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Teen Girls Beat Disabled Man to Death


Hanging on to the Throne
I was so saddened and horrified after reading this article last night. Sad for this poor man…sad for his family. So angry at but also horrified and sad for these girls who apparently were raised like animals…without conscience….without any love, feeling, or regard for humanity instilled in their beings.
Sad and horrified at the lack of justice. Sad and horrified at what this world is becoming.

Snips From the article:

“Five girls between the ages of 12 and 15 allegedly beat 64-year-old Reggie Brown to death in an alley on Oct. 17, 2023,”

“Brown was disabled, per The Washington Post. He had mental health issues, had two fingers on each hand and had a metal plate in his head,”
“ the one-minute-long clip showed five girls chasing Brown into an alley in the Northwest neighborhood of the city, pulling him down off a chain-link fence he was attempting to climb, and stomping on his head.”
“They then proceeded to pull down his pants, take his belt and hit him with it, according to The Washington Post. One of the girls in the video could be heard cheering, "He's leaking," referring to Brown's head bleeding,“
“The teen said in court that she and her friends were hanging out at a park that day before the group decided they needed to “find someone to beat up,”
Asked why by the prosecutor, the 15-year-old said, “Because we were bored,

Some thoughts regarding this in light of Bible prophecy.

How much more of a hell hole are we going to see this world become before we get to leave here? My flesh reels at the thought, and my consolation is the truth that Job spoke,
“For I know that my Redeemer lives,
And He shall stand at last on the earth;
after my skin is destroyed, this I know,
That in my flesh I shall see God”

Truly, we are already witnessing the preview of Matthew 24:12, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

And another thought. This article has me just about convinced that there is no arbitrary “age of accountability” with God. At least when it comes to children being included in the rapture.

His mercy extends far and wide to every individual who will confess their need and receive it. But even though they may not be set for destruction, I find it hard to understand how they would be taken in the rapture. Especially the 15 year old.

We can say the 12 year olds were just influenced by her, but something has obviously gone seriously wrong in the development of their psyches…they seem to have an ability to ignore any conscience they have…or they lack elemental human compassion in their conscience. We could say it’s because they were abused, but many of us were abused, and wouldn’t even hurt a dog at that age, let alone a disabled man.
They seem to have the coldness and hardness and determination to cause harm, as an adult would.
I want out of here. I don’t want to be in a world where young girls gang up and beat disabled men to death. The pain and utter horror of this, for me, goes far beyond what I feel when I see the corruption and lies and the scheming toward the dystopian world we are headed for. This just rips and gnaws at my very soul.
Oh, the humanity…as the reporter who watched the Hindenburg burn up said.
Dear God.
Tears and despair seem to be close by for me nearly every single day.
We have got to keep going. We have no choice but to keep going and fight. Fight the day to day battles, and say whatever God leads us to say, do whatever God leads us to do, to reach whomever God is reaching for. To do our part, however small it may be, in making a dent in this thing.
Some thoughts regarding this in light of Bible prophecy.

How much more of a hell hole are we going to see this world become before we get to leave here? My flesh reels at the thought, and my consolation is the truth that Job spoke,
“For I know that my Redeemer lives,
And He shall stand at last on the earth;
after my skin is destroyed, this I know,
That in my flesh I shall see God”

Truly, we are already witnessing the preview of Matthew 24:12, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

And another thought. This article has me just about convinced that there is no arbitrary “age of accountability” with God. At least when it comes to children being included in the rapture.

His mercy extends far and wide to every individual who will confess their need and receive it. But even though they may not be set for destruction, I find it hard to understand how they would be taken in the rapture. Especially the 15 year old.

We can say the 12 year olds were just influenced by her, but something has obviously gone seriously wrong in the development of their psyches…they seem to have an ability to ignore any conscience they have…or they lack elemental human compassion in their conscience. We could say it’s because they were abused, but many of us were abused, and wouldn’t even hurt a dog at that age, let alone a disabled man.
They seem to have the coldness and hardness and determination to cause harm, as an adult would.
Yet, a 12 year old is more likely to know right from wrong than a 3 year old. I believe the age of accountability is going to be unique to each individual, however I can’t see how teenagers wouldn’t already be aware of right and wrong, thus fully capable of understanding and accepting the Gospel.
Yet, a 12 year old is more likely to know right from wrong than a 3 year old. I believer the age of accountability is going to be unique to each individual, however I can’t see how teenagers wouldn’t already be aware of right and wrong, this fully capable of understanding and accepting the Gospel.
Someone said it in another thread of mine, and I believe they are correct that teenagers aren’t children - they are actually adults when they reach sexual maturity and were meant by God to be considered as adults. The whole teenager category of “children” didn’t even start until the 1940’s from what I understand.
Certify them as adults.
Try them in adult court.
Sentence as adults to LWOPP, with the first part of their sentences done in youthful offender prisons and the rest after attaining age 25 in regular adult prisons.
Don't allow them to serve their sentences in the same prison.

WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?!!! :mad: :apost: :ban:

Since the children committed felonies, the Parents need to be tried and sentenced for Parental Neglect/Failure to Supervise (FELONY).

This is not the first thing these kids did. Wonder who else they've victimized (violent and/or property crime)?!!!

Someone said it in another thread of mine, and I believe they are correct that teenagers aren’t children - they are actually adults when they reach sexual maturity and were meant by God to be considered as adults. The whole teenager category of “children” didn’t even start until the 1940’s from what I understand.
Will add to this thought however that the average age of sexual maturity has lowered. Girls are often getting their first periods at age NINE. And because of the way kids are being raised nowadays, with little to no responsibility and expectations, teenagers today are mentally more immature than any generation in history.
ertify them as adults.
Try them in adult court.

In Baltimore they are catching and releasing all these minors after they car jack and hurt people. The kids know literally nothing will happen to them, although they are trying to put together some emergency legislation to allow them to be held by police.

It's mind-boggling that they aren't held accountable for all the crimes they are committing.