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Heresy from our pulpit

And . . . I'm Chiefest among sinners
I can't do anything to "help" Jesus save my poor, wretched, miserable, sinful self.
He already did everything necessary to pay for my sins.
To even think I could do anything to "help" in any way, or am good enough in any way robs Jesus of a piece of His glory, and is tantamount to blasphemy.

Faith alone,
in Christ alone,
in accordance with the Scriptures alone,
by God's Grace alone,
To the Glory of God alone.


:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
I have screwed up just about everything in my life. So, so many wrong choices. I just cannot imagine being responsible for my salvation.
If that were even possible, that would mean that the people who have it really together in life and in person would be able to obtain it. Which is exactly the opposite of the kind of people who follow Jesus in scripture, and whom in scripture God calls to Himself.