Spirit. 5 of the girls had the Holy Spirit, the other 5 had not.

The Groom and those “that were ready”, entered the Marriagehall, and the door was shut.
Like in the days of Noah, when the door of the Arc was shut, there was no opening it anymore. God had shut it Himself. Likewise the door of the Feasthall is closed. There is no opening it. Not for as long as the duration of the Feast. Jewish marriagefeasts were celebrated for 7 days. Likewise, we will be with our Groom in Heaven for the duration of 7 years. And now we can see the Bride, that seemed absent in the parabel at last. Because the Bride is us, the Church, “the ones that are ready”. We are collected to be with the Groom, and brought into the Marriagehall.

So who do you think are the ones that were eagerly awaiting the Lord, but without the Holy Spirit?
I don’t believe it is the apostate church, for they are NOT eagerly awaiting the Lord’s return.
No, I think it is Israel!

They await their Moschiach, but because they rejected Jesus, their true Messiah, a veil was cast over their eyes and they have to live without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Who was given to the Believers, the Church. As it is written in Romans 11:
“God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day.”

The foolish girls went into the village, bought oil and filled their lamps. This means that they came to belief in Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit, because He is the One that testifies of Christ (John 15:26). So now, they understood that the Groom, was indeed the Messiah that they longed for, but had previously rejected. And they want to join in and celebrate the Marriage of the Lamb, but sadly, they are too late.

They have to go through the Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble.
And, even with all the horrors that will come over the earth, I believe that this time will a blessing in disguise also.
Because, like JD likes to put it: “The Tribulation is for the Salvation of the Jewish Nation”.

In Romans 11:25,26 we read:
For‭ I would‭‭ not‭, brethren‭, that ye‭ should be ignorant‭‭ of this‭ mystery‭, lest‭ ye should be‭‭ wise‭ in‭ your own conceits‭; that‭ blindness‭ in‭ part‭ is happened‭‭ to Israel‭, until‭‭ the fulness‭ of the Gentiles‭ be come in‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ so‭ all‭ Israel‭ shall be saved‭‭: as‭ it is written‭‭, There shall come‭‭ out of‭ Sion‭ the Deliverer‭‭, and‭ shall turn away‭‭ ungodliness‭ from‭ Jacob‭:‭

All Israel will be saved. They were and are God’s beloved people. Romans 11:28:
they are beloved for the father's sakes.”

God’s mercy is great! For you, for me, for whole Israel. Hallelujah! Rom. 11: 33-36:
For‭ God‭ hath concluded‭‭ them all‭ in‭ unbelief‭, that‭ he might have mercy‭‭ upon all‭.‭ ‭O‭ the depth‭ of the riches‭ both‭ of the wisdom‭ and‭ knowledge‭ of God‭! how‭ unsearchable‭ ‭are‭ his‭ judgments‭, and‭ his‭ ways‭ past finding out‭!‭ ‭For‭ who‭ hath known‭‭ the mind‭ of the Lord‭? or‭ who‭ hath been‭‭ his‭ counsellor‭?‭ ‭Or‭ who‭ hath first given‭‭ to him‭, and‭ it shall be recompensed‭‭ unto him‭ again‭‭?‭ ‭For‭ of‭ him‭, and‭ through‭ him‭, and‭ to‭ him‭, ‭are‭ all things‭: to whom‭ ‭be‭ glory‭ for‭ ever‭.
This is wonderful. I have never heard this take on it, and now I wonder why, because it makes so much sense. Especially now.
I was just reading Hosea this morning and doing some review with my Fruchtenbaum book. How Hosea and Jeremiah are basically letters of divorcement from God, to Israel/Judea. And how Israel is the (divorced) wife of Jehovah, but the Church is the bride of Messiah. After our wedding, Israel (remnant) will be remarried at her national regeneration.
Dear all, I wrote this study a few years back. I hesitate to post it, because it is "different".
Hello! Great study, thanks for sharing. As you have pointed out there's no mention of a bride. The number- 10 virgins has often intrigued me. Why ten?

The best idea I could come up with is 1 Kings 12 where ten tribes breakaway to form the Kingdom of Israel. I also think the 10 virgins are referring to Israel. God Bless. Damian. :)
Because it’s fun! I purposely almost always won’t read commentaries or articles because I love the thrill of digging up the answers for myself. I love mining! God will almost always speak to me thru His word in the process and I will learn more than what I was searching for. Something personal just for me. What’s really great is to then look up a trusted commentary afterward and see that my answer matches the commentator. Or, doesn’t match and I can compare my scriptural basis to theirs.
My only exception are the prophetic books which I need much help to understand and keep in the correct viewpoint.
(I don’t mean to sound smug and that I’m such a scholar. I wax and wane with this deep kind of Bible study.)
Agree, it can be fun digging through scripture which is what I do on a regular basis.

There have been many, many days where I have spent hours at a time on forums, and digging through scripture every time a question came up would be all consuming.
Hello! Great study, thanks for sharing. As you have pointed out there's no mention of a bride. The number- 10 virgins has often intrigued me. Why ten?
I think (but guessing here, not dogmatic about it), that 10 is a kind of fulness.
Like 10 fingers, 10 commandments, 10 meters, 10 dollars.
Not the Divine fulness, that would be 7, but the fulness of man.
So, it was a "full group". But a big divide between them came to light.
On the one hand those that were ready, on the other hand those that weren't
(Hey, funny, 2 hands, 5 fingers each...) 👐
This is wonderful. I have never heard this take on it, and now I wonder why, because it makes so much sense. Especially now.
I was just reading Hosea this morning and doing some review with my Fruchtenbaum book. How Hosea and Jeremiah are basically letters of divorcement from God, to Israel/Judea. And how Israel is the (divorced) wife of Jehovah, but the Church is the bride of Messiah. After our wedding, Israel (remnant) will be remarried at her national regeneration.
I'm working on a study on Proverbs 31, the virtuous woman.
Maybe there could be made a case that it is a parabel for Israel, God's wife.
When (and if) I get it done, I'll post it.
I purposely almost always won’t read commentaries or articles because I love the thrill of digging up the answers for myself. I love mining! God will almost always speak to me thru His word in the process and I will learn more than what I was searching for. Something personal just for me. What’s really great is to then look up a trusted commentary afterward and see that my answer matches the commentator. Or, doesn’t match and I can compare my scriptural basis to theirs.
So do I, and sometimes it works, and other times I'm wrong.
I found something on "meat eating" before the Flood, and it seems I'm rowing up against the main stream.
Going to put it in the Bible question section, to see what the fellowship thinks.
For the first few years I started reading the Bible, I thought they were all brides and thought it was very strange 😃 Like why would Jesus talk about this polygamist? 😆

From “Footsteps of the Messiah” by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, page 365: (he seems to have the same viewpoint as Jack, that these are tribulation survivors, and that the marriage feast is the Messianic Kingdom 🤷‍♀️ )

Based upon the application of the parable given in Matthew 25:31-46, these two sets of virgins represent believing and unbelieving Gentiles in the tribulation. The first parable deals with Jews who will or will not enter the kingdom, while this one deals with Gentiles who will or will not enter the kingdom.”